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I wonder if the origin of the dipole moment calculated by OpenMolcas is always the center of mass or cartesian origin ? For the neutral molecule it does not matter, but I am interested in the case when the molecule is not neutral.
I think it's the center of mass. It should be printed in the output (for some print level, at least), and you can change it with the CENTER keyword.
Thank you for your response. Here is a screenshot of my example
++ Molecular properties:
Charge (e):
= -2.0000
Dipole Moment (Debye):
Origin of the operator (Ang)= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000
X= -6.9785E+01 Y= -2.4097E+01 Z= 4.3338E+00 Total= 7.3955E+01
Center of Charge (Ang)
X= 7.26438507 Y= 2.50843868 Z= -0.45113406
Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
Origin of the operator (Ang)= 4.9645 5.0961 3.3123
XX= -6.3083E+02 XY= 6.1114E+01 XZ= 2.2738E+02 YY= -3.4077E+02
YZ= -6.8369E+01 ZZ= -5.4282E+02
In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
XX= -1.8903E+02 XY= 9.1671E+01 XZ= 3.4107E+02 YY= 2.4605E+02
YZ= -1.0255E+02 ZZ= -5.7024E+01
Also I have set of 2 molecules in my calculation and when I translate these the values change, so I don't think its center of mass actually.
Last edited by Bhumika (2024-09-19 16:25:46)
It says "Origin of the operator (Ang)= 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000". For higher-order multipoles it seems it's the center of mass.
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