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#1 2024-09-19 15:56:16

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 5

Dipole moment

I wonder if the origin of the dipole moment calculated by OpenMolcas is always the center of mass or cartesian origin ? For the neutral molecule it does not matter, but I am interested in the case when the molecule is not neutral.


#2 2024-09-19 16:15:57

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,088

Re: Dipole moment

I think it's the center of mass. It should be printed in the output (for some print level, at least), and you can change it with the CENTER keyword.


#3 2024-09-19 16:25:14

Registered: 2024-02-06
Posts: 5

Re: Dipole moment

Thank you for your response. Here is a screenshot of my example

 ++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -2.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X= -6.9785E+01               Y= -2.4097E+01               Z=  4.3338E+00           Total=  7.3955E+01
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    7.26438507               Y=    2.50843868               Z=   -0.45113406
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    4.9645    5.0961    3.3123
                  XX= -6.3083E+02              XY=  6.1114E+01              XZ=  2.2738E+02              YY= -3.4077E+02
                  YZ= -6.8369E+01              ZZ= -5.4282E+02
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.8903E+02              XY=  9.1671E+01              XZ=  3.4107E+02              YY=  2.4605E+02
                  YZ= -1.0255E+02              ZZ= -5.7024E+01

Also I have set of 2 molecules in my calculation and when I translate these the values change, so I don't think its center of mass actually.

Last edited by Bhumika (2024-09-19 16:25:46)


#4 2024-09-20 07:58:26

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,088

Re: Dipole moment

It says "Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000". For higher-order multipoles it seems it's the center of mass.


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