Molcas Forum

Support and discussions for Molcas and OpenMolcas users and developers

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Welcome to the Molcas forum.

Please note: The forum's URL has changed. The new URL is: Please update your bookmarks!

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Forum rules

  1. This is a place to ask questions about Molcas-related issues only. Requests for support for other software that has no connection to the use of (Open)Molcas will be ignored and closed.
  2. When asking for help, try to give as complete and accurate information as possible, but include only relevant snippets of input/output (using the [code] tags).
  3. Respect others. Disagreement is unavoidable, but do not insult or attack others, do not use offensive language.
  4. Legality. Respect the legalities of your country and of the country where this forum is hosted (Austria). This includes, but is not limited to, information or links to prohibited use of copyrighted material or sites that provide such contents.

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