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Hi Molcas users,
I am using Molcas 8.0. I am trying to compute spin-orbit effects by GASSCF -> CASPT2 -> RASSI, but the computation fails when the program enters the CASPT2 step. If I use RASSCF instead, the error does not show up. Is it not possible to use GASSCF wavefunctions for CASPT2?
Thank you for kind help.
Hi Adam
Did you resolve this problem? I'm trying to do the same thing.
Hi guys,
perturbation theory depends on the for of the original Hamiltonian. So, RASPT2 is not a trivial extension of CASPT2. You might be confused by the fact that &RASSCF code can do CAS, RAS and now GAS wavefunction, and &CASPT2 - both CASPT2 and RASPT2.
What you are asking now is GASPT2 code. (with a current status - Not scheduled for implementation). If you are willing to contribute to the development - well.. let me know.
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