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#1 2017-10-24 11:47:40

Registered: 2015-12-15
Posts: 6

Error in rasscf (using D2h symmetry)

Hello everyone,
When i try to perform an initial CASSCF calculation to choose the active space orbitals, i get error in the RASSCF module when using symmetry in Gateway:



                                   only a single process is used
                      available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 16 threads
      Found SYMMETRY generators: x y z
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Warning! XYZ coordinates will be modified to match                   ###
 ###    the specified/detected symmetry. Use SYMT = 0.0 if                   ###
 ###    this is not desired.                                                 ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 Basis Set     1 Label: HG.ANO-RCC-VTZP
 Basis set is read from library:basis_library 
 Basis Set Reference(s):
     B. O. Roos, R. Lindh and P.-A. Malmqvist, V. Veryazov and P.-O. Widmark         
     J. Phys. Chem. A, 109. 6575-6579 (2005).                                        
 Basis Set     2 Label: BR.ANO-RCC-VTZP
 Basis set is read from library:basis_library 
 Basis Set Reference(s):
     B. O. Roos, R. Lindh, P.-A. Malmqvist, V. Veryazov, and P.-O. Widmark,          
     J. Phys. Chem. A 108, 2851 (2004)                                               
 Basis Set     4 Label: HG.ANO-RCC-VTZP....acCD-aux-basis.
 On-the-fly basis set generation
 Basis Set     5 Label: HG.ANO-RCC-VTZP....acCD-aux-basis.
 On-the-fly basis set generation
 Basis Set     6 Label: HG.ANO-RCC-VTZP....acCD-aux-basis.
 On-the-fly basis set generation
 Basis Set     7 Label: BR.ANO-RCC-VTZP....acCD-aux-basis.
 On-the-fly basis set generation
 Basis Set     8 Label: BR.ANO-RCC-VTZP....acCD-aux-basis.
 On-the-fly basis set generation
  Weights used for alignment and distance                     
  mat. size =     3x    1
++    Symmetry information:
                    --- Group Generators ---
                    Reflection in the yz-plane  
                    Reflection in the xz-plane  
                    Reflection in the xy-plane  
                    Character Table for D2h
                             E   s(yz) s(xz) C2(z) s(xy) C2(y) C2(x)   i  
                    ag       1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1  
                    b3u      1    -1     1    -1     1    -1     1    -1  x
                    b2u      1     1    -1    -1     1     1    -1    -1  y
                    b1g      1    -1    -1     1     1    -1    -1     1  xy, Rz
                    b1u      1     1     1     1    -1    -1    -1    -1  z
                    b2g      1    -1     1    -1    -1     1    -1     1  xz, Ry
                    b3g      1     1    -1    -1    -1    -1     1     1  yz, Rx
                    au       1    -1    -1     1    -1     1     1    -1  I
++    Basis set information:
      Basis set label: HG.ANO-RCC...8S7P5D3F1G.
      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge 80.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge    80.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge
      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s      25       8        X                  
         p      22       7        X                  
         d      16       5                 X         
         f      12       3                 X         
         g       4       1                 X         
       Label   Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr
 HG1                0.0000000000        0.0000000000       -0.0000000000
      Basis set label: BR.ANO-RCC...6S5P3D1F.
      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge 35.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge    35.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge
      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s      20       6        X                  
         p      17       5        X                  
         d      11       3                 X         
         f       4       1                 X         
       Label   Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr
 BR2                0.0000000000       -4.5263532739       -0.0000000000
++    Molecular structure info:
                    **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom **** 
     Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        1      HG1              0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000              0.000000       0.000000      -0.000000
        2      BR2              0.000000      -4.526353      -0.000000              0.000000      -2.395243      -0.000000
        3      BR2              0.000000       4.526353      -0.000000              0.000000       2.395243      -0.000000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 
               1 HG1           2 BR2           3 BR2   
    1 HG1      0.000000
    2 BR2      4.526353        0.000000
    3 BR2      4.526353        9.052707        0.000000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 
               1 HG1           2 BR2           3 BR2   
    1 HG1      0.000000
    2 BR2      2.395243        0.000000
    3 BR2      2.395243        4.790486        0.000000
++    Rigid rotor info:
                    Total mass (a) : 359.80732
                    Center of mass 
                          X          Y          Z   
                       0.00000    0.00000    0.00000
                    Reference system based on center of mass
                    Coordinates and Masses of Atoms, in au and A
                          X          Y          Z        Mass
                       0.00000    0.00000   -0.00000  201.97064
                       0.00000   -4.52635   -0.00000   78.91834
                       0.00000    4.52635   -0.00000   78.91834
                    The Moment of Inertia Tensor / au
                                     X          Y        Z     
                    X             0.5895E+07
                    Y             0.0000E+00 0.1691E-34
                    Z             0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.5895E+07
                    The Principal Axes and Moments of Inertia (au)
                    Eigenvalues : 0.5895E+07 0.5895E+07 0.0000E+00
                                     X'         Y'       Z'    
                    X             0.1000E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
                    Y             0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.1000E+01
                    Z             0.0000E+00 0.1000E+01 0.0000E+00
                    The Rotational Constants
                            (cm-1)            (GHz)
                              0.019            0.558
                              0.019            0.558
                    *                                         *
                    * R I G I D - R O T O R   A N A L Y S I S *
                    *                                         *
                    j(Max):  5
                    Rotor Type: Linear Rotor
                    Asymmetry parameter: -1.000
                    Prolate = -1
                    Oblate  =  1
                    Rotational energies / cm-1
                    E(J= 0) =    0.000
                    E(J= 1) =    0.037
                    E(J= 2) =    0.112
                    E(J= 3) =    0.223
                    E(J= 4) =    0.372
                    E(J= 5) =    0.558
++    Primitive basis info:
                    ******** Primitive Basis Functions (Valence) ********
 Basis set:HG.ANO-RCC...8S7P5D3F1G.                                                        
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
            1  0.523110955D+08   0.001114  -0.000434   0.000208  -0.000104   0.000046  -0.000014   0.000023  -0.000031
            2  0.120049045D+08   0.001515  -0.000592   0.000284  -0.000142   0.000062  -0.000019   0.000032  -0.000042
            3  0.339841262D+07   0.003920  -0.001534   0.000736  -0.000369   0.000161  -0.000048   0.000083  -0.000110
            4  0.105346623D+07   0.007324  -0.002880   0.001383  -0.000694   0.000303  -0.000090   0.000155  -0.000207
            5  0.352643121D+06   0.014987  -0.005938   0.002857  -0.001432   0.000626  -0.000187   0.000321  -0.000427
            6  0.125378803D+06   0.028475  -0.011431   0.005510  -0.002765   0.001208  -0.000360   0.000620  -0.000822
            7  0.469722738D+05   0.054885  -0.022517   0.010896  -0.005471   0.002393  -0.000714   0.001225  -0.001637
            8  0.183585908D+05   0.103219  -0.043924   0.021381  -0.010758   0.004699  -0.001402   0.002414  -0.003191
            9  0.741684618D+04   0.188266  -0.085470   0.042098  -0.021218   0.009300  -0.002779   0.004755  -0.006391
           10  0.308636369D+04   0.299016  -0.152155   0.076469  -0.038812   0.016960  -0.005055   0.008740  -0.011448
           11  0.132396497D+04   0.334600  -0.202650   0.105564  -0.053847   0.023776  -0.007124   0.012084  -0.016632
           12  0.582786344D+03   0.170486  -0.052447   0.019840  -0.009549   0.003700  -0.001033   0.002223  -0.001402
           13  0.265393450D+03   0.014694   0.428631  -0.349709   0.201335  -0.089772   0.026753  -0.047407   0.059065
           14  0.125737369D+03   0.002802   0.567289  -0.641151   0.398551  -0.187214   0.056914  -0.094905   0.139066
           15  0.614474879D+02  -0.002308   0.147390   0.125308  -0.119882   0.069254  -0.022488   0.031285  -0.072435
           16  0.307434147D+02   0.001644   0.006197   0.915069  -1.120316   0.592931  -0.181043   0.336085  -0.399640
           17  0.151121715D+02  -0.001078  -0.001706   0.296500  -0.146538   0.089634  -0.033028   0.016043  -0.129600
           18  0.732946465D+01   0.000642   0.001085   0.004713   1.118843  -1.082568   0.381939  -0.634147   1.153645
           19  0.348638744D+01  -0.000326  -0.000690   0.002576   0.345236  -0.332087   0.106148  -0.321060   0.094236
           20  0.149957173D+01   0.000142   0.000326  -0.000872  -0.001218   1.113724  -0.558187   1.711949  -3.011611
           21  0.597131150D+00  -0.000060  -0.000136   0.000244   0.003159   0.381192  -0.332996  -0.709892   3.931376
           22  0.208325330D+00   0.000026   0.000059  -0.000106  -0.001013  -0.014618   0.614183  -1.422140  -2.175807
           23  0.662640000D-01  -0.000014  -0.000032   0.000056   0.000526   0.011283   0.701357   1.161009  -0.279058
           24  0.265056000D-01   0.000008   0.000018  -0.000032  -0.000303  -0.006012  -0.047111   0.174854   1.182589
           25  0.106022400D-01  -0.000002  -0.000006   0.000010   0.000094   0.001875   0.027173   0.021724  -0.192977
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
           26  0.163694304D+08   0.000033  -0.000017   0.000009  -0.000003   0.000001  -0.000002   0.000002
           27  0.292356462D+07   0.000091  -0.000047   0.000023  -0.000009   0.000002  -0.000006   0.000006
           28  0.665746278D+06   0.000270  -0.000139   0.000069  -0.000028   0.000007  -0.000016   0.000018
           29  0.176341910D+06   0.000764  -0.000396   0.000198  -0.000080   0.000020  -0.000047   0.000052
           30  0.525200218D+05   0.002221  -0.001156   0.000577  -0.000234   0.000059  -0.000136   0.000149
           31  0.173236604D+05   0.006580  -0.003445   0.001724  -0.000700   0.000177  -0.000410   0.000463
           32  0.628613361D+04   0.019592  -0.010388   0.005209  -0.002110   0.000533  -0.001229   0.001328
           33  0.248731052D+04   0.056502  -0.030507   0.015383  -0.006261   0.001581  -0.003670   0.004206
           34  0.105803692D+04   0.146122  -0.081838   0.041576  -0.016874   0.004252  -0.009854   0.010746
           35  0.475714421D+03   0.298958  -0.175730   0.090600  -0.037119   0.009357  -0.021934   0.026386
           36  0.223313037D+03   0.391938  -0.236153   0.121877  -0.049383   0.012458  -0.028581   0.028377
           37  0.108148839D+03   0.239299  -0.003512  -0.024822   0.011889  -0.003109   0.006297   0.002874
           38  0.523397495D+02   0.040934   0.508187  -0.408921   0.186751  -0.047745   0.114436  -0.156907
           39  0.261868051D+02   0.000024   0.487472  -0.368055   0.154655  -0.039292   0.087213  -0.045661
           40  0.129673095D+02   0.000106   0.098358   0.446453  -0.273606   0.073315  -0.167720   0.097666
           41  0.628738986D+01  -0.000104   0.004000   0.674206  -0.502451   0.137937  -0.357347   0.654890
           42  0.296160374D+01   0.000015  -0.000322   0.148217   0.220370  -0.079087   0.262260  -0.855975
           43  0.127453491D+01   0.000001   0.000169   0.002772   0.759726  -0.282169   0.831733  -0.422403
           44  0.492049830D+00   0.000002  -0.000138   0.000617   0.265465  -0.033665  -0.795241   1.563605
           45  0.196819930D+00  -0.000000   0.000069  -0.000164  -0.008091   0.369470  -0.678176  -0.898471
           46  0.787279700D-01   0.000000  -0.000034   0.000066   0.009411   0.492103   0.435619  -0.807003
           47  0.314911900D-01  -0.000000   0.000011  -0.000020  -0.002863   0.299587   0.473721   1.104583
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
           48  0.741684618D+04   0.000460  -0.000241   0.000076  -0.000089   0.000112
           49  0.308636369D+04   0.001379  -0.000715   0.000221  -0.000259   0.000236
           50  0.132396497D+04   0.007083  -0.003745   0.001181  -0.001385   0.001749
           51  0.582786344D+03   0.029515  -0.015585   0.004854  -0.005702   0.005822
           52  0.265393450D+03   0.102844  -0.055699   0.017603  -0.020699   0.025162
           53  0.125737369D+03   0.256293  -0.139486   0.043691  -0.051454   0.053161
           54  0.614474879D+02   0.402161  -0.211638   0.066819  -0.077776   0.099106
           55  0.307434147D+02   0.320369  -0.059785   0.008366  -0.005309  -0.031891
           56  0.151121715D+02   0.093788   0.358165  -0.140273   0.178110  -0.155855
           57  0.732946465D+01   0.004673   0.526331  -0.208713   0.235877  -0.370823
           58  0.348638744D+01   0.001079   0.231720   0.052175  -0.128661   0.517987
           59  0.149957173D+01  -0.000310   0.021650   0.450134  -0.780005   0.603154
           60  0.597131150D+00   0.000137  -0.000064   0.495268   0.260897  -1.280043
           61  0.208325330D+00  -0.000064   0.000123   0.209686   0.715826   0.597105
           62  0.833301300D-01   0.000034  -0.000053   0.000045   0.030434   0.415044
           63  0.333320500D-01  -0.000012   0.000017   0.006360   0.031380   0.028977
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
           64  0.475714421D+03   0.001604  -0.000510   0.000690
           65  0.223313037D+03   0.006040  -0.001917   0.001316
           66  0.108148839D+03   0.029967  -0.009552   0.011996
           67  0.523397495D+02   0.095600  -0.030312   0.025636
           68  0.261868051D+02   0.222499  -0.072473   0.095192
           69  0.129673095D+02   0.350721  -0.115481   0.115128
           70  0.628738986D+01   0.356320  -0.108300   0.203268
           71  0.296160374D+01   0.212757   0.055847  -0.317436
           72  0.127453491D+01   0.057990   0.522126  -0.721217
           73  0.509813960D+00   0.002473   0.498536   0.651630
           74  0.203925580D+00   0.000889   0.087481   0.412250
           75  0.815702300D-01  -0.000275   0.005837   0.003460
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
           76  0.325157700D+01   0.115535
           77  0.130063100D+01   0.670448
           78  0.520252000D+00   0.368720
           79  0.208100000D+00   0.029473
 Basis set:BR.ANO-RCC...6S5P3D1F.                                                          
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
           80  0.170289649D+08  -0.000135   0.000045   0.000010  -0.000010   0.000005  -0.000008
           81  0.218643881D+07  -0.000442   0.000150   0.000031  -0.000032   0.000016  -0.000028
           82  0.426256871D+06  -0.001301   0.000441   0.000092  -0.000094   0.000048  -0.000081
           83  0.105103670D+06  -0.003503   0.001191   0.000250  -0.000255   0.000131  -0.000219
           84  0.304878213D+05  -0.009183   0.003145   0.000658  -0.000674   0.000343  -0.000581
           85  0.997005197D+04  -0.024054   0.008352   0.001743  -0.001790   0.000924  -0.001525
           86  0.357464352D+04  -0.062397   0.022282   0.004629  -0.004784   0.002438  -0.004136
           87  0.137685529D+04  -0.150334   0.057069   0.011741  -0.012293   0.006497  -0.010349
           88  0.560732930D+03  -0.296592   0.128853   0.026082  -0.028034   0.014612  -0.024175
           89  0.238734218D+03  -0.381912   0.219868   0.043887  -0.049190   0.027881  -0.040053
           90  0.104773142D+03  -0.212071   0.160467   0.033674  -0.038561   0.018972  -0.035219
           91  0.450684265D+02  -0.023277  -0.339038  -0.084603   0.101964  -0.051925   0.097891
           92  0.206137781D+02  -0.008881  -0.731659  -0.301599   0.336587  -0.197582   0.289693
           93  0.944445062D+01  -0.001235  -0.248958  -0.085549   0.099824  -0.011839   0.092596
           94  0.425252005D+01   0.016474   0.121875   0.520883  -0.586240   0.262124  -0.795509
           95  0.187261996D+01   0.012736   0.096379   0.313215  -0.652021   0.770190  -0.924464
           96  0.746037550D+00   0.000974   0.005631   0.104190   0.190397  -1.075050   3.988307
           97  0.327016810D+00   0.002717   0.005366   0.301492   0.676441  -0.952615  -3.700642
           98  0.131580820D+00   0.000879   0.001306   0.122785   0.288347   1.285444   0.567354
           99  0.526323200D-01   0.000019  -0.000002   0.003435   0.007738   0.283588   0.783183
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
          100  0.161308088D+06   0.000044  -0.000018   0.000004  -0.000005   0.000006
          101  0.247145235D+05   0.000231  -0.000097   0.000023  -0.000024   0.000031
          102  0.597986815D+04   0.001114  -0.000467   0.000114  -0.000116   0.000166
          103  0.188077245D+04   0.004965  -0.002090   0.000506  -0.000517   0.000644
          104  0.697098673D+03   0.019567  -0.008330   0.002034  -0.002081   0.003036
          105  0.287865210D+03   0.064795  -0.028118   0.006832  -0.006982   0.008550
          106  0.128245954D+03   0.168871  -0.076254   0.018819  -0.019280   0.028930
          107  0.601299881D+02   0.317710  -0.150683   0.037038  -0.037854   0.043083
          108  0.292171045D+02   0.370760  -0.183839   0.046605  -0.047874   0.085535
          109  0.144495618D+02   0.202770  -0.001702  -0.007041   0.007804  -0.057486
          110  0.694849207D+01   0.038826   0.367825  -0.112009   0.120688  -0.087238
          111  0.330702782D+01   0.007384   0.506262  -0.184986   0.190998  -0.445898
          112  0.155878661D+01   0.003214   0.227614  -0.045398   0.073858   0.224075
          113  0.608579560D+00  -0.000002   0.015507   0.373971  -0.782684   1.372164
          114  0.243196650D+00  -0.000185  -0.005154   0.542060  -0.167105  -1.677725
          115  0.920401200D-01  -0.000065  -0.001034   0.236995   0.808610   0.221440
          116  0.368160500D-01  -0.000001  -0.000243   0.017737   0.257592   0.705118
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
          117  0.560732930D+03   0.000689  -0.000191   0.000234
          118  0.238734218D+03   0.002405  -0.000729   0.000665
          119  0.104773142D+03   0.014331  -0.004021   0.004716
          120  0.450684265D+02   0.054384  -0.016047   0.016084
          121  0.206137781D+02   0.153043  -0.043569   0.049993
          122  0.944445062D+01   0.305508  -0.093413   0.102156
          123  0.425252005D+01   0.385677  -0.108699   0.149634
          124  0.187261996D+01   0.292193  -0.096790   0.141479
          125  0.746037550D+00   0.087148   0.372681  -1.065416
          126  0.298415020D+00  -0.000200   0.624223   0.350474
          127  0.119366010D+00   0.001342   0.158113   0.680667
           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
          128  0.141731000D+01   0.092985
          129  0.566924000D+00   0.681696
          130  0.226769000D+00   0.345864
          131  0.907070000D-01   0.022061
  Number of primitives                                   599
  Number of basis functions                              170
++    SO/AO info:
                    ******** Symmetry adapted Basis Functions ********
           Irreducible representation : ag 
           Basis function(s) of irrep:                                                                                 
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   HG1          1s        1     1
   2   HG1          2s        1     1
   3   HG1          3s        1     1
   4   HG1          4s        1     1
   5   HG1          5s        1     1
   6   HG1          6s        1     1
   7   HG1          7s        1     1
   8   HG1          8s        1     1
   9   HG1          3d0       1     1
  10   HG1          4d0       1     1
  11   HG1          5d0       1     1
  12   HG1          6d0       1     1
  13   HG1          7d0       1     1
  14   HG1          3d2+      1     1
  15   HG1          4d2+      1     1
  16   HG1          5d2+      1     1
  17   HG1          6d2+      1     1
  18   HG1          7d2+      1     1
  19   HG1          5g0       1     1
  20   HG1          5g2+      1     1
  21   HG1          5g4+      1     1
  22   BR2          1s        2     1      3     1
  23   BR2          2s        2     1      3     1
  24   BR2          3s        2     1      3     1
  25   BR2          4s        2     1      3     1
  26   BR2          5s        2     1      3     1
  27   BR2          6s        2     1      3     1
  28   BR2          2py       2     1      3    -1
  29   BR2          3py       2     1      3    -1
  30   BR2          4py       2     1      3    -1
  31   BR2          5py       2     1      3    -1
  32   BR2          6py       2     1      3    -1
  33   BR2          3d0       2     1      3     1
  34   BR2          4d0       2     1      3     1
  35   BR2          5d0       2     1      3     1
  36   BR2          3d2+      2     1      3     1
  37   BR2          4d2+      2     1      3     1
  38   BR2          5d2+      2     1      3     1
  39   BR2          4f3-      2     1      3    -1
  40   BR2          4f1-      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : b3u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
  41   HG1          2px       1     1
  42   HG1          3px       1     1
  43   HG1          4px       1     1
  44   HG1          5px       1     1
  45   HG1          6px       1     1
  46   HG1          7px       1     1
  47   HG1          8px       1     1
  48   HG1          4f1+      1     1
  49   HG1          5f1+      1     1
  50   HG1          6f1+      1     1
  51   HG1          4f3+      1     1
  52   HG1          5f3+      1     1
  53   HG1          6f3+      1     1
  54   BR2          2px       2     1      3     1
  55   BR2          3px       2     1      3     1
  56   BR2          4px       2     1      3     1
  57   BR2          5px       2     1      3     1
  58   BR2          6px       2     1      3     1
  59   BR2          3d2-      2     1      3    -1
  60   BR2          4d2-      2     1      3    -1
  61   BR2          5d2-      2     1      3    -1
  62   BR2          4f1+      2     1      3     1
  63   BR2          4f3+      2     1      3     1
           Irreducible representation : b2u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: y                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
  64   HG1          2py       1     1
  65   HG1          3py       1     1
  66   HG1          4py       1     1
  67   HG1          5py       1     1
  68   HG1          6py       1     1
  69   HG1          7py       1     1
  70   HG1          8py       1     1
  71   HG1          4f3-      1     1
  72   HG1          5f3-      1     1
  73   HG1          6f3-      1     1
  74   HG1          4f1-      1     1
  75   HG1          5f1-      1     1
  76   HG1          6f1-      1     1
  77   BR2          1s        2     1      3    -1
  78   BR2          2s        2     1      3    -1
  79   BR2          3s        2     1      3    -1
  80   BR2          4s        2     1      3    -1
  81   BR2          5s        2     1      3    -1
  82   BR2          6s        2     1      3    -1
  83   BR2          2py       2     1      3     1
  84   BR2          3py       2     1      3     1
  85   BR2          4py       2     1      3     1
  86   BR2          5py       2     1      3     1
  87   BR2          6py       2     1      3     1
  88   BR2          3d0       2     1      3    -1
  89   BR2          4d0       2     1      3    -1
  90   BR2          5d0       2     1      3    -1
  91   BR2          3d2+      2     1      3    -1
  92   BR2          4d2+      2     1      3    -1
  93   BR2          5d2+      2     1      3    -1
  94   BR2          4f3-      2     1      3     1
  95   BR2          4f1-      2     1      3     1
           Irreducible representation : b1g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: xy, Rz                                                                          
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
  96   HG1          3d2-      1     1
  97   HG1          4d2-      1     1
  98   HG1          5d2-      1     1
  99   HG1          6d2-      1     1
 100   HG1          7d2-      1     1
 101   HG1          5g4-      1     1
 102   HG1          5g2-      1     1
 103   BR2          2px       2     1      3    -1
 104   BR2          3px       2     1      3    -1
 105   BR2          4px       2     1      3    -1
 106   BR2          5px       2     1      3    -1
 107   BR2          6px       2     1      3    -1
 108   BR2          3d2-      2     1      3     1
 109   BR2          4d2-      2     1      3     1
 110   BR2          5d2-      2     1      3     1
 111   BR2          4f1+      2     1      3    -1
 112   BR2          4f3+      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : b1u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: z                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 113   HG1          2pz       1     1
 114   HG1          3pz       1     1
 115   HG1          4pz       1     1
 116   HG1          5pz       1     1
 117   HG1          6pz       1     1
 118   HG1          7pz       1     1
 119   HG1          8pz       1     1
 120   HG1          4f0       1     1
 121   HG1          5f0       1     1
 122   HG1          6f0       1     1
 123   HG1          4f2+      1     1
 124   HG1          5f2+      1     1
 125   HG1          6f2+      1     1
 126   BR2          2pz       2     1      3     1
 127   BR2          3pz       2     1      3     1
 128   BR2          4pz       2     1      3     1
 129   BR2          5pz       2     1      3     1
 130   BR2          6pz       2     1      3     1
 131   BR2          3d1-      2     1      3    -1
 132   BR2          4d1-      2     1      3    -1
 133   BR2          5d1-      2     1      3    -1
 134   BR2          4f0       2     1      3     1
 135   BR2          4f2+      2     1      3     1
           Irreducible representation : b2g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: xz, Ry                                                                          
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 136   HG1          3d1+      1     1
 137   HG1          4d1+      1     1
 138   HG1          5d1+      1     1
 139   HG1          6d1+      1     1
 140   HG1          7d1+      1     1
 141   HG1          5g1+      1     1
 142   HG1          5g3+      1     1
 143   BR2          3d1+      2     1      3     1
 144   BR2          4d1+      2     1      3     1
 145   BR2          5d1+      2     1      3     1
 146   BR2          4f2-      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : b3g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: yz, Rx                                                                          
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 147   HG1          3d1-      1     1
 148   HG1          4d1-      1     1
 149   HG1          5d1-      1     1
 150   HG1          6d1-      1     1
 151   HG1          7d1-      1     1
 152   HG1          5g3-      1     1
 153   HG1          5g1-      1     1
 154   BR2          2pz       2     1      3    -1
 155   BR2          3pz       2     1      3    -1
 156   BR2          4pz       2     1      3    -1
 157   BR2          5pz       2     1      3    -1
 158   BR2          6pz       2     1      3    -1
 159   BR2          3d1-      2     1      3     1
 160   BR2          4d1-      2     1      3     1
 161   BR2          5d1-      2     1      3     1
 162   BR2          4f0       2     1      3    -1
 163   BR2          4f2+      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : au 
           Basis function(s) of irrep: I                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 164   HG1          4f2-      1     1
 165   HG1          5f2-      1     1
 166   HG1          6f2-      1     1
 167   BR2          3d1+      2     1      3    -1
 168   BR2          4d1+      2     1      3    -1
 169   BR2          5d1+      2     1      3    -1
 170   BR2          4f2-      2     1      3     1
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species        ag  b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g au 
      Basis functions          40  23  32  17  23  11  17   7
            Nuclear Potential Energy           1372.51770333 au
--- Stop Module: gateway at Tue Oct 24 12:34:03 2017 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
--- Module gateway spent 6 minutes 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> hgbr2_pop.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Tue Oct 24 12:34:03 2017 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                      available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 16 threads
  Weights used for alignment and distance                     
  mat. size =     3x    1
               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Relativistic Douglas-Kroll-Hess integrals:
                    - Parametrization         : EXP
                    - DKH order of Hamiltonian: 2
                    - DKH order of Properties : 0
                         - multipole moment operators
                         - electric potential operators
                         - contact operators
                  Atomic mean-field integrals
                  RI decomposed two-electron repulsion integrals stored Cholesky style
                   - acCD auxiliary basis
                   - CD Threshold:   0.10E-03
                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15
                    Unitary symmetry adaptation
++    SO/AO info:
                    ******** Symmetry adapted Basis Functions ********
           Irreducible representation : ag 
           Basis function(s) of irrep:                                                                                 
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   HG1          1s        1     1
   2   HG1          2s        1     1
   3   HG1          3s        1     1
   4   HG1          4s        1     1
   5   HG1          5s        1     1
   6   HG1          6s        1     1
   7   HG1          7s        1     1
   8   HG1          8s        1     1
   9   HG1          3d0       1     1
  10   HG1          4d0       1     1
  11   HG1          5d0       1     1
  12   HG1          6d0       1     1
  13   HG1          7d0       1     1
  14   HG1          3d2+      1     1
  15   HG1          4d2+      1     1
  16   HG1          5d2+      1     1
  17   HG1          6d2+      1     1
  18   HG1          7d2+      1     1
  19   HG1          5g0       1     1
  20   HG1          5g2+      1     1
  21   HG1          5g4+      1     1
  22   BR2          1s        2     1      3     1
  23   BR2          2s        2     1      3     1
  24   BR2          3s        2     1      3     1
  25   BR2          4s        2     1      3     1
  26   BR2          5s        2     1      3     1
  27   BR2          6s        2     1      3     1
  28   BR2          2py       2     1      3    -1
  29   BR2          3py       2     1      3    -1
  30   BR2          4py       2     1      3    -1
  31   BR2          5py       2     1      3    -1
  32   BR2          6py       2     1      3    -1
  33   BR2          3d0       2     1      3     1
  34   BR2          4d0       2     1      3     1
  35   BR2          5d0       2     1      3     1
  36   BR2          3d2+      2     1      3     1
  37   BR2          4d2+      2     1      3     1
  38   BR2          5d2+      2     1      3     1
  39   BR2          4f3-      2     1      3    -1
  40   BR2          4f1-      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : b3u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
  41   HG1          2px       1     1
  42   HG1          3px       1     1
  43   HG1          4px       1     1
  44   HG1          5px       1     1
  45   HG1          6px       1     1
  46   HG1          7px       1     1
  47   HG1          8px       1     1
  48   HG1          4f1+      1     1
  49   HG1          5f1+      1     1
  50   HG1          6f1+      1     1
  51   HG1          4f3+      1     1
  52   HG1          5f3+      1     1
  53   HG1          6f3+      1     1
  54   BR2          2px       2     1      3     1
  55   BR2          3px       2     1      3     1
  56   BR2          4px       2     1      3     1
  57   BR2          5px       2     1      3     1
  58   BR2          6px       2     1      3     1
  59   BR2          3d2-      2     1      3    -1
  60   BR2          4d2-      2     1      3    -1
  61   BR2          5d2-      2     1      3    -1
  62   BR2          4f1+      2     1      3     1
  63   BR2          4f3+      2     1      3     1
           Irreducible representation : b2u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: y                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
  64   HG1          2py       1     1
  65   HG1          3py       1     1
  66   HG1          4py       1     1
  67   HG1          5py       1     1
  68   HG1          6py       1     1
  69   HG1          7py       1     1
  70   HG1          8py       1     1
  71   HG1          4f3-      1     1
  72   HG1          5f3-      1     1
  73   HG1          6f3-      1     1
  74   HG1          4f1-      1     1
  75   HG1          5f1-      1     1
  76   HG1          6f1-      1     1
  77   BR2          1s        2     1      3    -1
  78   BR2          2s        2     1      3    -1
  79   BR2          3s        2     1      3    -1
  80   BR2          4s        2     1      3    -1
  81   BR2          5s        2     1      3    -1
  82   BR2          6s        2     1      3    -1
  83   BR2          2py       2     1      3     1
  84   BR2          3py       2     1      3     1
  85   BR2          4py       2     1      3     1
  86   BR2          5py       2     1      3     1
  87   BR2          6py       2     1      3     1
  88   BR2          3d0       2     1      3    -1
  89   BR2          4d0       2     1      3    -1
  90   BR2          5d0       2     1      3    -1
  91   BR2          3d2+      2     1      3    -1
  92   BR2          4d2+      2     1      3    -1
  93   BR2          5d2+      2     1      3    -1
  94   BR2          4f3-      2     1      3     1
  95   BR2          4f1-      2     1      3     1
           Irreducible representation : b1g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: xy, Rz                                                                          
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
  96   HG1          3d2-      1     1
  97   HG1          4d2-      1     1
  98   HG1          5d2-      1     1
  99   HG1          6d2-      1     1
 100   HG1          7d2-      1     1
 101   HG1          5g4-      1     1
 102   HG1          5g2-      1     1
 103   BR2          2px       2     1      3    -1
 104   BR2          3px       2     1      3    -1
 105   BR2          4px       2     1      3    -1
 106   BR2          5px       2     1      3    -1
 107   BR2          6px       2     1      3    -1
 108   BR2          3d2-      2     1      3     1
 109   BR2          4d2-      2     1      3     1
 110   BR2          5d2-      2     1      3     1
 111   BR2          4f1+      2     1      3    -1
 112   BR2          4f3+      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : b1u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: z                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 113   HG1          2pz       1     1
 114   HG1          3pz       1     1
 115   HG1          4pz       1     1
 116   HG1          5pz       1     1
 117   HG1          6pz       1     1
 118   HG1          7pz       1     1
 119   HG1          8pz       1     1
 120   HG1          4f0       1     1
 121   HG1          5f0       1     1
 122   HG1          6f0       1     1
 123   HG1          4f2+      1     1
 124   HG1          5f2+      1     1
 125   HG1          6f2+      1     1
 126   BR2          2pz       2     1      3     1
 127   BR2          3pz       2     1      3     1
 128   BR2          4pz       2     1      3     1
 129   BR2          5pz       2     1      3     1
 130   BR2          6pz       2     1      3     1
 131   BR2          3d1-      2     1      3    -1
 132   BR2          4d1-      2     1      3    -1
 133   BR2          5d1-      2     1      3    -1
 134   BR2          4f0       2     1      3     1
 135   BR2          4f2+      2     1      3     1
           Irreducible representation : b2g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: xz, Ry                                                                          
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 136   HG1          3d1+      1     1
 137   HG1          4d1+      1     1
 138   HG1          5d1+      1     1
 139   HG1          6d1+      1     1
 140   HG1          7d1+      1     1
 141   HG1          5g1+      1     1
 142   HG1          5g3+      1     1
 143   BR2          3d1+      2     1      3     1
 144   BR2          4d1+      2     1      3     1
 145   BR2          5d1+      2     1      3     1
 146   BR2          4f2-      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : b3g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: yz, Rx                                                                          
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 147   HG1          3d1-      1     1
 148   HG1          4d1-      1     1
 149   HG1          5d1-      1     1
 150   HG1          6d1-      1     1
 151   HG1          7d1-      1     1
 152   HG1          5g3-      1     1
 153   HG1          5g1-      1     1
 154   BR2          2pz       2     1      3    -1
 155   BR2          3pz       2     1      3    -1
 156   BR2          4pz       2     1      3    -1
 157   BR2          5pz       2     1      3    -1
 158   BR2          6pz       2     1      3    -1
 159   BR2          3d1-      2     1      3     1
 160   BR2          4d1-      2     1      3     1
 161   BR2          5d1-      2     1      3     1
 162   BR2          4f0       2     1      3    -1
 163   BR2          4f2+      2     1      3    -1
           Irreducible representation : au 
           Basis function(s) of irrep: I                                                                               
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
 164   HG1          4f2-      1     1
 165   HG1          5f2-      1     1
 166   HG1          6f2-      1     1
 167   BR2          3d1+      2     1      3    -1
 168   BR2          4d1+      2     1      3    -1
 169   BR2          5d1+      2     1      3    -1
 170   BR2          4f2-      2     1      3     1
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species        ag  b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g au 
      Basis functions          40  23  32  17  23  11  17   7
            Nuclear Potential Energy           1372.51770333 au
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         ag   b3u  b2u  b1g  b1u  b2g  b3g  au 
      Basis functions           40   23   32   17   23   11   17    7
  SO-integrals were calculated for Hg: [Xe+4f^14]6s^2 5d^10      
  SO-integrals were calculated for Br: [Ar]4s^2 3d^10 4p^5       
Seward processing 2-center and 3-center ERIs
 2-center integrals:
      CPU time :   13.90 sec.
      Wall time:    1.20 sec.
 3-center integrals:
      CPU time :  344.19 sec.
      Wall time:   33.17 sec.
      CPU time :   35.86 sec.
      Wall time:    5.06 sec.
 Diagonal vector:
      CPU time :   82.93 sec.
      Wall time:   18.89 sec.
      RI vectors               333  222  269  191  222  160  191  118
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE          16.42 .    1540/    8274 .     27.0/     86.7 .       0/       0
   2  NQGRID            0.00 .       2/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   3  ONEREL            6.12 .      52/     170 .     41.3/     12.1 .       0/       0
   4  ONEINT            1.71 .      52/      38 .     36.9/     19.1 .       0/       0
   5  AVEC00            0.00 .     334/     667 .      1.3/      2.5 .       0/       0
   6  AVEC01            0.00 .     223/     445 .      0.6/      1.1 .       0/       0
   7  AVEC02            0.00 .     270/     539 .      0.8/      1.7 .       0/       0
   8  AVEC03            0.00 .     192/     383 .      0.4/      0.8 .       0/       0
   9  AVEC04            0.00 .     223/     445 .      0.6/      1.1 .       0/       0
  10  AVEC05            0.00 .     161/     321 .      0.3/      0.6 .       0/       0
  11  AVEC06            0.00 .     192/     383 .      0.4/      0.8 .       0/       0
  12  AVEC07            0.00 .     119/     237 .      0.2/      0.3 .       0/       0
  13  ZMAT00            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.8/      0.0 .       0/       0
  14  ZMAT01            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.4/      0.0 .       0/       0
  15  ZMAT02            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.6/      0.0 .       0/       0
  16  ZMAT03            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.3/      0.0 .       0/       0
  17  ZMAT04            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.4/      0.0 .       0/       0
  18  ZMAT05            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.2/      0.0 .       0/       0
  19  ZMAT06            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.3/      0.0 .       0/       0
  20  ZMAT07            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  21  AMAT00            0.42 .       2/       1 .      0.8/      0.4 .       0/       0
  22  AMAT01            0.19 .       2/       1 .      0.4/      0.2 .       0/       0
  23  AMAT02            0.28 .       2/       1 .      0.6/      0.3 .       0/       0
  24  AMAT03            0.14 .       2/       1 .      0.3/      0.1 .       0/       0
  25  AMAT04            0.19 .       2/       1 .      0.4/      0.2 .       0/       0
  26  AMAT05            0.10 .       2/       1 .      0.2/      0.1 .       0/       0
  27  AMAT06            0.14 .       2/       1 .      0.3/      0.1 .       0/       0
  28  AMAT07            0.05 .       2/       1 .      0.1/      0.1 .       0/       0
  29  QMAT00            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.4/      0.4 .       0/       0
  30  QMAT01            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.2/      0.2 .       0/       0
  31  QMAT02            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.3/      0.3 .       0/       0
  32  QMAT03            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.1/      0.1 .       0/       0
  33  QMAT04            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.2/      0.2 .       0/       0
  34  QMAT05            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.1/      0.1 .       0/       0
  35  QMAT06            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.1/      0.1 .       0/       0
  36  QMAT07            0.00 .       1/       1 .      0.1/      0.1 .       0/       0
  37  QVEC00            0.85 .     333/       1 .      0.8/      0.8 .       0/       0
  38  QVEC01            0.38 .     222/       1 .      0.4/      0.4 .       0/       0
  39  QVEC02            0.55 .     269/       1 .      0.6/      0.6 .       0/       0
  40  QVEC03            0.28 .     191/       1 .      0.3/      0.3 .       0/       0
  41  QVEC04            0.38 .     222/       1 .      0.4/      0.4 .       0/       0
  42  QVEC05            0.20 .     160/       1 .      0.2/      0.2 .       0/       0
  43  QVEC06            0.28 .     191/       1 .      0.3/      0.3 .       0/       0
  44  QVEC07            0.11 .     118/       1 .      0.1/      0.1 .       0/       0
  45  RVEC00            5.84 .      39/      39 .      5.8/      5.8 .       0/       0
  46  RVEC01            3.11 .      34/      34 .      3.1/      3.1 .       0/       0
  47  RVEC02            4.39 .      36/      36 .      4.4/      4.4 .       0/       0
  48  RVEC03            2.57 .      36/      36 .      2.6/      2.6 .       0/       0
  49  RVEC04            3.11 .      34/      34 .      3.1/      3.1 .       0/       0
  50  RVEC05            1.81 .      33/      33 .      1.8/      1.8 .       0/       0
  51  RVEC06            2.57 .      36/      36 .      2.6/      2.6 .       0/       0
  52  RVEC07            1.27 .      30/      30 .      1.3/      1.3 .       0/       0
  53  CHRED             0.22 .       4/       0 .      0.2/      0.0 .       0/       0
  54  CHVEC1            5.84 .       1/       0 .      5.8/      0.0 .       0/       0
  55  CHVEC2            3.11 .       1/       0 .      3.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  56  CHVEC3            4.39 .       1/       0 .      4.4/      0.0 .       0/       0
  57  CHVEC4            2.57 .       1/       0 .      2.6/      0.0 .       0/       0
  58  CHVEC5            3.11 .       1/       0 .      3.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  59  CHVEC6            1.81 .       1/       0 .      1.8/      0.0 .       0/       0
  60  CHVEC7            2.57 .       1/       0 .      2.6/      0.0 .       0/       0
  61  CHVEC8            1.27 .       1/       0 .      1.3/      0.0 .       0/       0
  62  CHORST            0.07 .      54/       0 .      0.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  63  CHOMAP            0.00 .       1/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  64  CHODIAG           0.11 .       1/       0 .      0.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL            78.53 .    5444/   12204 .    170.0/    157.5 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE             28.6/  10.1
   2  NQGRID              50.0/   0.0
   3  ONEREL              96.2/   6.5
   4  ONEINT              96.2/  36.8
   5  AVEC00              99.7/  98.2
   6  AVEC01              99.6/  99.1
   7  AVEC02              99.6/  99.3
   8  AVEC03              99.5/ 100.0
   9  AVEC04              99.6/  99.1
  10  AVEC05              99.4/  95.6
  11  AVEC06              99.5/  97.4
  12  AVEC07              99.2/  98.3
  13  ZMAT00               0.0/   0.0
  14  ZMAT01               0.0/   0.0
  15  ZMAT02               0.0/   0.0
  16  ZMAT03               0.0/   0.0
  17  ZMAT04               0.0/   0.0
  18  ZMAT05               0.0/   0.0
  19  ZMAT06               0.0/   0.0
  20  ZMAT07               0.0/   0.0
  21  AMAT00              50.0/ 100.0
  22  AMAT01              50.0/ 100.0
  23  AMAT02              50.0/ 100.0
  24  AMAT03              50.0/ 100.0
  25  AMAT04              50.0/ 100.0
  26  AMAT05              50.0/ 100.0
  27  AMAT06              50.0/ 100.0
  28  AMAT07              50.0/ 100.0
  29  QMAT00               0.0/ 100.0
  30  QMAT01               0.0/ 100.0
  31  QMAT02               0.0/ 100.0
  32  QMAT03               0.0/ 100.0
  33  QMAT04               0.0/ 100.0
  34  QMAT05               0.0/ 100.0
  35  QMAT06               0.0/ 100.0
  36  QMAT07               0.0/ 100.0
  37  QVEC00               0.0/ 100.0
  38  QVEC01               0.0/ 100.0
  39  QVEC02               0.0/ 100.0
  40  QVEC03               0.0/ 100.0
  41  QVEC04               0.0/ 100.0
  42  QVEC05               0.0/ 100.0
  43  QVEC06               0.0/ 100.0
  44  QVEC07               0.0/ 100.0
  45  RVEC00               0.0/   2.6
  46  RVEC01               0.0/   2.9
  47  RVEC02               0.0/   2.8
  48  RVEC03               0.0/   2.8
  49  RVEC04               0.0/   2.9
  50  RVEC05               0.0/   3.0
  51  RVEC06               0.0/   2.8
  52  RVEC07               0.0/   3.3
  53  CHRED                0.0/   0.0
  54  CHVEC1               0.0/   0.0
  55  CHVEC2               0.0/   0.0
  56  CHVEC3               0.0/   0.0
  57  CHVEC4               0.0/   0.0
  58  CHVEC5               0.0/   0.0
  59  CHVEC6               0.0/   0.0
  60  CHVEC7               0.0/   0.0
  61  CHVEC8               0.0/   0.0
  62  CHORST               0.0/   0.0
  63  CHOMAP               0.0/   0.0
  64  CHODIAG              0.0/   0.0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Stop Module: seward at Tue Oct 24 12:35:07 2017 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
--- Module seward spent 1 minute 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> hgbr2_pop.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Tue Oct 24 12:35:07 2017 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                      available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 16 threads
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Mismatch in start orbital file.                                      ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  ERROR: Start orbital file name is 
  That file is a valid orbital file.
  Version:                     3
  But some information does not match.
  In the file, nr of symmetries is =                     1
  but accurding to runfile, it is=                     8
  Is it an old file left in workspace by mistake?
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Error during input preprocessing.                                    ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###     O.K reading after CIROOTS keyword.                                  ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  Error exit 9930 from PROC_INP.
  Check previous messages in the output
  to find the reason.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Input processing failed.                                             ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  RASSCF Error: Proc_Inp failed unexpectedly.
  Check the output file for any previous messages
  that can help explain the failure.
  Here is a printing of the input file that
  was processed:
 1.0e-07 1.0e-04 1.0e-04                                                        
 6 0 0                                                                          
 6 6 1                                                                          
 End of input                                                                   
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    There were warnings during the execution                             ###
 ###    Please, check the output with care!                                  ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Location: AixCheck                                                   ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Active unit: TRAINT , should have been closed!                       ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Location: AixCheck                                                   ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Active unit: TEMP01 , should have been closed!                       ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Location: AixCheck                                                   ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Active unit: TEMP02 , should have been closed!                       ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Location: AixCheck                                                   ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    Active unit: JOBIPH , should have been closed!                       ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: rasscf at Tue Oct 24 12:35:07 2017 /rc=_RC_INPUT_ERROR_ ---

    Timing: Wall=425.90 User=1952.95 System=59.13

Here is the input file



thrs= 1.0e-07 1.0e-04 1.0e-04
nactel= 6 0 0
inactive= 72
ras2= 6
spin= 1
ciroot= 6 6 1

Does anyone have any suggestions to solve this?
Thanks in advance.
Sincerely yours.

Daniel R.


#2 2017-10-24 12:43:50

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,087

Re: Error in rasscf (using D2h symmetry)

You are trying to use an INPORB file (intentionally or not) without symmetry in a calculation with symmetry. This won't work:

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> hgbr2_pop.RasOrb
  That file is a valid orbital file.
  Version:                     3
  But some information does not match.
  In the file, nr of symmetries is =                     1
  but accurding to runfile, it is=                     8
  Is it an old file left in workspace by mistake?

You also have a wrong input. With D2h, INACtive and RAS2 should be followed by 8 numbers (one per symmetry)

My advice: never rely on automatic symmetry detection, always use an explicit GROUP keyword in gateway (often Group=NoSym). With automatic detection you can never be sure what will be the number and order of the symmetries...


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