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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello everyone.
I am fairly well-versed using SLURM, and with other applications, they work with SLURM arrays.
Here is the problem. I have an array of subdrectories dir0 ... dir9, and each subdirectory has an OpenMolcas file, e.g. dir0.input .... dir9.input.
All the SLURM stuff and definitions for MOLCAS which works for a single OpenMolcas calculation.
#SBATCH --array=0-9
pymolcas dir$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.input -f &
The above DOES NOT WORK and pymolcas throws an error
pymolcas dir$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID/dir$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.input -f &
This DOES NOT WORK and pymolcas again throws an error.
ls -l *
This DOES WORK and lists the dir0.input ... dir9.input files for each subdirectory.
So I know the idea is correct, but pymolcas throws an error. I tried this with another QM calculation, and it works.
Finally, on the login node (with the same module load commands for ancillary applications loaded), if I cd to any subdirectory and execute pymolcas, it works!
on login node:
cd dir0;
pymolcas dir0.input
Can someone please help me with this?
Thanks so much.
Kind regards,
What kind of error do you get? Does it work if you a common filename for your inputs (in different directories)? Does "cat dir$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.input" work?
I just tested it, and this worked for me:
pymolcas test$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.input -f
Thanks so much for doing this.
I worked on it during the morning (EST) and can't get it to work. So I didn't want to respond.
On our cluster, I have a home directory on a separate filesystem. My input/output files are on a another separate filesystem. And finally there is a scratch filesystem where all the projectdir files reside.
I will get back to you on this.
And again thanks so much for the fast turnaround.
I found the problem ... I think . Even if I run any simple OpenMolcas problem now ... no array job, this the error I am getting:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/anr11010/OpenMolcas/build/pymolcas", line 598, in <module>
File "<string>", line 217, in main
File "<string>", line 517, in read_input
File "<string>", line 310, in setup
File "<string>", line 908, in parallel_task
File "<string>", line 800, in is_serial
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ''
It seems pymolcas is not getting the data it needs to execute.
Do you think you can help with this.
OpenMolcas used to work file, I don't know what happened. There was maintenance on the cluster awhile ago.
Running the same job with pymolcas with the same input and same loaded modules works. With SLURM I get the previous error.
First and above all, thanks so much for helping me with this.
I finally had to recompile OpenMolcas. There was something wrong with the module. It works now!!!!
Again, thanks so much.
Warm regards,