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#1 2024-06-03 13:01:54

Registered: 2024-04-30
Posts: 7

Plotting dyson orbitals - no DysonOrb files generated

Hello everyone,

I've been encountering some challenges while attempting to generate Dyson orbitals for a calculation involving H2O using the methodology outlined in the article "OpenMolcas: From Source Code to Insight" I utilized the input provided in the article's supplementary information, but unfortunately, I haven't been successful in obtaining the DysonOrb files. Here's a snippet of the relevant input:

* ----- Calculate 2 PES initial states for singlet H2O
>> COPY $Project.ScfOrb INPORB
6 0 0
2 2 1
>> COPY $Project.JobIph S.JobIph
* ----- Calculate 3 PES final states for doublet H2O-
>> COPY $Project.RasOrb INPORB
5 0 0
3 3 1
>> COPY $Project.JobIph D.JobIph
* ----- Calculate state interactions
>> COPY S.JobIph JOB001
>> COPY D.JobIph JOB002
2 1

Upon running the calculation, I received a warning about incomplete integrals and encountered issues with copying grid files. Despite these challenges, Dyson amplitudes were calculated, but the DysonOrb files were not generated.

I would greatly appreciate any insights or suggestions on how to troubleshoot this issue. Additionally, if anyone has experience plotting Dyson orbitals or has recommendations for visualization software, I would be grateful for any guidance in that regard.

I am pasting here the portion of output file from RASSI section:


                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 3.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 2779

      *                                                                              *
      *                             General data section                             *
      *                                                                              *

   Specific data for JOBIPH file JOB001                                                                                                                          

   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Sun Jun  2 13:03:05 2024        

   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        

   STATE IRREP:                            1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                      1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                       6
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                         0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                     0
   NR OF CONFIG:                          50

   Specific data for JOBIPH file JOB002                                                                                                                          

   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Sun Jun  2 13:03:05 2024        

   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        

   STATE IRREP:                            1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                      2
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                       5
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                         0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                     0
   NR OF CONFIG:                          75
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: Incomplete integrals.                                       ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  Spin-Orbit interaction calculation was requested
  but this requires three components of AMFI
  integrals. Add the keywords AMFI and ONEONLY to
  the SEWARD input and recompute ONEINT.
  Program will continue, but SO/EPRG/MAGN
  calculations are disabled.

   The following data are common to all the states:
   (note: frozen counts as inactive, deleted as secondary)

      Nr of irreps: 1

                 Total     No./Irrep 
      Irrep                  1

      INACTIVE       2       2
      ACTIVE         5       5
      SECONDARY      6       6
      BASIS         13      13

      RAS1           0       0
      RAS2           5       5
      RAS3           0       0

   (Herm=Hermitian, Anti=Antihermitian, Sing=Singlet operator, Trip=Triplet operator)
     MLTPL  0   1 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  0   1 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  1   1 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  1   1 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  1   2 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  1   2 (ANTITRIP)
     MLTPL  1   3 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  1   3 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  2   1 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  2   2 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   3 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   4 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  2   5 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   6 (HERMSING)     VELOCITY   1 (ANTISING)
     ANGMOM     2 (ANTISING)     ANGMOM     3 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   1 (ANTISING)
     MLTPV  2   2 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   3 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   4 (ANTISING)
     MLTPV  2   5 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   6 (ANTISING)


  A Hamiltonian matrix computed by RASSI.

  Nr of states:                    5

   State:        1   2   3   4   5
  JobIph:        1   1   2   2   2
 Root nr:        1   2   1   2   3


  Diagonal, with energies
    -76.01683014    -75.74817280    -75.61487269    -75.52834046    -75.34617115


  Diagonal, with elements
      1.00000000      1.00000000      1.00000000      1.00000000      1.00000000

::    RASSI State    1     Total energy:    -76.01683014
::    RASSI State    2     Total energy:    -75.74817280
::    RASSI State    3     Total energy:    -75.61487269
::    RASSI State    4     Total energy:    -75.52834046
::    RASSI State    5     Total energy:    -75.34617115

      *                                                                                                  *
      *                                         Spin-free section                                        *
      *                                                                                                  *
      *                 Note: index according to input order, order according to energy.                 *
      *                                                                                                  *

  (Shifted by EMIN (a.u.) =        -76.0168301403)

 SF State       Relative EMIN(au)   Rel lowest level(eV)    D:o, cm**(-1)

     1             0.0000000000        0.0000000000              0.0000
     2             0.2686573362        7.3105385431          58963.4698
     3             0.4019574546       10.9378195521          88219.4642
     4             0.4884896805       13.2924813733         107211.0926
     5             0.6706589897       18.2495608075         147192.6345

++ Dipole transition strengths (spin-free states):
     for osc. strength at least  1.00000000E-05

      From   To        Osc. strength     Einstein coefficients Ax, Ay, Az (sec-1)    Total A (sec-1)
         1    2       3.49144039E-02  8.09679091E+07  9.56992418E-19  1.69095772E-23  8.09679091E+07
         3    4       2.13822273E-03  5.14422051E+05  2.50746826E-24  5.52942628E-21  5.14422051E+05
         4    5       2.61057857E-03  3.44833520E-27  2.78354390E+06  5.27428860E-18  2.78354390E+06

++ Velocity transition strengths (spin-free states):
     for osc. strength at least  1.00000000E-05

      From   To        Osc. strength     Einstein coefficients Ax, Ay, Az (sec-1)    Total A (sec-1)
         1    2       4.67773151E-02  1.08478478E+08  3.40470619E-18  5.27870315E-23  1.08478478E+08
         3    4       4.33658217E-02  1.04331203E+07  2.85589580E-22  9.06947210E-20  1.04331203E+07
         4    5       2.05179813E-02  3.04432299E-23  2.18774115E+07  8.25550100E-17  2.18774115E+07

++ Length and velocity gauge comparison (spin-free states):

 A comparison between the dipole oscillator strengths in 
 length and velocity gauge will be performed

     All dipole oscillator differences above the tolerance of   1.00000000E-01  will be printed 

 Due to basis set deficiency these oscillator may be problematic 

 The tolerance is defined as ABS(1-O_l/O_v) 
 O_l : dipole oscillator strength in length gauge
 O_p : dipole oscillator strength in velocity gauge

  Problematic transitions have been found

      From   To       Difference (%) Osc. st. (len.) Osc. st. (vel.)
         1    2            25.360394  3.49144039E-02  4.67773151E-02
         3    4            95.069337  2.13822273E-03  4.33658217E-02
         4    5            87.276631  2.61057857E-03  2.05179813E-02

 Number of problematic transitions =                     3


 Electric-dipole - electric-octupole not included
 Electric-dipole - magnetic-quadrupole not included

++ Dyson amplitudes (spin-free states):
     for Dyson intensities at least  1.00000000E-05

        From      To        BE (eV)       Dyson intensity
           1       3         10.938           0.92686E+00
           1       4         13.292           0.93530E+00
           1       5         18.250           0.94712E+00
           2       3          3.627           0.89078E-01
           2       4          5.982           0.13444E-04

      *                                                                                                  *
      *                                    Special properties section                                    *
      *                                                                                                  *

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  SCRATCH           0.00 .       8/      15 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   2  ANNI              0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   3  RUNFILE           0.15 .     245/    3876 .      1.7/     27.9 .       0/       0
   4  ONEINT            1.38 .       0/     740 .      0.0/    680.0 .       0/       0
   5  JOB001            1.10 .       0/      70 .      0.0/      0.3 .       0/       0
   6  JOB002            1.11 .       0/      76 .      0.0/      0.3 .       0/       0
   7  ORDINT            0.28 .       2/       6 .      0.1/      1.1 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             4.03 .     255/    4783 .      1.8/    709.6 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  SCRATCH             87.5/ 100.0
   2  ANNI                 0.0/   0.0
   3  RUNFILE             28.6/  11.7
   4  ONEINT               0.0/  97.3
   5  JOB001               0.0/  84.3
   6  JOB002               0.0/  81.6
   7  ORDINT             100.0/  66.7
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Stop Module: rassi at Sun Jun  2 13:03:09 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o

--- Start Module: grid_it at Sun Jun  2 13:03:09 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 3.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 2782

 Grid file: /tmp/gibugeor/2382826/h2o/h2o.output.lus

      Cartesian coordinates:
      No.  Label     X         Y         Z     
       1   O1         0.00000   0.00000   0.00000
       2   H2         0.00000   1.42986  -1.11282
       3   H3         0.00000  -1.42986  -1.11282
      Grid Origin      =    -4.000000   -5.000000   -5.000000
      Grid Axis Length =     8.000000   10.000000    8.000000

   Input vectors read from INPORB
   Orbital file label: * RASSCF average (pseudo-natural) orbitals
  Number of grid points in file:                  19375

  Total number of MOs               :                   13
  Number MOs for grid               :                    6
  Batches processed in increments of:                18432

GridName=  1    3      0.0000 (1.97) 2
GridName=  1    4      0.0000 (1.99) 2
GridName=  1    5      0.0000 (1.50) 2
GridName=  1    6      0.0000 (0.51) 2
GridName=  1    7      0.0000 (0.03) 2

--- Stop Module: grid_it at Sun Jun  2 13:03:09 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: h2o.output.lus xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o

>>> COPY h2o.* .
Error: file "/tmp/gibugeor/2382826/h2o/h2o.*" not found

.# EMIL input error #.

    Timing: Wall=4.66 User=3.38 System=0.39

Thank you in advance for your assistance!


#2 2024-06-03 13:59:59

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: Plotting dyson orbitals - no DysonOrb files generated

You clearly did not use the file in the supporting information. You used the ANO-S-VDZ basis set instead of ANO-RCC-MB. ANO-RCC is a relativistic basis set that enables AMFI by default, ANO-S is not, and so spin-orbit RASSI won't work.

You also did not use the file that you gave as input, because that does not include grid_it, or ">>> COPY h2o.* ." (which is where the program stops, because wildcards are not supported, let alone the fact that you're trying to copy files onto themselves).

If you run the input file as provided:

* A small calculation of photo-electron spectroscopy (PES)
* of H2O -> H2O-

* ----- Initialize the calculation


O1   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 Angstrom
H2   0.000000   0.756650  -0.588880 Angstrom
H3   0.000000  -0.756650  -0.588880 Angstrom



* ----- Calculate 2 PES initial states for singlet H2O

>> COPY $Project.ScfOrb INPORB

6 0 0
2 2 1

>> COPY $Project.JobIph S.JobIph

* ----- Calculate 3 PES final states for doublet H2O-

>> COPY $Project.RasOrb INPORB

5 0 0
3 3 1

>> COPY $Project.JobIph D.JobIph

* ----- Calculate state interactions

>> COPY S.JobIph JOB001
>> COPY D.JobIph JOB002


* - Enable calculation of Dyson amplitudes
* - (Without DYSExport the spin-orbit amplitudes would be approximated
* - directly from the spin-fee Dyson amplitudes without explicit 
* - construction of the spin-orbit Dyson orbitals, for all included 
* - spin-orbit states)


* - Enable exportation of Dyson orbitals to molden format for the first
* - 2 spin-free and first 1 spin-orbit states as PES initial states
* - (A full calculation of spin-orbit amplitudes is performed, but only
* - for the PES initial states given below)
* - Dyson orbitals are contained in:
* - $Project.dys.molden.SF.<initialstate>
* - $Project.dys.molden.SO.<initialstate>.Re
* - $Project.dys.molden.SO.<initialstate>.Im

2 1

you should get the corresponding molden files, for example:


which you can open with Molden or Pegamoid or probably other programs.


#3 2024-06-03 14:48:15

Registered: 2024-04-30
Posts: 7

Re: Plotting dyson orbitals - no DysonOrb files generated

Thank you very much for correcting me! I made adjustments to the input file, switching to the ANO-RCC-MB basis set removing the command ">>> COPY h2o.* ." from the input.

The good news is that I no longer encounter any error stops during the calculation. However, despite these changes, I'm still facing difficulties in obtaining the DysonOrb files.

At this point, I'm uncertain if I am overlooking any additional mistakes. I would greatly appreciate any further insights or suggestions you might have on how to resolve this issue and successfully generate the Dyson orbitals.

Thank you again for your invaluable assistance!

   This run of MOLCAS is using the pymolcas driver

                             OPE          NMOL  CASOP  ENMOLC A   SO
                 OPE        NMOLC        AS  OP EN  MO LC     AS  OP
                OPENM       OL CA        SO  PE NM  OL CA     SOP EN
                OP EN      MO   LC       AS  OP ENMOL  CASO   PENMOL
                OP  EN     MO   LC       AS  OP EN     MO     LC ASO
               OP   E  NMOL  C  AS       OP  EN MO     LC     AS  OP
               OP  E   NMO   LC AS        OPEN  MO     LCASOP EN   M
               O  PEN   MO  LCA  SO
            OPE   NMO   L   CAS    OP
    OPENMOLCAS   OP           EN   MOL    CAS
    OPENMOLCAS       OP  ENM        O     LCA
    OPENMOLCAS     OP               E  N  MOL
    OPENMOLCA   SO           PENM   O  L  CAS    OPEN    MO    LCAS
    OPENMOLCA   SOP           ENM   O  L  CAS   OP  EN  MOLC  AS   O
    OPENMOLCA   SOPE           NM      O  LCA   S      OP  EN MO
    OPENMOLC                AS         O  PEN   M      OL  CA  SOPE
    OPENMO        LCASOPE  NMOL        C  ASO   P      ENMOLC     AS
    OPE     NMO      LCA  SO     P     E   NM   OL  CA SO  PE N   MO
          OPENMOLCA            SOPE   NMO        LCAS  O    P  ENMO
               OPENMOLCASOPENMOLCA        version: 21.10
                       OPE                tag: dirty

 OpenMolcas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
 OpenMolcas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it
 is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.
 For more details see the full text of the license in the file
 LICENSE or in <>.

                 Copyright (C) The OpenMolcas Authors
           For the author list and the recommended citation,
                   consult the file

           * pymolcas version py2.20                       *
           *   build b8bdab4388074501df379c1785d89b1b      *
           *   (after the EMIL interpreter by V. Veryazov) *

configuration info
Host name: pirineus69 (Linux)
C Compiler ID: GNU
C flags: -std=gnu99
Fortran Compiler ID: GNU
Fortran flags: -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -fmax-stack-var-size=1048576
Definitions: _MOLCAS_;_I8_;_LINUX_;_MOLCAS_MPP_;_GA_
Parallel: ON (GA=ON)

  |           Project: h2o
  |    Submitted from: /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a
  |      Scratch area: /tmp/gibugeor/2399572/h2o
  |   Save outputs to: /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a
  |            Molcas: /prod/apps/openmolcas/std/21.10
  | Scratch area is empty
  |    MOLCAS_DRIVER = /prod/apps/openmolcas/std/21.10/pymolcas
  |    MOLCAS_NPROCS = 1
  |    MOLCAS_SOURCE = /prod/apps/openmolcas/std/21.10
  |      MOLCAS_TRAP = OFF

++ ---------   Input file   ---------


O1   0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 Angstrom
H2   0.000000   0.756650  -0.588880 Angstrom
H3   0.000000  -0.756650  -0.588880 Angstrom



>>> COPY $Project.ScfOrb INPORB

6 0 0
2 2 1

>>> COPY $Project.JobIph S.JobIph

>>> COPY $Project.RasOrb INPORB

5 0 0
3 3 1

>>> COPY $Project.JobIph D.JobIph

>>> COPY S.JobIph JOB001

>>> COPY D.JobIph JOB002



2 1

-- ----------------------------------

--- Start Module: gateway at Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 7.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 40647

++    Symmetry information:

                    Character Table for C1 

                    a        1  x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I

++    Basis set information:

      Basis set label: O.ANO-RCC...2S1P.

      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   8.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      8.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge

      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s      14       2        X                  
         p       9       1        X                  

      Basis set label: H.ANO-RCC...1S.

      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   1.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      1.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge

      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s       8       1        X                  

++    Molecular structure info:

                    **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom **** 

     Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        1      O1               0.000000       0.000000       0.000000              0.000000       0.000000       0.000000
        2      H2               0.000000       1.429861      -1.112822              0.000000       0.756650      -0.588880
        3      H3               0.000000      -1.429861      -1.112822              0.000000      -0.756650      -0.588880

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 

               1 O1            2 H2            3 H3    
    1 O1       0.000000
    2 H2       1.811871        0.000000
    3 H3       1.811871        2.859723        0.000000

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 

               1 O1            2 H2            3 H3    
    1 O1       0.000000
    2 H2       0.958801        0.000000
    3 H3       0.958801        1.513300        0.000000

                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 H2       1 O1       3 H3       104.21
                      1 O1       2 H2       3 H3        37.89
                      1 O1       3 H3       2 H2        37.89

            Nuclear Potential Energy              9.18033588 au

--- Stop Module: gateway at Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a

--- Start Module: seward at Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 7.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 40651

               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Relativistic Douglas-Kroll-Hess integrals:
                    - Parametrization         : EXP
                    - DKH order of Hamiltonian: 2
                    - DKH order of Properties : 0
                         - multipole moment operators
                         - electric potential operators
                         - contact operators
                  Orbital angular momentum around ( 0.0000  0.0000 -0.1245 )
                  Velocity quadrupole around ( 0.0000  0.0000 -0.1245 )
                  Atomic mean-field integrals
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals

                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15

            Nuclear Potential Energy              9.18033588 au

      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions            7

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

--- Stop Module: seward at Mon Jun  3 15:35:35 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: h2o.GssOrb h2o.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a
--- Module seward spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> h2o.GssOrb
--- Start Module: scf at Mon Jun  3 15:35:35 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 7.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 40655

++    Input section:

      Header of the integral files:
       Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   O1         0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
       2   H2         0.00000000   0.75665000  -0.58888000
       3   H3         0.00000000  -0.75665000  -0.58888000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =    9.18033588

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species               1
      Frozen orbitals                0
      Occupied orbitals              5
      Secondary orbitals             2
      Deleted orbitals               0
      Total number of orbitals       7
      Number of basis functions      7

      Molecular charge                           0.000

++    Optimization specifications:

      SCF Algorithm: Conventional
      Minimized density differences are used
      Number of density matrices in core                5
      Maximum number of NDDO SCF iterations           400
      Maximum number of HF SCF iterations             400
      Threshold for SCF energy change            0.10E-08
      Threshold for density matrix               0.10E-03
      Threshold for Fock matrix                  0.15E-03
      Threshold for linear dependence            0.10E-08
      Threshold at which DIIS is turned on       0.15E+00
      Threshold at which QNR/C2DIIS is turned on 0.75E-01
      Threshold for Norm(delta) (QNR/C2DIIS)     0.20E-04
      DIIS extrapolation of the SCF procedure
      All orbitals punched on: SCFORB

      Input vectors read from INPORB
      Orbital file label: *Guess orbitals

++ Convergence information
                                   SCF        iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

Iter     Tot. SCF        One-elec.       Two-elec.     Energy      Max Dij or  Max Fij      DNorm      TNorm      AccCon     Time
         Energy          Energy          Energy        Change      Delta Norm                                                in Sec.
   1   -75.943054016  -122.891369206    37.767979313   0.00E+00    0.16E+00*   0.14E+00*    0.42E+01   0.20E+02   None         0.
   2   -75.992339936  -122.813740087    37.641064274  -0.49E-01*   0.44E-01*   0.40E-01*    0.60E+00   0.20E+02   EDIIS        0.
   3   -75.995789577  -122.807885870    37.631760416  -0.34E-02*   0.13E-02*   0.14E-01*    0.29E-01   0.20E+02   c2DIIS       0.
   4   -75.996049762  -122.805765765    37.629380126  -0.26E-03*   0.29E-03*   0.29E-03*    0.34E-02   0.20E+02   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   5   -75.996050017  -122.806154992    37.629769098  -0.26E-06*   0.23E-03*   0.12E-03     0.37E-03   0.20E+02   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   6   -75.996050078  -122.806202912    37.629816957  -0.61E-07*   0.41E-05    0.69E-05     0.58E-04   0.20E+02   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   7   -75.996050078  -122.806222612    37.629836657  -0.68E-10    0.14E-05    0.11E-05     0.15E-05   0.20E+02   QNRc2DIIS    0.

       Convergence after  7 Macro Iterations

 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                             SCF/KS-DFT Program, Final results                                             *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                       Final Results                                                       *
 *                                                                                                                           *

::    Total SCF energy                                -75.9960500783
      One-electron energy                            -122.8062226121
      Two-electron energy                              37.6298366569
      Nuclear repulsion energy                          9.1803358769
      Kinetic energy (interpolated)                    76.6369441566
      Virial theorem                                    0.9916372699
      Total spin, S(S+1)                                0.0000000000
      Total spin, S                                     0.0000000000
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element           0.0000020083
      Max non-diagonal Fock matrix element              0.0000004811

      All orbitals with orbital energies smaller than  E(LUMO)+0.5 are printed

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Title: SCF orbitals

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

          Orbital            1         2         3         4         5         6         7    
          Energy          -20.5624   -1.3714   -0.7124   -0.5852   -0.5419    0.4216    0.5941
          Occ. No.          2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    0.0000    0.0000

        1 O1     1s         1.0001   -0.0158   -0.0000    0.0255    0.0000   -0.1027   -0.0000
        2 O1     2s         0.0016    0.8431   -0.0000    0.4474    0.0000   -0.9329    0.0000
        3 O1     2px        0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    1.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000
        4 O1     2py        0.0000    0.0000    0.6654    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    1.0457
        5 O1     2pz       -0.0020   -0.1562   -0.0000    0.8377    0.0000    0.6977    0.0000
        6 H2     1s        -0.0009    0.1202    0.3897   -0.1965   -0.0000    0.8368   -0.9987
        7 H3     1s        -0.0009    0.1202   -0.3897   -0.1965    0.0000    0.8368    0.9987

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       2.0003  0.6317  0.6317
      2s       1.8494  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      2.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      1.6472  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      1.2397  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.7366  0.6317  0.6317

      N-E     -0.7366  0.3683  0.3683

      Total electronic charge=   10.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

++    Static properties:

      LoProp Charges per center

                   O1       H2       H3    
      Nuclear      8.0000   1.0000   1.0000
      Electronic  -8.5445  -0.7278  -0.7278

      Total       -0.5445   0.2722   0.2722

++    Natural Bond Order analysis
      Based on LoProp computed density
      Atom A       Atom B       Bond Order
      NBO located      0.999 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      NBO located      1.000 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      The remaining    3.511 electrons are to be considered as diffuse

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X= -7.4455E-16               Y=  8.7761E-14               Z= -2.2128E+00           Total=  2.2128E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0659
                  XX= -7.8553E+00              XY=  1.7539E-15              XZ= -9.4134E-18              YY= -5.4552E+00
                  YZ= -3.0164E-14              ZZ= -6.5968E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.8293E+00              XY=  2.6309E-15              XZ= -1.4120E-17              YY=  1.7708E+00
                  YZ= -4.5247E-14              ZZ=  5.8481E-02

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       67 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: scf at Mon Jun  3 15:35:36 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: h2o.LprOrb h2o.LoProp.molden h2o.scf.molden h2o.ScfOrb xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a

>>> COPY h2o.ScfOrb INPORB

--- Start Module: rasscf at Mon Jun  3 15:35:36 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 7.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 40660

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024

      OrdInt status: non-squared

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   O1         0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
       2   H2         0.00000000   0.75665000  -0.58888000
       3   H3         0.00000000  -0.75665000  -0.58888000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =    9.18033588

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           4
      Number of electrons in active shells       6
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals                2
      Number of active orbitals                  5
      Number of secondary orbitals               0
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                          2
      Active orbitals                            5
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              5
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                         0
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                  7

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            50
      Number of determinants                    55
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     50

++    Optimization specifications:

      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update

      The MO-coefficients are taken from the file:
      Title: SCF orbitals                                                                  

      Total molecular charge    0.00

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *

                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    5    0   -75.79393567    0.00E+00   0.41E+00*   2   6 1  0.69E-01*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    5    0   -75.80526447   -0.11E-01*  0.15E+00*   2   4 1 -0.66E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    5    0   -75.80663232   -0.14E-02* -0.60E-01    2   6 1 -0.30E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    5    0   -75.80684579   -0.21E-03*  0.25E-01    2   6 1 -0.18E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1    5    0   -75.80688150   -0.36E-04*  0.17E-01    2   6 1 -0.86E-03*  0.00   1.70    LS   YES    0:00:00
        6   1    4    0   -75.80688866   -0.72E-05*  0.39E-03    2   6 1 -0.24E-03*  0.00   1.03    QN   YES    0:00:00
        7   1    4    0   -75.80688870   -0.42E-07* -0.38E-04    2   6 1 -0.44E-04   0.00   1.18    QN   YES    0:00:00
        8   1    3    0   -75.80688871   -0.14E-08  -0.62E-05    2   6 1 -0.45E-06   0.00   1.01    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after  8 iterations
        9   1    3    0   -75.80688871   -0.11E-11  -0.62E-05    1   6 1 -0.22E-07   0.00   1.01    QN   YES    0:00:00

                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)

      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=     -76.038894
      conf/sym  11111     Coeff  Weight
             1  22200  -0.98547 0.97116
             7  2u2d0  -0.06028 0.00363
            17  u220d   0.05388 0.00290
            23  20220   0.06763 0.00457
            30  ud2ud  -0.08736 0.00763
            38  02202   0.07766 0.00603

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=     -75.574883
      conf/sym  11111     Coeff  Weight
             2  22ud0  -0.98229 0.96489
             8  2ud20   0.07147 0.00511
            18  u2dud  -0.12850 0.01651
            31  udu2d  -0.05695 0.00324
            39  02ud2   0.08345 0.00696

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.974568   1.980237   1.998610   0.023646   0.022940

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.967138   1.993671   1.000000   1.001851   0.037339

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           4
      Number of electrons in active shells       6
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals                2
      Number of active orbitals                  5
      Number of secondary orbitals               0
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                          2
      Active orbitals                            5
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              5
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                         0
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                  7

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            50
      Number of determinants                    55
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2

++    Final optimization conditions:

      Average CI energy                             -75.80688871
      RASSCF energy for state  2                    -75.57488326
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients               0.583E-05
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element    -0.616E-05
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.219E-07
      (orbital pair   1,   6 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.126E-01

      Final state energy(ies):

::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:    -76.03889416
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:    -75.57488326

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7
      Energy           -20.6297   -1.1283    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    1.9687    1.9828    1.4993    0.5169    0.0323

     1 O1     1s         1.0001    0.0046   -0.0000    0.0269    0.0000   -0.1033    0.0000
     2 O1     2s         0.0017    0.9471   -0.0000   -0.2025    0.0000   -0.9183    0.0000
     3 O1     2px        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    1.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000
     4 O1     2py        0.0000    0.0000    0.6992    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    1.0234
     5 O1     2pz       -0.0021    0.3943   -0.0000    0.7706    0.0000    0.6809   -0.0000
     6 H2     1s        -0.0011   -0.0372    0.3568   -0.2055   -0.0000    0.8424   -1.0109
     7 H3     1s        -0.0011   -0.0372   -0.3568   -0.2055    0.0000    0.8424    1.0109

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root   1) =  0.18305

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       2.0003  0.6477  0.6477
      2s       1.8598  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      1.9986  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      1.6139  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      1.2321  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.7047  0.6477  0.6477

      N-E     -0.7047  0.3523  0.3523

      Total electronic charge=   10.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X= -1.2256E-15               Y=  7.9860E-14               Z= -2.1024E+00           Total=  2.1024E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0659
                  XX= -7.8684E+00              XY=  8.5169E-16              XZ=  4.8951E-17              YY= -5.5747E+00
                  YZ= -3.0612E-14              ZZ= -6.6621E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.7500E+00              XY=  1.2775E-15              XZ=  7.3427E-17              YY=  1.6906E+00
                  YZ= -4.5919E-14              ZZ=  5.9410E-02

      LoProp population analysis for root number:  1

++    LoProp analysis:

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

++    Static properties:

      LoProp Charges per center

                   O1       H2       H3    
      Nuclear      8.0000   1.0000   1.0000
      Electronic  -8.5182  -0.7409  -0.7409

      Total       -0.5182   0.2591   0.2591

      Natural Bond Order analysis for root number:  1

++    Natural Bond Order analysis
      Based on LoProp computed density
      Atom A       Atom B       Bond Order
      NBO located      0.999 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      NBO located      0.999 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      The remaining    3.453 electrons are to be considered as diffuse


      Von Neumann Entropy (Root   2) =  1.13488

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       2.0002  0.8743  0.8743
      2s       1.9730  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      1.8922  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      1.3862  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.2515  0.8743  0.8743

      N-E     -0.2515  0.1257  0.1257

      Total electronic charge=   10.000000

      Total            charge=    0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =    0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.7035E-13               Y=  3.2452E-13               Z= -6.3886E-01           Total=  6.3886E-01
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0659
                  XX= -7.1177E+00              XY= -4.8528E-14              XZ=  1.9677E-13              YY= -7.9215E+00
                  YZ= -2.2967E-13              ZZ= -8.0757E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX=  8.8088E-01              XY= -7.2792E-14              XZ=  2.9516E-13              YY= -3.2477E-01
                  YZ= -3.4450E-13              ZZ= -5.5611E-01

      LoProp population analysis for root number:  2

++    LoProp analysis:

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

++    Static properties:

      LoProp Charges per center

                   O1       H2       H3    
      Nuclear      8.0000   1.0000   1.0000
      Electronic  -8.1008  -0.9496  -0.9496

      Total       -0.1008   0.0504   0.0504

      Natural Bond Order analysis for root number:  2

++    Natural Bond Order analysis
      Based on LoProp computed density
      Atom A       Atom B       Bond Order
      NBO located      0.994 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      The remaining    3.538 electrons are to be considered as diffuse


  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Mon Jun  3 15:35:37 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: h2o.LprOrb h2o.rasscf.molden h2o.rasscf.molden.2 h2o.rasscf.molden.1 h2o.LoProp.molden h2o.RasOrb.1 h2o.RasOrb h2o.RasOrb.2 h2o.SpdOrb.1 h2o.SpdOrb.2 xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a

>>> COPY h2o.JobIph S.JobIph

>>> COPY h2o.RasOrb INPORB

--- Start Module: rasscf at Mon Jun  3 15:35:37 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 7.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 40664

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024

      OrdInt status: non-squared

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   O1         0.00000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
       2   H2         0.00000000   0.75665000  -0.58888000
       3   H3         0.00000000  -0.75665000  -0.58888000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =    9.18033588

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           4
      Number of electrons in active shells       5
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals                2
      Number of active orbitals                  5
      Number of secondary orbitals               0
      Spin quantum number                      0.5
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                          2
      Active orbitals                            5
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              5
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                         0
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                  7

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            75
      Number of determinants                   100
      Number of root(s) required                 3
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              3
      CI roots used                              1     2     3
      weights                                0.333 0.333 0.333
      highest root included in the CI            3
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     75

++    Optimization specifications:

      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update

      The MO-coefficients are taken from the file:
      Title: RASSCF average (pseudo-natural) orbitals                                      

      Total molecular charge    1.00

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *

                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    5    0   -75.35256963    0.00E+00  -0.58E+00*   2   4 1  0.12E+00*  0.03   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    5    0   -75.45098974   -0.98E-01* -0.49E-01    2   4 1  0.15E-01*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    5    0   -75.45189545   -0.91E-03*  0.11E-01    2   4 1  0.33E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    5    0   -75.45193707   -0.42E-04*  0.22E-02    2   4 1  0.67E-03*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1    4    0   -75.45193882   -0.18E-05* -0.56E-03    2   4 1  0.14E-03*  0.00   1.26    QN   YES    0:00:00
        6   1    3    0   -75.45193890   -0.78E-07*  0.21E-05    2   6 1 -0.77E-05   0.00   1.00    QN   YES    0:00:00
        7   1    3    0   -75.45193890   -0.19E-10   0.45E-06    2   6 1 -0.13E-05   0.00   1.21    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after  7 iterations
        8   1    3    0   -75.45193890   -0.71E-12   0.45E-06    1   6 1 -0.16E-08   0.00   1.21    QN   YES    0:00:00

                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)

      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=     -75.549100
      conf/sym  11111     Coeff  Weight
             1  22u00  -0.99412 0.98827
            41  02u02  -0.07268 0.00528

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=     -75.488180
      conf/sym  11111     Coeff  Weight
             2  2u200   0.99506 0.99015
            53  0u202   0.07416 0.00550

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  3
      energy=     -75.318536
      conf/sym  11111     Coeff  Weight
             3  u2200  -0.99532 0.99066

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.983633   1.994307   1.000000   0.006063   0.015997

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.984976   0.998681   1.999248   0.003712   0.013383

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  3
      sym 1:   1.000139   1.991999   1.995430   0.005334   0.007099

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           4
      Number of electrons in active shells       5
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals                2
      Number of active orbitals                  5
      Number of secondary orbitals               0
      Spin quantum number                      0.5
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                          2
      Active orbitals                            5
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              5
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                         0
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                  7

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            75
      Number of determinants                   100
      Number of root(s) required                 3
      CI roots used                              1     2     3
      weights                                0.333 0.333 0.333
      highest root included in the CI            3
      Root passed to geometry opt.               3

++    Final optimization conditions:

      Average CI energy                             -75.45193890
      RASSCF energy for state  3                    -75.31853646
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients               0.521E-06
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.448E-06
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.161E-08
      (orbital pair   1,   6 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.182E-01

      Final state energy(ies):

::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:    -75.54910037
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:    -75.48817987
::    RASSCF root number  3 Total energy:    -75.31853646

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7
      Energy           -21.2599   -1.9043    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    1.6560    1.6609    1.6649    0.0058    0.0124

     1 O1     1s         1.0001   -0.0088    0.0000    0.0184   -0.0000   -0.1054   -0.0000
     2 O1     2s         0.0007    0.8973    0.0000    0.3942   -0.0000   -0.9060   -0.0000
     3 O1     2px        0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    1.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000
     4 O1     2py        0.0000    0.0000    0.7732   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.9688
     5 O1     2pz       -0.0014   -0.2044    0.0000    0.8796   -0.0000    0.6305    0.0000
     6 H2     1s        -0.0007    0.0687    0.2809   -0.1406    0.0000    0.8537   -1.0346
     7 H3     1s        -0.0007    0.0687   -0.2809   -0.1406    0.0000    0.8537    1.0346

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root   1) =  0.59694

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       2.0002  0.3923  0.3923
      2s       1.9287  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      1.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      1.7876  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      1.4989  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.2154  0.3923  0.3923

      N-E     -0.2154  0.6077  0.6077

      Total electronic charge=    9.000000

      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.5364E-13               Y=  3.1182E-14               Z= -3.4213E+00           Total=  3.4213E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.00000000               Y=    0.00000000               Z=   -0.71228767
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0659
                  XX= -5.8993E+00              XY= -6.4471E-14              XZ=  1.6987E-13              YY= -3.4697E+00
                  YZ=  2.0981E-14              ZZ= -5.2265E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.5512E+00              XY= -9.6707E-14              XZ=  2.5480E-13              YY=  2.0932E+00
                  YZ=  3.1471E-14              ZZ= -5.4195E-01

      Mulliken spin population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken spin population per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       0.0000 -0.0144 -0.0144
      2s       0.0001  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.9988  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz     -0.0002  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.0302  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    1.0288 -0.0144 -0.0144

      Total electronic spin=    1.000000

      LoProp population analysis for root number:  1

++    LoProp analysis:

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

++    Static properties:

      LoProp Charges per center

                   O1       H2       H3    
      Nuclear      8.0000   1.0000   1.0000
      Electronic  -7.9105  -0.5448  -0.5448

      Total        0.0895   0.4552   0.4552

      Natural Bond Order analysis for root number:  1

++    Natural Bond Order analysis
      Based on LoProp computed density
      Atom A       Atom B       Bond Order
      NBO located      0.999 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      The remaining    3.894 electrons are to be considered as diffuse


      Von Neumann Entropy (Root   2) =  0.57681

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       2.0002  0.3597  0.3597
      2s       1.8278  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      1.9992  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.9585  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      1.4950  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.2807  0.3597  0.3597

      N-E     -0.2807  0.6403  0.6403

      Total electronic charge=    9.000000

      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X= -1.1150E-13               Y= -3.5979E-14               Z= -2.9920E+00           Total=  2.9920E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=   -0.00000000               Y=   -0.00000000               Z=   -0.62292640
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0659
                  XX= -6.9675E+00              XY=  3.7264E-15              XZ= -1.7026E-13              YY= -3.2469E+00
                  YZ=  1.7793E-13              ZZ= -3.8826E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -3.4027E+00              XY=  5.5896E-15              XZ= -2.5539E-13              YY=  2.1781E+00
                  YZ=  2.6689E-13              ZZ=  1.2246E+00

      Mulliken spin population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken spin population per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       0.0000  0.0098  0.0098
      2s       0.0918  0.0000  0.0000
      2px     -0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.8583  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.0302  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    0.9803  0.0098  0.0098

      Total electronic spin=    1.000000

      LoProp population analysis for root number:  2

++    LoProp analysis:

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

++    Static properties:

      LoProp Charges per center

                   O1       H2       H3    
      Nuclear      8.0000   1.0000   1.0000
      Electronic  -7.9699  -0.5151  -0.5151

      Total        0.0301   0.4849   0.4849

      Natural Bond Order analysis for root number:  2

++    Natural Bond Order analysis
      Based on LoProp computed density
      Atom A       Atom B       Bond Order
      NBO located      0.985 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      NBO located      0.998 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      NBO located      1.000 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      The remaining    1.901 electrons are to be considered as diffuse


      Von Neumann Entropy (Root   3) =  0.56071

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  3

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       2.0002  0.3016  0.3016
      2s       1.9447  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      1.9954  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      1.7339  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.7225  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.3967  0.3016  0.3016

      N-E     -0.3967  0.6984  0.6984

      Total electronic charge=    9.000000

      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  3

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X= -1.6703E-15               Y= -3.1676E-14               Z= -3.8374E+00           Total=  3.8374E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=   -0.00000000               Y=   -0.00000000               Z=   -0.79892683
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0659
                  XX= -6.9276E+00              XY=  6.9711E-14              XZ=  3.2304E-16              YY= -1.7376E+00
                  YZ= -1.2174E-13              ZZ= -4.9886E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -3.5645E+00              XY=  1.0457E-13              XZ=  4.8455E-16              YY=  4.2204E+00
                  YZ= -1.8261E-13              ZZ= -6.5598E-01

      Mulliken spin population analysis for root number:  3

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken spin population per centre and basis function type

                O1      H2      H3    
      1s       0.0000  0.1454  0.1454
      2s       0.0034  0.0000  0.0000
      2px     -0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz     -0.0097  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.7153  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    0.7091  0.1454  0.1454

      Total electronic spin=    1.000000

      LoProp population analysis for root number:  3

++    LoProp analysis:

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

++    Static properties:

      LoProp Charges per center

                   O1       H2       H3    
      Nuclear      8.0000   1.0000   1.0000
      Electronic  -8.1255  -0.4372  -0.4372

      Total       -0.1255   0.5628   0.5628

      Natural Bond Order analysis for root number:  3

++    Natural Bond Order analysis
      Based on LoProp computed density
      Atom A       Atom B       Bond Order
      NBO located      0.999 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      NBO located      0.998 non-bonded electrons on atom O1        
      The remaining    2.788 electrons are to be considered as diffuse


  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Natural orbitals for root   3 are written to the RASORB.3 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   3 are written to the SPDORB.3 file

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Mon Jun  3 15:35:38 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: h2o.LprOrb h2o.rasscf.molden h2o.rasscf.molden.3 h2o.rasscf.molden.2 h2o.rasscf.molden.1 h2o.LoProp.molden h2o.RasOrb.1 h2o.RasOrb h2o.RasOrb.2 h2o.RasOrb.3 h2o.SpdOrb.1
           h2o.SpdOrb.2 h2o.SpdOrb.3 xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a
--- Module rasscf spent 1 second ---

>>> COPY h2o.JobIph D.JobIph

>>> COPY S.JobIph JOB001

>>> COPY D.JobIph JOB002

--- Start Module: rassi at Mon Jun  3 15:35:38 2024 ---



                       only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
                       available to each process: 7.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 40669

      *                                                                              *
      *                             General data section                             *
      *                                                                              *

   Specific data for JOBIPH file JOB001                                                                                                                          

   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024        

   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        

   STATE IRREP:                            1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                      1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                       6
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                         0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                     0
   NR OF CONFIG:                          50

   Specific data for JOBIPH file JOB002                                                                                                                          

   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Mon Jun  3 15:35:34 2024        

   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        

   STATE IRREP:                            1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                      2
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                       5
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                         0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                     0
   NR OF CONFIG:                          75

   The following data are common to all the states:
   (note: frozen counts as inactive, deleted as secondary)

      Nr of irreps: 1

                 Total     No./Irrep 
      Irrep                  1

      INACTIVE       2       2
      ACTIVE         5       5
      SECONDARY      0       0
      BASIS          7       7

      RAS1           0       0
      RAS2           5       5
      RAS3           0       0

   (Herm=Hermitian, Anti=Antihermitian, Sing=Singlet operator, Trip=Triplet operator)
     MLTPL  0   1 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  0   1 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  1   1 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  1   1 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  1   2 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  1   2 (ANTITRIP)
     MLTPL  1   3 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  1   3 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  2   1 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  2   2 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   3 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   4 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  2   5 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   6 (HERMSING)     VELOCITY   1 (ANTISING)
     ANGMOM     2 (ANTISING)     ANGMOM     3 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   1 (ANTISING)
     MLTPV  2   2 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   3 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   4 (ANTISING)
     MLTPV  2   5 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   6 (ANTISING)     AMFI       1 (ANTITRIP)
     AMFI       2 (ANTITRIP)     AMFI       3 (ANTITRIP)


  A Hamiltonian matrix computed by RASSI.

  SO coupling elements will be added.

     MLTPL  0   1 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  0   1 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  1   1 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  1   1 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  1   2 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  1   2 (ANTITRIP)
     MLTPL  1   3 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  1   3 (ANTITRIP)     MLTPL  2   1 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  2   2 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   3 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   4 (HERMSING)
     MLTPL  2   5 (HERMSING)     MLTPL  2   6 (HERMSING)     VELOCITY   1 (ANTISING)
     ANGMOM     2 (ANTISING)     ANGMOM     3 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   1 (ANTISING)
     MLTPV  2   2 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   3 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   4 (ANTISING)
     MLTPV  2   5 (ANTISING)     MLTPV  2   6 (ANTISING)     AMFI       1 (ANTITRIP)
     AMFI       2 (ANTITRIP)     AMFI       3 (ANTITRIP)


  Nr of states:                    5

   State:        1   2   3   4   5
  JobIph:        1   1   2   2   2
 Root nr:        1   2   1   2   3


  Diagonal, with energies
    -76.03889416    -75.57488326    -75.54910037    -75.48817987    -75.31853646


  Diagonal, with elements
      1.00000000      1.00000000      1.00000000      1.00000000      1.00000000

::    RASSI State    1     Total energy:    -76.03889416
::    RASSI State    2     Total energy:    -75.57488326
::    RASSI State    3     Total energy:    -75.54910037
::    RASSI State    4     Total energy:    -75.48817987
::    RASSI State    5     Total energy:    -75.31853646

      *                                                                                                  *
      *                                         Spin-free section                                        *
      *                                                                                                  *
      *                 Note: index according to input order, order according to energy.                 *
      *                                                                                                  *

  (Shifted by EMIN (a.u.) =        -76.0388941564)

 SF State       Relative EMIN(au)   Rel lowest level(eV)    D:o, cm**(-1)

     1             0.0000000000        0.0000000000              0.0000
     2             0.4640109007       12.6263798423         101838.6214
     3             0.4897937867       13.3279679100         107497.3108
     4             0.5507142903       14.9856992646         120867.8159
     5             0.7203576960       19.6019315000         158100.2398

++ Dipole transition strengths (spin-free states):
     for osc. strength at least  1.00000000E-05

      From   To        Osc. strength     Einstein coefficients Ax, Ay, Az (sec-1)    Total A (sec-1)
         1    2       4.07487840E-03  2.81891450E+07  8.45039294E-18  1.94196233E-17  2.81891450E+07
         3    4       8.65076981E-04  1.03155553E+05  6.49437054E-22  5.89662162E-21  1.03155553E+05
         4    5       1.50378452E-03  6.77256101E-21  1.39049829E+06  3.04768628E-19  1.39049829E+06

++ Velocity transition strengths (spin-free states):
     for osc. strength at least  1.00000000E-05

      From   To        Osc. strength     Einstein coefficients Ax, Ay, Az (sec-1)    Total A (sec-1)
         1    2       1.28577108E-02  8.89469176E+07  4.63106904E-18  3.03885145E-17  8.89469176E+07
         3    4       1.11036222E-01  1.32404435E+07  1.97589217E-21  4.38338449E-20  1.32404435E+07
         4    5       2.99222836E-02  1.06307088E-19  2.76681157E+07  6.78655029E-19  2.76681157E+07

++ Length and velocity gauge comparison (spin-free states):

 A comparison between the dipole oscillator strengths in 
 length and velocity gauge will be performed

     All dipole oscillator differences above the tolerance of   1.00000000E-01  will be printed 

 Due to basis set deficiency these oscillator may be problematic 

 The tolerance is defined as ABS(1-O_l/O_v) 
 O_l : dipole oscillator strength in length gauge
 O_p : dipole oscillator strength in velocity gauge

  Problematic transitions have been found

      From   To       Difference (%) Osc. st. (len.) Osc. st. (vel.)
         1    2            68.307901  4.07487840E-03  1.28577108E-02
         3    4            99.220906  8.65076981E-04  1.11036222E-01
         4    5            94.974366  1.50378452E-03  2.99222836E-02

 Number of problematic transitions =                     3


 Electric-dipole - electric-octupole not included
 Electric-dipole - magnetic-quadrupole not included

++ Dyson amplitudes (spin-free states):
     for Dyson intensities at least  1.00000000E-05

        From      To        BE (eV)       Dyson intensity
           1       3         13.328           0.93109E+00
           1       4         14.986           0.93629E+00
           1       5         19.602           0.95644E+00
           2       3          0.702           0.48976E+00

      *                                                                                                  *
      *                                         Spin-orbit section                                       *
      *                                                                                                  *

 Complex SO-Hamiltonian matrix elements over
 spin components of spin-free eigenstates (SFS):
 (In cm-1. Print threshold:      1.000 cm-1)

  I1  S1  MS1    I2  S2  MS2    Real part    Imag part      Absolute
     5  0.5 -0.5    4  0.5  0.5       -65.318         0.000        65.318
     6  0.5  0.5    3  0.5 -0.5        65.318         0.000        65.318
     7  0.5 -0.5    3  0.5 -0.5         0.000        55.370        55.370
     7  0.5 -0.5    6  0.5  0.5         0.000        48.411        48.411
     8  0.5  0.5    4  0.5  0.5         0.000       -55.370        55.370
     8  0.5  0.5    5  0.5 -0.5        -0.000        48.411        48.411

       Total energies including SO-coupling:
::    SO-RASSI State    1     Total energy:    -76.03889416
::    SO-RASSI State    2     Total energy:    -75.57488326
::    SO-RASSI State    3     Total energy:    -75.54910210
::    SO-RASSI State    4     Total energy:    -75.54910210
::    SO-RASSI State    5     Total energy:    -75.48817870
::    SO-RASSI State    6     Total energy:    -75.48817870
::    SO-RASSI State    7     Total energy:    -75.31853590
::    SO-RASSI State    8     Total energy:    -75.31853590

   Eigenvalues of complex Hamiltonian:
  (Shifted by EMIN (a.u.) =        -76.0388941564)

 SO State       Relative EMIN(au)   Rel lowest level(eV)    D:o, cm**(-1)

     1             0.0000000000        0.0000000000              0.0000
     2             0.4640109007       12.6263798423         101838.6214
     3             0.4897920591       13.3279209015         107496.9316
     4             0.4897920591       13.3279209015         107496.9316
     5             0.5507154541       14.9857309341         120868.0713
     6             0.5507154541       14.9857309341         120868.0713
     7             0.7203582597       19.6019468389         158100.3635
     8             0.7203582597       19.6019468389         158100.3635

 Weights of the five most important spin-orbit-free states for each spin-orbit state.

 SO State  Total energy (au)           Spin-free states, spin, and weights
    1         0.000000       1 0.0  1.0000    5 0.5  0.0000    4 0.5  0.0000    3 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000
    2         0.464011       2 0.0  1.0000    5 0.5  0.0000    4 0.5  0.0000    3 0.5  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000
    3         0.489792       3 0.5  1.0000    4 0.5  0.0000    5 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000
    4         0.489792       3 0.5  1.0000    4 0.5  0.0000    5 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000
    5         0.550715       4 0.5  1.0000    3 0.5  0.0000    5 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000
    6         0.550715       4 0.5  1.0000    3 0.5  0.0000    5 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000
    7         0.720358       5 0.5  1.0000    4 0.5  0.0000    3 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000
    8         0.720358       5 0.5  1.0000    4 0.5  0.0000    3 0.5  0.0000    2 0.0  0.0000    1 0.0  0.0000

      *                                                                                                  *
      *                                    Special properties section                                    *
      *                                                                                                  *

++ Dipole transition strengths (SO states):
        for osc. strength at least   1.00000000E-05

      From   To        Osc. strength     Einstein coefficients Ax, Ay, Az (sec-1)    Total A (sec-1)
         1    2       4.07487840E-03  2.81891450E+07  8.45039294E-18  1.94196233E-17  2.81891450E+07
         3    5       8.65116181E-04  1.03169942E+05  7.73451326E-02  5.89746112E-21  1.03170019E+05
         4    6       8.65116181E-04  1.03169942E+05  7.73451326E-02  5.89746112E-21  1.03170019E+05
         5    7       1.50374444E-03  2.64403783E+00  1.39044875E+06  3.04757922E-19  1.39045139E+06
         6    8       1.50374444E-03  2.64403783E+00  1.39044875E+06  3.04757922E-19  1.39045139E+06

++ Velocity transition strengths (SO states):
        for osc. strength at least   1.00000000E-05

      From   To        Osc. strength     Einstein coefficients Ax, Ay, Az (sec-1)    Total A (sec-1)
         1    2       1.28577108E-02  8.89469176E+07  4.63106904E-18  3.03885145E-17  8.89469176E+07
         3    5       1.11020151E-01  1.32397721E+07  1.16565997E+01  4.38319081E-20  1.32397837E+07
         4    6       1.11020151E-01  1.32397721E+07  1.16565997E+01  4.38319081E-20  1.32397837E+07
         5    7       2.99214857E-02  4.47926060E+01  2.76671374E+07  6.78631181E-19  2.76671822E+07
         6    8       2.99214857E-02  4.47926060E+01  2.76671374E+07  6.78631181E-19  2.76671822E+07

++ Length and velocity gauge comparison (SO states):

 A comparison between the dipole oscillator strengths in 
 length and velocity gauge will be performed

     All dipole oscillator differences above the tolerance of   1.00000000E-01  will be printed 

 Due to basis set deficiency these oscillator may be problematic 

 The tolerance is defined as ABS(1-O_l/O_v) 
 O_l : dipole oscillator strength in length gauge
 O_p : dipole oscillator strength in velocity gauge

  Problematic transitions have been found

      From   To       Difference (%) Osc. st. (len.) Osc. st. (vel.)
         1    2            68.307901  4.07487840E-03  1.28577108E-02
         3    5            99.220758  8.65116181E-04  1.11020151E-01
         4    6            99.220758  8.65116181E-04  1.11020151E-01
         5    7            94.974366  1.50374444E-03  2.99214857E-02
         6    8            94.974366  1.50374444E-03  2.99214857E-02

 Number of problematic transitions =                     5


 Electric-dipole - electric-octupole not included

++ Dyson amplitudes (SO states):
 for Dyson intensities at least   1.0000000000000001E-005

        From      To        BE (eV)       Dyson intensity
           1       3         13.328           0.93111E+00
           1       4         13.328           0.93111E+00
           1       5         14.986           0.15484E+01
           1       6         14.986           0.15484E+01
           1       7         19.602           0.95644E+00
           1       8         19.602           0.95644E+00

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  SCRATCH           0.00 .       8/      15 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   2  ANNI              0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   3  RUNFILE           0.15 .     427/    8161 .      3.0/     58.8 .       0/       0
   4  ONEINT            1.37 .       0/     826 .      0.0/    758.3 .       0/       0
   5  JOB001            1.10 .       0/      70 .      0.0/      0.3 .       0/       0
   6  JOB002            1.10 .       0/      76 .      0.0/      0.3 .       0/       0
   7  ORDINT            0.28 .       2/       6 .      0.1/      1.1 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             4.00 .     437/    9154 .      3.1/    818.8 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  SCRATCH             87.5/ 100.0
   2  ANNI                 0.0/   0.0
   3  RUNFILE             28.6/  11.7
   4  ONEINT               0.0/  97.5
   5  JOB001               0.0/  84.3
   6  JOB002               0.0/  81.6
   7  ORDINT             100.0/  66.7
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Stop Module: rassi at Mon Jun  3 15:35:38 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a

.# Happy landing! #.

    Timing: Wall=4.52 User=2.83 System=0.79


#4 2024-06-03 14:50:08

Registered: 2024-04-30
Posts: 7

Re: Plotting dyson orbitals - no DysonOrb files generated

For reference, my scratch folder only have the following files after the calculation:

-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1538 Jun  3 15:34 h2o.input
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd   567 Jun  3 15:35 submit.job
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd     0 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.err
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  3917 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.guessorb.molden
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1801 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.GssOrb
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1800 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.ScfOrb
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  3917 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.scf.molden
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  3917 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.rasscf.molden
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1812 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.LprOrb
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  3917 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.LoProp.molden
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  2503 Jun  3 15:35 xmldump
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd    15 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.status
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1835 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.SpdOrb.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1835 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.SpdOrb.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1835 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.SpdOrb.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  5506 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.rasscf.molden.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  5506 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.rasscf.molden.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  5506 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.rasscf.molden.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1855 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.RasOrb.3
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1855 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.RasOrb.2
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1855 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.RasOrb.1
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd  1879 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.RasOrb
-rw-r--r-- 1 gibugeor udgqfd 82110 Jun  3 15:35 h2o.out


#5 2024-06-03 15:48:05

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: Plotting dyson orbitals - no DysonOrb files generated

You're using an old (or unknown) version: 21.10 dirty. Use a recent version, or maybe look in the scratch directory (what you showed does not look like the scratch directory /tmp/gibugeor/2399572/h2o, but the input/submit directory /mnt/beegfs/scratch/gibugeor/molcas/dyson_test_h2o_a).


#6 2024-06-03 18:34:36

Registered: 2024-04-30
Posts: 7

Re: Plotting dyson orbitals - no DysonOrb files generated

Thank you very much! Infact I was using version 21.10. Now I changed to v24.02 and it worked!


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