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The 12th [Open]Molcas Developers' Workshop will take place in Toronto (Canada) 22-24 June, 2024.
For more info, see the Zulip channel:'.20Workshop.20.28Toronto.2C.2022-24.20June.29
Dear All,
If anyone was not able to come in person this weekend to the 12th annual OpenMolcas meeting (in Toronto), we have made the talks accessible via Zoom:
Titles of the invited talks are below:
Martin Head-Gordon (lead developer of Q-Chem): MP2 made better and faster: New developments in regularization and local correlation
David Sherrill (lead developer of Psi4): The Psi4 Software Ecosystem
Geoff Hutchison (lead developer of Avogadro and OpenBabel): Computational Chemistry and Open Source: Babel, Avogadro and the Wider Ecosystem
Ed Valeev (lead developer of libint and MPQC): Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry: research platform for the post-Moore world
Bert de Jong (lead developer of NWChem and NWChemEx): NWChemEx, moving computational chemistry to the exascale
Devin Matthews (senior dveloper of CFOUR): Recent Developments in CFOUR
Additionally, we also have a lot of amazing contributed talks on our agenda. The schedule can be found here:
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