Molcas Forum

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#1 2024-04-18 14:33:57

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,080

12th OpenMolcas Developers' Workshop

The 12th [Open]Molcas Developers' Workshop will take place in Toronto (Canada) 22-24 June, 2024.

For more info, see the Zulip channel:'.20Workshop.20.28Toronto.2C.2022-24.20June.29


#2 2024-06-22 18:01:59

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,080

Re: 12th OpenMolcas Developers' Workshop

Dear All,

If anyone was not able to come in person this weekend to the 12th annual OpenMolcas meeting (in Toronto), we have made the talks accessible via Zoom:

Titles of the invited talks are below:

Martin Head-Gordon (lead developer of Q-Chem): MP2 made better and faster: New developments in regularization and local correlation
David Sherrill (lead developer of Psi4): The Psi4 Software Ecosystem
Geoff Hutchison (lead developer of Avogadro and OpenBabel): Computational Chemistry and Open Source: Babel, Avogadro and the Wider Ecosystem

Ed Valeev (lead developer of libint and MPQC): Massively Parallel Quantum Chemistry: research platform for the post-Moore world
Bert de Jong (lead developer of NWChem and NWChemEx): NWChemEx, moving computational chemistry to the exascale
Devin Matthews (senior dveloper of CFOUR): Recent Developments in CFOUR

Additionally, we also have a lot of amazing contributed talks on our agenda. The schedule can be found here:


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