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I want to compute the value of the electric field generated by the molecule in a given point in space.
For that, I found that the RASSI module can compute the property 'EF1', which seemed exactly what I wanted.
I launched a test calculation to verify if the input was correct, but it raised the error:
WARNING: Requested integrals are missing.
Property name, and component:EF1 1 1
This record cannot be found. Some of the requested
properties cannot be computed. Suggested fix: Try
recomputing one-electron integrals with keyword
'OneOnly', and additional keywords for the
properties needed.
I redid the calculation with the 'OneOnly' keyword in SEWARD, but there was no change.
I supposed that the one-electron integrals were not computed.
I have two questions:
1) How can I make the SEWARD compute said one-electron integrals?
2) Is the EF1 property the electrical field generated by the molecule as I assumed? If so, the centers in which I can compute it
are limited to the atoms I provided in the geometry file in input or am I able to calculate it at an arbitrary point in space?
If it can be useful, here is the input of the calculation:
>>> COPY $HomeDir/molcas.JobIph JOB001
Nr of Jobs = 1 4
1 2 3 4
'EF1 1' 1
The keyword for SEWARD is EFLD, for example:
Coord = 10
C -1.03593 1.05292 0.0
C -2.33477 0.74532 0.0
H -2.66757 -0.28790 0.0
H -3.07916 1.53468 0.0
C 0.00000 0.00000 0.0
H -0.74127 2.09795 0.0
N 1.24994 0.30115 0.0
H -0.29616 -1.04567 0.0
H 1.56256 1.28304 0.0
H 1.95992 -0.44520 0.0
Basis = ANO-R1
Group = NoSym
EFld = 3
1.0 0.0 0.0
0.0 2.0 0.0
0.0 0.0 3.0
Charge = 1
Charge = 1
NActEl = 4
RAS2 = 4
StAverage = 3
Alter = 2
1 13 14
1 17 20
> copy $Project.JobIph JOB001
NrOfJobs = 1 all
Properties = 9
'EF1 1' 1
'EF1 1' 2
'EF1 1' 3
'EF1 2' 1
'EF1 2' 2
'EF1 2' 3
'EF1 3' 1
'EF1 3' 2
'EF1 3' 3
Many thanks Ignacio, it was exactly what I needed!