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I am trying to use the results from MC-PDFT in the RASSI and WFA modules. The MC-PDFT is running without problems and printing out the corrected energies, but it does not create the JOBPDFT and MCDENS files nor update the current JobIph file. So the RASSI and WFA modules take the information only from the RASSCF run.
I am using OpenMolcas v22.10, the input file is bellow:
title = RASSCF
coord =
basis = ANO-RCC-VDZP
SYMT = 0.0
grid input
end of grid input
Charge = 0
RAS2 = 6
NActEl = 4
Spin = 3
CIroot = 2 2 1
h5file = $Project.rassi.h5
When using RASSI, you have to include NROF to specify the number of JobIph files you are going to use, also, with the EJOB keyword you specify the MC-PDFT energies you are going to substitute instead of the RASSCF energies.
Something like this:
>>>COPY $CurrDir/triplet_calculation.JobIph JOB001
NROF = 1 2
1 2
MC-PDFT energy1
MC-PDFT energy2
I am encountering the same issue!
From what I understand, when using .JobIph, you are relying on the RASSCF results. However, if you intend to calculate the Oscillator Strengths, as exemple, using MCPDFT, you should use the .JobPDFT file before running RASSI, like this:
>>>COPY $CurrDir/triplet_calculation.JobPDFT JOB001
Unfortunately, in the current version (v24.06), the .JobPDFT file does not seem to be generated. Has anyone found a workaround or can confirm this behavior?
I don't see any issue. With the following input file:
Coord = 9
C 0.01123794 0.11528521 0.03174185
H 0.45737989 -0.83268891 -0.22911283
Cl 0.52115838 1.26427094 -1.22533826
C -1.50853461 -0.01013742 0.08144770
H -1.96369097 0.94050810 0.32698742
H -1.87932294 -0.33976623 -0.88019620
C 0.56185030 0.52431144 1.33873927
N 0.97353254 0.82084915 2.38274348
H -1.78681974 -0.73865819 0.83488757
Basis = ANO-RCC-MB
Group = NoSym
Spin = 1
Charge = 0
NactEl = 8
RAS2 = 7
StAv = 6
I get the following ("grep ::" on the log file):
:: RASSCF root number 1 Total energy: -631.18461081
:: RASSCF root number 2 Total energy: -630.88389586
:: RASSCF root number 3 Total energy: -630.88076101
:: RASSCF root number 4 Total energy: -630.82899212
:: RASSCF root number 5 Total energy: -630.79937643
:: RASSCF root number 6 Total energy: -630.79815680
:: RASSI State 1 Total energy: -631.18461081529756
:: RASSI State 2 Total energy: -630.88389585784205
:: RASSI State 3 Total energy: -630.88076100768421
:: RASSI State 4 Total energy: -630.82899212207803
:: RASSI State 5 Total energy: -630.79937643133997
:: RASSI State 6 Total energy: -630.79815680096556
:: Total MC-PDFT energy for state 1 -632.52297840
:: Total MC-PDFT energy for state 2 -632.25221210
:: Total MC-PDFT energy for state 3 -632.24694129
:: Total MC-PDFT energy for state 4 -632.20877005
:: Total MC-PDFT energy for state 5 -632.21052113
:: Total MC-PDFT energy for state 6 -632.20541158
:: RASSI State 1 Total energy: -632.52297840273684
:: RASSI State 2 Total energy: -632.25221209514507
:: RASSI State 3 Total energy: -632.24694129459317
:: RASSI State 4 Total energy: -632.20877005261946
:: RASSI State 5 Total energy: -632.21052112540406
:: RASSI State 6 Total energy: -632.20541158390256
Clearly, the first RASSI is reading the RASSCF energies, and the second RASSI is reading the MC-PDFT energies.
I think the OP's original problem was the missing EJOB keyword. Without EJOB, RASSI will compute all elements of the Hamiltonian matrix, that includes the state energies. But RASSI doesn't "know" anything other than plain (RAS)SCF, so it will compute just the RASSCF energies. If one wants to use other post-RASSCF (MCPDFT, CASPT2, etc.) energies, one must use EJOB or some other similar keyword.
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