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Dear Molcas and OpenMoclas users,
I would like to run a RASSI job after a RASSCF calculations, however, I need my RASSCF and RASSSI to be separated (not in the same input). From what i can find in the manual and the forum, I need to use the command "IPHN" in the RASSI module followed by the name of my JobIph file from RASSCF.
So far I have not been able to make RASSI module read a JobIph file from another RASSCF job.
In my RASSCF input I have the following line (at the end):
> copy $Project.JobIph $CurrDir/1_1.JobIph
I then copied this file as Job001 and copy this file from my current directory into my running directory in my sbatch script.
In my RASSI input I have:
Nr of JOBIPHS = 1 all
From this I get the following ouput error:
### Location: AixRd ###
### File: JOB001 ###
### ###
### ###
### Premature abort while reading buffer from disk ###
### ###
### End of file reached
So my questions is, how can I have RASSI read an external RASSCF JobIph file?
I found the anser.
I need to add:
> copy $CurrDir/JOBIPH01 JOB001
Before the &RASSI
For JOB001 ... JOB00N you don't need to use IPHNAMES, as that's the default.
Thank you Ignacio.
Another more thing, in RASSI, I know that MLTPL 1 is the dipole moment with the length gauge. So my question is: does MLTPV means the dipole moment in the velocity gauge?
MLTPV 1 would be the velocity dipole, but it doesn't exist, instead you have VELOCITY. MLTPV 2 is the velocity quadrupole, or at least something proportional to it.
Okay Thank you, that is why I could not find any detail in the code or manual then.
Could you please share the complete input with which I can do the RASSI calculation provided I have the JobIph files? What are the other files I need to run the calculation?
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