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#1 2023-05-26 11:08:13

Registered: 2023-03-15
Posts: 13

QMMD FSSH trajectory gets stuck during gradient calculation

Dear Developers,
I am performing a gas-phase SA3-CASSCF(10,10)/6-31G* trajectory propagated from S2 with a neutral derivative of Coumaric acid.
After several iterations, with no HOP from S2 to the other states, the trajectory gets stuck in ALASKA module, without throwing any
error. The calculation is still using 100% of the CPU, but it does not produce any output for hours/days, while it typically requires a few

I attach input, and last part of the output, where it gets stuck. I am using OpenMolcas version 22.10.

This is the input:


>>> COPY $InpDir/$Project.JobIph $WorkDir/JOBOLD
>>> COPY $InpDir/$ $WorkDir

coord = $
group = nosym
basis = 6-31G*

>>> FOREACH ITER in (1 .. 400)


spin = 1
charge = 0
nactel = 10 0 0
ras2 = 10
ciroot = 3 3 1
mdrlxr = 3

>>> COPY $WorkDir/$Project.JobIph $WorkDir/JOBOLD
>>> COPY $WorkDir/$Project.JobIph $InpDir/$

deco = 0.1



DT = 41.322314
VELO = 0
THER = 0

>>> COPY $WorkDir/$ $InpDir/$
>>> COPY $WorkDir/$ $InpDir/
>>> COPY $WorkDir/$ $InpDir/

>>> If ( -FILE $Project.$EST )
>>> COPY $WorkDir/$Project.$EST $InpDir
>>> EndIf

>>> If ( -FILE $Project.$EST )
>>> COPY $WorkDir/$Project.$EST $InpDir
>>> EndIf


>>> end do

This is the output:



             launched 4 MPI processes, running in PARALLEL mode (work-sharing enabled)
                       available to each process: 8.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                         master pid: 321398

 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT
 OrdInt status: non-squared

++   Wave function specifications:

     Number of closed shell electrons            108
     Number of electrons in active shells         10
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  54
     Number of active orbitals                    10
     Number of secondary orbitals                206
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               3
     States considered                             1     2     3
     Weights                                   0.333 0.333 0.333

     Symmetry species                                1
     Skiped sym. species                             0
     Frozen orbitals                                 0
     Inactive orbitals                              54
     Active orbitals                                10
     RAS1 orbitals                                   0
     RAS2 orbitals                                  10
     RAS3 orbitals                                   0
     Deleted orbitals                                0
     Number of basis functions                     270
     Number of Orbitals                            270
     Number of configurations                    19404
     Number of combinations                      31878
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -742.0566324629
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100

     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Using the Cho-MO Algorithm
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   3

  Reordering of the Cholesky vectors to full storage.
  Elapsed time for the reordering section:   9.000000000000001E-002
  CPU time for the reordering section:   9.000000000000001E-002

 TIMING INFORMATION:   CPU(s)   %CPU   Elapsed(s)
 Transformation          0.40   40.0         0.46
 Generation             28.24   90.7        31.13
 TOTAL                  28.73   90.4        31.77

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK
            1      6.255766798E-02  3.299826163E-02  1.014112259E-02  1.863459060E-04  3.315129676E-04
            2      2.131691055E-02  2.244289287E-02  7.057165709E-03  5.982137046E-05  1.166422294E-04
            3      8.596004727E-03  1.200712387E-02  5.223616961E-03  3.114110442E-05  4.001751560E-05
            4      5.242837057E-03  1.060068626E-02  3.823967765E-03  1.686970867E-05  2.653104108E-05
            5      2.619813246E-03  7.707367458E-03  2.831720588E-03  8.852375672E-06  1.283471050E-05
            6      9.948426708E-04  3.982468536E-03  2.088729551E-03  4.221802613E-06  4.013608353E-06
            7      5.398345163E-04  3.364192479E-03  1.344834287E-03  1.762903485E-06  2.705902716E-06
            8      2.419434797E-04  2.389847822E-03  8.582321034E-04  6.877894566E-07  1.315043799E-06
            9      8.623743948E-05  1.407266358E-03  5.697034365E-04  3.101862051E-07  4.036962767E-07
           10      4.285735026E-05  9.816470493E-04  3.955873087E-04  1.533592175E-07  2.014183797E-07
           11      1.951935462E-05  6.022785448E-04  2.884533982E-04  7.746106477E-08  8.412218027E-08
           12      8.652438922E-06  3.924780792E-04  1.994774913E-04  3.570957165E-08  3.591621650E-08
           13      4.250219154E-06  2.830858806E-04  1.321155987E-04  1.631228619E-08  1.887146945E-08
           14      1.655042896E-06  1.994424297E-04  8.118115794E-05  5.559229348E-09  8.141387662E-09
           15      5.650178320E-07  1.013400092E-04  5.277381143E-05  2.470048940E-09  2.207227363E-09
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in   15 steps.

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.9213E+00               Y=  9.6897E-01               Z= -1.4862E+00           Total=  2.6152E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=   32.6223   37.0409   35.0010
                  XX= -9.4312E+01              XY=  5.8165E+00              XZ=  1.8720E+00              YY= -8.9673E+01
                  YZ=  1.0203E+00              ZZ= -8.5304E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -6.8238E+00              XY=  8.7247E+00              XZ=  2.8080E+00              YY=  1.3559E-01
                  YZ=  1.5305E+00              ZZ=  6.6882E+00

      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       61 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Thu May 25 18:49:08 2023 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/carlettir/Chrom_VACUUM/Traj_nofrand_deco
--- Module mclr spent 1 minute 10 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Chrm.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Thu May 25 18:49:12 2023 ---



             launched 4 MPI processes, running in PARALLEL mode (work-sharing enabled)
                       available to each process: 8.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                         master pid: 321608

                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06

                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *

           Irreducible representation : a
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   C1           x         1     1
   2   C1           y         1     1
   3   C1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   C4           x         4     1
  11   C4           y         4     1
  12   C4           z         4     1
  13   C5           x         5     1
  14   C5           y         5     1
  15   C5           z         5     1
  16   C6           x         6     1
  17   C6           y         6     1
  18   C6           z         6     1
  19   C7           x         7     1
  20   C7           y         7     1
  21   C7           z         7     1
  22   C8           x         8     1
  23   C8           y         8     1
  24   C8           z         8     1
  25   C9           x         9     1
  26   C9           y         9     1
  27   C9           z         9     1
  28   C10          x        10     1
  29   C10          y        10     1
  30   C10          z        10     1
  31   O11          x        11     1
  32   O11          y        11     1
  33   O11          z        11     1
  34   O12          x        12     1
  35   O12          y        12     1
  36   O12          z        12     1
  37   O13          x        13     1
  38   O13          y        13     1
  39   O13          z        13     1
  40   C14          x        14     1
  41   C14          y        14     1
  42   C14          z        14     1
  43   H15          x        15     1
  44   H15          y        15     1
  45   H15          z        15     1
  46   H16          x        16     1
  47   H16          y        16     1
  48   H16          z        16     1
  49   H17          x        17     1
  50   H17          y        17     1
  51   H17          z        17     1
  52   H18          x        18     1
  53   H18          y        18     1
  54   H18          z        18     1
  55   H19          x        19     1
  56   H19          y        19     1
  57   H19          z        19     1
  58   H20          x        20     1
  59   H20          y        20     1
  60   H20          z        20     1
  61   H21          x        21     1
  62   H21          y        21     1
  63   H21          z        21     1
  64   H22          x        22     1
  65   H22          y        22     1
  66   H22          z        22     1
  67   H23          x        23     1
  68   H23          y        23     1
  69   H23          z        23     1
  70   H24          x        24     1
  71   H24          y        24     1
  72   H24          z        24     1
  73   H25          x        25     1
  74   H25          y        25     1
  75   H25          z        25     1
  76   C26          x        26     1
  77   C26          y        26     1
  78   C26          z        26     1
  79   H27          x        27     1
  80   H27          y        27     1
  81   H27          z        27     1
  82   H28          x        28     1
  83   H28          y        28     1
  84   H28          z        28     1
  85   N29          x        29     1
  86   N29          y        29     1
  87   N29          z        29     1
  88   H30          x        30     1
  89   H30          y        30     1
  90   H30          z        30     1
  91   H31          x        31     1
  92   H31          y        31     1
  93   H31          z        31     1

                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.

 RI-ERI gradients!

 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF


#2 2023-05-26 11:54:42

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: QMMD FSSH trajectory gets stuck during gradient calculation

I see you're running in parallel. Maybe one of the processes has crashed and the others are stuck waiting for it.


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