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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello all, I hope that everyone has enjoyed their holidays and is ready for the new year.
I have a question about interpreting the results of triplet photophysics calculations. More specifically, my question concerns the orbital occupancies for triplet photophysics calculations.
For reference, here is an example of singlet photophysics results. These are calculated using a four state average for singlets.
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 1
energy= -256.936704
conf/sym 11111111111 Coeff Weight
1 22222220000 -0.93955 0.88275
3 22222u2d000 -0.05921 0.00351
4 22222202000 0.06790 0.00461
6 22222022000 0.13308 0.01771
24 22222udu0d0 -0.07656 0.00586
26 22222uud0d0 -0.08615 0.00742
41 22222200020 0.09460 0.00895
43 22222020020 0.06077 0.00369
968 u2222d2u0d0 -0.07415 0.00550
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 2
energy= -256.685590
conf/sym 11111111111 Coeff Weight
2 222222ud000 -0.79376 0.63005
3 22222u2d000 -0.11288 0.01274
5 22222ud2000 0.12151 0.01476
21 222222u00d0 0.14113 0.01992
22 22222u200d0 -0.32157 0.10341
23 2222220u0d0 0.21919 0.04804
24 22222udu0d0 -0.13210 0.01745
25 2222202u0d0 -0.17482 0.03056
41 22222200020 -0.05833 0.00340
42 22222ud0020 -0.13163 0.01733
45 222220ud020 0.09640 0.00929
109 2222u220d00 -0.08141 0.00663
946 u222222d000 0.05013 0.00251
947 u22222d2000 0.08971 0.00805
948 u2222d22000 0.10896 0.01187
3606 02222222000 -0.05146 0.00265
The first printout corresponds to the first root (ground state/S0), where all of the occupied molecular orbitals have two electrons and all of the unoccupied molecular orbitals have zero electrons. This is expected in the ground state. The second printout corresponds to the transition from the ground state (first root) to the first singlet excited state (S1). Based on the weight of the CI-coefficients, we gather that this is a transition from the highest occupied molecular orbital to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital.
Now, the results for triplet photophysics are quite similar. These are calculated using a state average of one for singlets and four for triplets.
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 1
energy= -256.751714
conf/sym 11111111111 Coeff Weight
1 222222uu000 0.56328 0.31728
4 222222u00u0 0.48523 0.23545
11 22222u2u000 -0.54235 0.29415
12 22222uu2000 0.05513 0.00304
20 22222u200u0 -0.18032 0.03252
21 22222udu0u0 0.12490 0.01560
32 22222uu0020 -0.06014 0.00362
33 22222u0u020 -0.08091 0.00655
261 u222222u000 -0.08616 0.00742
270 u22222200u0 0.08921 0.00796
314 2222202u0u0 -0.08697 0.00756
315 222220u20u0 0.09930 0.00986
323 222220uu020 -0.05345 0.00286
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 2
energy= -256.722044
conf/sym 11111111111 Coeff Weight
1 222222uu000 0.54645 0.29861
4 222222u00u0 0.14107 0.01990
5 2222220u0u0 0.07300 0.00533
11 22222u2u000 0.73800 0.54465
12 22222uu2000 0.07261 0.00527
20 22222u200u0 -0.07853 0.00617
21 22222udu0u0 -0.07963 0.00634
22 22222uud0u0 -0.08920 0.00796
29 22222uuu0d0 -0.05179 0.00268
32 22222uu0020 -0.08651 0.00748
33 22222u0u020 0.11069 0.01225
261 u222222u000 -0.09387 0.00881
270 u22222200u0 -0.06578 0.00433
271 u22222du0u0 0.05617 0.00316
314 2222202u0u0 -0.07069 0.00500
323 222220uu020 -0.07196 0.00518
539 u2222d2u0u0 -0.06147 0.00378
4143 22022u2u200 -0.05027 0.00253
In comparison to the singlet results, we see two "u's" instead of a "u" and a "d". This is to account for the spin multiplicity. What I am confused about is the physical significance of these results. For singlets, we are able to assign each printout to either the ground state, or a transition from the ground state to each of the singlet excited states. It isn't possible to directly promote from the ground state to a triplet excited state -- one would instead access the triplet excited states via intersystem crossing from a singlet excited state. So, for triplet photophysics, what do the orbital occupancies indicate here?
I don't understand your confusion. Of course to pass from singlet to triplet you have to "flip" one electron. Note, however, that the orbitals in the singlet calculation are not necessarily the same (or in the same order) as in the triplet calculation, you'll have to examine the "average orbitals" in each calculation to evaluate how similar they are.
Thank you for the response.
For example, using singlet photophysics we can easily characterize an S0 -> S1 transition. For Root 2, we observe "222222ud000" having the highest coefficient. Looking at the molecular orbitals within our active space, we can gather that this transition corresponds to promotion from the highest occupied molecular orbital (say, a non-bonding lone pair orbital) to the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (say, a pi-antibonding orbital). From RASSI energies, we can assign an energy to the S0 -> S1 transition and characterize it as an n-pi* transition.
My confusion comes from what a similar triplet photophysics calculation would indicate. We can look at the molecular orbitals within our active space and characterize these transitions again. For Root 2 given that "22222u2u000" is an n-pi* transition (the lower u is an n orbital and the higher u is a pi-antibonding orbital), what is the physical significance of such a transition? If this is Root 2, would this be promotion from the T1 to T2? SOC values aside, would these photophysics calculations have any relevance to non-adiabatic molecular dynamics (if you could run them using Molcas)? Would it indicate promotion from S0 to T1 (which doesn't actually happen, as accessing triplet excited states is observed via intersystem crossing)?
If you have:
S0: 22222220000
S1: 222222ud000
T1: 22222u2u000
You could say that S0->S1 is the promotion of an electron from the 7th orbital to the 8th (whether those are HOMO/LUMO, or pi, n, etc. you can't tell from this, you have too look at the orbitals and their SCF energies). And S0->T1 is the promotion of an electron from the 6th orbital to the 8th, simultaneous with a spin flip, or S1->T1 is a promotion from 6th to 7th with spin flip.