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Dear Molcas users,
I am running a calculation on a lanthanide molecule with an ECP and in C2v symmetry using RASSCF. I have the following input:
*Alter= 1; 1 16 23
Spin = 1
Nactel = 8 2 2
Frozen = 10 5 2 5
RAS1 = 1 1 0 1
RAS2 = 4 2 1 2
RAS3 = 1 1 0 1
CIroot = 9 9 1
SYMMetry= 1
My issue is whatever I tried, I can not swap the last orbital in the active space for the A1 symmetry. I tried to use Alter for different orbitals, tried to manually change the orbital in .RasOrb file.
Any idea how swap orbital 16?
My guess is you indeed swap the orbital, but then during the orbital optimization, the orbital is rotated of the active space. This typically happens because there is no state (among the ones included in the state average) where the occupation of the orbital is significantly different from 2.0 or 0.0, and therefore there's a benefit (i.e., lower energy) if a different orbital is included in the active space.
You could try increasing the number of states in CIRoot (maybe first with CIOnly), or preventing unwanted rotations with SupSym.
Thank you Ignacio,
I will try it out to see if it helps
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