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#1 2022-06-30 08:13:31

Registered: 2022-04-09
Posts: 12

Problem in verifying calculations in openmolcas

Dear Developers!
I have installed Openmolcas in my system. I have run a couple of calculations from the examples given in the Openmolcas/test/standard/ directory of openmolcas. Now I want to verify whether my calculations are correct or not. Can you please tell me how can I check the output files so as to verify and check the reliability of the software?

I am attaching the very first calculation with this mail. Kindly help me regarding this confusion.

Thanks, regards
Kalpa Dihingia

Last edited by Kalpa (2022-06-30 08:15:53)


#2 2022-06-30 08:19:45

Registered: 2022-04-09
Posts: 12

Re: Problem in verifying calculations in openmolcas

I could not attach the files. So I have pasted the input file and the log file from the calculation.

* Molecule: H2
* Basis: DZ
* Symmetry: x y z
* SCF: conventional
*  This is a test to be run during first run to verify
*   that seward and scf works at all

H  0.350000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
H -0.350000000  0.000000000  0.000000000


 H2, DZ Basis set

 H2, DZ Basis set
 2  0 0
 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0




>>FILE checkfile
* This file is autogenerated:
* Molcas version 18.09-531-ge0632f48
* Linux serrano 3.13.0-162-generic #212-Ubuntu SMP Mon Oct 29 12:08:50 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
* Mon May 20 16:50:28 2019
#>>   1
#> POTNUC="0.755967444147"/12
#>>   2
#> POTNUC="0.755967444147"/12
#> SEWARD_MLTPL1X="0.661404143619"/5
#> SEWARD_KINETIC="1.274940945282"/5
#> SEWARD_ATTRACT="-3.352892434364"/5
#>>   3
#> SCF_ITER="5"/8
#> E_SCF="-1.122765459971"/8
#> MLTPL__0="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[0]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[1]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[2]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[0]="0.291793705303"/5
#> MLTPL__2[1]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[2]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[3]="-0.145896852652"/5
#> MLTPL__2[4]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[5]="-0.145896852652"/5
#>>   4
#> RASSCF_ITER="8"/8
#> E_RASSCF="-1.141134852209"/8
#> MLTPL__0="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[0]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[1]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[2]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[0]="0.272253078808"/5
#> MLTPL__2[1]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[2]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[3]="-0.136126539404"/5
#> MLTPL__2[4]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[5]="-0.136126539404"/5
#>>   5
#> GRAD="-0.058328849738"/6
#>>   6
#>>   7
#> E_CASPT2="-1.143847618444"/8
#> MLTPL__0="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[0]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[1]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__1[2]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[0]="0.271607431185"/5
#> MLTPL__2[1]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[2]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[3]="-0.135803715592"/5
#> MLTPL__2[4]="0.0"/5
#> MLTPL__2[5]="-0.135803715592"/5



   This run of MOLCAS is using the pymolcas driver

                             OPE          NMOL  CASOP  ENMOLC A   SO
                 OPE        NMOLC        AS  OP EN  MO LC     AS  OP
                OPENM       OL CA        SO  PE NM  OL CA     SOP EN
                OP EN      MO   LC       AS  OP ENMOL  CASO   PENMOL
                OP  EN     MO   LC       AS  OP EN     MO     LC ASO
               OP   E  NMOL  C  AS       OP  EN MO     LC     AS  OP
               OP  E   NMO   LC AS        OPEN  MO     LCASOP EN   M
               O  PEN   MO  LCA  SO
            OPE   NMO   L   CAS    OP
    OPENMOLCAS   OP           EN   MOL    CAS
    OPENMOLCAS       OP  ENM        O     LCA
    OPENMOLCAS     OP               E  N  MOL
    OPENMOLCA   SO           PENM   O  L  CAS    OPEN    MO    LCAS
    OPENMOLCA   SOP           ENM   O  L  CAS   OP  EN  MOLC  AS   O
    OPENMOLCA   SOPE           NM      O  LCA   S      OP  EN MO
    OPENMOLC                AS         O  PEN   M      OL  CA  SOPE
    OPENMO        LCASOPE  NMOL        C  ASO   P      ENMOLC     AS
    OPE     NMO      LCA  SO     P     E   NM   OL  CA SO  PE N   MO
          OPENMOLCA            SOPE   NMO        LCAS  O    P  ENMO
               OPENMOLCASOPENMOLCA        version: 22.02
                       OPE                tag: 323-gb4dcca9b9

 OpenMolcas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
 OpenMolcas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it
 is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.
 For more details see the full text of the license in the file
 LICENSE or in <[url][/url]>.

                 Copyright (C) The OpenMolcas Authors
           For the author list and the recommended citation,
                   consult the file

           * pymolcas version py2.23                       *
           *   build d53e6f8e18683222a6e02cb84ce98eb3      *
           *   (after the EMIL interpreter by V. Veryazov) *

configuration info
Host name: ethene-X9DBL-3F-X9DBL-iF (Linux)
C Compiler ID: GNU
C flags: -std=gnu99
Fortran Compiler ID: GNU
Fortran flags: -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -fmax-stack-var-size=1048576
Definitions: _MOLCAS_;_I8_;_LINUX_
Parallel: OFF (GA=OFF)

  |           Project: 000
  |    Submitted from: /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000
  |      Scratch area: /tmp/000
  |   Save outputs to: /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000
  |            Molcas: /root/qm-software/openmolcas/build
  | Scratch area is empty
  |    MOLCAS_DRIVER = /root/qm-software/openmolcas/build/pymolcas
  |    MOLCAS_NPROCS = 1
  |    MOLCAS_SOURCE = /root/qm-software/openmolcas/OpenMolcas

++ ---------   Input file   ---------


H  0.350000000  0.000000000  0.000000000
H -0.350000000  0.000000000  0.000000000


 H2, DZ Basis set

 H2, DZ Basis set
 2  0 0
 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0




-- ----------------------------------


--- Start Module: gateway at Thu Jun 30 11:52:34 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9592

      Found SYMMETRY generators: x y z

 Basis Set     1 Label: H.DZ
 Basis set is read from library:basis_library 
 Basis Set Reference(s):
     A. Schafer, H. Horn, R. Ahlrichs. J. Chem. Phys. 97 (1992) 2571-2577. doi:10.1063/1.463096
     HYDROGEN (4s) -> [2s]

  Weights used for alignment and distance                     
  mat. size =     2x    1

++    Symmetry information:

                    --- Group Generators ---
                    Reflection in the yz-plane  
                    Reflection in the xz-plane  
                    Reflection in the xy-plane  

                    Character Table for D2h

                             E   s(yz) s(xz) C2(z) s(xy) C2(y) C2(x)   i  
                    ag       1     1     1     1     1     1     1     1  
                    b3u      1    -1     1    -1     1    -1     1    -1  x
                    b2u      1     1    -1    -1     1     1    -1    -1  y
                    b1g      1    -1    -1     1     1    -1    -1     1  xy, Rz
                    b1u      1     1     1     1    -1    -1    -1    -1  z
                    b2g      1    -1     1    -1    -1     1    -1     1  xz, Ry
                    b3g      1     1    -1    -1    -1    -1     1     1  yz, Rx
                    au       1    -1    -1     1    -1     1     1    -1  I

++    Basis set information:

      Basis set label: H.AHLRICHS_VDZ....

      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   1.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      1.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge

      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s       4       2        X                  

       Label   Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr

 H1                 0.6614041436        0.0000000000        0.0000000000

++    Molecular structure info:

                    **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom **** 

     Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        1      H1               0.661404       0.000000       0.000000              0.350000       0.000000       0.000000
        2      H1              -0.661404       0.000000       0.000000             -0.350000       0.000000       0.000000

++    Isotope specification:

 Type   Z    A    mass (Da)
    1   1    1     1.007825

++    Rigid rotor info:

                    Total mass (a) :   2.01565

                    Center of mass 
                          X          Y   
                       0.00000    0.00000    0.00000

                    Reference system based on center of mass
                    Coordinates and Masses of Atoms, in au and A
                          X          Y          Z        Mass
                       0.66140    0.00000    0.00000    1.00783
                      -0.66140    0.00000    0.00000    1.00783

                    The Moment of Inertia Tensor / au
                                     X          Y        Z     
                    X             0.0000E+00
                    Y             0.0000E+00 0.1607E+04
                    Z             0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.1607E+04

                    The Principal Axes and Moments of Inertia (au)
                    Eigenvalues : 0.1607E+04 0.1607E+04 0.0000E+00
                                     X'         Y'       Z'    
                    X             0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00 0.1000E+01
                    Y             0.1000E+01 0.0000E+00 0.0000E+00
                    Z             0.0000E+00 0.1000E+01 0.0000E+00

                    The Rotational Constants
                            (cm-1)            (GHz)
                             68.272         2046.756
                             68.272         2046.756

                    *                                         *
                    * R I G I D - R O T O R   A N A L Y S I S *
                    *                                         *

                    j(Max):  5

                    Rotor Type: Linear Rotor
                    Asymmetry parameter: -1.000
                    Prolate = -1
                    Oblate  =  1

                    Rotational energies / cm-1

                    E(J= 0) =    0.000

                    E(J= 1) =  136.545

                    E(J= 2) =  409.634

                    E(J= 3) =  819.269

                    E(J= 4) = 1365.448

                    E(J= 5) = 2048.172

++    Primitive basis info:

                    ******** Primitive Basis Functions (Valence) ********

 Basis set:H.AHLRICHS_VDZ....                                                              

           No.      Exponent    Contraction Coefficients
            1  0.130107010D+02   0.019682   0.000000
            2  0.196225720D+01   0.137965   0.000000
            3  0.444537960D+00   0.478319   0.000000
            4  0.121949620D+00   0.000000   1.000000

  Number of primitives                                    8
  Number of basis functions                               4


++    SO/AO info:

                    ******** Symmetry adapted Basis Functions ********

           Irreducible representation : ag 
           Basis function(s) of irrep:                                                                                 

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
    1   H1           1s       1     1      2     1
    2   H1           *s       1     1      2     1

           Irreducible representation : b3u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x                                                                               

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
    3   H1           1s       1     1      2    -1
    4   H1           *s       1     1      2    -1

      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species        ag  b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g au 
      Basis functions           2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0

            Nuclear Potential Energy              0.75596744 au

--- Stop Module: gateway at Thu Jun 30 11:52:35 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000

--- Start Module: seward at Thu Jun 30 11:52:35 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9595

  Weights used for alignment and distance                     
  mat. size =     2x    1

               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Orbital angular momentum around ( 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )
                  Velocity quadrupole around ( 0.0000  0.0000  0.0000 )
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals

                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15

                    Unitary symmetry adaptation

++    SO/AO info:

                    ******** Symmetry adapted Basis Functions ********

           Irreducible representation : ag 
           Basis function(s) of irrep:                                                                                 

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
    1   H1           1s       1     1      2     1
    2   H1           *s       1     1      2     1

           Irreducible representation : b3u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x                                                                               

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
    3   H1           1s       1     1      2    -1
    4   H1           *s       1     1      2    -1

      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species        ag  b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g au 
      Basis functions           2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0

            Nuclear Potential Energy              0.75596744 au

      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         ag   b3u  b2u  b1g  b1u  b2g  b3g  au 
      Basis functions            2    2    0    0    0    0    0    0

  SEWARD will use a sorting area of       32768 Words(Real*8) in the first phase (=   4 bins).
  SEWARD will use a sorting area of          16 Words(Real*8) in the second phase.

 Integrals are written in MOLCAS2 format
 Packing accuracy = 0.1000E-13
 Highest disk address written      2116
 Diagonal and subdiagonal, symmetry allowed 2-el integral blocks are stored on Disk

      Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE           0.12 .    1260/    8127 .      8.7/     59.1 .       0/       0
   2  NQGRID            0.00 .       2/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   3  ONEINT            1.37 .      62/      25 .     44.6/     21.6 .       0/       0
   4  ORDINT            1.03 .      16/       8 .      2.2/      2.0 .       0/       0
   5  TEMP01            0.50 .       8/       4 .      0.5/      0.5 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             3.01 .    1348/    8164 .     56.0/     83.3 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE             28.6/  10.3
   2  NQGRID              50.0/   0.0
   3  ONEINT              95.2/  60.0
   4  ORDINT              93.8/  25.0
   5  TEMP01              87.5/  25.0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Stop Module: seward at Thu Jun 30 11:52:36 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: 000.GssOrb 000.guessorb.h5 000.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000
--- Module seward spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> 000.GssOrb
--- Start Module: scf at Thu Jun 30 11:52:36 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9598

++    Input section:

      Header of the integral files:
       Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Thu Jun 30 11:52:35 2022

 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                     H2, DZ Basis set                                                      *
 *                                                                                                                           *

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   H1         0.35000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
       2   H1        -0.35000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =    0.75596744

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species               1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                    ag b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g  au
      Frozen orbitals                0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Occupied orbitals              1   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Secondary orbitals             1   2   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Deleted orbitals               0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Total number of orbitals       2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Number of basis functions      2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0

      Molecular charge                           0.000

++    Optimization specifications:

      SCF Algorithm: Conventional
      Minimized density differences are used
      Number of density matrices in core                5
      Maximum number of NDDO SCF iterations           400
      Maximum number of HF SCF iterations             400
      Threshold for SCF energy change            0.10E-08
      Threshold for density matrix               0.10E-03
      Threshold for Fock matrix                  0.15E-03
      Threshold for linear dependence            0.10E-08
      Threshold at which DIIS is turned on       0.15E+00
      Threshold at which QNR/C2DIIS is turned on 0.75E-01
      Threshold for Norm(delta) (QNR/C2DIIS)     0.20E-04
      DIIS extrapolation of the SCF procedure
      All orbitals punched on: SCFORB

      Input vectors read from INPORB
      Orbital file label: *Guess orbitals

++ Convergence information
                                   SCF        iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

Iter     Tot. SCF        One-elec.       Two-elec.     Energy      Max Dij or  Max Fij      DNorm      TNorm      AccCon     Time
         Energy          Energy          Energy        Change      Delta Norm                                                in Sec.
   1    -1.109537658    -2.478440003     0.612934901   0.00E+00    0.14E+00*   0.77E-01*    0.84E+00   0.17E+01   None         0.
   2    -1.122331943    -2.535635855     0.657336467  -0.13E-01*   0.26E-01*   0.14E-01*    0.19E+00   0.18E+01   EDIIS        0.
   3    -1.122749890    -2.544026965     0.665309631  -0.42E-03*   0.14E-04    0.32E-02*    0.43E-02   0.18E+01   c2DIIS       0.
   4    -1.122765460    -2.545901433     0.667168529  -0.16E-04*   0.51E-05    0.54E-05     0.31E-11   0.18E+01   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   5    -1.122765460    -2.545904585     0.667171681  -0.66E-10    0.12E-05    0.10E-05     0.71E-12   0.18E+01   QNRc2DIIS    0.

       Convergence after  5 Macro Iterations

 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                             SCF/KS-DFT Program, Final results                                             *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                       Final Results                                                       *
 *                                                                                                                           *

::    Total SCF energy                                 -1.1227654600
      One-electron energy                              -2.5459045848
      Two-electron energy                               0.6671716807
      Nuclear repulsion energy                          0.7559674441
      Kinetic energy (interpolated)                     1.1300257609
      Virial theorem                                    0.9935751014
      Total spin, S(S+1)                                0.0000000000
      Total spin, S                                     0.0000000000
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element           0.0000023996
      Max non-diagonal Fock matrix element              0.0000002467

      All orbitals with orbital energies smaller than  E(LUMO)+0.5 are printed

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Title: SCF orbitals

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: ag 

          Orbital            1         2    
          Energy           -0.6058    0.4683
          Occ. No.          2.0000    0.0000

        1 H1     1s         0.5978   -0.9749
        2 H1     *s         0.2214    1.0272

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 2: b3u

          Orbital            1    
          Energy            0.2048
          Occ. No.          0.0000

        1 H1     1s         0.1880
        2 H1     *s         2.9276

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

      1s       0.7399
      *s       0.2601
      Total    1.0000

      N-E      0.0000

      Total electronic charge=    2.000000

      Total            charge=    0.000000

      Mulliken Bond Order analysis
      Only bonds with order larger than 0.500 are printed

        Atom A:Gen.   Atom B:Gen.   Bond Order
        H1    :E      H1    :x        1.000


      Expectation values of various operators

++    Molecular properties:

       0-th cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Total electronic            -2.00000000
 Total nuclear                2.00000000
 Total                        0.00000000

       1-st cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                             X               Y               Z
 Total electronic            -0.00000000     -0.00000000     -0.00000000
 Total nuclear                0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
 Total                        0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
      Total                   0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000   Debye

       2-nd cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                            XX              XY              XZ              YY              YZ              ZZ
 Total electronic            -2.01787261     -0.00000000     -0.00000000     -1.43475543     -0.00000000     -1.43475543
 Total nuclear                0.87491088      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
 Total                       -1.14296172      0.00000000      0.00000000     -1.43475543      0.00000000     -1.43475543

      Cartesian  2-pole moment: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                            XX              XY              XZ              YY              YZ              ZZ
 Total electronic            -0.58311718     -0.00000000     -0.00000000      0.29155859     -0.00000000      0.29155859
 Total nuclear                0.87491088      0.00000000      0.00000000     -0.43745544      0.00000000     -0.43745544
 Total                        0.29179371      0.00000000      0.00000000     -0.14589685      0.00000000     -0.14589685


++ Statistics and timing

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     Part of the program                              CPU    fraction
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  1) Input processing                         :      0.02      0.05
  2) Wave function optimization               :      0.09      0.24
       Line Search Iterations    (QNR steps)  :      0.00      0.00
    a ) calculation of the density            :      0.00      0.00
    b ) contraction with integrals            :      0.01      0.03
    c ) acceleration of convergence           :      0.00      0.00
          recursive BFGS         (QNR steps)  :      0.00      0.00
    d ) solution to Roothaan-Hall equations   :      0.00      0.00
    d') rotate MOs C with U      (QNR steps)  :      0.00      0.00
          U=exp(kap)                          :      0.00      0.00
    e') transf. Fck Mat. with C  (QNR steps)  :      0.00      0.00
    f ) other calculations                    :      0.00      0.00
  3) Final processing (generation of outputs) :      0.17      0.45

     T O T A L                                :      0.38
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

      Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE           0.12 .     595/    7241 .      4.1/     51.8 .       0/       0
   2  ORDINT            1.03 .       1/      21 .      0.0/      5.0 .       0/       0
   3  DNSMAT            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   4  DVXCDR            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   5  TWOHAM            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   6  GRADIENT          0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   7  SODGRAD           0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   8  SOXVEC            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   9  SODELTA           0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  10  SOYVEC            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  11  ONEINT            1.37 .       2/     157 .      1.4/    179.8 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             2.52 .     598/    7419 .      5.5/    236.6 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE             28.6/  11.9
   2  ORDINT             100.0/  23.8
   3  DNSMAT               0.0/   0.0
   4  DVXCDR               0.0/   0.0
   5  TWOHAM               0.0/   0.0
   6  GRADIENT             0.0/   0.0
   7  SODGRAD              0.0/   0.0
   8  SOXVEC               0.0/   0.0
   9  SODELTA              0.0/   0.0
  10  SOYVEC               0.0/   0.0
  11  ONEINT             100.0/  55.4
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       72 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: scf at Thu Jun 30 11:52:37 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: 000.scf.molden 000.ScfOrb 000.scf.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> 000.ScfOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Thu Jun 30 11:52:37 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9601

  Orbital specification was read from input.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: The number of inactive orbitals is zero. Do                 ###
 ###    you really want this?                                                ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Thu Jun 30 11:52:35 2022

      OrdInt status: non-squared

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   H1         0.35000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
       2   H1        -0.35000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =    0.75596744

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           0
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals                0
      Number of active orbitals                  2
      Number of secondary orbitals               2
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                                ag b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g  au
      Frozen orbitals                            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Inactive orbitals                          0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Active orbitals                            1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      RAS1 orbitals                              0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      RAS2 orbitals                              1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      RAS3 orbitals                              0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Secondary orbitals                         1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Deleted orbitals                           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Number of basis functions                  2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                             2
      Number of determinants                     2
      Number of root(s) required                 1
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              1
      CI root used                               1
      highest root included in the CI            1
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian      2

++    Optimization specifications:

      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update

      Orbitals from runfile: scf orbitals
      Detected SCF orbitals
      The MO-coefficients are taken from scf orbitals on runfile

      Total molecular charge    0.00

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *

                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        1   1    3    1    -1.12538161    0.00E+00  -0.62E+00*   1   2 2  0.75E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        2   1    3    1    -1.14032684   -0.15E-01* -0.83E-01    1   2 1  0.11E-01*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        3   1    3    1    -1.14099240   -0.67E-03* -0.36E-01    1   2 1  0.37E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        4   1    3    1    -1.14110880   -0.12E-03* -0.16E-01    1   2 1  0.13E-02*  0.00   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        5   1    3    1    -1.14113003   -0.21E-04* -0.12E-01    1   2 1  0.51E-03*  0.00   1.76    LS   YES    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        6   1    3    1    -1.14113484   -0.48E-05* -0.39E-03    1   2 1 -0.11E-03*  0.00   1.02    QN   YES    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        7   1    2    1    -1.14113485   -0.12E-07* -0.22E-04    1   2 1 -0.19E-04   0.00   1.13    QN   YES    0:00:00
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    3
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    4
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    5
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    6
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    7
 No rotations active for symmetry=                    8
        8   1    2    1    -1.14113485   -0.21E-09   0.13E-05    1   2 1 -0.32E-06   0.00   1.01    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after  8 iterations
        9   1    2    1    -1.14113485   -0.12E-12   0.13E-05    1   2 1 -0.36E-08   0.00   1.01    QN   YES    0:00:00

                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)

      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=      -1.141135
      conf/sym  1 2     Coeff  Weight
             1  2 0   0.99445 0.98892
             2  0 2  -0.10524 0.01108

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.977847
      sym 2:   0.022153

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           0
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals                0
      Number of active orbitals                  2
      Number of secondary orbitals               2
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                                ag b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g  au
      Frozen orbitals                            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Inactive orbitals                          0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Active orbitals                            1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      RAS1 orbitals                              0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      RAS2 orbitals                              1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      RAS3 orbitals                              0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Secondary orbitals                         1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Deleted orbitals                           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Number of basis functions                  2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                             2
      Number of determinants                     2
      Number of root(s) required                 1
      CI root used                               1
      highest root included in the CI            1
      Root passed to geometry opt.               1

++    Final optimization conditions:

      Average CI energy                              -1.14113485
      RASSCF energy for state  1                     -1.14113485
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients               0.494E-05
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.133E-05
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.359E-08
      (orbital pair   1,   2 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.394E-08

      Final state energy(ies):

::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:     -1.14113485

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: ag 

      Orbital                 1
      Energy             0.0000
      Occ. No.           1.9778

     1 H1     1s         0.6049
     2 H1     *s         0.2138

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 2: b3u

      Orbital                 1
      Energy             0.0000
      Occ. No.           0.0222

     1 H1     1s         1.4965
     2 H1     *s         0.3141

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root   1) =  0.08785

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

      1s       0.7520
      *s       0.2480
      Total    1.0000

      N-E     -0.0000

      Total electronic charge=    2.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Mulliken Bond Order analysis
      Only bonds with order larger than 0.500 are printed

        Atom A:Gen.   Atom B:Gen.   Bond Order
        H1    :E      H1    :x        0.958


      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1

++    Molecular properties:

       0-th cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Total electronic            -2.00000000
 Total nuclear                2.00000000
 Total                       -0.00000000

       1-st cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                             X               Y               Z
 Total electronic            -0.00000000     -0.00000000     -0.00000000
 Total nuclear                0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
 Total                        0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
      Total                   0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000   Debye

       2-nd cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                            XX              XY              XZ              YY              YZ              ZZ
 Total electronic            -2.00613500     -0.00000000     -0.00000000     -1.40347719     -0.00000000     -1.40347719
 Total nuclear                0.87491088      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
 Total                       -1.13122412      0.00000000      0.00000000     -1.40347719      0.00000000     -1.40347719

      Cartesian  2-pole moment: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                            XX              XY              XZ              YY              YZ              ZZ
 Total electronic            -0.60265780     -0.00000000     -0.00000000      0.30132890     -0.00000000      0.30132890
 Total nuclear                0.87491088      0.00000000      0.00000000     -0.43745544      0.00000000     -0.43745544
 Total                        0.27225308      0.00000000      0.00000000     -0.13612654      0.00000000     -0.13612654


      Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file


  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                                    time    fraction
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  1) Input section                         :        0.24        0.30
     - Input processing                    :        0.24        0.30
     - Create GUGA tables                  :        0.00        0.00
     - Create determinant tables           :        0.00        0.00
  2) Wave function optimization            :        0.28        0.35
     - transformation section              :        0.00        0.00
       . AO=>MO integral transformation    :        0.00        0.00
       . Fock-matrix generation            :        0.00        0.00
     - CI optimization                     :        0.19        0.24
       . construct Hdiag                   :        0.00        0.00
       . construct Hsel                    :        0.00        0.00
       . Davidson diagonalization          :        0.00        0.00
         .. sigma vector generation        :        0.00        0.00
            |-> aa/bb 1-electron           :        0.00        0.00
            |-> aa/bb 2-electron           :        0.00        0.00
            \-> alpha-beta                 :        0.00        0.00
                |-> C prefetch             :        0.00        0.00
                |-> matrix multiply        :        0.00        0.00
                \-> S scatter              :        0.00        0.00
         .. HCSCE                          :        0.00        0.00
         .. page_in/page_out               :        0.00        0.00
       . density matrix generation         :        0.11        0.14
            |-> aa/bb 1-electron           :        0.00        0.00
            |-> aa/bb 2-electron           :        0.00        0.00
            \-> alpha-beta                 :        0.00        0.00
     - orbital optimization                :        0.06        0.08
  3) Output section                        :        0.28        0.35
     - Create/update the file RELAX        :        0.06        0.07
     - Create/update the file RUNFILE      :        0.00        0.00
     - Create/update the file JOBIPH       :        0.22        0.28

  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
     Total                                 :        0.80        0.00
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE           0.12 .     868/    7733 .      6.0/     56.1 .       0/       0
   2  ONEINT            0.00 .       0/     176 .      0.0/    148.7 .       0/       0
   3  ORDINT            0.00 .       0/      49 .      0.0/     12.0 .       0/       0
   4  TRAINT            0.00 .      12/       9 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   5  TEMP01            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   6  TEMP02            0.00 .      29/      24 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   7  JOBIPH            0.00 .     131/      56 .      8.5/      0.1 .       0/       0
   8  CIDIA             0.00 .     460/     460 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   9  LUCVECT           0.00 .     456/     456 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  10  HCFILE            0.00 .     456/    1226 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  11  LUSC1             0.00 .     738/    1638 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  12  LUSC2             0.00 .     266/     624 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  13  LUSC3             0.00 .     152/     152 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  14  LUSC34            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  15  LUSC35            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  16  LUSC36            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  17  LUSC37            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  18  LUSC38            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  19  LUSC39            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  20  LUSC40            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  21  LUMOUT            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             0.13 .    3568/   12603 .     14.5/    217.0 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE             28.6/  10.8
   2  ONEINT               0.0/  79.5
   3  ORDINT               0.0/  24.5
   4  TRAINT              91.7/ 100.0
   5  TEMP01               0.0/   0.0
   6  TEMP02              96.6/ 100.0
   7  JOBIPH              92.4/ 100.0
   8  CIDIA                2.4/   2.6
   9  LUCVECT              2.4/   2.6
  10  HCFILE               2.4/   2.8
  11  LUSC1                2.4/   3.2
  12  LUSC2                2.3/   2.9
  13  LUSC3                2.0/   2.6
  14  LUSC34               0.0/   0.0
  15  LUSC35               0.0/   0.0
  16  LUSC36               0.0/   0.0
  17  LUSC37               0.0/   0.0
  18  LUSC38               0.0/   0.0
  19  LUSC39               0.0/   0.0
  20  LUSC40               0.0/   0.0
  21  LUMOUT               0.0/   0.0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Stop Module: rasscf at Thu Jun 30 11:52:38 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: 000.rasscf.molden 000.RasOrb 000.RasOrb.1 000.rasscf.h5 000.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> 000.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Thu Jun 30 11:52:38 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9604

                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06

                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *

           Irreducible representation : ag 
           Basis function(s) of irrep:                                                                                 

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   H1           x         1     1      2    -1

           Irreducible representation : b3u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x                                                                               

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   2   H1           x         1     1      2     1

           Irreducible representation : b2u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: y                                                                               

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   3   H1           y         1     1      2     1

           Irreducible representation : b1g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: xy, Rz                                                                          

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   4   H1           y         1     1      2    -1

           Irreducible representation : b1u
           Basis function(s) of irrep: z                                                                               

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   5   H1           z         1     1      2     1

           Irreducible representation : b2g
           Basis function(s) of irrep: xz, Ry                                                                          

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   6   H1           z         1     1      2    -1

                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.

 *                                                                                                            *
 *                                     The Nuclear Repulsion Contribution                                     *
 *                                                                                                            *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1               -5.71486776610364E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1                5.71486776610364E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

 *                                                                                                            *
 *                                         Total Nuclear Contribution                                         *
 *                                                                                                            *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1               -5.71486776610364E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1                5.71486776610364E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

 *                                                                                                            *
 *                                      The Renormalization Contribution                                      *
 *                                                                                                            *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1                2.14318718399706E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1               -2.14318718399706E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

 *                                                                                                            *
 *                                      The Kinetic Energy Contribution                                       *
 *                                                                                                            *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1               -3.56079338033516E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1                3.56079338033516E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

 *                                                                                                            *
 *                                    The Nuclear Attraction Contribution                                     *
 *                                                                                                            *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1                1.46916674239416E+00    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1               -1.46916674239416E+00    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

 Conventional ERI gradients!

 Wavefunction type: CASSCF  

 *                                                                                                            *
 *                                         Two-electron Contribution                                          *
 *                                                                                                            *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1               -3.85610759088339E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1                3.85610759088339E-01    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *

  Irreducible representation: ag 
                              X                       Y                       Z
  H1               -5.83288497377642E-02    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00
  H1                5.83288497377642E-02    0.00000000000000E+00    0.00000000000000E+00

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE           0.13 .      77/    2594 .      0.5/     18.6 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             0.13 .      77/    2594 .      0.5/     18.6 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE             28.6/  11.6
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
--- Stop Module: alaska at Thu Jun 30 11:52:38 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> 000.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Thu Jun 30 11:52:38 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9607

++       Slapaf input parameters:

 Maximum number of iterations:              2000
 Convergence test a la Schlegel.
 Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 3.0E-04
 Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 3.0E-04
 Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.0E+00
 Parameters for step-restricted optimization
 Maximum step length (initial seed):       3.00E-01

 -RFO activated with parameters:
   Maximum number of data points used in RFO:      5
 Line search is performed

 -Optimization for minimum.
  Optimization method: RS-RFO.

 -Initial Hessian guessed by Hessian Model Function (HMF).
  HMF augmented with weak interactions.

 -Hessian update method: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
  Maximum number of points in Hessian update:  5

 -Relaxation will be done on non-redundant internal coordinates, based on
  force constant weighted redundant internal coordinates.

 Header from ONEINT:
 *           *
 *           *
 *           *
 *           *

 Symmetry Distinct Nuclear Coordinates / bohr

     ATOM                     X                   Y                   Z

     H1               0.6614041436        0.0000000000        0.0000000000

++ Internal coordinate section

  Auto-Defined Internal coordinates
  Primitive Internal Coordinates:
b001 = Bond H1 H1(X)                                                            
  Internal Coordinates:
q001 = 1.00000000 b001                                                          

  Number of redundant coordinates:                    1

 * Statistics of the internal coordinates *
 Translations and Rotations:         0
 Bonds                     :         1
 Angles                    :         0
 Torsions                  :         0
 Out-of-plane angles       :         0

 * Value of internal forces *
 nrc001     0.05833

 -- First iteration no line search

 New Cartesian coordinates were found in 2 Newton-Raphson iterations.

*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1     -1.14113485  0.00000000 0.082489  0.058329 nrc001   0.118829  nrc001       -1.14460044 RS-RFO  None      0    

       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 5.9415E-02  1.2000E-03     No    + 8.2489E-02  3.0000E-04     No    +
 + Max + 5.9415E-02  1.8000E-03     No    + 5.8329E-02  4.5000E-04     No    +

 Convergence not reached yet!


++ Geometry section

  Geometrical information of the new structure

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  H1               0.720819        0.000000        0.000000

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  H1               0.381441        0.000000        0.000000

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 

               1 H1            2 H1    
    1 H1       0.000000
    2 H1       1.441638        0.000000

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 

               1 H1            2 H1    
    1 H1       0.000000
    2 H1       0.762882        0.000000
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Thu Jun 30 11:52:39 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: 000.geo.molden 000.slapaf.h5 000.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> 000.RasOrb
--- Start Module: caspt2 at Thu Jun 30 11:52:39 2022 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                                             pid: 9610

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Thu Jun 30 11:52:35 2022

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   H1         0.35000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
       2   H1        -0.35000000   0.00000000   0.00000000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =    0.75596744

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons           0
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max number of electrons in RAS3 space      0
      Number of inactive orbitals                0
      Number of active orbitals                  2
      Number of secondary orbitals               2
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
      Number of CSFs                             2
      Number of root(s) available                1
      Root passed to geometry opt.               1
      A file JOBMIX will be created
      This is a CASSCF or RASSCF reference function

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8
                                                ag b3u b2u b1g b1u b2g b3g  au
      Frozen orbitals                            0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Inactive orbitals                          0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Active orbitals                            1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Secondary orbitals                         1   1   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Deleted orbitals                           0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
      Number of basis functions                  2   2   0   0   0   0   0   0

++    CASPT2 specifications:

      Type of calculation                        SS-CASPT2
      Fock operator                              state-specific
      IPEA shift                                 0.25
      Real shift                                 0.00
      Imaginary shift                            0.00
      The input orbitals will be transformed to quasi-canonical

 Estimated memory requirements:
  POLY3 :                   250056
  RHS:                      250026
  SIGMA :                   250016
  PRPCTL:                   250448
 Available workspace:    230392763

  Heff[1] in the original model space basis:
   1       -1.14113485

++ CASPT2 computation for group   1

 Multi-State initialization phase begins for group   1
 TRAONE OrdInt status: non-squared

 Fock matrix couplings

                 |    1 > 
 <    1 |      -1.16815566

  The internal wave function representation has been changed to use quasi-canonical orbitals:
  those which diagonalize the Fock matrix within inactive-inactive,
  active-active and virtual-virtual submatrices.

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Title:  Quasi-canonical orbitals

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: ag 

          Orbital            1         2    
          Energy           -0.5981    0.4696

        1 H1     1s         0.6049   -0.9704
        2 H1     *s         0.2138    1.0288

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 2: b3u

          Orbital            1         2    
          Energy            0.6711    0.6155

        1 H1     1s         1.4965   -1.1430
        2 H1     *s         0.3141    3.7156

 Compute H0 matrices for state    1

  With new orbitals, the CI array is:
  Occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling
  of open shells. (u,d: Spin up or down).
  SGUGA info is (Midvert:IsyUp:UpperWalk/LowerWalk)
        Conf  SGUGA info        Occupation    Coefficient         Weight
           1  ( 1:1:   1/   1)   2 0             0.994446       0.988924
           2  ( 3:1:   1/   1)   0 2            -0.105245       0.011076

  Constructing G3/F3
   memory avail:      1.843135832 GB
   memory used:       0.000000112 GB
  Sym:   1, #Tasks:      3
  Sym:   2, #Tasks:      2
  Sym:   3, #Tasks:      0
  Sym:   4, #Tasks:      0
  Sym:   5, #Tasks:      0
  Sym:   6, #Tasks:      0
  Sym:   7, #Tasks:      0
  Sym:   8, #Tasks:      0
 H0 matrices have been computed.


 Computing the S/B matrices

  Construct S matrices

  Construct B matrices

  Find transformation matrices to eigenbasis of block-diagonal part of H0.
  Eliminate linear dependency. Thresholds for:
   Initial squared norm  :  0.1000E-09
   Eigenvalue of scaled S:  0.1000E-07

  Condition numbers are computed after diagonal scaling and after removal of
  linear dependency. Resulting sizes, condition numbers, and times:
    CASE(SYM)       NASUP       NISUP      NINDEP     COND NR  CPU (s)
   VJTU  (1)            4           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (2)            4           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTU  (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (1)            2           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (2)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIP (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (1)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (2)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJTIM (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   ATVX  (1)            4           1           1    0.0            0
   ATVX  (2)            4           1           1    0.0            0
   ATVX  (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   ATVX  (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   ATVX  (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   ATVX  (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   ATVX  (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   ATVX  (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (1)            4           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (2)            4           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   AIVX  (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (1)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (2)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIP (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (1)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (2)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   VJAIM (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (1)            2           2           1    0.0            0
   BVATP (2)            1           1           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATP (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (1)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (2)            1           1           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BVATM (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (1)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (2)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATP (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (1)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (2)            1           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (3)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (4)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (5)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (6)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (7)            0           0           0    0.0            0
   BJATM (8)            0           0           0    0.0            0

  Total nr of CASPT2 parameters:
   Before reduction:          14
   After  reduction:           4

 Computing the right-hand side (RHS) elements
  Using conventional MKRHS algorithm

 The contributions to the second order correlation energy in atomic units.
  IT.      VJTU        VJTI        ATVX        AIVX        VJAI        BVAT        BJAT        BJAI        TOTAL       RNORM  
   1     0.000000    0.000000   -0.000000    0.000000    0.000000   -0.002704    0.000000    0.000000   -0.002704    0.001083
   2     0.000000    0.000000   -0.000000    0.000000    0.000000   -0.002713    0.000000    0.000000   -0.002713    0.000022


  Correlation energy /Case, /Symm, and sums:
 VJTU      0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 VJTIP     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 VJTIM     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 ATVX      0.00000000 -0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00000000
 AIVX      0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 VJAIP     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 VJAIM     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 BVATP    -0.00271277  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00271277
 BVATM     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 BJATP     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 BJATM     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 BJAIP     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 BJAIM     0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000
 Summed:  -0.00271277 -0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000  0.00000000 -0.00271277

      Reference energy:          -1.1411348522
      E2 (Non-variational):      -0.0027127728
      E2 (Variational):          -0.0027127662
      Total energy:              -1.1438476184
      Residual norm:              0.0000001943
      Reference weight:           0.99879

      Contributions to the CASPT2 correlation energy
      Active & Virtual Only:         -0.0027127728
      One Inactive Excited:           0.0000000000
      Two Inactive Excited:           0.0000000000

++ Denominators, etc.
 Report on small energy denominators, large coefficients, and large energy contributions.
  The ACTIVE-MIX index denotes linear combinations which gives ON expansion functions
  and makes H0 diagonal within type.
  DENOMINATOR: The (H0_ii - E0) value from the above-mentioned diagonal approximation.
  RHS VALUE  : Right-Hand Side of CASPT2 Eqs.
  COEFFICIENT: Multiplies each of the above ON terms in the first-order wave function.
 Thresholds used:
         Denominators: 0.3000
         Coefficients: 0.0250
 Energy contributions: 0.0050

BVATP    1  Mu1.0001  Se1.002 Se1.002               2.23232697     -0.07576923      0.03394328     -0.00257186

 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: Computing approximated density.                             ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  The active/active submatrices of the density
  matrix is roughly approximated only.
 * TypeIndex information is IGNORED *

      Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  The CASPT2 orbitals are computed as natural orbitals of a density matrix
  defined as:
   D = (D0 + D1 + D2)/<PSI|PSI>
 where D0..D2 are zeroth..2nd order contributions
 and |PSI> is the total wave function.
 A new RasOrb file named PT2ORB is prepared.

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Title: Output orbitals from CASPT2

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: ag 

          Orbital            1         2    
          Occ. No.          1.9755    0.0023

        1 H1     1s         0.6051   -0.9703
        2 H1     *s         0.2136    1.0288

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 2: b3u

          Orbital            1    
          Occ. No.          0.0221

        1 H1     1s         1.4810
        2 H1     *s         0.3641

      Mulliken population Analysis:

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

      1s       0.7516
      *s       0.2484
      Total    1.0000

      N-E     -0.0000

      Total electronic charge=    2.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Mulliken Bond Order analysis
      Only bonds with order larger than 0.500 are printed

        Atom A:Gen.   Atom B:Gen.   Bond Order
        H1    :E      H1    :x        0.955


      Expectation values of various properties:

++    Molecular properties:

       0-th cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Total electronic            -2.00000000
 Total nuclear                2.00000000
 Total                       -0.00000000

       1-st cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                             X               Y               Z
 Total electronic            -0.00000000     -0.00000000     -0.00000000
 Total nuclear                0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
 Total                        0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
      Total                   0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000   Debye

       2-nd cartesian moments: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                            XX              XY              XZ              YY              YZ              ZZ
 Total electronic            -2.01126714     -0.00000000     -0.00000000     -1.40796369     -0.00000000     -1.40796369
 Total nuclear                0.87491088      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000      0.00000000
 Total                       -1.13635626      0.00000000      0.00000000     -1.40796369      0.00000000     -1.40796369

      Cartesian  2-pole moment: origin at (  0.00000000,  0.00000000,  0.00000000)
 Component                            XX              XY              XZ              YY              YZ              ZZ
 Total electronic            -0.60330345     -0.00000000     -0.00000000      0.30165173     -0.00000000      0.30165173
 Total nuclear                0.87491088      0.00000000      0.00000000     -0.43745544      0.00000000     -0.43745544
 Total                        0.27160743      0.00000000      0.00000000     -0.13580372      0.00000000     -0.13580372



                         cpu time  (s)  wall time (s) 
                         -------------  ------------- 

  Group initialization            0.00          0.01
  - Fock matrix build             0.00          0.01
  - integral transforms           0.00          0.00
  State initialization            0.00          0.00
  - density matrices              0.00          0.00
  CASPT2 equations                0.01          0.02
  - H0 S/B matrices               0.00          0.00
  - H0 S/B diag                   0.00          0.01
  - H0 NA diag                    0.00          0.00
  - RHS construction              0.00          0.00
  - PCG solver                    0.01          0.01
    - scaling                     0.00          0.00
    - lin. comb.                  0.01          0.01
    - inner products              0.00          0.00
    - basis transforms            0.00          0.00
    - sigma routines              0.00          0.00
  - array collection              0.00          0.00
  Properties                      0.22          0.25
  Gradient/MS coupling            0.00          0.00
 Total time                       0.23          0.28


  Total CASPT2 energies:
::    CASPT2 Root  1     Total energy:     -1.14384762

  Relative CASPT2 energies:
 Root          (a.u.)       (eV)    (cm^-1)   (kJ/mol)
    1      0.00000000       0.00        0.0       0.00

  I. General I/O information
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name          Flsize      Write/Read            MBytes           Write/Read
                      (MBytes)       Calls              In/Out           Time, sec.
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE           0.64 .      98/    4242 .      0.7/     30.0 .       0/       0
   2  LUSOLV            0.00 .       4/       5 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   3  LUSBT             0.00 .      22/     190 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   4  LUHLF1            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   5  LUHLF2            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   6  LUHLF3            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   7  DRARR             0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   8  DRARRT            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
   9  RHS_01            0.00 .       3/      15 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  10  RHS_02            0.00 .      44/      89 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  11  RHS_03            0.00 .      28/      56 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  12  RHS_04            0.00 .      47/      93 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  13  RHS_05            0.00 .      75/      71 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  14  RHS_06            0.00 .       3/       3 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  15  H0T_01            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  16  H0T_02            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  17  H0T_03            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  18  H0T_04            0.00 .       0/       0 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  19  LUDMAT            0.00 .       7/       7 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  20  LUCIEX            0.00 .       2/       6 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  21  MOLONE            0.00 .       5/       2 .      0.0/      0.0 .       0/       0
  22  MOLINT            0.03 .      26/      25 .      0.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  23  ORDINT            1.03 .       1/      11 .      0.0/      2.5 .       0/       0
  24  JOBIPH            1.09 .       0/      35 .      0.0/      1.1 .       0/       0
  25  ONEINT            1.37 .       0/     118 .      0.0/    143.3 .       0/       0
  26  JOBMIX            1.09 .      31/       0 .      1.1/      0.0 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   *  TOTAL             5.25 .     396/    4968 .      1.9/    176.9 .       0/       0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  II. I/O Access Patterns
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  Unit  Name               % of random
                         Write/Read calls
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
   1  RUNFILE             28.6/  12.9
   2  LUSOLV              75.0/ 100.0
   3  LUSBT               90.9/  83.2
   4  LUHLF1               0.0/   0.0
   5  LUHLF2               0.0/   0.0
   6  LUHLF3               0.0/   0.0
   7  DRARR                0.0/   0.0
   8  DRARRT               0.0/   0.0
   9  RHS_01              66.7/ 100.0
  10  RHS_02              79.5/  84.3
  11  RHS_03              89.3/  92.9
  12  RHS_04              76.6/  87.1
  13  RHS_05              82.7/  77.5
  14  RHS_06               0.0/  33.3
  15  H0T_01               0.0/   0.0
  16  H0T_02               0.0/   0.0
  17  H0T_03               0.0/   0.0
  18  H0T_04               0.0/   0.0
  19  LUDMAT              14.3/  28.6
  20  LUCIEX               0.0/ 100.0
  21  MOLONE              40.0/ 100.0
  22  MOLINT              11.5/  92.0
  23  ORDINT             100.0/  36.4
  24  JOBIPH               0.0/  94.3
  25  ONEINT               0.0/  53.4
  26  JOBMIX              96.8/   0.0
  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       56 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: caspt2 at Thu Jun 30 11:52:39 2022 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: 000.caspt2.molden 000.Pt2Orb xmldump
    saved to directory /home/kalpa/kalpa/openmolcas-test/output/standard/000

.# Happy landing! #.

    Timing: Wall=4.78 User=2.71 System=0.55


#3 2022-06-30 08:30:44

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: Problem in verifying calculations in openmolcas

Run "pymolcas verify"


#4 2022-07-02 09:02:14

Registered: 2022-04-09
Posts: 12

Re: Problem in verifying calculations in openmolcas

Dear Sir, Thanks for your response. I did this step (pymolcas verify) and successfully completed and did a couple of calculations also. But I need the examples(both input and output) to cross-check whether my calculations are running correctly or not.


#5 2022-07-04 08:32:22

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: Problem in verifying calculations in openmolcas

"pymolcas verify" is supposed to do the cross-check for you, if it ran successfully, you can be reasonably sure your installation is correct. If it said something like "no tests to run", you probably haven't installed the tetst, set INSTALL_TESTS=ON in the cmake command, or run "pymolcas verify" from the build directory (not the install directory).


#6 2022-07-05 07:54:50

Registered: 2022-04-09
Posts: 12

Re: Problem in verifying calculations in openmolcas

Okay, sir!
Thank you so much for your kind help and response smile


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