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#1 2022-06-13 20:14:29

Registered: 2022-03-01
Posts: 5

About scanning in different coordinate and file saving

Hi, I just have a question about scanning coordinate. In this example, it does a "relaxed" scan:

> FOREACH D in (60,62,64,66)
    d = Dihedral C1 N2 N3 C4
    d = $D
  End of Constraints

  > END DO

If I remove the while loop, does that mean I have done a rigid scan? (I previously asked question about scan ( and I get reply that it is not possible to do rigid scan, but I didn't understand why)

Also, during the function, the different outreach calculation overwrite the former one (e.g. one single molden file will be output since former files with different value are overwritten) I tried to set up $MOLCAS_SAVE as:

>>> FOREACH D IN (2.2,3.2,4.2)

>>> EXPORT MOLCAS_SAVE = pyrrole_$D



However, it still overwrite the file for different D value. Do you know how to save different file for single input file?

Last edited by jiang663 (2022-06-14 02:54:00)


#2 2022-06-14 08:03:19

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: About scanning in different coordinate and file saving

jiang663 wrote:

If I remove the while loop, does that mean I have done a rigid scan? (I previously asked question about scan ( and I get reply that it is not possible to do rigid scan, but I didn't understand why)

No, it won't, it will just perform 4 identical single-point calculations. The reason is that the constraints block does not change the geometry, only SLAPAF does, and does it in a "little by little" way, trying to minimize the energy at the same time as fulfilling the constraints.

Do you know how to save different file for single input file?

MOLCAS_SAVE only takes the values INCR or ORIG (or unset), see … -variables. You could try MOLCAS_SAVE=INCR, or setting MOLCAS_OUTPUT instead (not 100% sure it will work), or manually copy the file(s) you want, e.g.

  > END DO
  > COPY $ pyrrole_$


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