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This is my first time using SINGLE_ANISO function. It requires an input for ANGM keyword in SEWARD. I would like to project using Yb+3, F=7/2 ground state to get J projected states eventually for a certain transition. Therefore, how do I find the ANGM number to use as input? Is it crystal-field dependent, and if so, should I get it from my previous CASSCF/CASPT2/RASSI-SOC calculations? Or is it well-known in literature for Yb+3?
I read this paper here:
https://chemistry-europe.onlinelibrary. … .201605102
But got confused.
Last edited by chemphys (2022-03-14 20:50:16)
ANGM in SEWARD (or GATEWAY) requires the origin for angular momentum. If you have a single metal center, the only thing that makes sense is probably the nuclear coordinates of the metal, if you have a polyinuclear complex/cluster, you'd have to test/decide/choose. By default ANGM is enabled with the origin in the center of mass, so you probably don't need to add it.
Thank you! Right now I have spin-orbit splitting states (8 states, -7/2 to 7/2 split into 16 states). What is the proper MLTP input to project these into the | JM > basis?
gives incorrect (includes first 8/16), and
also only computes the first 8 states instead of full 16.
What is the correct input for this projection?
Pages: 1