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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Dear all:
I am doing CASSCF calculation on some Ln compound.
I use ANO-RCC basis set and cholesky decomposition
of 2-e integrals. However, the calculation quit at the
SEWARD module and the error message is something
like "too negative diagonal elements".
I searched the mannual and find that this could be that
the default value (1.0d-2) of SPAN factor for Cholesky
decomposition is too low. Thus I want to increase this
value and I add the following in the &SEWARD
However the MOLCAS quit immediately and showing that
the input file is error. I also tried to use only one line of
"span=1.0d-1" or "span=0.1". But they are all te same.
I don't know what the problem is. Please give me a hand.
Please show your complete input and error.