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#1 2021-04-01 20:22:09

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 86

Mirrored (flipped) Molcas banner [LIKELY SOLVED]

Dear Users,

I'm having the following weird issue of the flipped banner. 
I'm certain that the very same binaries used to print the correct logos (I did not recompile).
Also, sha256sum shows that pymolcas used is not only the same as in the install dir, but also the same as on different machines.
Thus, it has not been compromized.

Is it known and is it harmful?

Thank you.

Edit: it's an April Fools easter egg, isn't it? Thanks for 30 min of my life I'm never getting back.

             OS   A CLOMNE  POSAC  LOMN          EPO
             PO  SA     CL OM  NE PO  SA        CLOMN        EPO
             NE POS     AC LO  MN EP  OS        AC LO       MNEPO
             LOMNEP   OSAC  LOMNE PO  SA       CL   OM      NE PO
             OSA CL     OM     NE PO  SA       CL   OM     NE  PO
             PO  SA     CL     OM NE  PO       SA  C  LOMN  E   PO
             M   NE POSACL     OM  NEPO        SA CL   OMN   E  PO
                                              OS  ACL  OM   NEP  O
                                            PO    SAC   L   OMN   EPO
                                        EPOSAC   LOMNE     POSAC  LOMNEPO
                                     EPOSACLOM   NEPOSACLOMNEPOS   ACLOMNEPO
                                    SAC    LOM   NE           PO   SACLOMNEPO
                                    ACL     O        MNE  PO       SACLOMNEPO
                                    OMN  E  P     OSACLOM  NEPO    SACLOMNEPO
                                    LOM  N  E               PO     SACLOMNEPO
              SACL    OM    NEPO    SAC  L  O   MNEP           OS   ACLOMNEPO
             O   SA  CLOM  NE  PO   SAC  L  O   MNE           POS   ACLOMNEPO
                 OM NE  PO      S   ACL  O      MN           EPOS   ACLOMNEPO
              EPOS  AC  LO      M   NEP  O         SA                CLOMNEPO
             SA     CLOMNE      P   OSA  C        LOMN  EPOSACL        OMNEPO
             OM   N EP  OS AC  LO   MN   E     P     OS  ACL      OMN     EPO
              OMNE  P    O  SACL        OMN   EPOS            ACLOMNEPO
                         11.91 :noisrev        ACLOMNEPOSACLOMNEPO
                     9988287dg-593 :gat                EPO

           ti yfidom ro/dna ti etubirtsider nac uoy ;erawtfos eerf si sacloMnepO
           .1.2 noisrev esneciL cilbuP lareneG resseL UNG eht fo smret eht rednu
            ti tub ,lufesu eb lliw ti taht epoh eht ni detubirtsid si sacloMnepO
              .seitnarraw deilpmi ro sserpxe yna tuohtiw dna "si sa" dedivorp si
                   elif eht ni esnecil eht fo txet lluf eht ees sliated erom roF
                                   .>/sesnecil/gro.ung.www//:ptth< ni ro ESNECIL

                            srohtuA sacloMnepO ehT )C( thgirypoC
                     ,noitatic dednemmocer eht dna tsil rohtua eht roF
                              dm.SROTUBIRTNOC elif eht tlusnoc

           * pymolcas version py2.08                       *
           *   build 83f43cd7b222183af8015a3fe5cfd2eb      *
           *   (after the EMIL interpreter by V. Veryazov) *

Or, with a different version:

                    OS   A CLOMNE  POSAC  LOMN          EPO
                    PO  SA     CL OM  NE PO  SA        CLOMN        EPO
                    NE POS     AC LO  MN EP  OS        AC LO       MNEPO
                    LOMNEP   OSAC  LOMNE PO  SA       CL   OM      NE PO
                    OSA CL     OM     NE PO  SA       CL   OM     NE  PO
                    PO  SA     CL     OM NE  PO       SA  C  LOMN  E   PO
                    M   NE POSACL     OM  NEPO        SA CL   OMN   E  PO
                                                     OS  ACL  OM   NEP  O
                                                   PO    SAC   L   OMN   EPO
                                               EPOSAC   LOMNE     POSAC  LOMNEPO
                                            EPOSACLOM   NEPOSACLOMNEPOS   ACLOMNEPO
                                           SAC    LOM   NE           PO   SACLOMNEPO
                                           ACL     O        MNE  PO       SACLOMNEPO
                                           OMN  E  P     OSACLOM  NEPO    SACLOMNEPO
                                           LOM  N  E               PO     SACLOMNEPO
                     SACL    OM    NEPO    SAC  L  O   MNEP           OS   ACLOMNEPO
                    O   SA  CLOM  NE  PO   SAC  L  O   MNE           POS   ACLOMNEPO
                        OM NE  PO      S   ACL  O      MN           EPOS   ACLOMNEPO
                     EPOS  AC  LO      M   NEP  O         SA                CLOMNEPO
                    SA     CLOMNE      P   OSA  C        LOMN  EPOSACL        OMNEPO
                    OM   N EP  OS AC  LO   MN   E     P     OS  ACL      OMN     EPO
                     OMNE  P    O  SACL        OMN   EPOS            ACLOMNEPO
                                20.12 :noisrev        ACLOMNEPOSACLOMNEPO
                     ytrid-590480e33g-053 :gat                EPO

                  ti yfidom ro/dna ti etubirtsider nac uoy ;erawtfos eerf si sacloMnepO
                  .1.2 noisrev esneciL cilbuP lareneG resseL UNG eht fo smret eht rednu
                   ti tub ,lufesu eb lliw ti taht epoh eht ni detubirtsid si sacloMnepO
                     .seitnarraw deilpmi ro sserpxe yna tuohtiw dna "si sa" dedivorp si
                          elif eht ni esnecil eht fo txet lluf eht ees sliated erom roF
                                          .>/sesnecil/gro.ung.www//:ptth< ni ro ESNECIL

                                   srohtuA sacloMnepO ehT )C( thgirypoC
                            ,noitatic dednemmocer eht dna tsil rohtua eht roF
                                     dm.SROTUBIRTNOC elif eht tlusnoc

           * pymolcas version py2.06                       *
           *   build a12492bece6459f7ebb9ae950bea0b30      *
           *   (after the EMIL interpreter by V. Veryazov) *

Last edited by andrewshyichuk (2021-04-01 20:28:49)


#2 2021-04-02 08:12:23

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: Mirrored (flipped) Molcas banner [LIKELY SOLVED]


#3 2021-04-02 11:06:52

Registered: 2020-02-13
Posts: 86

Re: Mirrored (flipped) Molcas banner [LIKELY SOLVED]

I must admit, that I overreacted yesterday. As of now, I'm having some good laughs every time I think of it. It's a great joke smile


#4 2021-04-08 16:08:36

Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 129

Re: Mirrored (flipped) Molcas banner [LIKELY SOLVED]

I introduced this mirror joke in something like 2002.. And it still confuses new users smile


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