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Is it correct to compare the calculations with same active space size but different orbitals?
Yes, as long as the model remains consistent: same basis set, same active space, same level shift (if any), same frozen orbitals (if any) and so on ...
Thank you Niko for your reply.
I guess 'same active space' implies size. Am I correct?
Actually I wanted to compare two calculations.
One active space involves a C-H bond whereas the other does not. But the size of active space remains the same.
I guess 'same active space' implies size. Am I correct?
Actually I wanted to compare two calculations.
One active space involves a C-H bond whereas the other does not. But the size of active space remains the same.
Actually the size matters, but not only: the orbitals have to keep the same electronic character. In other words, if you want to describe a C-H bond, hence using the corresponding sigma and sigma* orbitals, you need to include them in all your calculations.
Thanks for your kind reply
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