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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello,
I need some help running a calculation with symmetry properties. For later using of the output I need to spefify all the atoms in a specfic order. So I can not mix the order between different atoms in the input file.
Now I want to define e.g. Naphthalene and want to make use of its D2h symmetry. If I define it with the "Native input" I can only insert the ones which are not equal due to symmetry. This could give me problems with my programm which deals with the molcas output.
Basis set
* C positions
C1 -0.0000 0.7055 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C2 -0.0000 -0.7055 0.0000 /Angstrom
C3 1.2444 1.3949 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C4 1.2444 -1.3949 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C5 -1.2444 1.3949 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C6 -1.2444 -1.3949 0.0000 /Angstrom
C7 2.4202 0.7094 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C8 2.4202 -0.7094 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C9 -2.4202 0.7094 0.0000 /Angstrom
*C10 -2.4202 -0.7094 0.0000 /Angstrom
end of basis
Basis set
* H positions
H3 1.2424 2.4772 0.0000 /Angstrom
*H4 1.2424 -2.4772 0.0000 /Angstrom
*H5 -1.2424 2.4772 0.0000 /Angstrom
*H6 -1.2424 -2.4772 0.0000 /Angstrom
H7 3.3612 1.2430 0.0000 /Angstrom
*H8 3.3612 -1.2430 0.0000 /Angstrom
*H9 -3.3612 1.2430 0.0000 /Angstrom
*H10 -3.3612 -1.2430 0.0000 /Angstrom
end of basis
If I switch to the XYZ input format this is working. However here it looks like I cannot make use of the keyword "Cartesian(all)" as possible in the "Native Format". Is there an option to add this one here? I also need the "Cartesian Gaussian representation" for using the output in my calculation.
C1 0.000000 0.716253 0.000000 /Angstrom
C2 0.000000 -0.716253 0.000000 /Angstrom
C3 1.241539 1.403577 0.000000 /Angstrom
C4 -1.241539 -1.403577 0.000000 /Angstrom
C5 -1.241539 1.403577 0.000000 /Angstrom
C6 1.241539 -1.403577 0.000000 /Angstrom
C7 2.432418 0.707325 0.000000 /Angstrom
C8 -2.432418 -0.707325 0.000000 /Angstrom
C9 -2.432418 0.707325 0.000000 /Angstrom
C10 2.432418 -0.707325 0.000000 /Angstrom
H1 1.240557 2.492735 0.000000 /Angstrom
H2 -1.240557 -2.492735 0.000000 /Angstrom
H3 -1.240557 2.492735 0.000000 /Angstrom
H4 1.240557 -2.492735 0.000000 /Angstrom
H5 3.377213 1.246082 0.000000 /Angstrom
H6 -3.377213 -1.246082 0.000000 /Angstrom
H7 -3.377213 1.246082 0.000000 /Angstrom
H8 3.377213 -1.246082 0.000000 /Angstrom
I could change my program to make the first option work, but this would take time. Is there a way to combine the two things I want to have (all atoms ordered and cartesian gaussian rep.)?
Many Thanks so far.
Last edited by moev96 (2020-11-02 12:54:55)
Hmm... Even if you use the XYZ format, Gateway might change the order (in general) because it internally converts to the native format. You can find in the WorkDir a file called "coord.input" that contains the "native" input generated from the "xyz" input. But at least with the latest OpenMolcas I get exactly the same ordering with both your inputs.
Alternatively, since you are apparently defining you own basis set, you could probably add/modify the file basistype.tbl and set the "contraction" type of your basis to SEC instead of SEG or CCC
Great thanks. Then I have to deal with this.
I also need to ask here again. I tried to change the basistype.tbl and changed the type to SEC (also tried SEG, no change) as you recommended in order to use cartesian gaussian basis set. However the logfile only returns spherical functions. How could I fix this?
I added the following line to the basisset.tbl: CC-PVDZ1 SEC AE_ NRH
Best and thanks,
Last edited by moev96 (2021-01-29 14:58:49)
You must be changing a file in wrong directory (or using an old [Open]Molcas version). Make sure you change the file $MOLCAS/basis_library/basistype.tbl, where the location of $MOLCAS is whatever you are using, and you can see it in the header of your output files.
Thanks for your answer.
I am using molcas Version 8.4 patch level 05
I looked in the log file to check if I change the file in the right directory. However nothing is changing in the calculations.
Moreover if I define my own basisset folder and do not add a basistype.tbl file, molcas also recognizes that this file is missing. If I than add this file with the same option for the basis set this warning dissapears. But with both methods nothing changes and molcas still uses spherical basis set.
Setting SEC in basistype.tbl is only supported in recent OpenMolcas versions, as far as I know.
Ok thank you. For me it looks like molcas just ignores what I define in the basistype file.