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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello,
I'm trying to calculate the D-tensor of a series of organic molecules in their triplet state using OpenMolcas. From reading the manual it seems I need to use the SINGLE_ANISO module, however I'm not sure whether this type of calculation is only suitable for metal complexes with strong spin-orbit coupling.
For instance, I already carried out similar calculations in Orca and I've noticed the spin-orbit contribution for the systems I'm studying is - as expected - basically zero, and the only contributions are spin-spin in nature.
Could you please point me towards the correct use of the SINGLE_ANISO module for Zero Field Splitting calculations in organic triplets?
Hello Luca,
I may be wrong, but I think spin-spin interactions are not implemented.
Ignacio, can anybody confirm that?
General information on SINGLE_ANISO is there in the manual, and also in this long thread on the forum.
Hi Luca and nikolay:
I noticed that this thread is about D and E tensors, so I thought its reasobale to ask a question here.
Spin-orbit energy levels from D and E tensor:
I have Ho3+ based lanthanide complex of S=8, for which I have computed D and E tensor using &Single_aniso by providing following input:
Then I set-up a Hamiltonian as described in output:
H_zfs^{2}= D * [S_{Za}^2 - S*(S+1)/3] + E * [S_{Xa}^2 - S_{Ya}^2]
After providing the D and E values from the output and diagonalizing the above Hamiltonian, the Eigen-values for this Hamiltonian is different than the Spin-orbit energy levels.
But when I set-up a crystal field Hamiltonian and privided the Crystal-Field parameters from the output the Spin-orbit energy matches.
I am wondering why I can not produce Spin-orbit energy levels from D and E tensor?
Hi amanuv,
I thought it should give the same (relative) eigenvalues within the multiplet.
How much are the differences?
I also don't really understand why do you use quax=2 ?
Thanks for quick response,
First, by using quax=2, I was trying to control the quantization axis.
The difference between eigen-values are about 100 cm-1 which is huge. I am using Mathemtica to diagonalize the Hamiltonian.
I am using Following operators:
J = DiagonalMatrix[{a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a, a,
Jz = DiagonalMatrix[{8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8}];
Jp = DiagonalMatrix[{4, Sqrt[30], Sqrt[42], 2 Sqrt[13], 2 Sqrt[15], Sqrt[66], Sqrt[70], 6 Sqrt[2], 6 Sqrt[2], Sqrt[70], Sqrt[66], 2 Sqrt[15], 2 Sqrt[13], Sqrt[42], Sqrt[30], 4}, 1];
Jn = DiagonalMatrix[{4, Sqrt[30], Sqrt[42], 2 Sqrt[13], 2 Sqrt[15], Sqrt[66], Sqrt[70], 6 Sqrt[2], 6 Sqrt[2], Sqrt[70], Sqrt[66], 2 Sqrt[15], 2 Sqrt[13], Sqrt[42], Sqrt[30], 4}, -1];
HD = DD*(Jz.Jz - 1/3 (J.J + J)) + EE*((Jp.Jp + Jn.Jn)/2);
I dont know, how can I import my Mathematica file here. Or If you prefer, I can send you by email.
Thanks in advance.
Hi again nikolay,
I think, I figured out why D and E are insufficient to produce Spin-orbit energy levels. I learned from following paper that:
“In the case of relatively weak spin-orbit coupling the zero-field splitting can be described in the second order perturbation theory after spinorbit coupling leading to the following ZFS Hamiltonian in the crystal field approximation”
In my case Spin-orbit coupling is very strong that’s why I need higher-order crystal-field parameters (B44, B66).
Thanks for your help.