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I am attempting to install the GRID_IT submodule with OpenMolcas.
I've followed the instructions given in the manual, and in my directory/bin, grid_it.exe does exist. During the compilation, I've also checked that grid_it was enabled.
However, upon running a calculation, there is an error message "Requested module not available" in the section where &GRID_IT was supposed to be.
May I know how should I fix this?
Thank you,
That could be a missing grid_util.prgm grid_it.prgm in the data directory. Try rerunning "cmake .", "make" (and "make install" if you did).
Indeed, the grid_util.prgm is missing. I've tried running "cmake .", "make" and "make install" again but it has still not been installed. However, grid_util_obj has been built during "make install". Is there another way to get grid_util.prgm installed?
You could manually run:
cpp -P -Isrc/Driver src/grid_util/grid_it.prgm.src grid_it.prgm
and move the file with the rest. Did you get any warning message when running cmake? Try with a clean build directory.
There were warning messages similar to the one below. I don't think this affects the grid_it installation though.
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(278): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
write (LU,'(5(2X,E10.4E2))')
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(285): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
write (LU,'(5(2X,E10.4E2))')
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(301): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
write (LU,'(10(2X,E10.4E2))')
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(313): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
write (LU,'(10(2X,E10.4E2))')
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(340): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
write (LU,'(5(2X,E10.4E2))')
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(349): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
write (LU,'(5(2X,E10.4E2))')
/scratch/hynl2/OpenMolcas/src/rassi/ntocalc.f(540): remark #8293: Recommended relationship between field width 'W', the number of fractional digits 'D' and the number of exponential digits 'E' in this edit descriptor is 'W>=D+E+5'.
Checking the build/CMakeFiles/grid_util_obj.dir/src/grid_util/ directory, the only available files are
charge_grid_it.f.o fmove.f.o grid_it.f.o moeval.f.o soadpt.f.o
. grid_it.prgm.src is not found.
EDIT: I've found it in OpenMolcas/src/grid_util. However, this gives me the grid_it.prgm when I'm missing the grid_util.prgm.
Last edited by Nick (2020-05-26 10:32:21)
My bad, I meant grid_it.prgm all along.
grid_it.prgm has been installed, but the grid_it module is still not found during the calculations.
Are you sure you are using the installed version of OpenMolcas? Check the log file, after the banner, is the directory in "Molcas:" the right one?
Yes, the directory in "Molcas: " is the same as the directory defined for CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX.
EDIT: Thanks for your help, this program has been resolved after another re-installation (not sure what happened)
Last edited by Nick (2020-05-26 13:51:40)
Pages: 1