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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".The molcas 8.0 manual states that the ground state should be computed firstly and then go to the excited-state, example is as follows. For my system I want to let a n orbital of carbonyl in the active space, however, in the situation of ciroot "1 1 1", I could not place n orbital in the active orbital, although I have exchange the orbital. so I want to know keyword ciroot value in the first RASSCF module if it must be "1 1 1", can I use "2 2 1" or "3 3 1"?
Title= Acrolein molecule
coord =; basis = STO−3G; group= c1
PCM−model; solvent= water
End of RF−input
Spin= 1; Nactel= 6 0 0; Inactive= 12; Ras2= 5
CiRoot= 1 1 1
Multistate= 1 1
Spin= 1; Nactel= 6 0 0; Inactive= 12; Ras2= 5
CiRoot= 5 5 1
RFRoot= 5
Multistate= 1 5
You can use state-average, but make sure you specify "RFRoot = 1" to equilibrate the solvent with the ground state (or your initial state if different).
Thanks a lot for your reply, Ignacio.