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I found the convergence of QMMM calculations very difficult, especially when calculating intersections. The same QM is easy to converge in the gas phase.
Is there any good solution?
Here comes my input file and key associated with QMMM setup.
external = tinker
* The QM/MM electrostatics interactions are computed according to the ESPF method
* Currently only this method is available together with Molcas
* The MM microiteration scheme is enabled
* The other option in OFF
Energy Grad Grad Step Estimated Geom Hessian
Iter Energy Change Norm Max Element Max Element Final Energy Update Update Index
1 -2020.58389244 0.00000000 0.198798 0.089489 lnm186 0.077591 lnm034 -2020.60179847 RS-RFO None 0
2 -2020.60742720 -0.02353475 0.117549 0.065210 lnm189 -0.063602 lnm038 -2020.61429036 RS-RFO BFGS 0
3 -2020.61465479 -0.00722759 0.120438 0.067009 lnm187 -0.074994 lnm018 -2020.61796169 RS-RFO BFGS 0
4 -2020.61345075 0.00120404 0.066719 -0.032284 lnm187 -0.073535 lnm003 -2020.61474311 RS-RFO BFGS 0
5 -2020.61876628 -0.00531553 0.051496 -0.027902 lnm187 -0.120692 lnm017 -2020.62105378 RS-RFO BFGS 0
6 -2020.61137482 0.00739146 0.085768 0.033120 lnm187 0.071167 lnm029 -2020.61564490 RS-RFO BFGS 0
7 -2020.61853287 -0.00715805 0.050765 0.020879 lnm190 0.136195 lnm027 -2020.62344730 RS-RFO BFGS 0
8 -2020.61090571 0.00762716 0.098328 0.051182 lnm187 0.072466 lnm064 -2020.61420561 RS-RFO BFGS 0
9 -2020.61718610 -0.00628038 0.045825 -0.021443 lnm191 -0.183267 lnm030 -2020.62362902 RS-RFO BFGS 0
10 -2020.60581608 0.01137001 0.075106 -0.027831 lnm149 0.106706 lnm063 -2020.61255726 RS-RFO BFGS 0
11 -2020.61781297 -0.01199689 0.053534 0.019422 lnm190 -0.261346 lnm042 -2020.63026195 RS-RFO BFGS 0
12 -2020.60086112 0.01695185 0.123546 0.062193 lnm187 0.129196 lnm065 -2020.60840338 RS-RFO BFGS 0
13 -2020.61311702 -0.01225590 0.054188 -0.024069 lnm191 0.205911* lnm065 -2020.62083561 RS-RFO BFGS 0
14 -2020.61175410 0.00136293 0.077820 0.034644 lnm190 -0.103623 lnm042 -2020.61821663 RS-RFO BFGS 0
15 -2020.61902110 -0.00726700 0.039310 -0.020331 lnm187 -0.030601 lnm030 -2020.61982723 RS-RFO BFGS 0
16 -2020.62060318 -0.00158208 0.049509 -0.030462 lnm187 0.087295 lnm018 -2020.62260748 RS-RFO BFGS 0
17 -2020.60704755 0.01355563 0.165233 0.090734 lnm187 0.056966 lnm027 -2020.61370624 RS-RFO BFGS 0
18 -2020.61861298 -0.01156544 0.040054 0.018983 lnm191 0.041265 lnm001 -2020.61918633 RS-RFO BFGS 0
19 -2020.61864474 -0.00003176 0.115463 0.066551 lnm187 0.023325 lnm003 -2020.61926221 RS-RFO BFGS 0
20 -2020.61851035 0.00013439 0.028511 -0.011222 lnm187 -0.030795 lnm001 -2020.61898581 RS-RFO BFGS 0
21 -2020.62084231 -0.00233196 0.112813 0.066784 lnm187 0.086835 lnm003 -2020.62189536 RS-RFO BFGS 0
22 -2020.61462922 0.00621309 0.058472 0.019927 lnm063 0.055428 lnm033 -2020.61689466 RS-RFO BFGS 0
The QM/MM geometry optimization convergence may be improved by using both the Cartesian and the rHidden keywords in Slapaf, see … iterations
Hope this helps
Hi, niko. Thanks for your reply. I have already used Cartesian and the rHidden keywords in Slapaf. I am wondering if there are hydrogen bonds between QM and MM regions that affect the convergence.
You may try to find which atoms carry the largest gradient components.
Also, if your molecular system includes one or several link atoms, be sure to include (at least) the corresponding frontier MM atoms in the Tinker QMMM list. If not, the Morokuma scheme is useless.
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