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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Dear Molcas experts,
I try to do qmmm calculations. I am exploring the QMMM interface code of openmolcas and tinker. I find QMMM-SCALE and CASROOT keywords in the code file qmmmsetup.f
When I calculate excited-states, should I use CASROOT keyword, what value should I use of QMMM-SCALE?
c Is there any QM/MM scale factor ?
else if (keyword(1:11) .eq. 'QMMM-SCALE ') then
read(string,*,err=10,end=10) qmmmscale,casroot
10 if (casroot .gt. 0) then
write (iout,11) qmmmscale,casroot
11 format(/,' Initial QM/MM scale factor:' ,f7.3,
& ' for QM state ',i2)
else if (casroot .lt. 0) then
write (iout,12) qmmmscale,abs(casroot)
12 format(/,' Constant QM/MM scale factor: ',f7.3,
& ' for QM state ',i2)
write (iout,13) qmmmscale
13 format(/,' Constant QM/MM scale factor: ',f7.3)
end if
if (qmmmscale .le. 0.0d0) call fatal
end if
This keyword has been introduced for a very specific purpose: scaling the casscf energy and gradient to approximate the corresponding caspt2 values, as originally proposed in PNAS 104 (2007) 7764. I won't recommend using this keyword, unless you already map casscf and caspt2 energy surfaces along your reaction coordinate(s).
Thank you !