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Dear all,
I am new to MOLCAS and I have a few questions regarding RASSI.
1. What is the difference between Dipole transition strengths and Velocity transition strengths? It seems that Velocity transition strengths have more transitions. I also have the following problematic transitions. How to fix them?
Problematic transitions have been found
From To Difference (%) Osc. st. (len.) Osc. st. (vel.)
1 3 2.92597307E+03 1.46543431E-01 4.84285311E-03
1 4 6.64231197E+04 6.27576361E-01 9.43395865E-04
1 5 4.08509395E+03 1.44468430E-01 3.45197579E-03
1 6 6.59642641E+03 7.52411350E-02 1.12360131E-03
1 7 1.41504350E+04 2.65485367E-01 1.86299833E-03
1 8 --------------- 2.01091635E-04 below threshold
1 9 1.34571652E+04 4.44563085E-01 3.27917435E-03
2 3 1.37303374E+04 4.23237366E-01 3.06020999E-03
2 4 --------------- 2.47198162E-02 below threshold
2 5 3.56528607E+03 1.33771083E-01 3.64967647E-03
2 6 2.87207377E+03 1.54981881E-01 5.21460411E-03
2 7 5.10917270E+04 5.04321757E-02 9.85162617E-05
2 8 2.27836827E+03 8.15141215E-02 3.42731285E-03
2 9 --------------- 2.19976874E-04 below threshold
3 4 4.95839688E+02 9.07561761E-02 1.52316433E-02
3 5 --------------- 1.60522986E-05 below threshold
3 6 6.82272198E+02 3.23120546E-02 4.13053854E-03
3 7 4.23012077E+01 9.57746159E-03 1.65990677E-02
3 8 8.56758686E+01 4.80407247E-04 3.35383160E-03
3 9 4.61267377E+03 9.73984568E-02 2.06673454E-03
4 6 2.39252672E+04 9.61169655E-02 4.00066167E-04
4 7 5.14254381E+04 1.87236892E-01 3.63387288E-04
4 8 4.56142612E+02 1.66418042E-03 2.99236272E-04
4 9 2.76523806E+05 7.00452100E-01 2.53214686E-04
5 6 --------------- below threshold 4.28296115E-04
5 7 --------------- below threshold 6.64989546E-05
5 8 3.14596762E+03 1.08354473E-01 3.33812550E-03
5 9 3.26249615E+03 1.06134937E-01 3.15643298E-03
6 7 9.83345104E+01 1.27437767E-04 7.65166999E-03
6 8 3.37041344E+03 1.32935788E-01 3.83054614E-03
6 9 3.12175866E+03 4.96575605E-02 1.54131845E-03
7 8 2.03694151E+01 2.95438578E-04 3.71011438E-04
7 9 1.34914021E+03 7.19291017E-02 4.96357091E-03
2. How to plot the absorption spectrum from RASSI result?
I write a code to read the following data and the '++ Dipole transition strengths ' part. I plot the absorption spectrum with the energy from 'Rel lowest level' column and the 'osc. strength' column from '++ Dipole transition strengths'? Is it the right way to do it?
(Shifted by EVAC (a.u.) = -7159.9652382578)
SF State Relative EVAC(au) Rel lowest level(eV) D:o, cm**(-1)
1 0.0000000000 0.0000000000 0.0000
2 0.3705486971 10.0831436364 81326.0387
3 9.1885937463 250.0343714112 2016663.2253
4 9.5913129239 260.9929184108 2105049.8683
5 11.2925771979 307.2866772929 2478434.2177
6 11.3194018559 308.0166134171 2484321.5497
7 11.4983300401 312.8854973053 2523591.7469
8 20.4662626953 556.9153745885 4491825.4606
9 20.8399783665 567.0846959789 4573846.5697
Dipole (should be "length") and velocity oscillator strengths are two different approximations to compute oscillator strengths, see e.g. The length version seems to be more commonly, but there's indication that the velocity one tends to be more accurate. "Problematic" transitions are just those for which length and velocity give significantly different results, you may be able to reduce the different by enlarging the basis set.
As for the spectrum, yes, you take the energy difference between states and the oscillator strength (length or velocity). Or you can maybe use
Thanks a lot!
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