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Dear All
Few problems facing with openmolcas
I used the command
>>export MOLCASmem=10240
>>export MOLCAS_NPROCS=2
but the following message is obtain for every module (SCF,GATEWAY SEWard RASSCF)
only a single process is used
available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread?
2. SCF converges for smaller basis set but when I used bigger basis functions (small basis aug-cc-pvdz bigger aug-cc-pvtz)
6 -874.291162489 -1647.256189599 550.012376323 -0.77E-01* 0.55E-01* 0.10E+00* 0.20E+01 0.31E+03 EDIIS 26.
7 -874.309238202 -1649.927296028 552.665407038 -0.18E-01* 0.44E-01* 0.47E-01* 0.33E+00 0.31E+03 EDIIS 26.
8 -874.313830839 -1648.831964099 551.565482472 -0.46E-02* 0.18E-01* 0.27E-01* 0.12E+00 0.31E+03 EDIIS 27.
Fermi aufbau procedure completed!
nOcc= 25
--- Stop Module: scf at Wed Feb 27 16:52:03 2019 /rc=-1 ---
*** files: dmds.ScfOrb dmds.scf.h5 xmldump
saved to directory /afs/
--- Module scf spent 5 minutes 2 seconds ---
Thanks in advance for any help
It's MOLCAS_MEM, not MOLCASmem. In order for MOLCAS_NPROCS to have any effect, you need to compile with MPI=ON, for which you need GlobalArrays.
Pages: 1