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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello,
I try CASSCF(14,10) calculation of molecule which consist of 26 atoms.
Symmetry of molecule is C1, I try calculation of S0 (ground state) and S1 (excited state).
The result of the calculation is as follows
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 1
energy= -648.085879
conf/sym 1111111111 Coeff Weight
2 222222ud00 -0.94773 0.89819
printout of CI-coefficients larger than 0.05 for root 2
energy= -648.061354
conf/sym 1111111111 Coeff Weight
1 2222222000 0.95923 0.92013
From configuration, I think root 2 is ground state configuration (2222222000),
and root 1 is excited state configuration (222222ud00).
The energy of root 2 is higher than that of root 1,
so ground state energy is higher than excited state energy.
How should I appreciate this result ?
or my calculation is failed?
Best regards.
-My input file is as follows-
coordinate of 26 atoms
symmetry = 1
Nactel = 14 0 0
Spin = 1
Inactive = 44
Ras2 = 10
CIroot = 2 2; 1 2; 1 1
From configuration, I think root 2 is ground state configuration (2222222000),
and root 1 is excited state configuration (222222ud00).
You got it wrong, or confused. The ground state is the lower energy, by definition. 2222222000 is just the closed-shell configuration (for those particular orbitals, change the orbitals and the CSFs will look different). What you got is a set of orbitals for which the ground state (or the lowest singlet) has an open-shell configuration, maybe not the most common but not something to be scared of.