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I'm trying to run a CASPT2 calculation on a Eu(III) complex, but I keep getting segmentation fault errors.
I'm running OpenMolcas on a cluster, with GA/OpenMPI and OpenBLAS, configured as follows:
OpenMPI v2.1.5
OpenBLAS v0.2.20 (make flags: USE_OPENMP=1 NO_LAPACK=0 INTERFACE64=1 BINARY=64 NO_AVX2=1 DYNAMIC_ARCH=1 libs netlib shared)
GA v5.7 (configured with ../configure --enable-i8 --with-blas8="-L/path/to/openblas/lib -lopenblas")
OpenMolcas (cmake flags: CC=mpicc FC=mpifort cmake -DMPI=ON -DGA=ON -DLINALG=OpenBLAS, and then I enabled OpenMP from ccmake . so it could use multithreading)
The input file for the calculation is:
Coord = $
Group = NoSym
ANGMOM; 2.709713 13.865543 27.340890
Title = CASPT2 | Quintuplets
Multistate = all
MaxIter = 300
> COPY $Project.JobMix $CurrDir/CASPT2_QUINTUPLETS
Obviously, I previously ran a CAS(6,7) calculation which produced the CASSCF_QUINTUPLETS file, with the same input in the &GATEWAY section.
This is the job input file for PBS (I took out uninformative stuff like my cluster username, my email, the queue name, the scratch directory path, etc.):
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=4
#PBS -l mem=240gb
export MOLCAS_MEM=60000
pymolcas $JOB_NAME.input > $JOB_NAME.log
So, I'm using 4 processes each with 60GB of RAM available, and I reserved 240GB of RAM on the node, which has 256GB of total RAM.
Despite each process having 60GB available, I keep getting this message:
mpiexec noticed that process rank 2 with PID 0 on node avogadro-86 exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
I've already tried using only 1 process and allocating more RAM, which does do the job, but the calculation then becomes way too slow, the last time I tried this it went on for 12 days and then it failed because it reached max iterations in the CASPT2 module.
Is this supposed to be so much memory-consuming? Is there a way to reduce the RAM usage? Have I configured the program in a non-optimal way and it's using more RAM than it should?
The .xyz file for this calculation is:
Eu 2.70971 13.86554 27.34089
O 3.94998 14.17110 25.32917
C 3.58630 12.33434 23.86167
C 4.18674 13.55320 24.23740
O 2.27178 12.00571 25.82876
C 2.65528 11.64400 24.66514
O 1.92585 14.67313 29.44960
O 2.02164 16.10312 26.71049
C 2.53563 17.27118 26.77338
O 0.29452 14.08419 26.72441
H 0.15802 15.02412 26.49864
O 1.94748 11.98820 28.69925
O 4.47417 15.41579 28.05998
C 4.68259 16.66955 27.92840
C 1.42163 14.21928 30.53057
C 1.17477 12.85492 30.78698
O 4.90385 12.84030 28.09349
H 5.30547 13.67974 28.39930
C 1.44999 11.82325 29.86400
C 3.79335 17.58548 27.32888
C -0.77104 13.25541 26.21892
H -1.67264 13.42116 26.83120
H -0.42829 12.22720 26.38296
C -1.05149 13.50830 24.74841
H -1.37035 14.54849 24.57852
H -1.85964 12.84859 24.39997
H -0.15734 13.31306 24.14112
C 5.32882 11.71950 28.90055
H 4.73158 11.68661 29.82612
H 6.38578 11.86409 29.17465
C 5.14732 10.44769 28.09898
H 5.76427 10.46887 27.19066
H 4.09546 10.32796 27.80861
H 5.43905 9.57808 28.70446
H 1.23152 10.85715 30.15376
H 0.77029 12.59627 31.70050
H 1.17755 14.89820 31.26848
H 2.25067 10.77551 24.28166
H 3.84184 11.92512 22.94938
H 4.86507 13.97549 23.58428
H 5.57427 17.04233 28.29030
H 1.98327 18.05135 26.38445
H 4.08925 18.57352 27.29352
Thank you for your help.
Ah, also, I noticed that CASPT2 only uses 1 thread per process, while for instance SEWARD uses all the threads allocated in OMP_NUM_THREADS. Is this normal?
OpenMolcas itself does not use multithreading, all multithreading occurs in the linear algebra library (OpenBLAS). For the rest, I'm afraid I cannot be of much help, but one of the recommendations is not to use more than ~75% of total physical memory. In this case I'd assume "total physical memory" means the amount you reserve with PBS -l
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