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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Dear team,
I'm trying to do some calculations using RASSCF and RASSI which include (SEWARD) and (RASSC or RASSI). In both options i faced an error and the calculations were aborted as following:
Nuclear Potential Energy 861.24144105 au
Basis set specifications :
Symmetry species a
Basis functions 419
MOLCAS cannot get 18855086519 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 18855086519 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 18855086519 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 18855086519 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 16969577868 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 15272620082 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 18855086519 bytes of memory !
MOLCAS cannot get 18855086519 bytes of memory !
and this warning was appeared in status output file:
(Seward: Cholesky decomposition of ERIs)
how can i solve this abortion please?
thanks a lot
You probably need more memory (increase MOLCAS_MEM)
thank you Ignacio for you response
there are two memory input one is in input file :
> export MOLCAS_MEM=5000
> export MOLCAS_PRINT=2
and the other one is in (.pbs) submission file:
| MOLCAS_MEM = 20000
| MOLCAS_DISK = 4000000
which one i need to increase?
Probably the one in the input file. Check the output, it should say how much memory it is using in the header of each program.
Thank you so much