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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello,
I would like to use the ONEINT and ORDINT files calculated from a previous SEWARD calculation in a new run so I don't have to calculate the integrals everytime.
The input for the SEWARD run is:
Title = Eu | SEWARD integrals
Coord =
Group = NoSym
ANGMOM; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
> COPY $Project.OneInt $CurrDir/Eu_ONEINT
> COPY $Project.OrdInt $CurrDir/Eu_ORDINT
And this saves the Eu_ONEINT and Eu_ORDINT files in the wanted directory. I then tried running a UHF calculation as
Title = Eu | UHF guess orbitals
Coord =
Group = NoSym
ANGMOM; 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Charge = +3
ZSpin = 6
But the program exits with the following error:
only a single process is used, running in SERIAL mode
available to each process: 2.0 GB of memory, 1 thread
### ###
### ###
### Location: get_iScalar ###
### ###
### ###
### Data not defined FMM ###
### ###
### ###
--- Stop Module: scf at Wed Nov 21 11:15:46 2018 /rc=_RC_INTERNAL_ERROR_ ---
*** files: xmldump
saved to directory /local/home/carlotto/luca/Eu/HF
Timing: Wall=2.24 User=0.86 System=0.47
So it seems the program cannot find/use the files I want.
I tried using all of the following:
> COPY $CurrDir/Eu_ONEINT $WorkDir/$Project.OneInt
ln -fs $CurrDir/Eu_ONEINT ONEINT
ln -fs $CurrDir/Eu_ONEINT $WorkDir/ONEINT
ln -fs $CurrDir/Eu_ONEINT $WorkDir/$Project.OneInt
But I still get the same error.
I can't find any answer in the manual, may I kindly ask help here?
Thank you.
It's not just the integrals, you also need the RunFile (at least). And since GATEWAY overwrites the RunFile, you should skip that too.
Thank you very much, saving RUNFILE did the trick!
Another question if I may. I would like to try the CHOLESKY decomposition in order to save disk space. Which are the files I need to save in this case? From the manual it seems I need the CHVEC, CHORST, CHRED and CHOR2F files and since the 2-electron integrals information is saved on these files, I don't have to save ORDINT anymore.
However, it doesn't seem to be able to find CHVEC. Just above the end of the file I see this:
II. I/O Access Patterns
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Name % of random
Write/Read calls
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 RUNFILE 28.6/ 10.1
2 NQGRID 50.0/ 0.0
3 ONEREL 96.2/ 4.0
4 ONEINT 96.6/ 22.6
5 CHRDL 44.8/ 25.9
6 CHVCL1 0.0/ 100.0
7 CHRSTL 0.0/ 0.0
8 CHOMAP 96.4/ 0.0
9 CHRED 0.0/ 50.0
10 CHORST 8.0/ 0.0
11 CHVEC1 0.0/ 0.0
12 CHODIAG 0.0/ 0.0
13 CHOSEL1 0.0/ 99.1
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
So it seems I need to save CHVEC1 instead of CHVEC. Do I also need to save all the other CH* files? Right now I'm carrying out these calculations on a single atom for testing, when I will perform calculations on the whole molecule, will the program output other files such as CHVEC2, CHVEC3, etc?
Thank you.
I don't know, I would just save everything after running SEWARD.
How can I do that? Is there a command to save all output files to $CurrDir without specifying the name like in $Project.OneInt?
Thank you
you could use >SHELL, but it's probably easier to do it in your submit script (or manually, if WorkDir doesn't disappear)