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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello all,
I would like to report that I have encountered significant differences in multireference results when I use a Z-matrix to specify the molecular geometry vs. when I use an XYZ file, my usual procedure. The results when I use an XYZ file are more accurate.
Here I have tried to run a calculation on hydrogen sulfide, using the same geometry in an XYZ file and a Z-matrix. All other parameters, including the active space and (lack of) symmetry are identical as well. I have verified that the geometries are identical for the calculation using an XYZ file...
* InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom *
1 S1 2 H2 3 H3
1 S1 0.000000
2 H2 1.336584 0.000000
3 H3 1.336584 1.928263 0.000000
* Valence Bond Angles / Degree *
Atom centers Phi
2 H2 1 S1 3 H3 92.33
...and a Z-matrix...
* InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom *
1 S1 2 H2 3 H3
1 S1 0.000000
2 H2 1.336584 0.000000
3 H3 1.336584 1.928256 0.000000
* Valence Bond Angles / Degree *
Atom centers Phi
2 H2 1 S1 3 H3 92.33
...however, the resulting orbital energies are radically different. Here are the orbitals from a CASSCF(8,8)/ANO-RCC-VTZP calculation using the XYZ file and M06-2X starting orbitals as summarized by &GRID_IT.
GridName= 1 62 4.5869 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 61 4.5060 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 60 4.0589 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 59 3.8408 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 58 3.8005 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 57 3.7505 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 56 3.5957 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 55 3.5941 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 54 2.9934 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 53 2.9133 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 52 2.7481 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 51 2.6436 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 50 2.5663 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 49 2.4501 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 48 2.3797 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 47 2.3719 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 46 2.3547 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 45 2.3157 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 44 2.1147 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 43 2.1128 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 42 1.9500 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 41 1.7716 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 39 1.7654 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 40 1.7654 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 38 1.6512 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 37 1.4249 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 36 1.4166 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 35 1.3235 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 34 1.3021 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 33 1.2689 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 32 1.2496 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 31 1.2255 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 30 1.1325 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 29 1.1205 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 28 0.8930 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 27 0.7500 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 26 0.6250 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 25 0.6186 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 24 0.6071 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 23 0.5649 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 22 0.5602 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 21 0.4562 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 20 0.3612 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 19 0.2898 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 18 0.2867 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 17 0.2682 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 16 0.2402 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 15 0.1752 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 14 0.1581 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 11 0.0000 (0.17) 2
GridName= 1 13 0.0000 (0.18) 2
GridName= 1 12 0.0000 (0.20) 2
GridName= 1 10 0.0000 (0.34) 2
GridName= 1 9 0.0000 (1.33) 2
GridName= 1 8 0.0000 (1.82) 2
GridName= 1 7 0.0000 (1.97) 2
GridName= 1 6 0.0000 (1.99) 2
GridName= 1 5 -6.7618 (2.00) i
GridName= 1 4 -6.7619 (2.00) i
GridName= 1 3 -6.7623 (2.00) i
GridName= 1 2 -9.1323 (2.00) i
GridName= 1 1 -92.3720 (2.00) i
Here is the same summary when a Z-matrix is used..
GridName= 1 13 0.0000 (0.00) 2
GridName= 1 12 0.0000 (0.00) 2
GridName= 1 11 0.0000 (0.00) 2
GridName= 1 9 0.0000 (1.33) 2
GridName= 1 10 0.0000 (1.33) 2
GridName= 1 8 0.0000 (1.33) 2
GridName= 1 7 0.0000 (2.00) 2
GridName= 1 6 0.0000 (2.00) 2
GridName= 1 62 -0.2763 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 61 -0.3773 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 60 -1.3833 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 59 -1.4289 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 58 -2.2859 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 57 -2.5722 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 56 -3.1976 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 55 -4.0712 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 54 -4.6751 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 53 -4.7442 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 52 -4.7579 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 51 -6.6757 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 50 -9.6529 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 49 -10.1530 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 48 -10.7130 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 47 -11.3990 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 46 -13.0240 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 45 -13.3810 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 44 -14.2330 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 43 -16.3500 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 42 -20.1930 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 41 -26.7600 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 40 -30.2870 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 39 -32.1590 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 38 -33.2930 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 37 -34.0950 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 36 -34.5390 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 35 -34.8840 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 34 -36.6150 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 33 -39.1750 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 32 -39.2400 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 31 -39.6650 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 30 -39.8500 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 29 -46.2200 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 28 -46.7980 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 27 -49.3350 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 26 -51.0420 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 25 -52.5470 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 24 -53.9760 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 23 -59.8550 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 22 -69.9500 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 21 -72.0440 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 20 -73.7240 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 19 -77.2610 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 18 -77.7820 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 17 -78.0200 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 16 -81.2340 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 15 -81.2960 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 14 -84.9280 (0.00) s
GridName= 1 5 -740.5100 (2.00) i
Some orbitals are missing, and secondary orbitals have negative energies when they shouldn't. Is this a bug? Or is there just an additional procedure I need to take when I want to use a Z-matrix for my geometry?
For completeness, here is my XYZ file.
S 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.783794900443
H 0.964131503231 0.000000000000 -0.141897450221
H -0.964131503231 0.000000000000 -0.141897450221
Additionally, my input file using this geometry.
Title = Hydrogen Sulfide MR, XYZ Coordinates
Coord =
Group = NoSym
grid input
end of grid input
nActEl = 8
Ras2 = 8
Charge = 0
Spin = 1
CIRoot = 6 6 1
OutOrbital = Natural; 6
LevShft = 1.0
MaxIter = 10000
FileOrb = $Project.RasOrb
Name = RasOrb
Finally, my input file using a Z-matrix.
End of Basis
H2 1 1.336584
H3 1 1.336584 2 92.33
End of Z-Matrix
grid input
end of grid input
nActEl = 8
Ras2 = 8
Charge = 0
Spin = 1
CIRoot = 6 6 1
OutOrbital = Natural; 6
LevShft = 1.0
MaxIter = 10000
FileOrb = $Project.RasOrb
Name = RasOrb
I realize it is not recommended to use &SEWARD to build the molecular geometry. However, I experienced a different error when I used the &GATEWAY module; following modules did not get the proper information about the basis functions. I built the molecule in &SEWARD directly to ensure the proper information was passed down to other modules. Thank you for any input!
It seems the XBAS keyword does not trigger the automatic switching of relativistic Hamiltonians according to the basis sets. Add "Relativistic = R02O02" to the &SEWARD input with Z-matrix and see what happens.
It seems that did the trick! It also works when I specify other parameterizations (for better comparison with my calculation using an XYZ file I also tried R02E00). Thank you!