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I'm attempting to replicate a QM/MM calculation that was done with OpenMolcas and Tinker, but my calculation seems to hang when it reaches the first SLAPAF module. In particular it will seem to read all the SLAPAF parameters, and then proceed to seemingly do nothing else. The next line in the output I would expect is "Found 5507 hidden atoms.", but this is where the calculation will hang. The reason why I believe there is something wrong going on here is that the entire reference calculation took around 9 hours to complete while my calculation has been running for at least 48 hours and is still on this same module. Both the calculations are using only 1 processor and same amount of memory. I'm unclear as to what could possibly be wrong here. I've compared the values logged for the previous modules and they do match up for both calculations.
I'm using version: 21.10 and tag: 113-g53b13bb
The calculations I'm referencing used version 8.1 and patch level 160204-1800
Here is the input file that I am using which is the same as the reference calculation input file.
Basis set
C...... / MM
C1 2.910000 9.450000 -1.310000 Angstrom
Charge = -0.009400
End of Basis
Basis set
* Rest of basis set is not shown...
* template to be used for the initial HF optimization
> COPY $InpDir/$ $WorkDir
> COPY $InpDir/$Project.key $WorkDir
> COPY $InpDir/melacu63.prm $WorkDir
> export MOLCAS_MAXITER = 100
> Do while
External = Tinker
Charge = +1
rHidden = 10.0
> COPY $ $InpDir/$
> If ( -FILE $Project.$EST )
> COPY $WorkDir/$Project.$EST $InpDir
> EndIf
> If ( -FILE $Project.$EST )
> COPY $WorkDir/$Project.$EST $InpDir
> EndIf
> EndDo
Pages: 1