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#1 2021-12-03 04:52:21

Registered: 2021-12-03
Posts: 1

The Tinker+Mulliken Option in OpenMolcas seems Problematic

Hello Everyone,

I have recently tried to use the QM/MM method in OpenMolcas with Tinker. However, I have met a same problem to the following Forum, i.e. The HW atom in TIP3P water collapsing into a QM atom due to a very large ESPF charge, larger than -5.
I have noticed that the use of Mulliken charge with the Espf = Tinker Mulliken might avoid such problems. However, when I use this option, the charges of the QM part passed to the Tinker are zero, as printed in the corresponding Tinker.log file. Using the debug output, the charge interactions between MM and QM are indeed zero, which is unreasonable.

I wonder whether this is a bug in Openmolas or I have made some mistakes in this process.

I have put parts of the $Project.Tinker.log file obtained using different ESPF options in the test file 072.input of the Openmolcas.

The one using ESPF = Tinker Mulliken

  Coordinates/multipoles updated from MOLCAS
 Atom    8 (x,y,z) =   -2.31929  -0.95373   1.28275
                 q =    0.000
 Atom    9 (x,y,z) =   -2.42129  -0.78650   0.00339
                 q =    0.000
 Atom   10 (x,y,z) =   -3.25481  -1.91362   1.88923
                 q =    0.000
 Atom    7 (x,y,z) =   -0.88470  -1.20947   1.92624
                 q =    0.000
 Atom   12 (x,y,z) =   -0.40044  -2.12634   1.57165
                 q =    0.000
 Atom   13 (x,y,z) =   -0.96918  -1.30592   3.01175
                 q =    0.000
 Atom    2 (x,y,z) =    0.03315  -0.03873   1.63491
 Atom   16 (x,y,z) =   -0.21117  -0.35036   1.71245
                 q =    0.000

Individual Charge-Charge Interactions :

 Type              Atom Names                 Charges     Distance      Energy

 Charge          1-N3       4-O             0.08  -0.59     2.8849     -4.4171
 Charge          1-N3       5-O             0.08  -0.59     2.7567     -4.6226
 Charge          1-N3       7-CT            0.08   0.00     2.4663      0.0000
 Charge          1-N3       8-C             0.08   0.00     3.0956      0.0000
 Charge          1-N3       9-O2            0.08   0.00     2.9662      0.0000
 Charge          1-N3      10-O2            0.08   0.00     4.4729      0.0000
 Charge          1-N3      12-HC            0.08   0.00     2.6515      0.0000
 Charge          1-N3      13-HC            0.08   0.00     3.3796      0.0000
 Charge          3-C        6-H             0.56   0.22     2.4967     13.7057
 Charge          3-C        7-CT            0.56   0.00     2.5155      0.0000
 Charge          3-C        8-C             0.56   0.00     3.9031      0.0000
 Charge          3-C        9-O2            0.56   0.00     4.5012      0.0000
 Charge          3-C       10-O2            0.56   0.00     4.9477      0.0000
 Charge          3-C       12-HC            0.56   0.00     2.7922      0.0000
 Charge          3-C       13-HC            0.56   0.00     2.6548      0.0000
 Charge          3-C       14-H             0.56   0.22     3.2683     10.4697
 Charge          3-C       15-H             0.56   0.22     2.4914     13.7347
 Charge          4-O        6-H            -0.59   0.22     3.1954    -13.4632

The one using ESPF = Tinker

 Coordinates/multipoles updated from MOLCAS
 Atom    8 (x,y,z) =   -2.35576  -1.01748   1.42942
                 q =   -0.147
 Atom    9 (x,y,z) =   -2.61427  -0.97574   0.16133
                 q =   -0.572
 Atom   10 (x,y,z) =   -3.27874  -1.80770   2.25190
                 q =   -0.175
 Atom    7 (x,y,z) =   -0.86422  -1.26490   1.95493
                 q =   -0.051
 Atom   12 (x,y,z) =   -0.39298  -2.14692   1.51522
                 q =    0.029
 Atom   13 (x,y,z) =   -0.85132  -1.40724   3.03321
                 q =    0.018
 Atom    2 (x,y,z) =   -0.00404  -0.06636   1.63347
 Atom   16 (x,y,z) =   -0.23285  -0.38517   1.71898
                 q =   -0.100

 Individual Charge-Charge Interactions :

 Type              Atom Names                 Charges     Distance      Energy

 Charge          1-N3       4-O             0.08  -0.59     3.2546     -3.9154
 Charge          1-N3       5-O             0.08  -0.59     2.6908     -4.7357
 Charge          1-N3       7-CT            0.08  -0.05     2.3948     -0.5543
 Charge          1-N3       8-C             0.08  -0.15     2.8055     -1.3601
 Charge          1-N3       9-O2            0.08  -0.57     2.7387     -5.4193
 Charge          1-N3      10-O2            0.08  -0.18     4.2482     -1.0719
 Charge          1-N3      12-HC            0.08   0.03     2.7073      0.2785
 Charge          1-N3      13-HC            0.08   0.02     3.3283      0.1418
 Charge          3-C        6-H             0.56   0.22     2.4677     13.8668
 Charge          3-C        7-CT            0.56  -0.05     2.5405     -3.7556
 Charge          3-C        8-C             0.56  -0.15     3.9344     -6.9715
 Charge          3-C        9-O2            0.56  -0.57     4.5123    -23.6426
 Charge          3-C       10-O2            0.56  -0.18     5.0046     -6.5403
 Charge          3-C       12-HC            0.56   0.03     2.6800      2.0221
 Charge          3-C       13-HC            0.56   0.02     2.8104      1.2070
 Charge          3-C       14-H             0.56   0.22     3.2683     10.4700
 Charge          3-C       15-H             0.56   0.22     2.7172     12.5935
 Charge          4-O        6-H            -0.59   0.22     3.4794    -12.3641

Last edited by Liuxy1840160 (2021-12-03 09:40:20)


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