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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".I am trying to run a CASSCF conical intersection optimization and because of MCLR convergence problems I want to modify the MCLR parameters (number of iterations and PCG threshold). I am having problems with that because in the standard optimizations, MCLR is called implicitly by ALASKA.
In a SA-CASSCF optimization I managed to change the MCLR parameters by calling MCLR explicitly before ALASKA, and my input looks like (I show only the relevant part):
Sala 2
Iter 500
Thre 1e-3
The problem is that the MECI search needs to run MCLR three times: ground and excited state, and NAcouplings. I have tried to do it with the following input:
Sala 2
Iter 500
Thre 1e-3
Sala 1
Iter 500
Thre 1e-3
Nac 1 2
Iter 500
Thre 1e-3
But that has not worked, the MCLR module runs successfully three times but the results are not passed to ALASKA. How can I run the MCLR modules with non-std options in this case?
You have to run ALASKA (with ROOT/NAC keyword) after each MCLR