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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Dear developer,
I have a question regarding the CI derivatives in the QMMM calculation. Molcas prints out the CI derivatives, CSF derivatives, and total derivatives. The QMMM part prints a "molecular gradients after ESPF" section, but which derivatives do they correspond to?
Hi, the general message "molecular gradients after ESPF" indicates that the total energy gradient wrt nuclear coordinates has been updated with QM/MM contributions.
Hope this helps.
Hi niko,
Thanks for replying. I understand that the total energy gradient has been updated with QM/MM. What I am asking is the CI derivative in a NAC calculation with QM/MM, although it still prints the same title as energy gradient. In a gas phase NAC calculation, I obtain three tables, CI derivatives, CSF derivatives, and total derivatives. And the total coupling = CI derivatives/energy gap + CSF derivatives. But in a QM/MM calculation, I only obtain one table which has been updated with QM/MM contributions. I am not sure what exactly these couplings are.
I hope this makes my question clearer.