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#1 2021-03-07 16:04:17

Registered: 2019-09-01
Posts: 22

S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging


I have installed OpenMolcas in a new machine and I have been having problems calculating S1/T2 crossings. In the new machine the structures appear to move in a rather random way towards twisted and

The differences that I think might be of most importance is that the old machine used GCC 7.5 to compile OpenMolcas 19, and the current machine used GCC 10.2 to compile OpenMolcas 20 and 21. I have had issues compiling OpenMolcas 19 in the new machine for testing, and I think it may be due to the changes made to GCC10. Both are serial installations with OpenBLAS.

I have tried the adapted test 836 found here in the two machines.

In the old machine the optimization goes fine, but in the new machine the carbon atoms dissociate after a few iterations.

Here are the first and last iterations of the calculation performed in the new machine:

   This run of MOLCAS is using the pymolcas driver

                             OPE          NMOL  CASOP  ENMOLC A   SO
                 OPE        NMOLC        AS  OP EN  MO LC     AS  OP
                OPENM       OL CA        SO  PE NM  OL CA     SOP EN
                OP EN      MO   LC       AS  OP ENMOL  CASO   PENMOL
                OP  EN     MO   LC       AS  OP EN     MO     LC ASO
               OP   E  NMOL  C  AS       OP  EN MO     LC     AS  OP
               OP  E   NMO   LC AS        OPEN  MO     LCASOP EN   M
               O  PEN   MO  LCA  SO
            OPE   NMO   L   CAS    OP
    OPENMOLCAS   OP           EN   MOL    CAS
    OPENMOLCAS       OP  ENM        O     LCA
    OPENMOLCAS     OP               E  N  MOL
    OPENMOLCA   SO           PENM   O  L  CAS    OPEN    MO    LCAS
    OPENMOLCA   SOP           ENM   O  L  CAS   OP  EN  MOLC  AS   O
    OPENMOLCA   SOPE           NM      O  LCA   S      OP  EN MO
    OPENMOLC                AS         O  PEN   M      OL  CA  SOPE
    OPENMO        LCASOPE  NMOL        C  ASO   P      ENMOLC     AS
    OPE     NMO      LCA  SO     P     E   NM   OL  CA SO  PE N   MO
          OPENMOLCA            SOPE   NMO        LCAS  O    P  ENMO
               OPENMOLCASOPENMOLCA        version: 21.02
                       OPE                tag: 441-g9f7975981

 OpenMolcas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
 OpenMolcas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it
 is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.
 For more details see the full text of the license in the file
 LICENSE or in <>.

                 Copyright (C) The OpenMolcas Authors
           For the author list and the recommended citation,
                   consult the file

           * pymolcas version py2.18                       *
           *   build 7a16d2f9e823a0c2ad601740b42a4b0e      *
           *   (after the EMIL interpreter by V. Veryazov) *

configuration info
Host name: archmax (Linux)
C Compiler ID: GNU
C flags: -std=gnu99 -fopenmp
Fortran Compiler ID: GNU
Fortran flags: -fno-aggressive-loop-optimizations -cpp -fdefault-integer-8 -fopenmp
Definitions: _MOLCAS_;_I8_;_LINUX_
Parallel: OFF (GA=OFF)

  |           Project: Molcas21
  |    Submitted from: /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
  |      Scratch area: /tmp/Molcas21
  |   Save outputs to: /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
  |            Molcas: /home/max/.local/opt/OpenMolcas
  | Scratch area is empty
  |    MOLCAS_DRIVER = /home/max/.local/bin/pymolcas
  |    MOLCAS_NPROCS = 1
  |    MOLCAS_SOURCE = /home/max/.local/git/OpenMolcas

++ ---------   Input file   ---------

  Coord= 8

    C  1.878940  0.124540 -0.006680
    C  0.615900 -0.407680  0.011410
    C -0.555830  0.389670  0.010420
    O -1.755660 -0.097940 -0.007150
    H  2.223170  0.778990  0.774360
    H  2.573770 -0.086690 -0.796700
    H -0.467390  1.463440 -0.020470
    H  0.469610 -1.473830 -0.003700
    a = EDiff
    a = 0.0
  End of constraints

>>> COPY $Project.RunFile $Project.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY $Project.RunFile $Project.Triplet.RunFile


  >>> EXPORT SubProject = .Singlet


  >>> IF (ITER == 1)


        Alter  = 1
     1 13 14
        Charge = 0
        NActEl = 2
        RAS2   = 4
        CIRoot = 2 2 1

  >>> END IF

      Charge = 0
      NActEl = 2
      RAS2   = 4
      CIRoot = 2 2 1


  >>> EXPORT SubProject = .Triplet


      Spin   = 3
      Charge = 0
      NActEl = 2
      RAS2   = 4
      CIRoot = 2 2 1


  >>> COPY $Project.Singlet.RunFile $Project.RunFile2

  >>> COPY $Project.Triplet.RunFile $Project.RunFile

  >>> EXPORT SubProject = 


  >>> COPY $Project.RunFile2 $Project.Singlet.RunFile

  >>> COPY $Project.RunFile $Project.Triplet.RunFile

>>> END DO

-- ----------------------------------

--- Start Module: gateway at Sun Mar  7 12:26:14 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804731

++    Symmetry information:

                    Character Table for C1 

                    a        1  x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I

++    Basis set information:

      Basis set label: C.6-31G**.........

      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   6.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      6.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge

      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s      10       3        X                  
         p       4       2        X                  
         d       1       1        X                  

      Basis set label: O.6-31G**.........

      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   8.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      8.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge

      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s      10       3        X                  
         p       4       2        X                  
         d       1       1        X                  

      Basis set label: H.6-31G**.........

      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   1.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      1.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge

      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s       4       2        X                  
         p       1       1        X                  

++    Molecular structure info:

                    **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom **** 

     Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        1      C1               3.550682       0.235346      -0.012623              1.878940       0.124540      -0.006680
        2      C2               1.163882      -0.770404       0.021562              0.615900      -0.407680       0.011410
        3      C3              -1.050366       0.736370       0.019691             -0.555830       0.389670       0.010420
        4      O4              -3.317717      -0.185080      -0.013512             -1.755660      -0.097940      -0.007150
        5      H5               4.201182       1.472078       1.463328              2.223170       0.778990       0.774360
        6      H6               4.863720      -0.163820      -1.505545              2.573770      -0.086690      -0.796700
        7      H7              -0.883239       2.765501      -0.038683             -0.467390       1.463440      -0.020470
        8      H8               0.887434      -2.785135      -0.006992              0.469610      -1.473830      -0.003700

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 

               1 C1            2 C2            3 C3            4 O4            5 H5            6 H6    
    1 C1       0.000000
    2 C2       2.590273        0.000000
    3 C3       4.628360        2.678295        0.000000
    4 O4       6.881254        4.519797        2.447662        0.000000
    5 H5       2.032508        4.041362        5.495828        7.839711        0.000000
    6 H6       2.027861        4.048308        6.173582        8.316401        3.453886        0.000000
    7 H7       5.105097        4.086191        2.036839        3.825342        5.457135        6.615146
    8 H8       4.026938        2.033810        4.019550        4.944049        5.591657        4.992775

               7 H7            8 H8    
    7 H7       0.000000
    8 H8       5.826306        0.000000

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 

               1 C1            2 C2            3 C3            4 O4            5 H5            6 H6    
    1 C1       0.000000
    2 C2       1.370713        0.000000
    3 C3       2.449223        1.417293        0.000000
    4 O4       3.641403        2.391773        1.295247        0.000000
    5 H5       1.075557        2.138597        2.908267        4.148596        0.000000
    6 H6       1.073098        2.142272        3.266919        4.400850        1.827718        0.000000
    7 H7       2.701501        2.162319        1.077849        2.024284        2.887791        3.500584
    8 H8       2.130964        1.076246        2.127054        2.616278        2.958978        2.642063

               7 H7            8 H8    
    7 H7       0.000000
    8 H8       3.083149        0.000000

                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 C2       1 C1       5 H5       121.44
                      2 C2       1 C1       6 H6       122.00
                      5 H5       1 C1       6 H6       116.56
                      1 C1       2 C2       3 C3       122.91
                      1 C1       2 C2       8 H8       120.64
                      3 C3       2 C2       8 H8       116.42
                      2 C2       3 C3       4 O4       123.65
                      2 C2       3 C3       7 H7       119.51
                      4 O4       3 C3       7 H7       116.79

           *              Valence Dihedral Angles / Degree               *
                    Atom centers                       Phi1     Phi2     Theta 
           5 H5       1 C1       2 C2       8 H8        121.44   120.64  -122.15
           6 H6       1 C1       2 C2       8 H8        122.00   120.64    57.93
           3 C3       2 C2       1 C1       5 H5        122.91   121.44    59.77
           3 C3       2 C2       1 C1       6 H6        122.91   122.00  -120.15
           1 C1       2 C2       3 C3       4 O4        122.91   123.65   178.17
           1 C1       2 C2       3 C3       7 H7        122.91   119.51     0.94
           4 O4       3 C3       2 C2       8 H8        123.65   116.42     0.01
           7 H7       3 C3       2 C2       8 H8        119.51   116.42  -177.22

            Nuclear Potential Energy            101.65353582 au

--- Stop Module: gateway at Sun Mar  7 12:26:14 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Singlet

--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:14 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804756

               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Orbital angular momentum around ( 0.0008  0.0135  0.0007 )
                  Velocity quadrupole around ( 0.0008  0.0135  0.0007 )
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals

                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15

            Nuclear Potential Energy            101.65353582 au

      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions           80

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:17 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.GssOrb Molcas21.Singlet.guessorb.h5 Molcas21.Singlet.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 3 seconds ---

>>> IF (ITER == 1)

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.GssOrb
--- Start Module: scf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:17 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804807

++    Input section:

      Header of the integral files:
       Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Sun Mar  7 12:26:14 2021

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   C1         1.87894000   0.12454000  -0.00668000
       2   C2         0.61590000  -0.40768000   0.01141000
       3   C3        -0.55583000   0.38967000   0.01042000
       4   O4        -1.75566000  -0.09794000  -0.00715000
       5   H5         2.22317000   0.77899000   0.77436000
       6   H6         2.57377000  -0.08669000  -0.79670000
       7   H7        -0.46739000   1.46344000  -0.02047000
       8   H8         0.46961000  -1.47383000  -0.00370000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  101.65353582

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species               1
      Frozen orbitals                0
      Occupied orbitals             15
      Secondary orbitals            65
      Deleted orbitals               0
      Total number of orbitals      80
      Number of basis functions     80

      Molecular charge                           0.000

++    Optimization specifications:

      SCF Algorithm: Conventional
      Minimized density differences are used
      Number of density matrices in core                5
      Maximum number of NDDO SCF iterations           400
      Maximum number of HF SCF iterations             400
      Threshold for SCF energy change            0.10E-08
      Threshold for density matrix               0.10E-03
      Threshold for Fock matrix                  0.15E-03
      Threshold for linear dependence            0.10E-08
      Threshold at which DIIS is turned on       0.15E+00
      Threshold at which QNR/C2DIIS is turned on 0.75E-01
      Threshold for Norm(delta) (QNR/C2DIIS)     0.20E-04
      DIIS extrapolation of the SCF procedure
      All orbitals punched on: SCFORB

      Input vectors read from INPORB
      Orbital file label: *Guess orbitals

++ Convergence information
                                   SCF        iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

Iter     Tot. SCF        One-elec.       Two-elec.     Energy      Max Dij or  Max Fij      DNorm      TNorm      AccCon     Time
         Energy          Energy          Energy        Change      Delta Norm                                                in Sec.
   1  -190.039593427  -457.366141235   165.673011985   0.00E+00    0.59E+00*   0.19E+00*    0.60E+01   0.17E+03   None         0.
   2  -190.112000864  -459.416322480   167.650785794  -0.72E-01*   0.26E+00*   0.10E+00*    0.33E+01   0.17E+03   EDIIS        0.
   3  -190.623352558  -460.944792990   168.667904609  -0.51E+00*   0.27E+00*   0.58E-01*    0.93E+00   0.17E+03   EDIIS        0.
   4  -190.640317871  -459.494963227   167.201109534  -0.17E-01*   0.94E-01*   0.44E-01*    0.52E+00   0.17E+03   EDIIS        0.
   5  -190.674218685  -460.245362442   167.917607935  -0.34E-01*   0.46E-01*   0.11E-01*    0.17E+00   0.17E+03   c2DIIS       0.
   6  -190.677739291  -460.077926036   167.746650923  -0.35E-02*   0.28E-01*   0.79E-02*    0.68E-01   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   7  -190.678557322  -460.153687519   167.821594375  -0.82E-03*   0.20E-01*   0.53E-02*    0.31E-01   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   8  -190.679205779  -460.112668641   167.779927039  -0.65E-03*   0.20E-01*   0.21E-02*    0.93E-02   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
   9  -190.679391581  -460.093213445   167.760286042  -0.19E-03*   0.62E-02*   0.95E-03*    0.63E-02   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  10  -190.679413287  -460.090513027   167.757563918  -0.22E-04*   0.12E-02*   0.20E-03*    0.51E-02   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  11  -190.679414418  -460.090944744   167.757994503  -0.11E-05*   0.46E-03*   0.11E-03     0.22E-02   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  12  -190.679414715  -460.091765863   167.758815325  -0.30E-06*   0.24E-03*   0.26E-04     0.74E-03   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  13  -190.679414763  -460.091155578   167.758204992  -0.48E-07*   0.92E-04*   0.15E-04     0.36E-03   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  14  -190.679414772  -460.091379552   167.758428958  -0.90E-08*   0.52E-04*   0.68E-05     0.19E-03   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  15  -190.679414775  -460.091470758   167.758520161  -0.25E-08*   0.14E-04    0.23E-05     0.82E-04   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.
  16  -190.679414775  -460.091413315   167.758462718  -0.21E-09    0.70E-05    0.90E-06     0.33E-04   0.17E+03   QNRc2DIIS    0.

       Convergence after 16 Macro Iterations

 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                             SCF/KS-DFT Program, Final results                                             *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                                                                                           *
 *                                                       Final Results                                                       *
 *                                                                                                                           *

::    Total SCF energy                               -190.6794147748
      One-electron energy                            -460.0914133150
      Two-electron energy                             167.7584627177
      Nuclear repulsion energy                        101.6535358224
      Kinetic energy (interpolated)                   190.1643685855
      Virial theorem                                    1.0027084264
      Total spin, S(S+1)                                0.0000000000
      Total spin, S                                     0.0000000000
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element           0.0000064136
      Max non-diagonal Fock matrix element              0.0000006648

      All orbitals with orbital energies smaller than  E(LUMO)+0.5 are printed

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Title: SCF orbitals

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

          Orbital            1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10    
          Energy          -20.5474  -11.3315  -11.2943  -11.2597   -1.3242   -1.0905   -0.9057   -0.7857   -0.6654   -0.6545
          Occ. No.          2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000

        1 C1     1s         0.0000   -0.0000    0.9955   -0.0196   -0.0063   -0.1373   -0.1349   -0.0446    0.0080    0.0002
        2 C1     2s         0.0000   -0.0003    0.0271   -0.0006    0.0146    0.2667    0.2664    0.0890   -0.0139    0.0002
        3 C1     *s        -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0110    0.0039    0.0050    0.1919    0.2487    0.1086   -0.0273    0.0100
        4 C1     2px       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0090   -0.0945    0.0667    0.1166   -0.3000    0.1581
        5 C1     *px        0.0001   -0.0003    0.0006   -0.0020    0.0038   -0.0069    0.0229    0.0337   -0.1172    0.0669
        6 C1     2py       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0012   -0.0328    0.0055    0.1051   -0.1558   -0.1623
        7 C1     *py        0.0000    0.0000    0.0002   -0.0005   -0.0027   -0.0006    0.0035    0.0324   -0.0605   -0.0785
        8 C1     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0003    0.0021   -0.0061    0.0232   -0.0245   -0.2873
        9 C1     *pz       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0022    0.0002   -0.0003    0.0031   -0.0105   -0.1267
       10 C1     *200       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0008   -0.0002    0.0005    0.0065   -0.0011   -0.0021    0.0060    0.0006
       11 C1     *110       0.0000    0.0000    0.0003   -0.0002    0.0003    0.0093    0.0045   -0.0053    0.0078   -0.0069
       12 C1     *101       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0017   -0.0047   -0.0009    0.0028   -0.0130
       13 C1     *020       0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0012   -0.0002   -0.0002   -0.0041   -0.0020   -0.0012   -0.0011   -0.0020
       14 C1     *011      -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0004   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0035    0.0093    0.0082   -0.0110   -0.0030
       15 C1     *002       0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0010   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0029    0.0010    0.0031   -0.0068    0.0020
       16 C2     1s         0.0000    0.0066    0.0191    0.9954   -0.0269   -0.1574    0.0563    0.0944   -0.0240    0.0083
       17 C2     2s         0.0000    0.0002    0.0005    0.0278    0.0512    0.3000   -0.1136   -0.1851    0.0472   -0.0181
       18 C2     *s        -0.0001    0.0032    0.0018   -0.0132    0.0308    0.2267   -0.0944   -0.2139    0.0236   -0.0098
       19 C2     2px        0.0000    0.0002   -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0309    0.0496    0.2130   -0.0177    0.3082    0.0049
       20 C2     *px        0.0001   -0.0010    0.0017   -0.0003   -0.0097    0.0070    0.0433   -0.0073    0.0903   -0.0050
       21 C2     2py        0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0003    0.0155    0.0648   -0.0328    0.1647    0.0373   -0.2018
       22 C2     *py       -0.0001    0.0016   -0.0004   -0.0016   -0.0038    0.0141    0.0048    0.0503    0.0067   -0.0874
       23 C2     2pz       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0005   -0.0008   -0.0049    0.0100   -0.0148   -0.0860
       24 C2     *pz        0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0000    0.0008    0.0001   -0.0012    0.0060   -0.0054   -0.0351
       25 C2     *200      -0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0008    0.0041    0.0074    0.0008    0.0005   -0.0002   -0.0015
       26 C2     *110      -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0040    0.0023    0.0170   -0.0059    0.0135   -0.0005
       27 C2     *101      -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0012   -0.0006    0.0004   -0.0054
       28 C2     *020       0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0010   -0.0002    0.0013   -0.0040   -0.0030   -0.0007    0.0024
       29 C2     *011       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0009   -0.0017   -0.0008   -0.0023   -0.0037
       30 C2     *002      -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0014   -0.0014   -0.0074    0.0026    0.0038   -0.0008    0.0003
       31 C3     1s        -0.0000    0.9958   -0.0002   -0.0071   -0.1085   -0.0558    0.1144   -0.0925    0.0267   -0.0266
       32 C3     2s         0.0005    0.0262   -0.0003   -0.0002    0.2094    0.1170   -0.2413    0.1955   -0.0661    0.0589
       33 C3     *s         0.0001   -0.0088    0.0008    0.0042    0.0713    0.0649   -0.1898    0.1826   -0.0325    0.0494
       34 C3     2px       -0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.1272    0.1367   -0.1518   -0.0106   -0.0415   -0.1481
       35 C3     *px        0.0003   -0.0028    0.0017    0.0015    0.0181    0.0177   -0.0556    0.0304   -0.0103   -0.0192
       36 C3     2py       -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0631   -0.0223    0.0082    0.2186    0.2765    0.0741
       37 C3     *py        0.0001   -0.0005    0.0001   -0.0006    0.0148    0.0045   -0.0170    0.0755    0.0969    0.0425
       38 C3     2pz       -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0037    0.0020   -0.0030   -0.0042   -0.0122   -0.0367
       39 C3     *pz       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0004    0.0001   -0.0028   -0.0012   -0.0076   -0.0194
       40 C3     *200      -0.0003   -0.0005    0.0000   -0.0003    0.0128    0.0020    0.0012   -0.0032   -0.0007   -0.0030
       41 C3     *110      -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0002    0.0160   -0.0132    0.0130    0.0053    0.0027    0.0058
       42 C3     *101      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0009    0.0002   -0.0010   -0.0000   -0.0008   -0.0020
       43 C3     *020      -0.0000   -0.0008   -0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0050    0.0018   -0.0046    0.0044    0.0015    0.0030
       44 C3     *011       0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0007   -0.0005    0.0007   -0.0013   -0.0007    0.0019
       45 C3     *002      -0.0000   -0.0014   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0082   -0.0026    0.0053   -0.0042    0.0008   -0.0015
       46 O4     1s         0.9948   -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.1945    0.0486   -0.0651    0.0409   -0.0282    0.0357
       47 O4     2s         0.0208    0.0005   -0.0003   -0.0000    0.4329   -0.1100    0.1520   -0.0971    0.0618   -0.0819
       48 O4     *s         0.0038   -0.0016    0.0017   -0.0001    0.4189   -0.1187    0.1752   -0.1190    0.1176   -0.1326
       49 O4     2px        0.0013    0.0002   -0.0000    0.0000    0.1070    0.0075   -0.0706    0.0541   -0.1818    0.1300
       50 O4     *px       -0.0003   -0.0011    0.0004   -0.0001    0.0548    0.0030   -0.0390    0.0342   -0.1040    0.0770
       51 O4     2py        0.0005    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0419   -0.0093   -0.0097    0.1177    0.1226    0.1201
       52 O4     *py       -0.0001   -0.0007    0.0003    0.0001    0.0201   -0.0037   -0.0061    0.0620    0.0738    0.0699
       53 O4     2pz        0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0026   -0.0007    0.0005   -0.0005   -0.0127   -0.0147
       54 O4     *pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0000    0.0012   -0.0004    0.0014   -0.0001   -0.0063   -0.0081
       55 O4     *200      -0.0022   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0093    0.0002   -0.0032    0.0009   -0.0096    0.0043
       56 O4     *110      -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0000    0.0081   -0.0009   -0.0023    0.0094    0.0044    0.0096
       57 O4     *101       0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0004   -0.0002    0.0003   -0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0015
       58 O4     *020      -0.0021    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0009    0.0019    0.0011    0.0041    0.0011
       59 O4     *011      -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0002   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0004
       60 O4     *002      -0.0023    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0015    0.0001    0.0011   -0.0012    0.0005   -0.0012
       61 H5     1s         0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0032    0.0756    0.1191    0.1045   -0.1340   -0.1566
       62 H5     *s        -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0021    0.0002    0.0011    0.0139    0.0458    0.0596   -0.0927   -0.1063
       63 H5     *px       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0004   -0.0035   -0.0027   -0.0016   -0.0012    0.0057
       64 H5     *py        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0048   -0.0060   -0.0033    0.0035    0.0048
       65 H5     *pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0056   -0.0079   -0.0060    0.0068    0.0049
       66 H6     1s         0.0000    0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0001    0.0018    0.0729    0.1318    0.0607   -0.0964    0.2105
       67 H6     *s        -0.0000    0.0001    0.0020    0.0004   -0.0023    0.0133    0.0521    0.0300   -0.0669    0.1433
       68 H6     *px       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0056   -0.0067   -0.0015   -0.0000   -0.0075
       69 H6     *py       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0001    0.0009    0.0019    0.0022   -0.0034    0.0009
       70 H6     *pz       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0054    0.0088    0.0039   -0.0053    0.0078
       71 H7     1s        -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0368    0.0352   -0.0956    0.1955    0.1227    0.0647
       72 H7     *s        -0.0001    0.0022    0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0036    0.0047   -0.0279    0.1008    0.0851    0.0369
       73 H7     *px        0.0001    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0020    0.0011   -0.0008   -0.0002   -0.0007   -0.0024
       74 H7     *py        0.0000    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0061   -0.0033    0.0081   -0.0134   -0.0064   -0.0035
       75 H7     *pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0005    0.0002   -0.0005
       76 H8     1s        -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0002    0.0116    0.0779   -0.0422   -0.1664   -0.0198    0.1100
       77 H8     *s        -0.0000    0.0005   -0.0001    0.0016   -0.0012    0.0151   -0.0086   -0.0844   -0.0147    0.0663
       78 H8     *px       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0003    0.0017    0.0018   -0.0021    0.0048    0.0019
       79 H8     *py       -0.0000    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0017    0.0082   -0.0039   -0.0120   -0.0013    0.0056
       80 H8     *pz       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0002    0.0002   -0.0003   -0.0016

          Orbital           11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20    
          Energy           -0.6016   -0.5686   -0.4957   -0.4247   -0.3378    0.0326    0.2016    0.2512    0.2725    0.3106
          Occ. No.          2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000

        1 C1     1s         0.0012    0.0209   -0.0000    0.0075    0.0003    0.0018    0.0239    0.1233   -0.0011   -0.0316
        2 C1     2s        -0.0008   -0.0491    0.0012   -0.0122   -0.0057   -0.0022   -0.0065   -0.1478   -0.0054    0.0296
        3 C1     *s        -0.0045   -0.0404   -0.0058   -0.0986    0.0439    0.0130   -0.4441   -2.1393   -0.0307    0.2223
        4 C1     2px       -0.0146    0.2082    0.0372    0.0383   -0.1182   -0.1190    0.0111   -0.1657   -0.0152   -0.0201
        5 C1     *px       -0.0123    0.0779    0.0279    0.0621   -0.1196   -0.2234   -0.0181   -0.6819    0.0058   -0.0283
        6 C1     2py        0.0572    0.0865   -0.0976    0.0499    0.2775    0.2637   -0.1169   -0.0514    0.0812   -0.0060
        7 C1     *py        0.0390    0.0458   -0.0710    0.0354    0.2383    0.4045   -0.3947   -0.1816    0.0226   -0.0305
        8 C1     2pz        0.2486    0.0517   -0.0268   -0.0336   -0.1208   -0.2029   -0.0373    0.0312    0.0834    0.1425
        9 C1     *pz        0.1336    0.0344   -0.0065   -0.0290   -0.1600   -0.2652   -0.1493    0.1492    0.4010    0.5889
       10 C1     *200      -0.0066   -0.0057    0.0009    0.0005   -0.0002    0.0008    0.0007    0.0020    0.0022   -0.0031
       11 C1     *110       0.0117   -0.0013   -0.0016   -0.0047    0.0007   -0.0005    0.0043   -0.0052   -0.0070   -0.0159
       12 C1     *101       0.0064   -0.0003   -0.0130   -0.0003    0.0281   -0.0141    0.0222   -0.0046    0.0021    0.0040
       13 C1     *020       0.0064    0.0036   -0.0010   -0.0017    0.0005    0.0002    0.0033    0.0026   -0.0011   -0.0034
       14 C1     *011       0.0030    0.0057   -0.0047    0.0006    0.0115   -0.0043    0.0151   -0.0036    0.0026    0.0011
       15 C1     *002       0.0004    0.0035    0.0001    0.0009   -0.0007    0.0003    0.0018    0.0029   -0.0019   -0.0036
       16 C2     1s        -0.0040   -0.0069    0.0018   -0.0325   -0.0001    0.0023   -0.0028   -0.0082    0.0692    0.0458
       17 C2     2s         0.0072    0.0108   -0.0029    0.0611   -0.0021    0.0014   -0.0037   -0.0059   -0.0852   -0.0435
       18 C2     *s         0.0116    0.0326   -0.0043    0.2563   -0.0178   -0.1072    0.0724   -0.1597   -1.1186   -0.9293
       19 C2     2px        0.0891   -0.1618    0.0028   -0.1521    0.0090    0.0177    0.0203    0.0348    0.0642   -0.0875
       20 C2     *px        0.0542   -0.0469    0.0019   -0.0370   -0.0405    0.0091   -0.0193    0.2409    0.1916    0.0751
       21 C2     2py       -0.2533   -0.2177    0.0196    0.0887   -0.0419   -0.0264   -0.0152    0.0441    0.1649    0.1697
       22 C2     *py       -0.1570   -0.1097    0.0146    0.1184   -0.0302   -0.0903    0.0048    0.0870    0.6179    1.0178
       23 C2     2pz        0.0811    0.0127    0.1499   -0.0031   -0.3433    0.2291   -0.2558    0.0452   -0.0362   -0.0743
       24 C2     *pz        0.0351    0.0017    0.1041   -0.0023   -0.3232    0.3147   -0.4837    0.0331   -0.1729   -0.3145
       25 C2     *200      -0.0034   -0.0098    0.0024    0.0011   -0.0091   -0.0083    0.0024   -0.0074   -0.0076    0.0055
       26 C2     *110       0.0109   -0.0061   -0.0056   -0.0049    0.0173    0.0158   -0.0082    0.0003   -0.0041    0.0104
       27 C2     *101       0.0081    0.0021   -0.0087   -0.0033   -0.0093   -0.0214   -0.0203    0.0044    0.0015    0.0041
       28 C2     *020       0.0047    0.0108   -0.0027   -0.0012    0.0097    0.0088   -0.0047   -0.0027    0.0101   -0.0042
       29 C2     *011       0.0061    0.0032    0.0075   -0.0000   -0.0106    0.0050    0.0167    0.0029    0.0042    0.0062
       30 C2     *002      -0.0001   -0.0003    0.0001   -0.0007    0.0001    0.0008    0.0002    0.0033    0.0008    0.0004
       31 C3     1s        -0.0055    0.0179   -0.0053    0.0041    0.0192    0.0231   -0.0161    0.0158   -0.0625    0.0697
       32 C3     2s         0.0160   -0.0507    0.0117    0.0038   -0.0470   -0.0546    0.0297   -0.0465    0.0699   -0.0786
       33 C3     *s         0.0295    0.0179    0.0191   -0.0588   -0.1186   -0.1051    0.1140   -0.0909    1.0422   -1.2946
       34 C3     2px       -0.2682    0.1945    0.0329    0.0457   -0.0651   -0.0711    0.0166   -0.0127    0.0669    0.0036
       35 C3     *px       -0.0530    0.0455    0.0066   -0.0781   -0.0038    0.0288   -0.0162    0.1287    0.2112   -0.3652
       36 C3     2py        0.0597    0.2151    0.0135   -0.1485    0.0336    0.0289   -0.0024   -0.0182    0.1969   -0.2227
       37 C3     *py        0.0272    0.0737    0.0047   -0.0247    0.0327   -0.0116    0.0577   -0.1971    0.6138   -1.0876
       38 C3     2pz        0.0334    0.0024    0.3164    0.0297    0.0001    0.1989    0.3724   -0.0955    0.0328    0.0788
       39 C3     *pz        0.0207    0.0034    0.2145    0.0220    0.0288    0.2079    0.6811   -0.1094    0.0786    0.2091
       40 C3     *200       0.0013   -0.0116   -0.0002    0.0189    0.0002    0.0017   -0.0035    0.0037    0.0046    0.0113
       41 C3     *110       0.0101   -0.0152   -0.0004   -0.0326    0.0049    0.0048   -0.0014    0.0018    0.0120    0.0023
       42 C3     *101       0.0012    0.0005   -0.0182   -0.0005   -0.0314    0.0271    0.0103    0.0004    0.0001   -0.0002
       43 C3     *020       0.0005    0.0112    0.0010   -0.0189    0.0006   -0.0003    0.0003   -0.0057   -0.0074   -0.0014
       44 C3     *011      -0.0021   -0.0013   -0.0154   -0.0005    0.0009   -0.0032    0.0190   -0.0022    0.0035    0.0084
       45 C3     *002      -0.0015    0.0018   -0.0010    0.0008   -0.0007   -0.0011    0.0007   -0.0009   -0.0030   -0.0006
       46 O4     1s         0.0416   -0.0416   -0.0033    0.0004   -0.0019   -0.0034    0.0027   -0.0072   -0.0068    0.0061
       47 O4     2s        -0.0903    0.0905    0.0076    0.0091   -0.0014    0.0027   -0.0055    0.0164    0.0006    0.0203
       48 O4     *s        -0.1844    0.1932    0.0161   -0.0454    0.0376    0.0475   -0.0224    0.0680    0.1204   -0.2546
       49 O4     2px        0.2041   -0.3739   -0.0221   -0.2026    0.0296    0.0435   -0.0088    0.0320    0.0209    0.0280
       50 O4     *px        0.1166   -0.2330   -0.0151   -0.1680    0.0336    0.0496   -0.0071    0.0361    0.0705   -0.0815
       51 O4     2py        0.2035   -0.0476   -0.0395    0.5533   -0.0094   -0.0065   -0.0135    0.0141   -0.0076    0.0844
       52 O4     *py        0.1252   -0.0289   -0.0278    0.4206   -0.0064    0.0015   -0.0215    0.0524   -0.0811    0.1548
       53 O4     2pz        0.0424   -0.0179    0.4288    0.0127    0.2689   -0.2328   -0.2599    0.0578   -0.0189   -0.0400
       54 O4     *pz        0.0280   -0.0123    0.3137    0.0091    0.2318   -0.2567   -0.3816    0.0717   -0.0347   -0.0822
       55 O4     *200       0.0065   -0.0147   -0.0015   -0.0054   -0.0007   -0.0009    0.0012    0.0001   -0.0031    0.0002
       56 O4     *110       0.0143   -0.0078   -0.0020    0.0158    0.0010    0.0015   -0.0004    0.0029    0.0017   -0.0062
       57 O4     *101       0.0034   -0.0009    0.0318    0.0018    0.0143   -0.0031    0.0008   -0.0023   -0.0004   -0.0001
       58 O4     *020       0.0029    0.0030   -0.0001    0.0087   -0.0009   -0.0003   -0.0006    0.0008   -0.0032    0.0088
       59 O4     *011       0.0015   -0.0005    0.0125    0.0012    0.0064   -0.0030    0.0037   -0.0013    0.0011    0.0021
       60 O4     *002      -0.0009    0.0018    0.0006    0.0019   -0.0012   -0.0014    0.0005   -0.0002   -0.0022    0.0046
       61 H5     1s         0.1362    0.0828   -0.0563    0.0029    0.0711   -0.0470    0.0633    0.0099    0.0070   -0.0247
       62 H5     *s         0.0980    0.0702   -0.0518    0.0003    0.1154   -0.0825    0.7798    1.2693   -0.4633   -0.7341
       63 H5     *px       -0.0029    0.0016    0.0010    0.0001   -0.0022   -0.0049    0.0028   -0.0049   -0.0005   -0.0043
       64 H5     *py       -0.0051   -0.0020   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0057    0.0098   -0.0025   -0.0017    0.0007   -0.0031
       65 H5     *pz       -0.0033   -0.0032    0.0022   -0.0008   -0.0052   -0.0055    0.0005    0.0004    0.0006    0.0022
       66 H6     1s        -0.1328    0.0278    0.0552    0.0229   -0.0728    0.0454   -0.0431    0.0383   -0.0069   -0.0053
       67 H6     *s        -0.0904    0.0327    0.0533    0.0164   -0.1215    0.1319   -0.1699    1.6705    0.4121    0.4203
       68 H6     *px        0.0057    0.0018   -0.0006   -0.0008   -0.0022   -0.0036   -0.0032   -0.0038   -0.0000   -0.0018
       69 H6     *py       -0.0017    0.0015   -0.0011    0.0013    0.0054    0.0099   -0.0053   -0.0011    0.0003   -0.0046
       70 H6     *pz       -0.0033    0.0025    0.0019    0.0001   -0.0051   -0.0054    0.0009    0.0007    0.0016    0.0052
       71 H7     1s         0.0299    0.1317    0.0123   -0.1576    0.0052   -0.0014   -0.0055   -0.0215   -0.0343   -0.0060
       72 H7     *s         0.0183    0.1191    0.0094   -0.1880    0.0349    0.0902   -0.1026    0.2441   -1.4571    1.8047
       73 H7     *px       -0.0036    0.0028    0.0003    0.0007    0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0008    0.0011    0.0046    0.0042
       74 H7     *py       -0.0008   -0.0057   -0.0005    0.0044    0.0000    0.0001    0.0006   -0.0024    0.0014   -0.0043
       75 H7     *pz        0.0007    0.0004    0.0056    0.0002   -0.0006    0.0064    0.0179   -0.0034    0.0023    0.0047
       76 H8     1s         0.1526    0.1668   -0.0240   -0.0184    0.0697    0.0649   -0.0271   -0.0150    0.0500   -0.0074
       77 H8     *s         0.0845    0.1318   -0.0196   -0.0383    0.0920    0.1209   -0.1373    0.1508    1.5106    1.3968
       78 H8     *px        0.0029   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0011   -0.0007   -0.0020    0.0032    0.0003    0.0055   -0.0075
       79 H8     *py        0.0070    0.0080   -0.0007   -0.0006    0.0010   -0.0005    0.0005    0.0017    0.0014    0.0072
       80 H8     *pz        0.0019    0.0004    0.0032   -0.0002   -0.0077    0.0071   -0.0120    0.0003   -0.0017   -0.0042

          Orbital           21        22        23        24    
          Energy            0.3252    0.4150    0.4605    0.5305
          Occ. No.          0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000

        1 C1     1s        -0.0057    0.0137    0.0816   -0.0002
        2 C1     2s        -0.0160   -0.1360    0.0375    0.0248
        3 C1     *s        -0.0710    0.2100   -3.0530    1.2594
        4 C1     2px        0.0401    0.1631   -0.0157    0.0228
        5 C1     *px        0.3000    0.1724    2.8469   -0.5218
        6 C1     2py       -0.1432   -0.0313    0.0368    0.0006
        7 C1     *py       -0.8083    0.4009    0.9511   -1.0414
        8 C1     2pz       -0.2839    0.0366   -0.0174   -0.1100
        9 C1     *pz       -1.3612    0.1811   -0.1208   -0.0311
       10 C1     *200      -0.0040   -0.0001    0.0128    0.0312
       11 C1     *110      -0.0095   -0.0152    0.0128   -0.0166
       12 C1     *101      -0.0078    0.0023    0.0078   -0.0147
       13 C1     *020      -0.0006   -0.0012   -0.0006   -0.0212
       14 C1     *011      -0.0080   -0.0049   -0.0177    0.0102
       15 C1     *002      -0.0034   -0.0133   -0.0087    0.0118
       16 C2     1s         0.0523    0.0032   -0.0997   -0.0766
       17 C2     2s        -0.0606    0.0741    0.0927    0.1151
       18 C2     *s        -1.0418   -0.9543    3.5958    1.5249
       19 C2     2px        0.0050   -0.0075    0.1969   -0.1477
       20 C2     *px        0.2251    0.9022    2.0587   -3.0915
       21 C2     2py        0.1060   -0.0525    0.1857    0.1372
       22 C2     *py        0.8125   -1.1635    1.8411    0.8583
       23 C2     2pz        0.0748   -0.0210   -0.0106   -0.0487
       24 C2     *pz        0.5857   -0.1103    0.0024    0.0500
       25 C2     *200       0.0045   -0.0102    0.0106   -0.0152
       26 C2     *110      -0.0092   -0.0134    0.0060    0.0237
       27 C2     *101      -0.0078    0.0033   -0.0024    0.0016
       28 C2     *020      -0.0050    0.0217    0.0092    0.0226
       29 C2     *011      -0.0117    0.0017   -0.0030    0.0004
       30 C2     *002       0.0007    0.0006   -0.0035    0.0025
       31 C3     1s        -0.0033    0.0298    0.0315    0.1204
       32 C3     2s         0.0061    0.0099   -0.0133   -0.0153
       33 C3     *s        -0.1316   -0.2028   -0.5420   -3.6531
       34 C3     2px        0.0604    0.1656   -0.0086   -0.0855
       35 C3     *px        0.1055    2.4342   -1.0411   -0.5932
       36 C3     2py       -0.0724   -0.0391    0.0430    0.2936
       37 C3     *py       -0.4085   -0.0548   -0.5794    2.2060
       38 C3     2pz       -0.0879    0.0301    0.0290   -0.0458
       39 C3     *pz       -0.2652    0.0730   -0.0059    0.0264
       40 C3     *200       0.0025    0.0080    0.0146    0.0031
       41 C3     *110       0.0029    0.0048    0.0064   -0.0053
       42 C3     *101      -0.0005   -0.0017    0.0007   -0.0008
       43 C3     *020      -0.0063   -0.0058   -0.0088    0.0100
       44 C3     *011      -0.0095    0.0026    0.0003    0.0020
       45 C3     *002       0.0005   -0.0077   -0.0007   -0.0123
       46 O4     1s        -0.0024   -0.0968    0.0089   -0.0586
       47 O4     2s         0.0029    0.0736    0.0811    0.0428
       48 O4     *s         0.0091    1.8243   -0.6392    1.1473
       49 O4     2px        0.0068    0.1439    0.0860    0.1449
       50 O4     *px       -0.0087    0.7155   -0.0915    0.7414
       51 O4     2py        0.0472    0.0923   -0.0563    0.0015
       52 O4     *py        0.0909    0.4799   -0.1301   -0.0800
       53 O4     2pz        0.0424   -0.0084   -0.0069    0.0042
       54 O4     *pz        0.0960   -0.0077   -0.0099    0.0010
       55 O4     *200      -0.0012   -0.0019    0.0072   -0.0008
       56 O4     *110       0.0009    0.0290   -0.0012    0.0043
       57 O4     *101       0.0009    0.0017    0.0011   -0.0019
       58 O4     *020       0.0001   -0.0257    0.0183   -0.0078
       59 O4     *011      -0.0037    0.0015    0.0005   -0.0009
       60 O4     *002      -0.0010   -0.0310    0.0182   -0.0250
       61 H5     1s        -0.0312   -0.0587   -0.0751   -0.0395
       62 H5     *s         1.6210   -0.4130   -0.2972    0.4932
       63 H5     *px       -0.0051    0.0033    0.0146   -0.0013
       64 H5     *py       -0.0029    0.0007    0.0028   -0.0064
       65 H5     *pz       -0.0052   -0.0021   -0.0035    0.0098
       66 H6     1s         0.0102   -0.0205   -0.0803    0.1516
       67 H6     *s        -1.6084   -0.0824   -0.5159   -0.2521
       68 H6     *px        0.0018    0.0048    0.0132    0.0142
       69 H6     *py       -0.0019   -0.0043    0.0099    0.0014
       70 H6     *pz       -0.0034    0.0075    0.0018    0.0005
       71 H7     1s        -0.0340   -0.0085   -0.0089    0.1123
       72 H7     *s         0.3980    0.3002    0.6391   -0.8158
       73 H7     *px        0.0037    0.0088   -0.0038   -0.0049
       74 H7     *py       -0.0047   -0.0014   -0.0052    0.0042
       75 H7     *pz       -0.0057    0.0020    0.0010    0.0007
       76 H8     1s        -0.0096    0.0744   -0.0048    0.0908
       77 H8     *s         1.2583   -0.6282    0.8427    0.0057
       78 H8     *px        0.0033    0.0098   -0.0037   -0.0064
       79 H8     *py        0.0055   -0.0088    0.0007   -0.0054
       80 H8     *pz        0.0056   -0.0013   -0.0001   -0.0017

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9967  1.9966  1.9968  1.9957  0.5284  0.5294  0.5475  0.5223
      2s       0.6849  0.6687  0.7025  0.9183  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7333  0.7455  0.7109  0.8934  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6144  0.5380  0.3878  0.7670  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5686  0.7256  0.7380  1.1115  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5806  0.5456  0.4187  0.9918  0.2890  0.2837  0.3105  0.2731
      *px      0.2571  0.1558  0.0666  0.5253  0.0025  0.0052  0.0012  0.0017
      *pz      0.4015  0.4836  0.3102  0.6260  0.0068  0.0069  0.0012  0.0025
      *py      0.3539  0.3224  0.2248  0.7080  0.0049  0.0020  0.0106  0.0100
      *200     0.0137  0.0228  0.0356  0.0164  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0063  0.0158  0.0293  0.0068  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0155  0.0045  0.0174  0.0094  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0088  0.0166  0.0190  0.0026  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0061  0.0022  0.0030  0.0015  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0002 -0.0187 -0.0222 -0.0007  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    6.2241  6.2251  5.6384  8.5730  0.8315  0.8272  0.8711  0.8097

      N-E     -0.2241 -0.2251  0.3616 -0.5730  0.1685  0.1728  0.1289  0.1903

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  4.6986E+00               Y=  1.0076E+00               Z=  9.9446E-02           Total=  4.8065E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.7082E+01              XY= -3.7217E-01              XZ= -3.6330E-01              YY= -2.2086E+01
                  YZ=  4.1536E-01              ZZ= -2.3670E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.2038E+00              XY= -5.5826E-01              XZ= -5.4495E-01              YY=  3.2904E+00
                  YZ=  6.2304E-01              ZZ=  9.1337E-01

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       71 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: scf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:19 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.scf.molden Molcas21.Singlet.ScfOrb Molcas21.Singlet.scf.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module scf spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.ScfOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:19 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804844

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Sun Mar  7 12:26:14 2021

      OrdInt status: non-squared

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   C1         1.87894000   0.12454000  -0.00668000
       2   C2         0.61590000  -0.40768000   0.01141000
       3   C3        -0.55583000   0.38967000   0.01042000
       4   O4        -1.75566000  -0.09794000  -0.00715000
       5   H5         2.22317000   0.77899000   0.77436000
       6   H6         2.57377000  -0.08669000  -0.79670000
       7   H7        -0.46739000   1.46344000  -0.02047000
       8   H8         0.46961000  -1.47383000  -0.00370000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  101.65353582

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons          28
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               14
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              62
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         14
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        62
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 80

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            10
      Number of determinants                    10
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     10

++    Optimization specifications:

      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update

      Orbitals from runfile: scf orbitals
      The MO-coefficients are taken from scf orbitals on runfile

      Total molecular charge    0.00

      Molecular orbitals exchanged:
        In symmetry  1 :  13  14

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *

                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1   41    0  -190.60870384    0.00E+00   0.24E+00*  10  21 1 -0.19E-01*  0.21   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1   20    0  -190.61813965   -0.94E-02*  0.25E+00*  14  16 1 -0.13E-01*  0.18   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1   14    0  -190.62181253   -0.37E-02*  0.12E+00*  14  15 1 -0.65E-02*  0.19   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1   14    0  -190.62328086   -0.15E-02*  0.73E-01   14  15 1 -0.68E-02*  0.18   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1   16    0  -190.62396349   -0.68E-03*  0.13E+00*  14  15 1 -0.63E-02*  0.18   2.50    QN   YES    0:00:00
        6   1   15    0  -190.62483084   -0.87E-03*  0.49E-01   14  15 1 -0.44E-02*  0.18   1.37    QN   YES    0:00:00
        7   1   16    0  -190.62509882   -0.27E-03* -0.23E-01   14  15 1 -0.24E-02*  0.19   1.50    QN   YES    0:00:00
        8   1   15    0  -190.62526844   -0.17E-03*  0.29E-01   14  17 1  0.13E-02*  0.19   1.76    QN   YES    0:00:00
        9   1   14    0  -190.62537525   -0.11E-03*  0.20E-01   10  16 1  0.73E-03*  0.19   1.45    QN   YES    0:00:00
       10   1   13    0  -190.62540222   -0.27E-04*  0.10E-01   16  21 1 -0.41E-03*  0.19   1.50    QN   YES    0:00:00
       11   1   13    0  -190.62541005   -0.78E-05* -0.37E-02   13  17 1 -0.32E-03*  0.19   1.45    QN   YES    0:00:00
       12   1   12    0  -190.62541296   -0.29E-05*  0.23E-02   13  17 1 -0.24E-03*  0.19   1.43    QN   YES    0:00:00
       13   1   11    0  -190.62541410   -0.11E-05* -0.21E-02   13  17 1 -0.17E-03*  0.19   1.44    QN   YES    0:00:00
       14   1   11    0  -190.62541462   -0.52E-06* -0.14E-02   13  17 1 -0.85E-04   0.19   1.41    QN   YES    0:00:00
       15   1   11    0  -190.62541486   -0.24E-06* -0.10E-02   16  30 1  0.49E-04   0.19   1.50    QN   YES    0:00:00
       16   1   10    0  -190.62541495   -0.94E-07*  0.26E-03   14  17 1  0.27E-04   0.19   1.28    QN   YES    0:00:00
       17   1    9    0  -190.62541498   -0.24E-07*  0.22E-03   10  16 1  0.13E-04   0.19   1.26    QN   YES    0:00:00
       18   1    8    0  -190.62541499   -0.72E-08   0.12E-03   10  18 1  0.46E-05   0.19   1.17    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after 18 iterations
       19   1    8    0  -190.62541499   -0.16E-08   0.12E-03   14  16 1 -0.29E-05   0.19   1.17    QN   YES    0:00:00

                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)

      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -190.704869
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2000   0.75162 0.56494
             2  ud00   0.64881 0.42095
             3  0200  -0.05690 0.00324
             4  u0d0  -0.05193 0.00270
             7  0u0d   0.05737 0.00329

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -190.545961
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2000  -0.64032 0.41002
             2  ud00   0.75296 0.56695
             6  0ud0   0.06964 0.00485
             8  0020   0.11306 0.01278

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.840691   0.154869   0.004041   0.000398

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.735868   0.240518   0.023017   0.000597

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons          28
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               14
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              62
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         14
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        62
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 80

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            10
      Number of determinants                    10
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2

++    Final optimization conditions:

      Average CI energy                            -190.62541499
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -190.54596129
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients              -0.528E-03
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.122E-03
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.290E-05
      (orbital pair  14,  16 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.110E+00

      Final state energy(ies):

::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -190.70486868
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -190.54596129

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -20.5135  -11.3355  -11.3117  -11.2389   -1.2972   -1.0976   -0.9076   -0.7794   -0.6723   -0.6659
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000

     1 C1     1s         0.0000    0.9957    0.0000   -0.0069   -0.0083   -0.1507   -0.1257   -0.0327    0.0025   -0.0047
     2 C1     2s         0.0000    0.0270   -0.0003   -0.0002    0.0189    0.3009    0.2544    0.0651   -0.0071    0.0148
     3 C1     *s        -0.0001   -0.0111    0.0002    0.0039    0.0074    0.2144    0.2469    0.0963   -0.0019    0.0096
     4 C1     2px       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0003   -0.0112   -0.0950    0.1066    0.1453    0.2541   -0.2490
     5 C1     *px        0.0000    0.0006   -0.0003   -0.0020    0.0035   -0.0065    0.0340    0.0406    0.1098   -0.0996
     6 C1     2py       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0015   -0.0334    0.0186    0.1338   -0.1237   -0.2149
     7 C1     *py        0.0000    0.0003    0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0025    0.0008    0.0030    0.0457   -0.0664   -0.0964
     8 C1     2pz        0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002    0.0013   -0.0050    0.0323   -0.3293   -0.1461
     9 C1     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0024    0.0004   -0.0002    0.0105   -0.1494   -0.0663
    10 C1     *200       0.0000   -0.0008    0.0000   -0.0003    0.0007    0.0068   -0.0026   -0.0028   -0.0005    0.0071
    11 C1     *110       0.0000    0.0004    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0100    0.0032   -0.0067   -0.0107    0.0038
    12 C1     *101       0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0024   -0.0054    0.0005   -0.0173   -0.0047
    13 C1     *020       0.0000   -0.0012   -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0003   -0.0041   -0.0019   -0.0015   -0.0028   -0.0024
    14 C1     *011      -0.0000    0.0005    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0055    0.0094    0.0083   -0.0021   -0.0111
    15 C1     *002       0.0000   -0.0010   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0033    0.0025    0.0043    0.0043   -0.0064
    16 C2     1s         0.0000    0.0064    0.0066    0.9955   -0.0292   -0.1491    0.0803    0.0899    0.0105   -0.0016
    17 C2     2s         0.0000    0.0002    0.0002    0.0283    0.0548    0.2810   -0.1552   -0.1738   -0.0211    0.0035
    18 C2     *s        -0.0001    0.0019    0.0032   -0.0132    0.0357    0.2062   -0.1448   -0.2012   -0.0009   -0.0441
    19 C2     2px        0.0000   -0.0002    0.0002    0.0005   -0.0296    0.0709    0.1826   -0.0714   -0.1242    0.2969
    20 C2     *px        0.0001    0.0017   -0.0010   -0.0005   -0.0102    0.0124    0.0330   -0.0337   -0.0354    0.0822
    21 C2     2py        0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0162    0.0614   -0.0292    0.1573   -0.1281    0.0576
    22 C2     *py       -0.0001   -0.0004    0.0016   -0.0017   -0.0028    0.0118    0.0025    0.0501   -0.0454    0.0147
    23 C2     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0013   -0.0045    0.0090   -0.0047   -0.0663   -0.0271
    24 C2     *pz        0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0029    0.0089   -0.0100   -0.0100    0.0008
    25 C2     *200      -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0003   -0.0009    0.0041    0.0079    0.0012   -0.0006   -0.0006    0.0029
    26 C2     *110      -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0002    0.0001   -0.0038    0.0042    0.0145   -0.0072   -0.0101    0.0110
    27 C2     *101      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0001    0.0002   -0.0069   -0.0030
    28 C2     *020       0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0011   -0.0000    0.0016   -0.0046   -0.0019    0.0008   -0.0033
    29 C2     *011       0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0006    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0037   -0.0028
    30 C2     *002      -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0014   -0.0014   -0.0072    0.0028    0.0035    0.0007   -0.0006
    31 C3     1s        -0.0000   -0.0001    0.9958   -0.0070   -0.1096   -0.0440    0.1082   -0.1017   -0.0331    0.0106
    32 C3     2s         0.0005   -0.0003    0.0262   -0.0003    0.2113    0.0907   -0.2244    0.2141    0.0739   -0.0293
    33 C3     *s         0.0001    0.0008   -0.0089    0.0042    0.0731    0.0526   -0.1717    0.1833    0.0632   -0.0019
    34 C3     2px       -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.1265    0.1204   -0.1570    0.0151   -0.0338   -0.0697
    35 C3     *px        0.0003    0.0017   -0.0028    0.0016    0.0175    0.0161   -0.0572    0.0390    0.0037   -0.0068
    36 C3     2py       -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0625   -0.0162    0.0116    0.1934   -0.0350    0.2638
    37 C3     *py        0.0001    0.0001   -0.0005   -0.0006    0.0157    0.0035   -0.0170    0.0732   -0.0023    0.0892
    38 C3     2pz       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0022   -0.0001    0.0014   -0.0047   -0.0245   -0.0149
    39 C3     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002    0.0005   -0.0002   -0.0149   -0.0091
    40 C3     *200      -0.0003    0.0000   -0.0005   -0.0002    0.0128    0.0017    0.0009   -0.0035   -0.0025   -0.0009
    41 C3     *110      -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0001    0.0158   -0.0114    0.0136    0.0035   -0.0002    0.0057
    42 C3     *101      -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0006   -0.0004    0.0005   -0.0006   -0.0012   -0.0003
    43 C3     *020      -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0008   -0.0003   -0.0050    0.0014   -0.0042    0.0049    0.0021    0.0015
    44 C3     *011      -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0007    0.0016    0.0002
    45 C3     *002      -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0013   -0.0001   -0.0084   -0.0020    0.0050   -0.0047   -0.0013   -0.0001
    46 O4     1s         0.9948   -0.0001   -0.0002    0.0000   -0.1935    0.0457   -0.0643    0.0465    0.0298   -0.0155
    47 O4     2s         0.0208   -0.0003    0.0004   -0.0000    0.4287   -0.1026    0.1494   -0.1103   -0.0674    0.0322
    48 O4     *s         0.0038    0.0018   -0.0015   -0.0001    0.4183   -0.1092    0.1664   -0.1298   -0.1087    0.0701
    49 O4     2px        0.0013   -0.0000    0.0002    0.0000    0.1063    0.0014   -0.0590    0.0623    0.1027   -0.1119
    50 O4     *px       -0.0003    0.0004   -0.0011   -0.0001    0.0539    0.0002   -0.0343    0.0411    0.0589   -0.0624
    51 O4     2py        0.0005   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0000    0.0417   -0.0095   -0.0027    0.0979    0.0221    0.1294
    52 O4     *py       -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0006    0.0001    0.0196   -0.0037   -0.0029    0.0512    0.0123    0.0775
    53 O4     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0016    0.0009   -0.0040    0.0051   -0.0201   -0.0146
    54 O4     *pz       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0011    0.0008   -0.0039    0.0047   -0.0134   -0.0098
    55 O4     *200      -0.0022   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0091   -0.0002   -0.0028    0.0016    0.0047   -0.0070
    56 O4     *110       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0080   -0.0010   -0.0016    0.0085    0.0033    0.0064
    57 O4     *101      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0003    0.0000   -0.0003    0.0002   -0.0014   -0.0012
    58 O4     *020      -0.0022   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0007    0.0019    0.0004   -0.0006    0.0035
    59 O4     *011       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0003
    60 O4     *002      -0.0023   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0016    0.0001    0.0011   -0.0014   -0.0007   -0.0000
    61 H5     1s         0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0044    0.0863    0.1233    0.1133   -0.1451   -0.1883
    62 H5     *s        -0.0000    0.0021   -0.0000    0.0003    0.0015    0.0163    0.0472    0.0651   -0.0948   -0.1292
    63 H5     *px       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0005   -0.0038   -0.0022   -0.0012    0.0065    0.0004
    64 H5     *py        0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0055   -0.0064   -0.0033    0.0047    0.0052
    65 H5     *pz        0.0000    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0062   -0.0079   -0.0063    0.0038    0.0081
    66 H6     1s         0.0000   -0.0003    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0026    0.0839    0.1380    0.0535    0.2593    0.0001
    67 H6     *s        -0.0000    0.0020    0.0001    0.0004   -0.0025    0.0157    0.0562    0.0275    0.1729   -0.0013
    68 H6     *px       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0064   -0.0065   -0.0008   -0.0082   -0.0034
    69 H6     *py       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0012    0.0024    0.0026    0.0023   -0.0028
    70 H6     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0061    0.0089    0.0034    0.0099   -0.0016
    71 H7     1s        -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0379    0.0282   -0.0882    0.1933    0.0135    0.1304
    72 H7     *s        -0.0001    0.0001    0.0022   -0.0003   -0.0031    0.0035   -0.0268    0.1012    0.0013    0.0905
    73 H7     *px        0.0001   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0020    0.0010   -0.0009    0.0004   -0.0008   -0.0011
    74 H7     *py        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0062   -0.0025    0.0075   -0.0134   -0.0011   -0.0071
    75 H7     *pz        0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0005   -0.0004    0.0001
    76 H8     1s        -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0128    0.0722   -0.0613   -0.1545    0.0701   -0.0564
    77 H8     *s        -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0005    0.0015   -0.0004    0.0148   -0.0182   -0.0781    0.0407   -0.0394
    78 H8     *px       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0020    0.0012   -0.0030   -0.0004    0.0042
    79 H8     *py       -0.0000    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0018    0.0074   -0.0055   -0.0112    0.0040   -0.0034
    80 H8     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0014   -0.0006

      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18
      Energy            -0.5959   -0.5525   -0.4729   -0.3978    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    1.4715    0.5039    0.0205    0.0041

     1 C1     1s         0.0059    0.0216   -0.0005    0.0083   -0.0021    0.0009    0.0008    0.0072
     2 C1     2s        -0.0120   -0.0539    0.0018   -0.0145    0.0012   -0.0082    0.0004   -0.0417
     3 C1     *s        -0.0199   -0.0552    0.0019   -0.1061    0.0366    0.0553    0.0372    0.1923
     4 C1     2px        0.0601    0.1643    0.0089    0.0256   -0.0538   -0.1797    0.0318    0.0832
     5 C1     *px        0.0251    0.0666    0.0041    0.0567   -0.0298   -0.2562   -0.0888   -0.3947
     6 C1     2py        0.0009    0.0595   -0.0371    0.0757    0.1104    0.4100   -0.0898   -0.1510
     7 C1     *py        0.0078    0.0345   -0.0265    0.0595    0.0527    0.4805    0.0403    0.5869
     8 C1     2pz        0.1609    0.0089   -0.0377   -0.0335   -0.0239   -0.2547    0.1230    0.2465
     9 C1     *pz        0.0880    0.0088   -0.0280   -0.0302   -0.0653   -0.1974    0.2095    1.0022
    10 C1     *200      -0.0069   -0.0035    0.0010    0.0005   -0.0023    0.0036    0.0039    0.0249
    11 C1     *110       0.0093   -0.0022   -0.0016   -0.0043    0.0052   -0.0069   -0.0045   -0.0457
    12 C1     *101       0.0021   -0.0008   -0.0069    0.0025    0.0353   -0.0143   -0.0044   -0.1535
    13 C1     *020       0.0061    0.0019   -0.0009   -0.0016    0.0025   -0.0027   -0.0016   -0.0257
    14 C1     *011       0.0021    0.0031   -0.0021    0.0014    0.0139   -0.0052    0.0039   -0.0624
    15 C1     *002       0.0012    0.0024    0.0000    0.0008   -0.0008   -0.0002    0.0002    0.0013
    16 C2     1s        -0.0019   -0.0126    0.0018   -0.0350    0.0038    0.0008    0.0073   -0.0156
    17 C2     2s         0.0024    0.0217   -0.0033    0.0633   -0.0099   -0.0032   -0.0291    0.0005
    18 C2     *s         0.0030    0.0441   -0.0126    0.2877   -0.0241   -0.0620   -0.0923    0.1877
    19 C2     2px        0.0789   -0.1318    0.0012   -0.1434    0.0344    0.0276    0.0347   -0.0154
    20 C2     *px        0.0668   -0.0296   -0.0029   -0.0403   -0.0077   -0.0433   -0.0838   -0.5032
    21 C2     2py       -0.3306   -0.1411    0.0209    0.0793   -0.0687   -0.0559   -0.0446    0.0619
    22 C2     *py       -0.1971   -0.0644    0.0131    0.1206   -0.0404   -0.0799   -0.0094    0.1228
    23 C2     2pz        0.0790    0.0058    0.0879   -0.0439   -0.4685    0.0934   -0.6915   -0.3221
    24 C2     *pz        0.0455    0.0020    0.0437   -0.0385   -0.4313    0.1756   -0.0139    0.0442
    25 C2     *200      -0.0048   -0.0092    0.0010   -0.0006   -0.0041   -0.0139    0.0002   -0.0409
    26 C2     *110       0.0071   -0.0073   -0.0018   -0.0025    0.0091    0.0272    0.0031    0.0857
    27 C2     *101       0.0045    0.0004   -0.0101   -0.0017   -0.0016   -0.0080   -0.0498    0.2469
    28 C2     *020       0.0063    0.0093   -0.0011    0.0002    0.0048    0.0149    0.0100    0.0395
    29 C2     *011       0.0046    0.0010    0.0061   -0.0014   -0.0123    0.0020    0.0313   -0.0110
    30 C2     *002      -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0005   -0.0002    0.0000   -0.0072   -0.0019
    31 C3     1s        -0.0096    0.0265   -0.0042    0.0060    0.0126    0.0312   -0.0058    0.0391
    32 C3     2s         0.0221   -0.0728    0.0086   -0.0012   -0.0295   -0.0785    0.0121   -0.1101
    33 C3     *s         0.0652   -0.0014    0.0109   -0.0709   -0.0469   -0.1609   -0.0326   -0.6384
    34 C3     2px       -0.2511    0.2507    0.0147    0.0350   -0.0597   -0.1073    0.0326   -0.0933
    35 C3     *px       -0.0390    0.0622    0.0054   -0.0921   -0.0034    0.0099    0.0834    0.0148
    36 C3     2py        0.1466    0.2203   -0.0024   -0.1313    0.0384    0.0551   -0.0093    0.0890
    37 C3     *py        0.0540    0.0686   -0.0025   -0.0066    0.0184    0.0467    0.0502    0.3598
    38 C3     2pz        0.0297    0.0027    0.3101    0.0026   -0.1126    0.1137    0.4024   -0.1082
    39 C3     *pz        0.0185    0.0019    0.2173    0.0015   -0.0502    0.0974    0.5228   -0.0756
    40 C3     *200      -0.0027   -0.0110   -0.0002    0.0189   -0.0021    0.0002    0.0025    0.0063
    41 C3     *110       0.0081   -0.0160    0.0005   -0.0321    0.0063    0.0089    0.0040    0.0233
    42 C3     *101       0.0028   -0.0002   -0.0222   -0.0035   -0.0362    0.0140    0.0365   -0.0515
    43 C3     *020       0.0042    0.0106    0.0003   -0.0188    0.0026    0.0006   -0.0027   -0.0064
    44 C3     *011      -0.0021   -0.0008   -0.0141    0.0004    0.0054   -0.0015   -0.0053    0.0556
    45 C3     *002      -0.0014    0.0022   -0.0004    0.0009   -0.0003   -0.0005   -0.0006   -0.0099
    46 O4     1s         0.0386   -0.0560   -0.0009    0.0004    0.0002   -0.0041   -0.0044   -0.0167
    47 O4     2s        -0.0839    0.1201    0.0012    0.0095   -0.0031   -0.0002   -0.0081   -0.0198
    48 O4     *s        -0.1647    0.2599    0.0071   -0.0471    0.0086    0.0663    0.1040    0.3308
    49 O4     2px        0.1345   -0.4294   -0.0095   -0.2012    0.0362    0.0588    0.0033    0.0714
    50 O4     *px        0.0741   -0.2667   -0.0048   -0.1689    0.0307    0.0648    0.0348    0.1448
    51 O4     2py        0.2163   -0.0901   -0.0264    0.5509   -0.0397   -0.0186    0.0137   -0.0042
    52 O4     *py        0.1337   -0.0549   -0.0191    0.4226   -0.0338   -0.0120    0.0171    0.0270
    53 O4     2pz        0.0152   -0.0036    0.4747    0.0334    0.2442   -0.0969   -0.3164    0.1871
    54 O4     *pz        0.0066   -0.0023    0.3528    0.0276    0.2278   -0.1093   -0.3125   -0.0209
    55 O4     *200       0.0038   -0.0175   -0.0005   -0.0055    0.0005   -0.0008   -0.0036   -0.0072
    56 O4     *110       0.0147   -0.0110   -0.0014    0.0160   -0.0001    0.0015   -0.0010   -0.0006
    57 O4     *101       0.0016   -0.0005    0.0327    0.0016    0.0094   -0.0008    0.0049    0.0125
    58 O4     *020       0.0041    0.0022   -0.0006    0.0090   -0.0008   -0.0015   -0.0042   -0.0131
    59 O4     *011       0.0008   -0.0001    0.0132    0.0011    0.0047   -0.0009   -0.0048    0.0033
    60 O4     *002      -0.0006    0.0018    0.0004    0.0020   -0.0006   -0.0024   -0.0034   -0.0118
    61 H5     1s         0.0849    0.0403   -0.0342    0.0126    0.0870   -0.0376   -0.0092   -0.2439
    62 H5     *s         0.0636    0.0377   -0.0214    0.0092    0.1602   -0.1191   -0.1482   -0.9286
    63 H5     *px       -0.0008    0.0018    0.0004   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0059   -0.0064   -0.0140
    64 H5     *py       -0.0038   -0.0007    0.0005    0.0007    0.0016    0.0111   -0.0025    0.0081
    65 H5     *pz       -0.0017   -0.0018    0.0010   -0.0012   -0.0024   -0.0065    0.0017   -0.0013
    66 H6     1s        -0.0601    0.0328    0.0324    0.0101   -0.0900    0.0337    0.0035    0.2523
    67 H6     *s        -0.0382    0.0349    0.0224    0.0036   -0.1792    0.1454    0.2137    1.0289
    68 H6     *px        0.0035    0.0010   -0.0007   -0.0007   -0.0011   -0.0034    0.0067    0.0082
    69 H6     *py       -0.0014    0.0012   -0.0002    0.0016    0.0009    0.0117    0.0039    0.0141
    70 H6     *pz       -0.0006    0.0022    0.0007   -0.0004   -0.0024   -0.0064    0.0009   -0.0007
    71 H7     1s         0.0893    0.1287    0.0007   -0.1528    0.0211    0.0052   -0.0169   -0.0321
    72 H7     *s         0.0665    0.1257    0.0034   -0.1965    0.0363    0.0517   -0.0291   -0.1028
    73 H7     *px       -0.0036    0.0038    0.0002    0.0004   -0.0003   -0.0001    0.0008    0.0031
    74 H7     *py       -0.0037   -0.0056    0.0001    0.0040   -0.0003    0.0004    0.0000   -0.0020
    75 H7     *pz        0.0008    0.0004    0.0055   -0.0003   -0.0031    0.0034    0.0095    0.0101
    76 H8     1s         0.2024    0.1247   -0.0181   -0.0073    0.0524    0.1009   -0.0022    0.0664
    77 H8     *s         0.1223    0.1104   -0.0122   -0.0292    0.0476    0.1430   -0.0039    0.1472
    78 H8     *px        0.0043    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0011    0.0005   -0.0017   -0.0013   -0.0159
    79 H8     *py        0.0095    0.0061   -0.0008   -0.0004    0.0018    0.0007   -0.0018   -0.0055
    80 H8     *pz        0.0019    0.0002    0.0018   -0.0011   -0.0111    0.0045   -0.0064    0.0075

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  0.41655

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9968  1.9965  1.9968  1.9957  0.5248  0.5261  0.5497  0.5246
      2s       0.7108  0.6567  0.6966  0.9121  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7623  0.7266  0.7102  0.8818  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6540  0.5467  0.3861  0.7766  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5794  0.7155  0.7269  1.0975  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5857  0.5450  0.4152  0.9977  0.2672  0.2653  0.3307  0.2817
      *px      0.2630  0.1488  0.0736  0.5301  0.0025  0.0054  0.0012  0.0018
      *pz      0.3979  0.4395  0.3137  0.6272  0.0068  0.0070  0.0013  0.0025
      *py      0.3541  0.3312  0.2190  0.7144  0.0053  0.0022  0.0104  0.0098
      *200     0.0141  0.0236  0.0354  0.0157  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0062  0.0154  0.0290  0.0069  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0139  0.0050  0.0173  0.0088  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0092  0.0181  0.0183  0.0023  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0056  0.0020  0.0029  0.0015  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0005 -0.0180 -0.0224 -0.0010  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    6.3352  6.1525  5.6187  8.5672  0.8066  0.8060  0.8933  0.8205

      N-E     -0.3352 -0.1525  0.3813 -0.5672  0.1934  0.1940  0.1067  0.1795

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  4.4290E+00               Y=  8.7652E-01               Z=  4.7912E-02           Total=  4.5152E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.7543E+01              XY= -3.8905E-01              XZ= -3.0395E-01              YY= -2.2239E+01
                  YZ=  5.6602E-01              ZZ= -2.3407E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.7204E+00              XY= -5.8358E-01              XZ= -4.5593E-01              YY=  3.2369E+00
                  YZ=  8.4902E-01              ZZ=  1.4835E+00

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  0.62246

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9968  1.9965  1.9967  1.9957  0.5375  0.5384  0.5486  0.4998
      2s       0.7109  0.6567  0.6897  0.9121  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7271  0.7239  0.6898  0.8752  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6095  0.6904  0.4457  0.8408  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.4142  0.7030  0.7201  1.0948  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5853  0.5459  0.4111  0.9980  0.2803  0.2844  0.3256  0.2647
      *px      0.2397  0.1508  0.0746  0.5271  0.0028  0.0051  0.0012  0.0019
      *pz      0.2975  0.5946  0.3650  0.6700  0.0064  0.0065  0.0017  0.0041
      *py      0.2550  0.3295  0.2175  0.7124  0.0046  0.0021  0.0104  0.0098
      *200     0.0143  0.0219  0.0351  0.0157  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0067  0.0124  0.0283  0.0069  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0229  0.0043  0.0228  0.0084  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0090  0.0170  0.0188  0.0023  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0070  0.0018  0.0029  0.0014  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0005 -0.0180 -0.0224 -0.0010  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    5.8785  6.4306  5.6954  8.6597  0.8315  0.8366  0.8875  0.7802

      N-E      0.1215 -0.4306  0.3046 -0.6597  0.1685  0.1634  0.1125  0.2198

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  8.1086E+00               Y=  1.2328E+00               Z= -6.5583E-02           Total=  8.2020E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.3843E+01              XY= -4.2924E-01              XZ= -2.0691E-01              YY= -2.1288E+01
                  YZ=  3.4011E-01              ZZ= -2.4572E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -9.1331E-01              XY= -6.4386E-01              XZ= -3.1036E-01              YY=  2.9193E+00
                  YZ=  5.1017E-01              ZZ= -2.0060E+00

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:23 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:23 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804894

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Sun Mar  7 12:26:14 2021

      OrdInt status: non-squared

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   C1         1.87894000   0.12454000  -0.00668000
       2   C2         0.61590000  -0.40768000   0.01141000
       3   C3        -0.55583000   0.38967000   0.01042000
       4   O4        -1.75566000  -0.09794000  -0.00715000
       5   H5         2.22317000   0.77899000   0.77436000
       6   H6         2.57377000  -0.08669000  -0.79670000
       7   H7        -0.46739000   1.46344000  -0.02047000
       8   H8         0.46961000  -1.47383000  -0.00370000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  101.65353582

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons          28
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               14
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              62
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         14
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        62
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 80

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            10
      Number of determinants                    10
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     10

++    Optimization specifications:

      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update

      Orbitals from runfile: rasscf orbitals
      The MO-coefficients are taken from rasscf orbitals on runfile

      Total molecular charge    0.00

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *

                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    4    0  -190.62541499    0.00E+00  -0.46E-04   13  16 1 -0.32E-05   0.22   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    4    0  -190.62541499   -0.44E-09  -0.35E-04   13  16 1 -0.21E-05   0.22   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    4    0  -190.62541499   -0.19E-09   0.28E-04   10  15 1 -0.13E-05   0.22   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    3    0  -190.62541499   -0.11E-09   0.23E-04   10  15 1 -0.99E-06   0.22   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
      Convergence after  4 iterations
        5   1    3    0  -190.62541499   -0.64E-10   0.23E-04   10  15 1 -0.74E-06   0.22   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00

                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)

      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -190.704869
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2000   0.75162 0.56493
             2  ud00   0.64881 0.42096
             3  0200  -0.05690 0.00324
             4  u0d0  -0.05193 0.00270
             7  0u0d   0.05737 0.00329

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -190.545961
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2000  -0.64033 0.41002
             2  ud00   0.75296 0.56694
             6  0ud0   0.06964 0.00485
             8  0020   0.11306 0.01278

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.840688   0.154873   0.004041   0.000398

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.735872   0.240514   0.023017   0.000597

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons          28
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               14
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              62
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         14
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        62
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 80

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                            10
      Number of determinants                    10
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2

++    Final optimization conditions:

      Average CI energy                            -190.62541499
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -190.54596107
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients              -0.167E-03
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.231E-04
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.741E-06
      (orbital pair  10,  15 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.110E+00

      Final state energy(ies):

::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -190.70486890
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -190.54596107

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -20.5135  -11.3355  -11.3117  -11.2389   -1.2972   -1.0976   -0.9076   -0.7794   -0.6723   -0.6659
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000

     1 C1     1s         0.0000    0.9957    0.0000   -0.0069   -0.0083   -0.1507   -0.1257   -0.0327    0.0025   -0.0047
     2 C1     2s         0.0000    0.0270   -0.0003   -0.0002    0.0189    0.3009    0.2544    0.0651   -0.0071    0.0148
     3 C1     *s        -0.0001   -0.0111    0.0002    0.0039    0.0074    0.2144    0.2469    0.0963   -0.0019    0.0096
     4 C1     2px       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0003   -0.0112   -0.0950    0.1066    0.1453    0.2541   -0.2490
     5 C1     *px        0.0000    0.0006   -0.0003   -0.0020    0.0035   -0.0065    0.0340    0.0406    0.1097   -0.0997
     6 C1     2py       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0015   -0.0334    0.0186    0.1338   -0.1237   -0.2148
     7 C1     *py        0.0000    0.0003    0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0025    0.0008    0.0030    0.0457   -0.0664   -0.0964
     8 C1     2pz        0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002    0.0013   -0.0050    0.0323   -0.3293   -0.1461
     9 C1     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0024    0.0004   -0.0002    0.0105   -0.1494   -0.0663
    10 C1     *200       0.0000   -0.0008    0.0000   -0.0003    0.0007    0.0068   -0.0026   -0.0028   -0.0005    0.0071
    11 C1     *110       0.0000    0.0004    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0100    0.0032   -0.0067   -0.0107    0.0038
    12 C1     *101       0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0024   -0.0054    0.0005   -0.0173   -0.0047
    13 C1     *020       0.0000   -0.0012   -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0003   -0.0041   -0.0019   -0.0015   -0.0028   -0.0024
    14 C1     *011      -0.0000    0.0005    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0055    0.0094    0.0083   -0.0021   -0.0111
    15 C1     *002       0.0000   -0.0010   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0033    0.0025    0.0043    0.0043   -0.0064
    16 C2     1s         0.0000    0.0064    0.0066    0.9955   -0.0292   -0.1491    0.0803    0.0899    0.0105   -0.0016
    17 C2     2s         0.0000    0.0002    0.0002    0.0283    0.0548    0.2810   -0.1552   -0.1738   -0.0211    0.0035
    18 C2     *s        -0.0001    0.0019    0.0032   -0.0132    0.0357    0.2062   -0.1448   -0.2012   -0.0009   -0.0441
    19 C2     2px        0.0000   -0.0002    0.0002    0.0005   -0.0296    0.0709    0.1826   -0.0714   -0.1242    0.2969
    20 C2     *px        0.0001    0.0017   -0.0010   -0.0005   -0.0102    0.0124    0.0330   -0.0337   -0.0354    0.0822
    21 C2     2py        0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0162    0.0614   -0.0292    0.1573   -0.1280    0.0576
    22 C2     *py       -0.0001   -0.0004    0.0016   -0.0017   -0.0028    0.0118    0.0025    0.0501   -0.0454    0.0147
    23 C2     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0013   -0.0045    0.0090   -0.0047   -0.0663   -0.0271
    24 C2     *pz        0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0029    0.0089   -0.0100   -0.0100    0.0008
    25 C2     *200      -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0003   -0.0009    0.0041    0.0079    0.0012   -0.0006   -0.0006    0.0029
    26 C2     *110      -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0002    0.0001   -0.0038    0.0042    0.0145   -0.0072   -0.0101    0.0110
    27 C2     *101      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0001    0.0002   -0.0069   -0.0030
    28 C2     *020       0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0011   -0.0000    0.0016   -0.0046   -0.0019    0.0008   -0.0033
    29 C2     *011       0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0006    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0037   -0.0028
    30 C2     *002      -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0014   -0.0014   -0.0072    0.0028    0.0035    0.0007   -0.0006
    31 C3     1s        -0.0000   -0.0001    0.9958   -0.0070   -0.1096   -0.0440    0.1082   -0.1017   -0.0331    0.0106
    32 C3     2s         0.0005   -0.0003    0.0262   -0.0003    0.2113    0.0907   -0.2244    0.2141    0.0739   -0.0293
    33 C3     *s         0.0001    0.0008   -0.0089    0.0042    0.0731    0.0526   -0.1717    0.1833    0.0632   -0.0019
    34 C3     2px       -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.1265    0.1204   -0.1570    0.0151   -0.0338   -0.0697
    35 C3     *px        0.0003    0.0017   -0.0028    0.0016    0.0175    0.0161   -0.0572    0.0390    0.0037   -0.0068
    36 C3     2py       -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0625   -0.0162    0.0116    0.1934   -0.0349    0.2638
    37 C3     *py        0.0001    0.0001   -0.0005   -0.0006    0.0157    0.0035   -0.0170    0.0732   -0.0023    0.0892
    38 C3     2pz       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0022   -0.0001    0.0014   -0.0047   -0.0245   -0.0149
    39 C3     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002    0.0005   -0.0002   -0.0149   -0.0091
    40 C3     *200      -0.0003    0.0000   -0.0005   -0.0002    0.0128    0.0017    0.0009   -0.0035   -0.0025   -0.0009
    41 C3     *110      -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0001    0.0158   -0.0114    0.0136    0.0035   -0.0002    0.0057
    42 C3     *101      -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0006   -0.0004    0.0005   -0.0006   -0.0012   -0.0003
    43 C3     *020      -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0008   -0.0003   -0.0050    0.0014   -0.0042    0.0049    0.0021    0.0015
    44 C3     *011      -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0007    0.0016    0.0002
    45 C3     *002      -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0013   -0.0001   -0.0084   -0.0020    0.0050   -0.0047   -0.0013   -0.0001
    46 O4     1s         0.9948   -0.0001   -0.0002    0.0000   -0.1935    0.0457   -0.0643    0.0465    0.0298   -0.0155
    47 O4     2s         0.0208   -0.0003    0.0004   -0.0000    0.4287   -0.1026    0.1494   -0.1103   -0.0674    0.0322
    48 O4     *s         0.0038    0.0018   -0.0015   -0.0001    0.4183   -0.1092    0.1664   -0.1298   -0.1087    0.0701
    49 O4     2px        0.0013   -0.0000    0.0002    0.0000    0.1063    0.0014   -0.0590    0.0623    0.1027   -0.1120
    50 O4     *px       -0.0003    0.0004   -0.0011   -0.0001    0.0539    0.0002   -0.0343    0.0411    0.0589   -0.0624
    51 O4     2py        0.0005   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0000    0.0417   -0.0095   -0.0027    0.0979    0.0221    0.1294
    52 O4     *py       -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0006    0.0001    0.0196   -0.0037   -0.0029    0.0512    0.0123    0.0775
    53 O4     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0016    0.0009   -0.0040    0.0051   -0.0201   -0.0146
    54 O4     *pz       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0011    0.0008   -0.0039    0.0047   -0.0134   -0.0098
    55 O4     *200      -0.0022   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0091   -0.0002   -0.0028    0.0016    0.0047   -0.0070
    56 O4     *110       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0080   -0.0010   -0.0016    0.0085    0.0033    0.0064
    57 O4     *101      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0003    0.0000   -0.0003    0.0002   -0.0014   -0.0012
    58 O4     *020      -0.0022   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0007    0.0019    0.0004   -0.0006    0.0035
    59 O4     *011       0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0003
    60 O4     *002      -0.0023   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0016    0.0001    0.0011   -0.0014   -0.0007   -0.0000
    61 H5     1s         0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0043    0.0863    0.1233    0.1133   -0.1451   -0.1882
    62 H5     *s        -0.0000    0.0021   -0.0000    0.0003    0.0015    0.0163    0.0472    0.0651   -0.0948   -0.1291
    63 H5     *px       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0005   -0.0038   -0.0022   -0.0012    0.0065    0.0004
    64 H5     *py        0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0055   -0.0064   -0.0033    0.0047    0.0052
    65 H5     *pz        0.0000    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0062   -0.0079   -0.0063    0.0038    0.0081
    66 H6     1s         0.0000   -0.0003    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0026    0.0839    0.1380    0.0535    0.2593    0.0001
    67 H6     *s        -0.0000    0.0020    0.0001    0.0004   -0.0025    0.0157    0.0562    0.0275    0.1729   -0.0013
    68 H6     *px       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0064   -0.0065   -0.0008   -0.0082   -0.0034
    69 H6     *py       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0012    0.0024    0.0026    0.0023   -0.0028
    70 H6     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0061    0.0089    0.0034    0.0099   -0.0016
    71 H7     1s        -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0379    0.0282   -0.0882    0.1933    0.0135    0.1304
    72 H7     *s        -0.0001    0.0001    0.0022   -0.0003   -0.0031    0.0035   -0.0268    0.1012    0.0013    0.0905
    73 H7     *px        0.0001   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0020    0.0010   -0.0009    0.0004   -0.0008   -0.0011
    74 H7     *py        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0062   -0.0025    0.0075   -0.0134   -0.0011   -0.0071
    75 H7     *pz        0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0005   -0.0004    0.0001
    76 H8     1s        -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0128    0.0722   -0.0613   -0.1545    0.0701   -0.0564
    77 H8     *s        -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0005    0.0015   -0.0004    0.0148   -0.0182   -0.0781    0.0406   -0.0394
    78 H8     *px       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0020    0.0012   -0.0030   -0.0004    0.0042
    79 H8     *py       -0.0000    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0002    0.0018    0.0074   -0.0055   -0.0112    0.0040   -0.0034
    80 H8     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0014   -0.0006

      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18
      Energy            -0.5959   -0.5525   -0.4729   -0.3978    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    1.4715    0.5039    0.0205    0.0041

     1 C1     1s         0.0059    0.0216   -0.0005    0.0083   -0.0021    0.0009    0.0008    0.0072
     2 C1     2s        -0.0120   -0.0539    0.0018   -0.0145    0.0012   -0.0082    0.0004   -0.0416
     3 C1     *s        -0.0199   -0.0552    0.0019   -0.1061    0.0366    0.0553    0.0372    0.1928
     4 C1     2px        0.0600    0.1643    0.0089    0.0256   -0.0538   -0.1797    0.0318    0.0831
     5 C1     *px        0.0251    0.0666    0.0041    0.0567   -0.0297   -0.2562   -0.0888   -0.3949
     6 C1     2py        0.0009    0.0595   -0.0371    0.0757    0.1104    0.4100   -0.0898   -0.1511
     7 C1     *py        0.0078    0.0345   -0.0265    0.0595    0.0527    0.4805    0.0402    0.5869
     8 C1     2pz        0.1609    0.0089   -0.0377   -0.0335   -0.0239   -0.2548    0.1229    0.2465
     9 C1     *pz        0.0880    0.0088   -0.0280   -0.0302   -0.0653   -0.1974    0.2094    1.0022
    10 C1     *200      -0.0069   -0.0035    0.0010    0.0005   -0.0023    0.0036    0.0039    0.0249
    11 C1     *110       0.0093   -0.0022   -0.0016   -0.0043    0.0052   -0.0069   -0.0045   -0.0458
    12 C1     *101       0.0021   -0.0008   -0.0069    0.0025    0.0353   -0.0143   -0.0044   -0.1535
    13 C1     *020       0.0061    0.0019   -0.0009   -0.0016    0.0025   -0.0027   -0.0016   -0.0257
    14 C1     *011       0.0021    0.0031   -0.0021    0.0014    0.0139   -0.0052    0.0039   -0.0624
    15 C1     *002       0.0012    0.0024    0.0000    0.0008   -0.0008   -0.0002    0.0002    0.0013
    16 C2     1s        -0.0019   -0.0126    0.0018   -0.0350    0.0038    0.0008    0.0073   -0.0155
    17 C2     2s         0.0024    0.0217   -0.0033    0.0633   -0.0099   -0.0032   -0.0291    0.0005
    18 C2     *s         0.0030    0.0441   -0.0126    0.2877   -0.0241   -0.0620   -0.0920    0.1867
    19 C2     2px        0.0790   -0.1318    0.0012   -0.1434    0.0344    0.0276    0.0347   -0.0155
    20 C2     *px        0.0668   -0.0296   -0.0029   -0.0403   -0.0077   -0.0433   -0.0838   -0.5033
    21 C2     2py       -0.3306   -0.1411    0.0209    0.0794   -0.0687   -0.0559   -0.0446    0.0619
    22 C2     *py       -0.1971   -0.0644    0.0131    0.1206   -0.0404   -0.0799   -0.0094    0.1225
    23 C2     2pz        0.0790    0.0058    0.0879   -0.0439   -0.4686    0.0934   -0.6915   -0.3221
    24 C2     *pz        0.0455    0.0020    0.0437   -0.0385   -0.4313    0.1757   -0.0139    0.0443
    25 C2     *200      -0.0048   -0.0092    0.0010   -0.0006   -0.0041   -0.0139    0.0002   -0.0409
    26 C2     *110       0.0071   -0.0073   -0.0018   -0.0025    0.0091    0.0272    0.0031    0.0857
    27 C2     *101       0.0045    0.0004   -0.0101   -0.0017   -0.0016   -0.0080   -0.0498    0.2469
    28 C2     *020       0.0063    0.0093   -0.0011    0.0002    0.0048    0.0149    0.0100    0.0395
    29 C2     *011       0.0046    0.0010    0.0061   -0.0014   -0.0123    0.0020    0.0313   -0.0110
    30 C2     *002      -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0005   -0.0002    0.0000   -0.0072   -0.0019
    31 C3     1s        -0.0096    0.0265   -0.0042    0.0060    0.0126    0.0312   -0.0058    0.0391
    32 C3     2s         0.0221   -0.0728    0.0086   -0.0012   -0.0295   -0.0785    0.0121   -0.1100
    33 C3     *s         0.0652   -0.0014    0.0109   -0.0709   -0.0469   -0.1609   -0.0327   -0.6380
    34 C3     2px       -0.2511    0.2507    0.0147    0.0350   -0.0597   -0.1073    0.0326   -0.0932
    35 C3     *px       -0.0390    0.0622    0.0054   -0.0921   -0.0034    0.0099    0.0833    0.0150
    36 C3     2py        0.1466    0.2203   -0.0024   -0.1313    0.0384    0.0551   -0.0092    0.0890
    37 C3     *py        0.0540    0.0686   -0.0025   -0.0066    0.0184    0.0467    0.0502    0.3598
    38 C3     2pz        0.0297    0.0027    0.3101    0.0026   -0.1126    0.1137    0.4024   -0.1082
    39 C3     *pz        0.0185    0.0019    0.2173    0.0015   -0.0502    0.0974    0.5228   -0.0756
    40 C3     *200      -0.0027   -0.0110   -0.0002    0.0189   -0.0021    0.0002    0.0025    0.0063
    41 C3     *110       0.0081   -0.0160    0.0005   -0.0321    0.0063    0.0089    0.0040    0.0233
    42 C3     *101       0.0028   -0.0002   -0.0222   -0.0035   -0.0362    0.0140    0.0365   -0.0515
    43 C3     *020       0.0042    0.0106    0.0003   -0.0188    0.0026    0.0006   -0.0027   -0.0064
    44 C3     *011      -0.0021   -0.0008   -0.0141    0.0004    0.0054   -0.0015   -0.0053    0.0556
    45 C3     *002      -0.0014    0.0022   -0.0004    0.0009   -0.0003   -0.0005   -0.0006   -0.0099
    46 O4     1s         0.0386   -0.0560   -0.0009    0.0004    0.0002   -0.0041   -0.0044   -0.0167
    47 O4     2s        -0.0839    0.1201    0.0012    0.0095   -0.0031   -0.0002   -0.0080   -0.0198
    48 O4     *s        -0.1647    0.2599    0.0071   -0.0471    0.0086    0.0663    0.1040    0.3308
    49 O4     2px        0.1345   -0.4294   -0.0095   -0.2012    0.0362    0.0588    0.0033    0.0713
    50 O4     *px        0.0742   -0.2667   -0.0048   -0.1689    0.0307    0.0648    0.0348    0.1447
    51 O4     2py        0.2163   -0.0901   -0.0264    0.5509   -0.0397   -0.0186    0.0137   -0.0042
    52 O4     *py        0.1337   -0.0549   -0.0191    0.4226   -0.0338   -0.0120    0.0171    0.0271
    53 O4     2pz        0.0152   -0.0036    0.4747    0.0334    0.2442   -0.0969   -0.3164    0.1872
    54 O4     *pz        0.0066   -0.0023    0.3528    0.0276    0.2278   -0.1093   -0.3125   -0.0209
    55 O4     *200       0.0038   -0.0175   -0.0005   -0.0055    0.0005   -0.0008   -0.0036   -0.0072
    56 O4     *110       0.0147   -0.0110   -0.0014    0.0160   -0.0001    0.0015   -0.0010   -0.0006
    57 O4     *101       0.0016   -0.0005    0.0327    0.0016    0.0094   -0.0008    0.0049    0.0125
    58 O4     *020       0.0041    0.0022   -0.0006    0.0090   -0.0008   -0.0015   -0.0042   -0.0131
    59 O4     *011       0.0008   -0.0001    0.0132    0.0011    0.0047   -0.0009   -0.0048    0.0033
    60 O4     *002      -0.0006    0.0018    0.0004    0.0020   -0.0006   -0.0024   -0.0034   -0.0118
    61 H5     1s         0.0849    0.0403   -0.0342    0.0126    0.0870   -0.0376   -0.0093   -0.2439
    62 H5     *s         0.0636    0.0377   -0.0214    0.0092    0.1602   -0.1191   -0.1482   -0.9287
    63 H5     *px       -0.0008    0.0018    0.0004   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0059   -0.0064   -0.0140
    64 H5     *py       -0.0038   -0.0007    0.0005    0.0007    0.0016    0.0111   -0.0025    0.0081
    65 H5     *pz       -0.0017   -0.0018    0.0010   -0.0012   -0.0024   -0.0065    0.0017   -0.0013
    66 H6     1s        -0.0601    0.0328    0.0324    0.0101   -0.0900    0.0337    0.0035    0.2523
    67 H6     *s        -0.0382    0.0349    0.0224    0.0036   -0.1792    0.1454    0.2136    1.0289
    68 H6     *px        0.0035    0.0010   -0.0007   -0.0007   -0.0011   -0.0034    0.0067    0.0082
    69 H6     *py       -0.0014    0.0012   -0.0002    0.0016    0.0009    0.0117    0.0039    0.0141
    70 H6     *pz       -0.0006    0.0022    0.0007   -0.0004   -0.0024   -0.0064    0.0009   -0.0007
    71 H7     1s         0.0893    0.1287    0.0007   -0.1528    0.0211    0.0052   -0.0169   -0.0321
    72 H7     *s         0.0665    0.1257    0.0034   -0.1965    0.0363    0.0517   -0.0290   -0.1029
    73 H7     *px       -0.0036    0.0038    0.0002    0.0004   -0.0003   -0.0001    0.0008    0.0031
    74 H7     *py       -0.0037   -0.0056    0.0001    0.0040   -0.0003    0.0004    0.0000   -0.0020
    75 H7     *pz        0.0008    0.0004    0.0055   -0.0003   -0.0031    0.0034    0.0095    0.0101
    76 H8     1s         0.2024    0.1247   -0.0181   -0.0073    0.0524    0.1009   -0.0022    0.0665
    77 H8     *s         0.1223    0.1104   -0.0122   -0.0292    0.0476    0.1430   -0.0039    0.1473
    78 H8     *px        0.0043    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0011    0.0005   -0.0017   -0.0013   -0.0159
    79 H8     *py        0.0095    0.0061   -0.0008   -0.0004    0.0018    0.0007   -0.0018   -0.0055
    80 H8     *pz        0.0019    0.0002    0.0018   -0.0011   -0.0111    0.0045   -0.0064    0.0075

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  0.41656

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9968  1.9965  1.9968  1.9957  0.5248  0.5261  0.5497  0.5246
      2s       0.7108  0.6567  0.6966  0.9121  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7623  0.7266  0.7102  0.8818  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6540  0.5467  0.3861  0.7766  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5794  0.7155  0.7269  1.0975  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5857  0.5450  0.4152  0.9977  0.2672  0.2653  0.3307  0.2817
      *px      0.2630  0.1488  0.0736  0.5301  0.0025  0.0054  0.0012  0.0018
      *pz      0.3979  0.4395  0.3137  0.6272  0.0068  0.0070  0.0013  0.0025
      *py      0.3541  0.3312  0.2190  0.7144  0.0053  0.0022  0.0104  0.0098
      *200     0.0141  0.0236  0.0354  0.0157  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0062  0.0154  0.0290  0.0069  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0139  0.0050  0.0173  0.0088  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0092  0.0181  0.0183  0.0023  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0056  0.0020  0.0029  0.0015  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0005 -0.0180 -0.0224 -0.0010  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    6.3352  6.1525  5.6187  8.5672  0.8066  0.8060  0.8933  0.8205

      N-E     -0.3352 -0.1525  0.3813 -0.5672  0.1934  0.1940  0.1067  0.1795

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  4.4290E+00               Y=  8.7651E-01               Z=  4.7888E-02           Total=  4.5151E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.7543E+01              XY= -3.8904E-01              XZ= -3.0397E-01              YY= -2.2239E+01
                  YZ=  5.6602E-01              ZZ= -2.3407E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.7204E+00              XY= -5.8356E-01              XZ= -4.5595E-01              YY=  3.2368E+00
                  YZ=  8.4903E-01              ZZ=  1.4836E+00

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  0.62246

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9968  1.9965  1.9967  1.9957  0.5375  0.5384  0.5486  0.4998
      2s       0.7109  0.6567  0.6897  0.9121  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7271  0.7239  0.6898  0.8752  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6095  0.6904  0.4457  0.8408  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.4142  0.7030  0.7201  1.0948  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5853  0.5459  0.4111  0.9980  0.2802  0.2844  0.3256  0.2647
      *px      0.2397  0.1508  0.0746  0.5271  0.0028  0.0051  0.0012  0.0019
      *pz      0.2975  0.5946  0.3650  0.6700  0.0064  0.0065  0.0017  0.0041
      *py      0.2550  0.3295  0.2175  0.7124  0.0046  0.0021  0.0104  0.0098
      *200     0.0143  0.0219  0.0351  0.0157  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0067  0.0124  0.0283  0.0069  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0229  0.0043  0.0228  0.0084  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0090  0.0170  0.0188  0.0023  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0070  0.0018  0.0029  0.0014  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0005 -0.0180 -0.0224 -0.0010  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    5.8785  6.4306  5.6954  8.6597  0.8315  0.8366  0.8876  0.7802

      N-E      0.1215 -0.4306  0.3046 -0.6597  0.1685  0.1634  0.1124  0.2198

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  8.1086E+00               Y=  1.2327E+00               Z= -6.5544E-02           Total=  8.2021E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.3843E+01              XY= -4.2923E-01              XZ= -2.0687E-01              YY= -2.1288E+01
                  YZ=  3.4010E-01              ZZ= -2.4572E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -9.1316E-01              XY= -6.4385E-01              XZ= -3.1031E-01              YY=  2.9192E+00
                  YZ=  5.1015E-01              ZZ= -2.0061E+00

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:25 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:25 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804931

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:25 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:25 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804956

 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared

++   Wave function specifications:

     Number of closed shell electrons             28
     Number of electrons in active shells          2
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  14
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 62
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500

     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            14
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    80
     Number of Orbitals                           80
     Number of configurations                       10
     Number of combinations                       10
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -190.5459610714
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100

     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   2

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
 Warning  perturbation number                     1  might diverge
            1      1.832225305E-01  6.663047384E-02  2.523202069E-02  1.440410297E-03  1.824412275E-03
            2      4.339407964E-02  3.725792925E-02  9.935825677E-03  1.701453978E-04  6.030890419E-04
            3      1.360202348E-02  1.981689461E-02  5.795506404E-03  8.398247449E-05  1.583905195E-04
            4      4.579087253E-03  1.200287411E-02  4.170215612E-03  3.142552217E-05  5.016874127E-05
            5      6.905295134E-04  4.321341508E-03  1.486950376E-03  4.203075104E-06  8.101396054E-06
            6      1.568129003E-04  2.028467158E-03  5.879509792E-04  5.412800561E-07  2.252952155E-06
            7      3.674965255E-05  7.939986039E-04  5.066713106E-04  3.348520190E-07  3.199860887E-07
            8      7.511222357E-06  5.296709002E-04  1.317302264E-04  2.744985156E-08  1.063918121E-07
            9      1.771676872E-06  2.463896567E-04  7.073259684E-05  1.113321831E-08  2.043610138E-08
           10      5.057024256E-07  1.334976187E-04  4.341200006E-05  2.907855710E-09  6.103201442E-09
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in   10 steps.

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  7.7497E+00               Y=  1.1409E+00               Z= -1.0966E-01           Total=  7.8340E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.4013E+01              XY= -3.3849E-01              XZ= -2.0292E-01              YY= -2.1243E+01
                  YZ=  5.2669E-01              ZZ= -2.4513E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.1346E+00              XY= -5.0774E-01              XZ= -3.0438E-01              YY=  3.0195E+00
                  YZ=  7.9003E-01              ZZ= -1.8849E+00

      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:25 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:25 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 804981

                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06

                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *

           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   C1           x         1     1
   2   C1           y         1     1
   3   C1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   O4           x         4     1
  11   O4           y         4     1
  12   O4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1

                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.

 Conventional ERI gradients!

 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF

 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *

  Irreducible representation: a  
                              X                       Y                       Z
  C1               -3.06235263334456E-02   -9.01151470168315E-03   -8.43819991358530E-03
  C2                3.98314020667674E-02    3.21776661633155E-03    3.88377668291395E-03
  C3                1.02540915704706E-01    4.81532005707486E-02    4.06501855005313E-02
  O4               -8.94839176961284E-02   -3.49518679830014E-02   -1.05413017159830E-02
  H5               -1.76079577110919E-02    1.51944051440913E-02   -1.38004143875077E-02
  H6               -5.40444307059573E-04   -2.25495650699790E-02    1.81389078187697E-02
  H7               -7.10162784089736E-03   -5.16500291829392E-03   -5.21159281321787E-03
  H8                2.98515611707628E-03    5.11257834183043E-03   -2.46813611719112E-02

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:26 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Triplet

--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:26 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805018

               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Orbital angular momentum around ( 0.0008  0.0135  0.0007 )
                  Velocity quadrupole around ( 0.0008  0.0135  0.0007 )
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals

                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15

            Nuclear Potential Energy            101.65353582 au

      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions           80

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:29 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Triplet.GssOrb Molcas21.Triplet.guessorb.h5 Molcas21.Triplet.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.GssOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:29 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805061

      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by Gateway/Seward, Sun Mar  7 12:26:27 2021

      OrdInt status: non-squared

      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   C1         1.87894000   0.12454000  -0.00668000
       2   C2         0.61590000  -0.40768000   0.01141000
       3   C3        -0.55583000   0.38967000   0.01042000
       4   O4        -1.75566000  -0.09794000  -0.00715000
       5   H5         2.22317000   0.77899000   0.77436000
       6   H6         2.57377000  -0.08669000  -0.79670000
       7   H7        -0.46739000   1.46344000  -0.02047000
       8   H8         0.46961000  -1.47383000  -0.00370000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  101.65353582

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons          28
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               14
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              62
      Spin quantum number                      1.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         14
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        62
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 80

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                             6
      Number of determinants                     6
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian      6

++    Optimization specifications:

      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update

      Orbitals from runfile: guessorb orbitals
      The MO-coefficients are taken from guessorb on runfile

      Total molecular charge    0.00

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *

                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics

      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1  100    0  -189.99436919    0.00E+00   0.29E+00*  13  18 1 -0.31E+00*  0.36   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1  100    0  -190.45118865   -0.46E+00*  0.18E+00*   5  18 1 -0.92E-01*  0.24   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1   59    0  -190.52603623   -0.75E-01* -0.72E-01   12  15 1  0.49E-01*  0.23   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1   51    0  -190.54497661   -0.19E-01* -0.63E-01   14  15 1 -0.22E-01*  0.21   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1   43    0  -190.55201937   -0.70E-02* -0.93E-01   14  15 1 -0.17E-01*  0.21   1.64    QN   YES    0:00:00
        6   1   34    0  -190.55646400   -0.44E-02* -0.51E-01   14  15 1 -0.11E-01*  0.20   1.71    LS   YES    0:00:00
        7   1   31    0  -190.55719051   -0.73E-03*  0.66E-01   14  15 1 -0.75E-02*  0.19   1.08    QN   YES    0:00:00
        8   1   29    0  -190.55801018   -0.82E-03*  0.14E+00*  14  15 1 -0.60E-02*  0.19   2.06    QN   YES    0:00:00
        9   1   26    0  -190.55896958   -0.96E-03*  0.13E+00*  14  16 1  0.44E-02*  0.19   1.62    QN   YES    0:00:00
       10   1   25    0  -190.55937755   -0.41E-03*  0.86E-01   14  16 1  0.40E-02*  0.19   1.49    QN   YES    0:00:00
       11   1   24    0  -190.55954247   -0.16E-03*  0.61E-01   14  16 1  0.28E-02*  0.19   1.58    QN   YES    0:00:00
       12   1   23    0  -190.55963651   -0.94E-04*  0.36E-01   14  16 1  0.15E-02*  0.19   1.75    QN   YES    0:00:00
       13   1   20    0  -190.55969238   -0.56E-04* -0.24E-01    9  15 1 -0.74E-03*  0.19   1.53    QN   YES    0:00:00
       14   1   20    0  -190.55971326   -0.21E-04* -0.17E-01   12  16 1  0.24E-03*  0.19   1.36    QN   YES    0:00:00
       15   1   19    0  -190.55971949   -0.62E-05* -0.97E-02    9  16 1 -0.21E-03*  0.19   1.34    QN   YES    0:00:00
       16   1   18    0  -190.55972149   -0.20E-05*  0.48E-02    9  16 1 -0.16E-03*  0.19   1.38    QN   YES    0:00:00
       17   1   16    0  -190.55972211   -0.62E-06*  0.35E-02    9  17 1 -0.62E-04   0.19   1.43    QN   YES    0:00:00
       18   1   14    0  -190.55972230   -0.19E-06*  0.27E-02   13  24 1  0.24E-04   0.19   1.45    QN   YES    0:00:00
       19   1   13    0  -190.55972238   -0.77E-07*  0.21E-02    9  16 1  0.29E-04   0.19   1.46    QN   YES    0:00:00
       20   1   13    0  -190.55972241   -0.36E-07*  0.11E-02    9  17 1  0.23E-04   0.19   1.47    QN   YES    0:00:00
       21   1   11    0  -190.55972242   -0.13E-07* -0.47E-03    9  17 1  0.11E-04   0.19   1.40    QN   YES    0:00:00
       22   1   10    0  -190.55972243   -0.38E-08   0.31E-03   11  15 1  0.31E-05   0.19   1.45    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after 22 iterations
       23   1   10    0  -190.55972243   -0.13E-08   0.31E-03    9  16 1 -0.43E-05   0.19   1.45    QN   YES    0:00:00

                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)

      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -190.664074
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  uu00   0.98321 0.96670
             2  u0u0   0.18090 0.03273

      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -190.455371
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  uu00  -0.18137 0.03289
             2  u0u0   0.98068 0.96173
             5  0u0u   0.07325 0.00537

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   0.999707   0.999707   0.000293   0.000293

      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   0.994909   0.005091   0.994909   0.005091

      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *

++    Wave function specifications:

      Number of closed shell electrons          28
      Number of electrons in active shells       2
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               14
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              62
      Spin quantum number                      1.0
      State symmetry                             1

++    Orbital specifications:

      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         14
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        62
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 80

++    CI expansion specifications:

      Number of CSFs                             6
      Number of determinants                     6
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2

++    Final optimization conditions:

      Average CI energy                            -190.55972243
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -190.45537101
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients              -0.693E-03
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.308E-03
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.427E-05
      (orbital pair   9,  16 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.108E+00

      Final state energy(ies):

::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -190.66407385
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -190.45537101

++    Molecular orbitals:

      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers

      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  

      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -20.5357  -11.2994  -11.2978  -11.2666   -1.3035   -1.1050   -0.9053   -0.7815   -0.6726   -0.6575
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000

     1 C1     1s         0.0000    0.4408    0.8927    0.0005   -0.0082   -0.1419   -0.1324   -0.0382    0.0062   -0.0021
     2 C1     2s         0.0000    0.0122    0.0248   -0.0003    0.0184    0.2766    0.2599    0.0745   -0.0072    0.0024
     3 C1     *s        -0.0001   -0.0014   -0.0115    0.0003    0.0080    0.1952    0.2591    0.0996   -0.0386    0.0077
     4 C1     2px       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0004    0.0000   -0.0113   -0.1021    0.0781    0.1160   -0.3574    0.0167
     5 C1     *px        0.0001   -0.0015    0.0015   -0.0003    0.0032   -0.0090    0.0209    0.0347   -0.1338    0.0020
     6 C1     2py       -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0021   -0.0396    0.0119    0.1176   -0.0637    0.2160
     7 C1     *py        0.0000   -0.0004    0.0005    0.0001   -0.0032   -0.0022    0.0001    0.0315   -0.0186    0.0988
     8 C1     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0003    0.0019   -0.0068    0.0367    0.1213    0.3007
     9 C1     *pz       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0021    0.0013   -0.0030    0.0151    0.0574    0.1488
    10 C1     *200       0.0000   -0.0007   -0.0007    0.0001    0.0008    0.0075   -0.0018   -0.0020    0.0070   -0.0039
    11 C1     *110       0.0000   -0.0000    0.0004    0.0000    0.0005    0.0104    0.0039   -0.0071    0.0102    0.0023
    12 C1     *101       0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0023   -0.0044   -0.0007    0.0082    0.0105
    13 C1     *020       0.0000   -0.0007   -0.0011   -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0037   -0.0019   -0.0020   -0.0005    0.0023
    14 C1     *011      -0.0000    0.0001    0.0003    0.0000    0.0001    0.0048    0.0092    0.0069   -0.0077    0.0075
    15 C1     *002       0.0000   -0.0006   -0.0010   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0029    0.0025    0.0039   -0.0080    0.0021
    16 C2     1s        -0.0000    0.8924   -0.4412   -0.0148   -0.0305   -0.1582    0.0760    0.0820   -0.0170   -0.0079
    17 C2     2s         0.0000    0.0250   -0.0123   -0.0003    0.0592    0.3124   -0.1559   -0.1646    0.0377    0.0170
    18 C2     *s        -0.0001   -0.0112    0.0076    0.0034    0.0365    0.2210   -0.1432   -0.1946    0.0063    0.0435
    19 C2     2px        0.0000    0.0003   -0.0004    0.0002   -0.0310    0.0713    0.2197   -0.0788    0.2871   -0.1545
    20 C2     *px        0.0001    0.0002    0.0017   -0.0010   -0.0119    0.0131    0.0404   -0.0290    0.0910   -0.0556
    21 C2     2py        0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0002    0.0164    0.0609   -0.0209    0.2175    0.1858    0.0777
    22 C2     *py       -0.0001   -0.0017    0.0003    0.0015   -0.0045    0.0088    0.0056    0.0835    0.0773    0.0440
    23 C2     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0003   -0.0020   -0.0037    0.0118    0.0248    0.0763
    24 C2     *pz        0.0000    0.0001    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0012   -0.0017    0.0043    0.0066    0.0195
    25 C2     *200      -0.0000   -0.0009    0.0001   -0.0003    0.0041    0.0082    0.0014    0.0016    0.0036   -0.0007
    26 C2     *110      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0039    0.0042    0.0164   -0.0088    0.0130   -0.0024
    27 C2     *101      -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0003   -0.0004    0.0007    0.0027    0.0076
    28 C2     *020       0.0000   -0.0009    0.0003   -0.0003   -0.0002    0.0016   -0.0051   -0.0037   -0.0042    0.0008
    29 C2     *011       0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0005    0.0046
    30 C2     *002      -0.0000   -0.0013    0.0006   -0.0001   -0.0016   -0.0083    0.0032    0.0033   -0.0010   -0.0002
    31 C3     1s        -0.0000    0.0126   -0.0068    0.9956   -0.1061   -0.0439    0.1049   -0.1064    0.0279    0.0248
    32 C3     2s         0.0005    0.0001   -0.0004    0.0270    0.1983    0.0892   -0.2108    0.2156   -0.0624   -0.0482
    33 C3     *s         0.0000    0.0039   -0.0011   -0.0086    0.0678    0.0503   -0.1690    0.1979   -0.0428   -0.0726
    34 C3     2px       -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.1203    0.1195   -0.1486    0.0333    0.0140    0.1073
    35 C3     *px        0.0003    0.0022    0.0009   -0.0028    0.0196    0.0119   -0.0520    0.0362   -0.0050   -0.0022
    36 C3     2py       -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0643   -0.0219    0.0321    0.1493    0.1578   -0.1866
    37 C3     *py        0.0001   -0.0005    0.0004   -0.0003    0.0132    0.0018   -0.0092    0.0512    0.0431   -0.0703
    38 C3     2pz       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0027    0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0009    0.0070    0.0341
    39 C3     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0006    0.0011    0.0005    0.0038    0.0196
    40 C3     *200      -0.0002   -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0007    0.0129    0.0022    0.0002   -0.0012    0.0023    0.0018
    41 C3     *110      -0.0002    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0001    0.0158   -0.0124    0.0143    0.0020    0.0018   -0.0064
    42 C3     *101      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0007   -0.0003    0.0000    0.0002    0.0003    0.0011
    43 C3     *020      -0.0000   -0.0003    0.0001   -0.0010   -0.0044    0.0016   -0.0040    0.0028   -0.0021   -0.0021
    44 C3     *011      -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0005   -0.0002    0.0003   -0.0010   -0.0011   -0.0010
    45 C3     *002      -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0014   -0.0079   -0.0018    0.0044   -0.0040    0.0010    0.0012
    46 O4     1s         0.9948   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.1957    0.0469   -0.0622    0.0459   -0.0333   -0.0176
    47 O4     2s         0.0208   -0.0002   -0.0003    0.0005    0.4373   -0.1064    0.1452   -0.1070    0.0747    0.0420
    48 O4     *s         0.0039    0.0007    0.0017   -0.0016    0.4227   -0.1133    0.1658   -0.1410    0.1267    0.0551
    49 O4     2px        0.0012   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002    0.1063    0.0019   -0.0654    0.0730   -0.1592   -0.0240
    50 O4     *px       -0.0003    0.0001    0.0004   -0.0012    0.0534    0.0003   -0.0360    0.0421   -0.0914   -0.0155
    51 O4     2py        0.0005   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0404   -0.0099   -0.0011    0.0942    0.0489   -0.1533
    52 O4     *py       -0.0001    0.0002    0.0002   -0.0007    0.0182   -0.0038   -0.0029    0.0504    0.0299   -0.0919
    53 O4     2pz        0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0015   -0.0005   -0.0003   -0.0005    0.0017    0.0232
    54 O4     *pz       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000    0.0005   -0.0005   -0.0006   -0.0005    0.0016    0.0143
    55 O4     *200      -0.0022    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0095   -0.0003   -0.0030    0.0025   -0.0078    0.0009
    56 O4     *110       0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0074   -0.0011   -0.0015    0.0080    0.0003   -0.0099
    57 O4     *101       0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0000    0.0003    0.0020
    58 O4     *020      -0.0021   -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0004   -0.0010    0.0021    0.0005    0.0023   -0.0025
    59 O4     *011      -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0001    0.0005
    60 O4     *002      -0.0023   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0018    0.0002    0.0010   -0.0011    0.0008    0.0009
    61 H5     1s         0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0040    0.0758    0.1214    0.1069   -0.0456    0.2187
    62 H5     *s        -0.0000    0.0012    0.0017   -0.0000    0.0014    0.0135    0.0501    0.0599   -0.0350    0.1448
    63 H5     *px       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0004   -0.0035   -0.0025   -0.0017   -0.0039   -0.0047
    64 H5     *py        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0050   -0.0063   -0.0036    0.0009   -0.0070
    65 H5     *pz        0.0000   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0053   -0.0077   -0.0059    0.0037   -0.0078
    66 H6     1s         0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0002    0.0000    0.0026    0.0752    0.1337    0.0501   -0.1929   -0.1535
    67 H6     *s        -0.0000    0.0012    0.0016    0.0001   -0.0022    0.0149    0.0530    0.0278   -0.1316   -0.1003
    68 H6     *px       -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0058   -0.0067   -0.0009    0.0041    0.0077
    69 H6     *py       -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0001    0.0009    0.0022    0.0023   -0.0035    0.0008
    70 H6     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0002    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0052    0.0086    0.0031   -0.0087   -0.0046
    71 H7     1s        -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0342    0.0253   -0.0731    0.1700    0.0559   -0.1224
    72 H7     *s        -0.0001   -0.0002    0.0001    0.0021   -0.0026    0.0028   -0.0198    0.0878    0.0429   -0.0806
    73 H7     *px        0.0001   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0002   -0.0020    0.0010   -0.0008    0.0005    0.0003    0.0018
    74 H7     *py        0.0000   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0057   -0.0022    0.0064   -0.0123   -0.0031    0.0071
    75 H7     *pz        0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0003    0.0005
    76 H8     1s        -0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0000    0.0137    0.0808   -0.0655   -0.1823   -0.1118   -0.0243
    77 H8     *s        -0.0000    0.0013   -0.0008    0.0004   -0.0013    0.0144   -0.0186   -0.0905   -0.0681   -0.0098
    78 H8     *px       -0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000   -0.0002    0.0021    0.0016   -0.0035    0.0026   -0.0032
    79 H8     *py       -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0002    0.0002    0.0019    0.0083   -0.0057   -0.0123   -0.0060   -0.0009
    80 H8     *pz       -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0001   -0.0001    0.0000    0.0004    0.0015

      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18
      Energy            -0.6066   -0.5605   -0.4671   -0.4126    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    0.9970    0.5026    0.4974    0.0030

     1 C1     1s        -0.0032    0.0177    0.0004   -0.0065   -0.0008    0.0019   -0.0100    0.0405
     2 C1     2s         0.0061   -0.0438   -0.0001    0.0088   -0.0006   -0.0011   -0.0031    0.0537
     3 C1     *s         0.0080   -0.0399   -0.0017    0.0977    0.0298   -0.0110    0.1960   -0.7913
     4 C1     2px       -0.0147    0.1531    0.0149   -0.0345   -0.1694   -0.1083   -0.0291   -0.1278
     5 C1     *px        0.0038    0.0578    0.0055   -0.0645   -0.1487   -0.1404   -0.0394    0.3007
     6 C1     2py       -0.0627    0.0619   -0.0454   -0.0391    0.3924    0.2376    0.1060    0.0360
     7 C1     *py       -0.0516    0.0358   -0.0317   -0.0259    0.3279    0.2334    0.2429   -0.9553
     8 C1     2pz       -0.2099    0.0014   -0.0432    0.0240   -0.2061   -0.2014   -0.0112   -0.4523
     9 C1     *pz       -0.1088    0.0045   -0.0422    0.0167   -0.1881   -0.2266   -0.0094   -1.0453
    10 C1     *200       0.0066   -0.0035    0.0010   -0.0006    0.0003    0.0020    0.0003    0.0181
    11 C1     *110      -0.0095   -0.0035   -0.0017    0.0047   -0.0001   -0.0030   -0.0067    0.0072
    12 C1     *101      -0.0072   -0.0008   -0.0090    0.0013    0.0207   -0.0133   -0.0307    0.1452
    13 C1     *020      -0.0060    0.0015   -0.0009    0.0018    0.0001   -0.0009   -0.0030   -0.0127
    14 C1     *011      -0.0037    0.0031   -0.0029   -0.0001    0.0087   -0.0033   -0.0202    0.1032
    15 C1     *002      -0.0008    0.0023    0.0001   -0.0009   -0.0004    0.0002   -0.0014    0.0185
    16 C2     1s        -0.0049   -0.0079    0.0010    0.0352    0.0004    0.0002   -0.0006    0.0000
    17 C2     2s         0.0143    0.0119   -0.0012   -0.0704   -0.0030   -0.0018    0.0033   -0.0126
    18 C2     *s         0.0205    0.0320   -0.0065   -0.2755   -0.0146   -0.0289   -0.0250    0.4128
    19 C2     2px       -0.0977   -0.1363    0.0030    0.1522    0.0144    0.0194   -0.0121    0.1109
    20 C2     *px       -0.0664   -0.0372   -0.0056    0.0418   -0.0058   -0.0106   -0.0059   -0.2539
    21 C2     2py        0.3042   -0.1252    0.0101   -0.0933   -0.0398   -0.0251    0.0105   -0.0584
    22 C2     *py        0.1835   -0.0545    0.0100   -0.1196   -0.0557   -0.0449   -0.0132    0.5000
    23 C2     2pz       -0.0486    0.0016    0.1290   -0.0074   -0.2825    0.3122    0.3849    0.1000
    24 C2     *pz       -0.0104    0.0002    0.0951   -0.0084   -0.1999    0.3031    0.5259    0.4781
    25 C2     *200       0.0064   -0.0097    0.0008   -0.0012   -0.0098   -0.0068   -0.0032   -0.0113
    26 C2     *110      -0.0101   -0.0074   -0.0020    0.0040    0.0190    0.0128    0.0081    0.0214
    27 C2     *101      -0.0058    0.0004   -0.0125    0.0015   -0.0125   -0.0257    0.0267   -0.1711
    28 C2     *020      -0.0077    0.0096   -0.0008    0.0016    0.0103    0.0069    0.0045    0.0147
    29 C2     *011      -0.0040    0.0006    0.0068   -0.0001   -0.0084    0.0121   -0.0187   -0.0156
    30 C2     *002       0.0000   -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0004    0.0001    0.0002   -0.0003   -0.0055
    31 C3     1s         0.0116    0.0187   -0.0037   -0.0085    0.0218    0.0141    0.0150   -0.0289
    32 C3     2s        -0.0239   -0.0525    0.0084    0.0027   -0.0483   -0.0355   -0.0341    0.1670
    33 C3     *s        -0.0625    0.0146    0.0044    0.0818   -0.0950   -0.0627   -0.1043   -0.2570
    34 C3     2px        0.2303    0.2402    0.0119   -0.0312   -0.0648   -0.0530   -0.0234    0.0996
    35 C3     *px        0.0242    0.0589    0.0029    0.0853   -0.0087    0.0029    0.0178   -0.2938
    36 C3     2py       -0.1604    0.2314    0.0103    0.1535    0.0256    0.0253    0.0076   -0.0221
    37 C3     *py       -0.0645    0.0823    0.0079    0.0253    0.0175    0.0212   -0.0105    0.2310
    38 C3     2pz       -0.0207   -0.0037    0.3295   -0.0179   -0.0295    0.2354   -0.4224   -0.2577
    39 C3     *pz       -0.0152   -0.0030    0.2332   -0.0113   -0.0065    0.2222   -0.6193   -0.0682
    40 C3     *200       0.0016   -0.0103   -0.0003   -0.0183    0.0007   -0.0002    0.0024   -0.0121
    41 C3     *110      -0.0099   -0.0178    0.0002    0.0311    0.0044    0.0040    0.0018    0.0054
    42 C3     *101      -0.0006   -0.0004   -0.0160   -0.0006   -0.0189    0.0399   -0.0111    0.0638
    43 C3     *020      -0.0030    0.0090    0.0007    0.0180    0.0006    0.0003   -0.0002    0.0059
    44 C3     *011       0.0019   -0.0010   -0.0158    0.0001    0.0005   -0.0039   -0.0156   -0.0137
    45 C3     *002       0.0013    0.0024   -0.0007   -0.0006   -0.0006   -0.0001   -0.0012    0.0019
    46 O4     1s        -0.0336   -0.0512   -0.0014   -0.0001   -0.0024   -0.0019   -0.0032    0.0061
    47 O4     2s         0.0749    0.1096    0.0022   -0.0125    0.0025    0.0002    0.0047   -0.0064
    48 O4     *s         0.1344    0.2415    0.0111    0.0490    0.0254    0.0283    0.0352   -0.0746
    49 O4     2px       -0.1215   -0.4478   -0.0127    0.1898    0.0270    0.0325    0.0167   -0.0409
    50 O4     *px       -0.0696   -0.2777   -0.0069    0.1598    0.0281    0.0344    0.0188    0.0019
    51 O4     2py       -0.2265   -0.0588   -0.0240   -0.5541    0.0028   -0.0092    0.0067   -0.0112
    52 O4     *py       -0.1404   -0.0346   -0.0170   -0.4208    0.0016   -0.0075    0.0112   -0.0563
    53 O4     2pz       -0.0287   -0.0152    0.4369   -0.0016    0.1874   -0.3387    0.2429    0.0709
    54 O4     *pz       -0.0202   -0.0095    0.3199   -0.0001    0.1563   -0.3268    0.3292    0.0411
    55 O4     *200      -0.0027   -0.0179   -0.0009    0.0041   -0.0004   -0.0001   -0.0008    0.0088
    56 O4     *110      -0.0147   -0.0091   -0.0011   -0.0158    0.0011    0.0008    0.0008   -0.0045
    57 O4     *101      -0.0021   -0.0010    0.0309   -0.0007    0.0073   -0.0097   -0.0021   -0.0336
    58 O4     *020      -0.0037    0.0028   -0.0003   -0.0084   -0.0003   -0.0007   -0.0002   -0.0030
    59 O4     *011      -0.0009   -0.0004    0.0107   -0.0005    0.0029   -0.0042   -0.0052   -0.0344
    60 O4     *002       0.0010    0.0021    0.0003   -0.0024   -0.0007   -0.0012   -0.0010    0.0028
    61 H5     1s        -0.1282    0.0393   -0.0435   -0.0012    0.0482   -0.0444   -0.0759    0.2731
    62 H5     *s        -0.0966    0.0353   -0.0289    0.0063    0.0562   -0.0113   -0.3828    1.5730
    63 H5     *px        0.0025    0.0014    0.0004   -0.0001   -0.0037   -0.0032   -0.0025    0.0100
    64 H5     *py        0.0046   -0.0007    0.0006   -0.0001    0.0079    0.0073    0.0018   -0.0027
    65 H5     *pz        0.0032   -0.0019    0.0011    0.0006   -0.0060   -0.0039   -0.0019    0.0042
    66 H6     1s         0.1105    0.0369    0.0423   -0.0221   -0.0493    0.0436    0.0590   -0.1435
    67 H6     *s         0.0789    0.0383    0.0348   -0.0194   -0.0670    0.0674    0.1530   -0.7989
    68 H6     *px       -0.0050    0.0005   -0.0007    0.0006   -0.0031   -0.0032    0.0020   -0.0093
    69 H6     *py        0.0010    0.0013   -0.0002   -0.0009    0.0084    0.0069    0.0045   -0.0096
    70 H6     *pz        0.0024    0.0022    0.0010   -0.0001   -0.0061   -0.0037   -0.0016   -0.0078
    71 H7     1s        -0.0976    0.1387    0.0073    0.1629   -0.0005   -0.0003    0.0053    0.0258
    72 H7     *s        -0.0716    0.1255    0.0073    0.1991    0.0280    0.0213    0.0541   -0.2608
    73 H7     *px        0.0030    0.0035    0.0001   -0.0003    0.0002   -0.0002    0.0004    0.0011
    74 H7     *py        0.0045   -0.0067   -0.0002   -0.0049    0.0007    0.0006   -0.0005    0.0010
    75 H7     *pz       -0.0007    0.0002    0.0064   -0.0001   -0.0014    0.0067   -0.0157   -0.0039
    76 H8     1s        -0.1798    0.1096   -0.0100    0.0201    0.0678    0.0442    0.0223    0.0416
    77 H8     *s        -0.1093    0.0978   -0.0042    0.0484    0.0827    0.0613    0.0707    0.0652
    78 H8     *px       -0.0039   -0.0000    0.0001    0.0012   -0.0001   -0.0002   -0.0020    0.0146
    79 H8     *py       -0.0079    0.0051   -0.0004    0.0006    0.0007    0.0000   -0.0006    0.0018
    80 H8     *pz       -0.0011    0.0002    0.0028   -0.0002   -0.0055    0.0062    0.0134    0.0121

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  1.00386

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9966  1.9967  1.9965  1.9957  0.5202  0.5236  0.5406  0.5242
      2s       0.6832  0.7021  0.6622  0.9211  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7330  0.7848  0.6661  0.9080  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6818  0.4520  0.4507  0.7405  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.6151  0.7583  0.7004  1.1168  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5874  0.5410  0.4276  0.9910  0.2745  0.2763  0.3428  0.2573
      *px      0.2473  0.1634  0.0561  0.5353  0.0027  0.0054  0.0011  0.0019
      *pz      0.3962  0.3723  0.3743  0.5918  0.0066  0.0067  0.0017  0.0022
      *py      0.3889  0.3316  0.2082  0.7131  0.0058  0.0029  0.0100  0.0103
      *200     0.0152  0.0248  0.0356  0.0169  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0066  0.0153  0.0295  0.0065  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0105  0.0077  0.0152  0.0084  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0084  0.0187  0.0178  0.0033  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0048  0.0017  0.0032  0.0011  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0033 -0.0203 -0.0201 -0.0014  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    6.3615  6.1502  5.6232  8.5482  0.8099  0.8150  0.8962  0.7958

      N-E     -0.3615 -0.1502  0.3768 -0.5482  0.1901  0.1850  0.1038  0.2042

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  3.9176E+00               Y=  6.1680E-01               Z=  6.6645E-02           Total=  3.9664E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.8473E+01              XY= -8.8762E-01              XZ= -3.6922E-01              YY= -2.2010E+01
                  YZ=  7.8182E-01              ZZ= -2.3487E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -5.7242E+00              XY= -1.3314E+00              XZ= -5.5383E-01              YY=  3.9695E+00
                  YZ=  1.1727E+00              ZZ=  1.7547E+00

      Mulliken spin population analysis for root number:  1

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken spin population per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0096  0.0095  0.0000  0.0127
      2s      -0.0000  0.0000  0.0056  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.0609  0.0002  0.0087  0.0026  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.1191  0.3446  0.0395  0.1620  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.3262  0.0011  0.0018  0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.0002 -0.0007  0.0011 -0.0004  0.0035  0.0052  0.0023  0.0064
      *px      0.0576  0.0005  0.0001  0.0006  0.0004  0.0003  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.0971  0.2848  0.0295  0.1051  0.0009  0.0008  0.0002  0.0018
      *py      0.2731 -0.0094  0.0009  0.0001  0.0018  0.0020  0.0000  0.0000
      *200     0.0000  0.0023 -0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0000  0.0043  0.0003  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0054  0.0031  0.0113 -0.0004  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020     0.0000  0.0023 -0.0001 -0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0008  0.0004  0.0003 -0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002    -0.0000  0.0000  0.0001 -0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    0.9405  0.6336  0.0990  0.2696  0.0162  0.0178  0.0025  0.0208

      Total electronic spin=    2.000000

      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  1.04611

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       1.9966  1.9967  1.9965  1.9957  0.5235  0.5230  0.5407  0.5205
      2s       0.6832  0.7021  0.6605  0.9211  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7162  0.7849  0.6624  0.9065  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.6393  0.3658  0.6842  0.7428  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5264  0.7584  0.6995  1.1168  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.5884  0.5415  0.4287  0.9911  0.3085  0.2788  0.3422  0.2555
      *px      0.2239  0.1635  0.0558  0.5347  0.0026  0.0055  0.0011  0.0019
      *pz      0.3811  0.2637  0.5914  0.5803  0.0064  0.0065  0.0049  0.0026
      *py      0.2933  0.3360  0.2078  0.7131  0.0050  0.0022  0.0100  0.0103
      *200     0.0151  0.0241  0.0356  0.0169  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0067  0.0141  0.0294  0.0065  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0131  0.0112  0.0074  0.0089  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0084  0.0181  0.0178  0.0033  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0068  0.0042  0.0048  0.0015  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002     0.0032 -0.0203 -0.0201 -0.0014  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    6.0850  5.9641  6.0617  8.5377  0.8459  0.8159  0.8988  0.7908

      N-E     -0.0850  0.0359 -0.0617 -0.5377  0.1541  0.1841  0.1012  0.2092

      Total electronic charge=   30.000000

      Total            charge=   -0.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  7.4992E+00               Y= -6.4911E-01               Z= -2.4084E-01           Total=  7.5311E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.5032E+01              XY= -2.4005E-01              XZ= -4.5578E-01              YY= -2.2530E+01
                  YZ=  2.1866E-01              ZZ= -2.4065E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.7344E+00              XY= -3.6008E-01              XZ= -6.8367E-01              YY=  2.0181E+00
                  YZ=  3.2799E-01              ZZ= -2.8370E-01

      Mulliken spin population analysis for root number:  2

++    Molecular charges:

      Mulliken spin population per centre and basis function type

                C1      C2      C3      O4      H5      H6      H7      H8    
      1s       0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0129  0.0089  0.0001  0.0090
      2s      -0.0001  0.0000  0.0040  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.0441  0.0003  0.0049  0.0010  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.0766  0.2585  0.2730  0.1642  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.2375  0.0012  0.0009  0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       0.0012 -0.0002  0.0022 -0.0003  0.0375  0.0077  0.0016  0.0046
      *px      0.0342  0.0007 -0.0003  0.0000  0.0003  0.0003  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.0820  0.1762  0.2466  0.0936  0.0006  0.0006  0.0034  0.0022
      *py      0.1775 -0.0049  0.0005  0.0000  0.0010  0.0012  0.0000  0.0000
      *200    -0.0000  0.0016 -0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *110     0.0002  0.0031  0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *101     0.0079  0.0065  0.0035  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *020    -0.0000  0.0017 -0.0000 -0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *011     0.0028  0.0029  0.0019  0.0004  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *002    -0.0000  0.0000  0.0001  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    0.6640  0.4474  0.5374  0.2591  0.0523  0.0187  0.0051  0.0158

      Total electronic spin=    2.000000

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!

      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:34 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 4 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:34 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805116

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:34 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:34 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805142

 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared

++   Wave function specifications:

     Number of closed shell electrons             28
     Number of electrons in active shells          2
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  14
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 62
     Spin quantum number                         1.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500

     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            14
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    80
     Number of Orbitals                           80
     Number of configurations                        6
     Number of combinations                        6
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -190.4553710085
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100

     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   2

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
            1      1.561841429E-01  4.783772598E-02  1.395267664E-02  9.230502744E-04  8.422440169E-04
            2      3.960899742E-02  3.814527468E-02  4.614679344E-03  5.922759277E-05  3.884589376E-04
            3      9.902186088E-03  1.728749885E-02  2.148113966E-03  2.924387631E-05  8.267704119E-05
            4      1.689499960E-03  7.330837278E-03  7.503446505E-04  1.224079691E-06  1.787174258E-05
            5      2.908674029E-04  3.110938399E-03  5.688438626E-04  9.239908947E-07  2.363580790E-06
            6      8.109554181E-05  1.465348806E-03  3.503378481E-04  3.125012158E-07  6.040930962E-07
            7      2.655739460E-05  7.648369425E-04  1.382967142E-04  4.628247371E-08  2.538863924E-07
            8      6.025534251E-06  3.865521273E-04  7.881537620E-05  1.397531717E-08  5.412917166E-08
            9      1.573061301E-06  2.008363078E-04  4.536054489E-05  4.769063150E-09  1.301069402E-08
           10      3.683858499E-07  1.276391285E-04  1.069765797E-05  2.643799941E-10  3.899355362E-09
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in   10 steps.

++    Molecular properties:

      Charge (e):
                      =   -0.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  7.3035E+00               Y= -5.1622E-01               Z= -1.7272E-01           Total=  7.3238E+00
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0004    0.0071    0.0004
                  XX= -2.4558E+01              XY= -1.7322E-01              XZ= -5.0122E-01              YY= -2.2588E+01
                  YZ=  2.9809E-01              ZZ= -2.4063E+01
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -1.2327E+00              XY= -2.5983E-01              XZ= -7.5183E-01              YY=  1.7222E+00
                  YZ=  4.4714E-01              ZZ= -4.8945E-01

      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:35 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:35 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805167

                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06

                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *

           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              

 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   C1           x         1     1
   2   C1           y         1     1
   3   C1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   O4           x         4     1
  11   O4           y         4     1
  12   O4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1

                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.

 Conventional ERI gradients!

 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF

 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *

  Irreducible representation: a  
                              X                       Y                       Z
  C1               -4.28953639727769E-03   -1.12178012067865E-03    1.31395198530780E-02
  C2               -4.21803717575160E-02    8.53579564832081E-02   -1.52387245874421E-03
  C3                1.11675366953491E-01   -9.43729611941584E-02   -2.90298120449670E-02
  O4               -4.63872138040031E-02    1.64676198926692E-02    1.09139680963275E-02
  H5                7.95385913912927E-04   -1.68430689446746E-02   -3.28850267059755E-03
  H6               -9.91469536674572E-03    8.18309717797910E-03   -2.32644943171723E-03
  H7               -7.23884731816754E-03   -5.50707082906943E-04    3.62723744785504E-03
  H8               -2.46008822373650E-03    2.87984378849693E-03    8.48791120876560E-03

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:36 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> COPY Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile2

>>> COPY Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile

>>> EXPORT SubProject = 

--- Start Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:36 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805198

++       Slapaf input parameters:

 Maximum number of iterations:              2000
 Convergence test a la Schlegel.
 Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 3.0E-04
 Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 3.0E-04
 Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.0E+00
 Parameters for step-restricted optimization
 Maximum step length (initial seed):       3.00E-01

 -RFO activated with parameters:
   Maximum number of data points used in RFO:      5
 -Constrained optimization.

 -Optimization for minimum.
  Optimization method: RS-RFO.

 -Initial Hessian guessed by Hessian Model Function (HMF).
  HMF augmented with weak interactions.

 -Hessian update method: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
  Maximum number of points in Hessian update:  5

 -Relaxation will be done on non-redundant internal coordinates, based on
  force constant weighted redundant internal coordinates.


 * Statistics of the internal coordinates *
 Translations and Rotations:         0
 Bonds                     :         7
 Angles                    :         9
 Torsions                  :         8
 Out-of-plane angles       :         5

++ Constraints section

A = 0.0

 * Values of the primitive constraints                       *
A        : Energy difference =         0.09059006 hartree,       237.84417279 kJ/mol
           E(i)              =      -190.45537101 hartree
           E(j)              =      -190.54596107 hartree

 * Values of the constraints   / au or rad *
   Label        C         C0
 Cns001      0.090590  0.000000


*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -190.45537101  0.00000000 0.167350 -0.086200 dEdx016  0.165534* nrc008     -190.48107409 RS-RFO  None      0    

       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.4679E-01  1.2000E-03     No    + 3.9445E-02  3.0000E-04     No    +
 + Max + 1.9751E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 8.6200E-02  4.5000E-04     No    +

 Convergence not reached yet!


++ Geometry section

  Geometrical information of the new structure

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               3.458505        0.216095       -0.044094
  C2               1.125619       -0.898362        0.066121
  C3              -1.028837        0.865785        0.071396
  O4              -3.235424       -0.283104       -0.141368
  H5               4.139877        1.479098        1.424407
  H6               4.803393       -0.035619       -1.547219
  H7              -0.717374        2.863259        0.005499
  H8               0.869821       -2.902297        0.092484

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               1.830162        0.114352       -0.023334
  C2               0.595652       -0.475392        0.034990
  C3              -0.544437        0.458153        0.037781
  O4              -1.712113       -0.149812       -0.074809
  H5               2.190728        0.782705        0.753764
  H6               2.541846       -0.018849       -0.818753
  H7              -0.379618        1.515172        0.002910
  H8               0.460289       -1.535829        0.048941

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 

               1 C1            2 C2            3 C3            4 O4            5 H5    
    1 C1       0.000000
    2 C2       2.587763        0.000000
    3 C3       4.535601        2.784586        0.000000
    4 O4       6.713222        4.409114        2.496846        0.000000
    5 H5       2.053275        4.072224        5.377954        7.742872        0.000000
    6 H6       2.032601        4.107702        6.119424        8.164573        3.400762
    7 H7       4.944482        4.189282        2.022686        4.032586        5.246149
    8 H8       4.055158        2.020367        4.219453        4.875232        5.627069

               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8    
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       6.425985        0.000000
    8 H8       5.136094        5.980668        0.000000

                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 

               1 C1            2 C2            3 C3            4 O4            5 H5    
    1 C1       0.000000
    2 C2       1.369385        0.000000
    3 C3       2.400137        1.473540        0.000000
    4 O4       3.552484        2.333203        1.321274        0.000000
    5 H5       1.086546        2.154928        2.845891        4.097351        0.000000
    6 H6       1.075606        2.173702        3.238260        4.320506        1.799606
    7 H7       2.616507        2.216873        1.070359        2.133953        2.776142
    8 H8       2.145897        1.069132        2.232838        2.579862        2.977717

               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8    
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       3.400485        0.000000
    8 H8       2.717904        3.164833        0.000000

                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 C2       1 C1       5 H5       122.25
                      2 C2       1 C1       6 H6       125.08
                      5 H5       1 C1       6 H6       112.67
                      1 C1       2 C2       3 C3       115.13
                      1 C1       2 C2       8 H8       122.81
                      3 C3       2 C2       8 H8       122.03
                      2 C2       3 C3       4 O4       113.08
                      2 C2       3 C3       7 H7       120.43
                      4 O4       3 C3       7 H7       125.99

           *              Valence Dihedral Angles / Degree               *
                    Atom centers                       Phi1     Phi2     Theta 
           5 H5       1 C1       2 C2       8 H8        122.25   122.81  -119.84
           6 H6       1 C1       2 C2       8 H8        125.08   122.81    60.30
           3 C3       2 C2       1 C1       5 H5        115.13   122.25    61.87
           3 C3       2 C2       1 C1       6 H6        115.13   125.08  -117.99
           1 C1       2 C2       3 C3       4 O4        115.13   113.08   171.99
           1 C1       2 C2       3 C3       7 H7        115.13   120.43    -0.42
           4 O4       3 C3       2 C2       8 H8        113.08   122.03    -6.31
           7 H7       3 C3       2 C2       8 H8        120.43   122.03  -178.72
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:36 2021 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.geo.molden Molcas21.slapaf.h5 Molcas21.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile2 Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile

>>> END DO

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Singlet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:36 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805229

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:39 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

>>> IF (ITER == 1)

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:39 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805273

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:43 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:43 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805316

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:43 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:43 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805341

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
 Warning  perturbation number                     1  might diverge
            1      1.968553671E-01  6.994291991E-02  2.572690289E-02  1.653698293E-03  1.970889186E-03
            2      5.880702088E-02  4.537598629E-02  1.123978971E-02  2.301297778E-04  8.526509192E-04
            3      2.676671855E-02  2.809134579E-02  7.758224264E-03  1.947695197E-04  2.980710584E-04
            4      9.199867622E-03  1.682210771E-02  5.950595912E-03  6.534462787E-05  1.040473754E-04
            5      1.477223044E-03  5.397969494E-03  2.476645227E-03  1.237372192E-05  1.482555756E-05
            6      4.700302064E-04  3.804784844E-03  8.144358740E-04  1.192263672E-06  7.462138930E-06
            7      1.591398158E-04  1.970935519E-03  9.707328356E-04  1.310856418E-06  1.619295765E-06
            8      4.176619360E-05  1.305539160E-03  3.072816692E-04  1.461687888E-07  6.228487118E-07
            9      1.188096740E-05  6.924172742E-04  1.806412146E-04  6.469058959E-08  1.540670004E-07
           10      2.671826328E-06  3.184440721E-04  9.049350516E-05  1.263697851E-08  3.655786132E-08
           11      6.834503692E-07  1.873437421E-04  4.087769064E-05  3.379133055E-09  9.204855318E-09
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:43 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:43 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805366

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:44 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Triplet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:44 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805403

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:47 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:47 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805446

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:51 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:51 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805489

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:51 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:51 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805514

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
            1      1.382809220E-01  5.158966020E-02  1.474445367E-02  9.174132187E-04  1.025436553E-03
            2      3.218221061E-02  3.738130456E-02  4.993267545E-03  5.846675475E-05  3.936939602E-04
            3      8.851757249E-03  1.737433593E-02  2.435513171E-03  3.831893137E-05  8.604843838E-05
            4      1.602172243E-03  7.980486973E-03  1.244957778E-03  2.874007075E-06  1.963654559E-05
            5      2.329023670E-04  3.182159792E-03  5.275549502E-04  6.829132627E-07  2.589369740E-06
            6      5.014556878E-05  1.336197917E-03  2.728261332E-04  1.752738285E-07  5.292724349E-07
            7      1.245015148E-05  5.823231480E-04  1.004084079E-04  2.314484803E-08  1.517800339E-07
            8      2.649608989E-06  2.932285989E-04  6.740665089E-05  9.321303013E-09  2.790575728E-08
            9      5.584212663E-07  1.497830536E-04  2.090296471E-05  8.900036858E-10  6.955826486E-09
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:51 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:51 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805545

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:53 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> COPY Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile2

>>> COPY Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile

>>> EXPORT SubProject = 

--- Start Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:53 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805576

++ Constraints section

A = 0.0

 * Values of the primitive constraints                       *
A        : Energy difference =         0.05949495 hartree,       156.20397287 kJ/mol
           E(i)              =      -190.47084806 hartree
           E(j)              =      -190.53034301 hartree

 * Values of the constraints   / au or rad *
   Label        C         C0
 Cns001      0.059495  0.000000


*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -190.45537101  0.00000000 0.167350 -0.086200 dEdx016  0.165534* nrc008     -190.48107409 RS-RFO  None      0    
  2   -190.47084806 -0.01547705 0.055666 -0.033374 dEdx017 -0.254479* nrc003     -190.47517236 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    

       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.1652E-01  1.2000E-03     No    + 1.3121E-02  3.0000E-04     No    +
 + Max + 2.4824E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 3.3374E-02  4.5000E-04     No    +

 Convergence not reached yet!


++ Geometry section

  Geometrical information of the new structure

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               3.451062        0.224020       -0.044270
  C2               1.120562       -0.976151        0.133012
  C3              -1.120111        0.830331        0.111543
  O4              -3.059133       -0.154423       -0.259217
  H5               4.139519        1.530954        1.408062
  H6               4.780956       -0.002286       -1.621763
  H7              -0.743708        2.846242        0.056445
  H8               0.846431       -2.993832        0.143415

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               1.826224        0.118546       -0.023427
  C2               0.592976       -0.516557        0.070387
  C3              -0.592737        0.439392        0.059026
  O4              -1.618823       -0.081717       -0.137172
  H5               2.190539        0.810146        0.745114
  H6               2.529973       -0.001210       -0.858200
  H7              -0.393553        1.506167        0.029869
  H8               0.447912       -1.584268        0.075892

--- Stop Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:53 2021 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.geo.molden Molcas21.slapaf.h5 Molcas21.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile2 Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile

>>> END DO

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Singlet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:53 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805601

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:26:56 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

>>> IF (ITER == 1)

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:56 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805644

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:26:59 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:59 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805687

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:59 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:59 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805712

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
 Warning  perturbation number                     1  might diverge
            1      2.141091929E-01  7.736069861E-02  2.609115984E-02  1.532703992E-03  2.519972051E-03
            2      6.554502341E-02  4.269289095E-02  1.327381571E-02  3.524387313E-04  8.882027496E-04
            3      2.707095440E-02  2.837524199E-02  8.636846302E-03  1.676993982E-04  3.447018066E-04
            4      7.500346548E-03  1.293799224E-02  6.068011088E-03  6.811870128E-05  7.384846213E-05
            5      3.303458920E-03  1.106077221E-02  2.086167324E-03  1.011899527E-05  5.240914116E-05
            6      1.168192522E-03  5.416372456E-03  2.064519836E-03  8.570982706E-06  1.354065941E-05
            7      3.820539328E-04  3.698724167E-03  1.423089915E-03  2.574498442E-06  4.657049162E-06
            8      7.535865598E-05  1.643697654E-03  4.068654709E-04  3.144860244E-07  1.111908684E-06
            9      1.206582434E-05  7.589484861E-04  2.161853162E-04  6.812222129E-08  1.602606733E-07
           10      2.308348133E-06  2.813589625E-04  8.917137333E-05  1.172077105E-08  3.197182828E-08
           11      5.060432822E-07  1.470111769E-04  4.109730706E-05  2.296420430E-09  7.282007564E-09
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:26:59 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:26:59 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805743

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:27:01 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Triplet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:27:01 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805774

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:27:04 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:27:04 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805817

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:27:08 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:27:08 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805866

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:27:08 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:27:08 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805891

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
            1      9.568891838E-02  7.763085141E-02  1.788219835E-02  9.030185162E-04  1.933042693E-03
            2      1.366906552E-02  3.665233317E-02  3.487666925E-03  3.605884547E-05  3.690696391E-04
            3      2.602211509E-03  1.396488883E-02  2.142702025E-03  2.189336478E-05  5.523187860E-05
            4      4.984295625E-04  6.355802623E-03  1.494039950E-03  4.503768003E-06  1.026885950E-05
            5      5.361579505E-05  2.080229485E-03  2.188522356E-04  1.378837560E-07  1.451199694E-06
            6      6.400413087E-06  7.906742743E-04  1.445875521E-04  4.061527127E-08  1.490823822E-07
            7      9.225560422E-07  2.873592053E-04  2.913734245E-05  1.748947524E-09  2.559408706E-08
            8      1.903543692E-07  1.326979843E-04  1.874295724E-05  6.466790490E-10  4.995109484E-09
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:27:08 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:27:08 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805916

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:27:09 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> COPY Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile2

>>> COPY Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile

>>> EXPORT SubProject = 

--- Start Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:27:09 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 805953

++ Constraints section

A = 0.0

 * Values of the primitive constraints                       *
A        : Energy difference =         0.07070641 hartree,       185.63966301 kJ/mol
           E(i)              =      -190.46632232 hartree
           E(j)              =      -190.53702874 hartree

 * Values of the constraints   / au or rad *
   Label        C         C0
 Cns001      0.070706  0.000000


*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -190.45537101  0.00000000 0.167350 -0.086200 dEdx016  0.165534* nrc008     -190.48107409 RS-RFO  None      0    
  2   -190.47084806 -0.01547705 0.055666 -0.033374 dEdx017 -0.254479* nrc003     -190.47517236 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  3   -190.46632232  0.00452574 0.043072 -0.021852 dEdx006 -0.281467* nrc018     -190.47290054 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 

       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.5332E-01  1.2000E-03     No    + 1.0152E-02  3.0000E-04     No    +
 + Max + 2.2806E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 2.1852E-02  4.5000E-04     No    +

 Convergence not reached yet!


++ Geometry section

  Geometrical information of the new structure

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               3.497454        0.173149       -0.069003
  C2               1.147582       -0.958496        0.109962
  C3              -1.097171        0.925499        0.203813
  O4              -3.155008       -0.296819       -0.286428
  H5               4.011025        1.659833        1.270726
  H6               4.902726       -0.160545       -1.515072
  H7              -0.721332        2.916552        0.168537
  H8               0.830304       -2.954317        0.044691

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               1.850773        0.091626       -0.036515
  C2               0.607274       -0.507214        0.058189
  C3              -0.580598        0.489753        0.107853
  O4              -1.669558       -0.157070       -0.151571
  H5               2.122543        0.878346        0.672439
  H6               2.594411       -0.084957       -0.801741
  H7              -0.381713        1.543373        0.089186
  H8               0.439378       -1.563357        0.023650

--- Stop Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:27:09 2021 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.geo.molden Molcas21.slapaf.h5 Molcas21.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile2 Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile

>>> END DO

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Singlet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:27:09 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823369

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:40:43 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:40:43 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823412

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:40:47 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:47 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823461

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:47 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:40:47 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823486

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
            1      2.439412977E-01  1.155373677E-01  3.900674660E-02  5.008227531E-03  4.837811976E-03
            2      5.706299427E-02  8.259795411E-02  8.436963289E-03  1.347835022E-04  2.168411984E-03
            3      1.638938630E-02  4.086135851E-02  7.829279919E-03  8.874034662E-05  5.727734949E-04
            4      4.300636225E-03  1.881671595E-02  5.255738402E-03  4.035588527E-05  1.332278194E-04
            5      2.558531431E-03  1.647707128E-02  4.210081259E-03  2.606117764E-05  7.720711592E-05
            6      1.089278777E-03  1.137208647E-02  1.281939113E-03  2.710425951E-06  4.125540507E-05
            7      1.596256402E-04  3.799031804E-03  6.789391441E-04  8.176444083E-07  5.625218587E-06
            8      3.616832663E-05  1.926953258E-03  3.199012000E-04  2.537503190E-07  1.206087667E-06
            9      7.975777465E-06  9.545393091E-04  9.560026187E-05  3.069354140E-08  2.912274320E-07
           10      2.107008828E-06  5.116940658E-04  7.039672167E-05  9.858313338E-09  7.518547530E-08
           11      5.382390810E-07  2.771765840E-04  2.956025250E-05  2.572756246E-09  1.915182793E-08
           12      1.090336652E-07  1.136616275E-04  1.660873620E-05  3.958545326E-10  4.004998400E-09
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:40:47 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:47 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823511

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:48 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> COPY Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile2

>>> COPY Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile

>>> EXPORT SubProject = 

--- Start Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:40:48 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823542

++ Constraints section

A = 0.0

 * Values of the primitive constraints                       *
A        : Energy difference =        -0.04718170 hartree,      -123.87552926 kJ/mol
           E(i)              =      -190.15775235 hartree
           E(j)              =      -190.11057065 hartree

 * Values of the constraints   / au or rad *
   Label        C         C0
 Cns001     -0.047182  0.000000


*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -190.45537101  0.00000000 0.167350 -0.086200 dEdx016  0.165534* nrc008     -190.48107409 RS-RFO  None      0    
  2   -190.47084806 -0.01547705 0.055666 -0.033374 dEdx017 -0.254479* nrc003     -190.47517236 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  3   -190.46632232  0.00452574 0.043072 -0.021852 dEdx006 -0.281467* nrc018     -190.47290054 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 
  4   -190.49076365 -0.02444133 0.047923 -0.019922 dEdx010 -0.169383* nrc014     -190.49659957 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  5   -190.50204477 -0.01128112 0.180090 -0.093741 dEdx017 -0.134054* nrc018     -190.51540750 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  6   -190.50083869  0.00120607 0.367643  0.245904 dEdx016 -0.135114* nrc018     -190.53956058 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  7   -190.49332771  0.00751099 0.143822 -0.081242 dEdx010 -0.139631* nrc014     -190.50828255 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
  8   -190.51327712 -0.01994941 0.323909 -0.130885 dEdx004 -0.087593* nrc018     -190.53041176 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  9   -190.50940703  0.00387009 0.438865 -0.217086 dEdx012 -0.088375* nrc018     -190.53266477 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 10   -190.50263409  0.00677294 0.380487 -0.178351 dEdx017 -0.110302* nrc015     -190.53103235 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 11   -190.49634966  0.00628442 0.223110 -0.130461 dEdx010 -0.164587* nrc018     -190.51962054 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 12   -190.48790449  0.00844517 0.342506 -0.174286 dEdx012  0.117552* nrc007     -190.51332467 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 13   -190.47053614  0.01736835 0.219540  0.119311 dEdx016  0.112217* nrc007     -190.48553302 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 14   -190.46753751  0.00299863 0.118937 -0.078963 dEdx017  0.253297* nrc002     -190.48491136 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 15   -190.48204757 -0.01451006 0.093225  0.049528 dEdx017  0.138768* nrc002     -190.49383641 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 16   -190.49525748 -0.01320991 0.054928  0.028568 dEdx012  0.171399* nrc018     -190.50260861 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 17   -190.49662939 -0.00137191 0.079659 -0.039626 dEdx001  0.191575* nrc015     -190.50565272 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 18   -190.50903146 -0.01240207 0.040279 -0.016740 dEdx008  0.206379* nrc011     -190.51616668 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 19   -190.49148205  0.01754942 0.073231 -0.049364 dEdx002  0.178445  nrc015     -190.49702112 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 20   -190.51468858 -0.02320653 0.056912 -0.026029 dEdx010  0.225534* nrc015     -190.52320456 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 21   -190.49575590  0.01893268 0.044604  0.019708 dEdx006  0.111015* nrc015     -190.49967378 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 22   -190.50782519 -0.01206929 0.161595  0.079992 dEdx017  0.093331* nrc015     -190.51274499 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 23   -190.50424073  0.00358446 0.078940 -0.038531 dEdx006  0.184429* nrc014     -190.50737966 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 24   -190.49772178  0.00651895 0.322681  0.212164 dEdx015  0.093497* nrc012     -190.51234457 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 25   -190.48184106  0.01588072 0.495850 -0.240267 dEdx016 -0.090672* nrc014     -190.50753635 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 26   -190.47113523  0.01070583 0.173735 -0.073870 dEdx012 -0.116354* nrc013     -190.48549226 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 27   -190.44474869  0.02638654 0.101496 -0.074914 dEdx015  0.144251* nrc010     -190.45001196 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 28   -190.43307739  0.01167131 0.040631  0.016595 dEdx002  0.074004* nrc010     -190.43564613 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 29   -190.39631524  0.03676214 0.289452 -0.164019 dEdx017  0.063899* nrc018     -190.41590874 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 30   -190.37873179  0.01758346 0.321092 -0.190101 dEdx015 -0.075005* nrc001     -190.39188061 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 31   -190.37316324  0.00556855 0.185175  0.077513 dEdx004  0.091728* nrc001     -190.38260448 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 32   -190.35997511  0.01318813 0.178664 -0.092892 dEdx001  0.102499* nrc018     -190.37172560 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 33   -190.33191269  0.02806242 0.064081 -0.030962 dEdx016 -0.102196* nrc018     -190.33644115 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 
 34   -190.30782385  0.02408884 0.068059 -0.033286 dEdx017 -0.163622* nrc018     -190.31525965 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 35   -190.28945056  0.01837329 0.080696 -0.039055 dEdx017 -0.143611* nrc018     -190.29542428 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 36   -190.26286285  0.02658771 0.101016 -0.043088 dEdx011 -0.147183* nrc014     -190.27291061 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 
 37   -190.24963415  0.01322869 0.050007  0.024756 dEdx003 -0.232118* nrc004     -190.25775324 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 38   -190.24888074  0.00075341 0.061938  0.037154 dEdx014 -0.140051* nrc004     -190.25415439 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 39   -190.25376068 -0.00487994 0.061014  0.033763 dEdx011  0.066730* nrc005     -190.25675204 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 40   -190.25112778  0.00263290 0.054053 -0.033453 dEdx003 -0.085394* nrc005     -190.25491316 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 41   -190.24559310  0.00553468 0.064381 -0.035053 dEdx002  0.050198* nrc011     -190.24852887 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 42   -190.23683087  0.00876223 0.062751  0.032050 dEdx014  0.109246* nrc011     -190.24215872 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 43   -190.23135526  0.00547561 0.080975  0.036017 dEdx003  0.094127* nrc011     -190.23762563 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 44   -190.22737396  0.00398130 0.084617  0.041690 dEdx009 -0.152818* nrc016     -190.23915025 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 45   -190.21400218  0.01337178 0.039207 -0.021952 dEdx010  0.207363* nrc005     -190.21896351 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 46   -190.20292760  0.01107458 0.039573  0.034462 dEdx003  0.153994* nrc004     -190.20665474 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 47   -190.19234725  0.01058035 0.034009 -0.021599 dEdx012  0.179115* nrc006     -190.19565743 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 48   -190.17704174  0.01530551 0.075082 -0.046523 dEdx016 -0.141955* nrc015     -190.18311374 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 49   -190.15775235  0.01928939 0.055061  0.034544 dEdx009  0.160701* nrc009     -190.16470646 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 

       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 2.6190E-01  1.2000E-03     No    + 1.2978E-02  3.0000E-04     No    +
 + Max + 3.7374E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 3.4544E-02  4.5000E-04     No    +

 Convergence not reached yet!


++ Geometry section

  Geometrical information of the new structure

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               5.168750       -0.125670       -0.317093
  C2               0.810126       -1.072920        0.056416
  C3              -2.503013        1.018892        0.325361
  O4              -4.697138        0.511184        0.563922
  H5               5.559887        1.454117        0.484853
  H6               7.092649       -0.956466       -0.712251
  H7              -3.549139        2.853959       -0.227343
  H8               1.533457       -2.378239       -0.246638

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               2.735184       -0.066502       -0.167799
  C2               0.428700       -0.567765        0.029854
  C3              -1.324537        0.539174        0.172174
  O4              -2.485618        0.270507        0.298414
  H5               2.942165        0.769486        0.256573
  H6               3.753268       -0.506140       -0.376907
  H7              -1.878123        1.510250       -0.120305
  H8               0.811470       -1.258510       -0.130515

--- Stop Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:40:49 2021 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.geo.molden Molcas21.slapaf.h5 Molcas21.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile2 Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile

>>> END DO

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Singlet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:40:49 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823573

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:40:51 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

>>> IF (ITER == 1)

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:40:51 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823610

 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label BirthCertificate                              ###
 ###    was used       41 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:40:57 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb Molcas21.Singlet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Singlet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 5 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:57 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823671

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:57 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:40:57 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823696

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
            1      3.816499090E-01  6.048827067E-02  2.018852076E-02  2.956803792E-03  1.481672784E-03
            2      1.354806051E-01  5.157187508E-02  1.327667996E-02  5.512185699E-04  1.024381157E-03
            3      8.314975970E-02  3.171190517E-02  1.258607215E-02  5.661440223E-04  4.008633110E-04
            4      5.050940109E-02  2.628548686E-02  8.703188738E-03  3.346747987E-04  2.527347312E-04
            5      3.603948035E-02  1.875387526E-02  7.158732753E-03  2.589878347E-04  1.601407583E-04
            6      9.880919599E-03  1.385977509E-02  3.844228676E-03  4.163415063E-05  7.327804811E-05
            7      3.502943891E-03  7.167642939E-03  2.027443457E-03  1.684526099E-05  2.389294972E-05
            8      1.145357154E-03  4.147979936E-03  1.312715582E-03  6.345597223E-06  6.974570761E-06
            9      2.147108038E-04  2.127576370E-03  5.946728147E-04  6.238865650E-07  1.873137149E-06
           10      9.616932781E-05  1.252591602E-03  3.039384435E-04  4.332415975E-07  6.851794968E-07
           11      4.304987336E-05  6.943753735E-04  1.992397520E-04  2.100494408E-07  2.906079680E-07
           12      2.374329384E-05  6.183931682E-04  1.844855390E-04  1.655667058E-07  1.105608422E-07
           13      1.468673344E-05  3.035700233E-04  1.290621700E-04  1.177270679E-07  5.307533719E-08
           14      5.152056380E-06  3.822308928E-04  7.670259127E-05  2.016823759E-08  3.974866799E-08
           15      1.550690835E-06  1.736717126E-04  5.308913427E-05  5.877292322E-09  1.215678757E-08
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:40:57 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Singlet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:57 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823721

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:40:59 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> EXPORT SubProject = .Triplet

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:40:59 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823758

--- Stop Module: seward at Sun Mar  7 12:41:01 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module seward spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:41:01 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823795

--- Stop Module: rasscf at Sun Mar  7 12:41:05 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.2 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden.1 Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.molden Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb.1
           Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb Molcas21.Triplet.rasscf.h5 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.2 Molcas21.Triplet.SpdOrb.1 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module rasscf spent 3 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:41:05 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823845

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:41:05 2021 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:41:05 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823870

        Iteration       Delta           Res(kappa)       Res(CI)          DeltaK           DeltaC
 Warning  perturbation number                     1  might diverge
            1      2.150290379E-01  1.125819013E-01  3.742297669E-02  4.041737409E-03  4.582020701E-03
            2      4.483792162E-02  7.324887468E-02  5.134678019E-03  9.301969862E-05  1.705209015E-03
            3      1.037361197E-02  3.438936074E-02  5.877065663E-03  4.830106385E-05  3.677335386E-04
            4      1.409477537E-03  1.202640519E-02  2.542153767E-03  9.503011016E-06  4.702420714E-05
            5      3.007167436E-04  5.456431030E-03  8.624698955E-04  1.870792167E-06  1.018947877E-05
            6      6.859129438E-05  2.856983323E-03  4.591865384E-04  3.754288311E-07  2.375430945E-06
            7      7.206998827E-06  7.942914462E-04  1.389783592E-04  3.284494707E-08  2.561923623E-07
            8      1.248976120E-06  3.721352094E-04  3.253804078E-05  3.475957972E-09  4.661433701E-08
            9      2.820721140E-07  1.600149512E-04  3.695934129E-05  2.029245421E-09  9.283281035E-09
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Sun Mar  7 12:41:06 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> Molcas21.Triplet.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:41:06 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823901

--- Stop Module: alaska at Sun Mar  7 12:41:07 2021 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing
--- Module alaska spent 1 second ---

>>> COPY Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile2

>>> COPY Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile Molcas21.RunFile

>>> EXPORT SubProject = 

--- Start Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:41:07 2021 ---



                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 45 GB of memory, 23 threads
                                            pid: 823932

++ Constraints section

A = 0.0

 * Values of the primitive constraints                       *
A        : Energy difference =        -0.03461413 hartree,       -90.87937692 kJ/mol
           E(i)              =      -190.14076129 hartree
           E(j)              =      -190.10614716 hartree

 * Values of the constraints   / au or rad *
   Label        C         C0
 Cns001     -0.034614  0.000000


*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -190.45537101  0.00000000 0.167350 -0.086200 dEdx016  0.165534* nrc008     -190.48107409 RS-RFO  None      0    
  2   -190.47084806 -0.01547705 0.055666 -0.033374 dEdx017 -0.254479* nrc003     -190.47517236 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  3   -190.46632232  0.00452574 0.043072 -0.021852 dEdx006 -0.281467* nrc018     -190.47290054 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 
  4   -190.49076365 -0.02444133 0.047923 -0.019922 dEdx010 -0.169383* nrc014     -190.49659957 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  5   -190.50204477 -0.01128112 0.180090 -0.093741 dEdx017 -0.134054* nrc018     -190.51540750 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  6   -190.50083869  0.00120607 0.367643  0.245904 dEdx016 -0.135114* nrc018     -190.53956058 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  7   -190.49332771  0.00751099 0.143822 -0.081242 dEdx010 -0.139631* nrc014     -190.50828255 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
  8   -190.51327712 -0.01994941 0.323909 -0.130885 dEdx004 -0.087593* nrc018     -190.53041176 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  9   -190.50940703  0.00387009 0.438865 -0.217086 dEdx012 -0.088375* nrc018     -190.53266477 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 10   -190.50263409  0.00677294 0.380487 -0.178351 dEdx017 -0.110302* nrc015     -190.53103235 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 11   -190.49634966  0.00628442 0.223110 -0.130461 dEdx010 -0.164587* nrc018     -190.51962054 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 12   -190.48790449  0.00844517 0.342506 -0.174286 dEdx012  0.117552* nrc007     -190.51332467 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 13   -190.47053614  0.01736835 0.219540  0.119311 dEdx016  0.112217* nrc007     -190.48553302 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 14   -190.46753751  0.00299863 0.118937 -0.078963 dEdx017  0.253297* nrc002     -190.48491136 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 15   -190.48204757 -0.01451006 0.093225  0.049528 dEdx017  0.138768* nrc002     -190.49383641 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 16   -190.49525748 -0.01320991 0.054928  0.028568 dEdx012  0.171399* nrc018     -190.50260861 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 17   -190.49662939 -0.00137191 0.079659 -0.039626 dEdx001  0.191575* nrc015     -190.50565272 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 18   -190.50903146 -0.01240207 0.040279 -0.016740 dEdx008  0.206379* nrc011     -190.51616668 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 19   -190.49148205  0.01754942 0.073231 -0.049364 dEdx002  0.178445  nrc015     -190.49702112 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 20   -190.51468858 -0.02320653 0.056912 -0.026029 dEdx010  0.225534* nrc015     -190.52320456 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
 21   -190.49575590  0.01893268 0.044604  0.019708 dEdx006  0.111015* nrc015     -190.49967378 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 22   -190.50782519 -0.01206929 0.161595  0.079992 dEdx017  0.093331* nrc015     -190.51274499 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 23   -190.50424073  0.00358446 0.078940 -0.038531 dEdx006  0.184429* nrc014     -190.50737966 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 24   -190.49772178  0.00651895 0.322681  0.212164 dEdx015  0.093497* nrc012     -190.51234457 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 25   -190.48184106  0.01588072 0.495850 -0.240267 dEdx016 -0.090672* nrc014     -190.50753635 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 26   -190.47113523  0.01070583 0.173735 -0.073870 dEdx012 -0.116354* nrc013     -190.48549226 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 27   -190.44474869  0.02638654 0.101496 -0.074914 dEdx015  0.144251* nrc010     -190.45001196 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 28   -190.43307739  0.01167131 0.040631  0.016595 dEdx002  0.074004* nrc010     -190.43564613 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 29   -190.39631524  0.03676214 0.289452 -0.164019 dEdx017  0.063899* nrc018     -190.41590874 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 30   -190.37873179  0.01758346 0.321092 -0.190101 dEdx015 -0.075005* nrc001     -190.39188061 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 31   -190.37316324  0.00556855 0.185175  0.077513 dEdx004  0.091728* nrc001     -190.38260448 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(1) 
 32   -190.35997511  0.01318813 0.178664 -0.092892 dEdx001  0.102499* nrc018     -190.37172560 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 33   -190.33191269  0.02806242 0.064081 -0.030962 dEdx016 -0.102196* nrc018     -190.33644115 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 
 34   -190.30782385  0.02408884 0.068059 -0.033286 dEdx017 -0.163622* nrc018     -190.31525965 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 35   -190.28945056  0.01837329 0.080696 -0.039055 dEdx017 -0.143611* nrc018     -190.29542428 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(2) 
 36   -190.26286285  0.02658771 0.101016 -0.043088 dEdx011 -0.147183* nrc014     -190.27291061 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(3) 
 37   -190.24963415  0.01322869 0.050007  0.024756 dEdx003 -0.232118* nrc004     -190.25775324 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 38   -190.24888074  0.00075341 0.061938  0.037154 dEdx014 -0.140051* nrc004     -190.25415439 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 39   -190.25376068 -0.00487994 0.061014  0.033763 dEdx011  0.066730* nrc005     -190.25675204 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 40   -190.25112778  0.00263290 0.054053 -0.033453 dEdx003 -0.085394* nrc005     -190.25491316 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 41   -190.24559310  0.00553468 0.064381 -0.035053 dEdx002  0.050198* nrc011     -190.24852887 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(4) 
 42   -190.23683087  0.00876223 0.062751  0.032050 dEdx014  0.109246* nrc011     -190.24215872 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 43   -190.23135526  0.00547561 0.080975  0.036017 dEdx003  0.094127* nrc011     -190.23762563 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 44   -190.22737396  0.00398130 0.084617  0.041690 dEdx009 -0.152818* nrc016     -190.23915025 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 45   -190.21400218  0.01337178 0.039207 -0.021952 dEdx010  0.207363* nrc005     -190.21896351 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 46   -190.20292760  0.01107458 0.039573  0.034462 dEdx003  0.153994* nrc004     -190.20665474 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 47   -190.19234725  0.01058035 0.034009 -0.021599 dEdx012  0.179115* nrc006     -190.19565743 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(5) 
 48   -190.17704174  0.01530551 0.075082 -0.046523 dEdx016 -0.141955* nrc015     -190.18311374 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 49   -190.15775235  0.01928939 0.055061  0.034544 dEdx009  0.160701* nrc009     -190.16470646 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 
 50   -190.14076129  0.01699106 0.039192  0.017468 dEdx001  0.128564* nrc003     -190.14268056 RS-RFO  BFGS      0(6) 

       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.2403E-01  1.2000E-03     No    + 9.2377E-03  3.0000E-04     No    +
 + Max + 1.8953E-01  1.8000E-03     No    + 1.7468E-02  4.5000E-04     No    +

 Convergence not reached yet!


++ Geometry section

  Geometrical information of the new structure

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               5.147215       -0.143150       -0.316409
  C2               0.822782       -1.258092        0.014973
  C3              -2.499886        1.072776        0.335368
  O4              -4.729547        0.598610        0.619501
  H5               5.546804        1.453841        0.468883
  H6               7.133015       -0.790396       -0.665795
  H7              -3.549850        2.929275       -0.253762
  H8               1.545047       -2.558010       -0.275533

 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  C1               2.723789       -0.075751       -0.167436
  C2               0.435397       -0.665753        0.007923
  C3              -1.322883        0.567689        0.177469
  O4              -2.502769        0.316771        0.327826
  H5               2.935242        0.769340        0.248122
  H6               3.774629       -0.418259       -0.352323
  H7              -1.878500        1.550106       -0.134285
  H8               0.817604       -1.353641       -0.145806

--- Stop Module: slapaf at Sun Mar  7 12:41:07 2021 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: Molcas21.geo.molden Molcas21.slapaf.h5 Molcas21.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/max/Sandbox/S-T-Crossing

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile2 Molcas21.Singlet.RunFile

>>> COPY Molcas21.RunFile Molcas21.Triplet.RunFile

>>> END DO

.# Convergence problem #.

    Timing: Wall=890.56 User=1151.74 System=2544.31

Do any of you know what could be causing this problem? Thank you!


#2 2021-03-08 12:29:12

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging

I don't think it's related (at least not directly) to the compiler. It's probably more a problem of unstable active space or electronic states. You should check that the orbitals and states are the ones you actually want and remain those during the optimization.

Note that the sample you linked has no scientific foundation, it's just something that happened to work at the time (it doesn't converge for me with v19.11, for example), there is no guarantee it will converge or give any reasonable result.


#3 2021-03-09 00:20:59

Registered: 2019-09-01
Posts: 22

Re: S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging

Dear Ignacio,

Thank you for taking a look at my problem!

I am sorry for giving such a bad example. I should have made sure that it would converge first! I thought that using a "familiar" case would be more helpful.

I found in the gitlab issues the Fortran flag to get GCC 10 to compile OpenMolcas 19, and compiled succesfully. So I now have identically compiled copies in the same machine to compare.

I selected a geometry from the literature for the S1/T1 crossing in acetone (10.1021/jz100551y).

This input converges in only six iterations in v19, but will distort and never converge in v21.


C         -6.15060        1.57918        0.14634
C         -5.07992        2.57577       -0.04362
H         -7.12747        2.06812       -0.05376
H         -6.19632        1.20323        1.19351
H         -6.07076        0.73174       -0.57161
C         -3.89849        1.74700        0.26132
H         -3.90425        1.37343        1.31032
H         -2.98949        2.37665        0.15814
H         -3.77875        0.90295       -0.45507
O         -5.18165        4.25227       -0.49816
 a = Ediff
 a = 0.000
End of Constraints
>> Do While
>>> If (Iter = 1) <<<
>>> EndIf <<<
NActel = 6
RAS2 = 5
CIRoot = 2 2 1
RlxRoot = 2
>>COPY $WorkDir/$Project.RunFile $WorkDir/RUNFILE2
NActel = 6
RAS2 = 5
Charge= 0
CIRoot = 2 2 1
>>> EndDo

For now my solution is to use OpenMolcas 19 for these crossings. Hopefully whatever the issue is is endemic to my computer.

Thanks again for being so helpful!


#4 2021-03-10 14:32:00

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging

Thanks for the sample. It turns out there was a rather trivial bug introduced between 20.10 and 21.02, it should be fixed now: … quests/404

Now, you said you had problems with 20.10 too? Then it must be a different issue.


#5 2021-03-10 21:22:06

Registered: 2019-09-01
Posts: 22

Re: S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging

Great, thank you!!

I installed "v20.10" around February 12 from source by cloning the master branch from gitlab, so maybe it was already part of the source. I was calling it v20.10 because that's the version that the the log file printed, but maybe "v20.10-859-g8204e473-dirty' is how I should refer to it. Sorry, I am not too familiar with git version control and terminology yet!


#6 2021-03-11 09:44:38

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging

v20.10 is a tag that refers to a specific commit that should never change: 01fe7a2bd

If you clone/checkout/install a commit that doesn't exactly match one of the "release" tags (as it happens when you just clone the latest master), you'll get a version string that looks like yours: "v20.10-859-g8204e473-dirty", which means:
859 commits after v20.10
the git commit sha is 8204e473
the source code is dirty, i.e. there are some modified files, so there is no guarantee your code looks like mine

In that case, for reproducibility purposes, you should undo your modifications such that your version doesn't contain "dirty", and quote your version as "v20.10-859-g8204e473".


#7 2021-03-12 17:26:42

Registered: 2019-09-01
Posts: 22

Re: S1/T2 MECP optimizations not converging

Thank you for this clear explanation!

It is interesting to see that the 859 does carry some information. I will be more precise when discussing versions from now on.


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