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I'm trying to restart an 8 task MPI CASSCF calculation using a previous .JobIph file. In oder to copy the .JobIph file into every MPI tmp subfolder, I tried to use the EMIL Clone command but it gives me an error. This is my molcas input file:
>> CLONE $Project.JobIph $Project.JobIph
BASLIB = /users/p0880/talotta/rupy4clno
Basis= VTZP,Ru.ECP.STUTTGART.8s7p6d1f.6s5p3d1f.
Group= nosym
LOW Cholesky
NActEl= 16 0 0
Thrs= 1.0e-07 1.0e-03 1.0e-04
Inactive= 99
Ras2= 13
CiRoot= 3 3 1
Symmetry= 1
>>COPY $Project.JobIph $CurrDir/$Project.175.JobIph
With the output:
*** Warning! A command /usr/local/intel/impi/ -np 8 /users/p0880/talotta/molcas80_mpi/bin/parnell.exe c 3 rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph 1>&2 returns errorcode 1
EMIL input error
and the stdout:
>>> CLONE rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
7 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
3 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
2 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
1 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
5 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
6 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
cannot stat file: No such file or directory
4 parnell_replica: cannot get status of source rupy4clno_cas13_stv3_nosym.JobIph
I also tried to copy $Project.JobIph directly into the WorkDir folder but I have the same error.
How to fix that?
Last edited by chiteo (2016-02-08 10:18:02)
The xyz file will by default be read from the input directory, you shouldn't need to copy it elsewhere. For the JobIph file, it should be enough using >>COPY too:
>> COPY /full/path/where/you/have/your/backup.JobIph $Project.JobIph
(don't use $WorkDir in the above path, because that's different for each process.)
Pages: 1