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I tried to run a CASSCF calculation on a benzene molecule after selecting the active space, using LUSCUS.
Following was my input for this run:
I have checked the GvOrb file, and the typeindex are proper in that as I needed for (6,6) active space.
But in log file, it does not seem to be reading this as the input for calculation, as I am getting active space having 0 orbitals and the following warning in the start of RASSCF module:
ChkIfKey Warning: The following line seems intended
to give some keyword input, but was not recognized:
Spelling or syntactic mistake? Ignored!
What could be the issue in the run ?
Can you try changing "LUMORB=" to "FILEORB="?
Also, could you post your GvOrb file? The first few lines and the last few lines would be enough.
I tried again, and it worked. It worked changing several things (one thing at a time). Following are the final changes that made it work:
1. I must save the file name as "benzene.GvOrb" and not benzene1.GvOrb (may be because I am not using Title keyword in RASSCF module) or benzene1.dos.GvOrb
2. I had to delete some initial lines from the saved *GvOrb file that contained the information about the coordinates of the structure. (This I did because I checked the format of other INPORB files: GssOrb and ScfOrb). I tried this and it worked.
I think, these things should be taken care of.
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