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#1 2019-12-25 08:44:38

From: Beijing Normal University
Registered: 2017-10-18
Posts: 35

[SOLVED] Problem in Track Root

Dear Molcas experts,

I'm using Track keyword in SLAPAF to follow a state. But I found it problematic. Take additional test case 391 as an example, openmolcas call MCLR and ALASKA twice when root flips, first time for the root been followed, next time for the root specified by rlxroot in the inputfile. The following SLAPAF seems use the second result, which is not the root desired. … sp=sharing


  BASIS = 3-21G
  GROUP = NoSym



  FileOrb = StartOrb
  RAS2    = 4
  Charge  = 1
  nActEl  = 4
  CIRoot  = 2 2 1
  RlxRoot = 2

  Thrsholds = 0.05 0.02

   This run of MOLCAS is using the pymolcas driver

                             OPE          NMOL  CASOP  ENMOLC A   SO
                 OPE        NMOLC        AS  OP EN  MO LC     AS  OP
                OPENM       OL CA        SO  PE NM  OL CA     SOP EN
                OP EN      MO   LC       AS  OP ENMOL  CASO   PENMOL
                OP  EN     MO   LC       AS  OP EN     MO     LC ASO
               OP   E  NMOL  C  AS       OP  EN MO     LC     AS  OP
               OP  E   NMO   LC AS        OPEN  MO     LCASOP EN   M
               O  PEN   MO  LCA  SO
            OPE   NMO   L   CAS    OP
    OPENMOLCAS   OP           EN   MOL    CAS
    OPENMOLCAS       OP  ENM        O     LCA
    OPENMOLCAS     OP               E  N  MOL
    OPENMOLCA   SO           PENM   O  L  CAS    OPEN    MO    LCAS
    OPENMOLCA   SOP           ENM   O  L  CAS   OP  EN  MOLC  AS   O
    OPENMOLCA   SOPE           NM      O  LCA   S      OP  EN MO
    OPENMOLC                AS         O  PEN   M      OL  CA  SOPE
    OPENMO        LCASOPE  NMOL        C  ASO   P      ENMOLC     AS
    OPE     NMO      LCA  SO     P     E   NM   OL  CA SO  PE N   MO
          OPENMOLCA            SOPE   NMO        LCAS  O    P  ENMO
               OPENMOLCASOPENMOLCA        version: 18.09
                       OPE                tag: 441-ge3cf8a6

 OpenMolcas is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1.
 OpenMolcas is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but it
 is provided "as is" and without any express or implied warranties.
 For more details see the full text of the license in the file
 LICENSE or in <>.

                 Copyright (C) The OpenMolcas Authors
           For the author list and the recommended citation,
                   consult the file

           * pymolcas version py2.04                       *
           *   build 49918cf5dc0c09e6b50f940acfdbc4b0      *
           *   (after the EMIL interpreter by V. Veryazov) *

configuration info
C Compiler ID: Intel
C flags: -std=gnu99
Fortran Compiler ID: Intel
Fortran flags: -fpp -i8 -r8 -heap-arrays
Definitions: _MOLCAS_;_I8_;_LINUX_;_MKL_
Parallel: OFF (GA=OFF)

  |            Project: additional391
  |     Submitted from: /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
  |       Scratch area: /scratch/cui03/additional391
  |    Save outputs to: /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
  |             Molcas: /home/cui03/bin/openmolcas
  | Scratch area is NOT empty
  |     MOLCAS_DRIVER = /home/cui03/bin/pymolcas
  |     MOLCAS_NPROCS = 1
  |     MOLCAS_SOURCE = /home/cui03/bin/openmolcas/

++ ---------   Input file   ---------


  BASIS = 3-21G
  GROUP = NoSym



    FileOrb = StartOrb
    RAS2    = 4
    Charge  = 1
    nActEl  = 4
    CIRoot  = 2 2 1
    RlxRoot = 2

    Thrsholds = 0.05 0.02

>>> END DO

-- ----------------------------------


--- Start Module: gateway at Wed Dec 25 22:57:14 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
++    Symmetry information:
                    Character Table for C1 
                    a        1  x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I
++    Basis set information:
      Basis set label: N.3-21G.........
      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   7.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      7.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge
      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s       6       3        X                  
         p       3       2        X                  
      Basis set label: C.3-21G.........
      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   6.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      6.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge
      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s       6       3        X                  
         p       3       2        X                  
      Basis set label: H.3-21G.........
      Electronic valence basis set:
      Associated Effective Charge   1.000000 au
      Associated Actual Charge      1.000000 au
      Nuclear Model: Point charge
      Shell  nPrim  nBasis  Cartesian Spherical Contaminant
         s       3       2        X                  
++    Molecular structure info:
                    **** Cartesian Coordinates / Bohr, Angstrom **** 
     Center  Label                x              y              z                     x              y              z
        1      N1              -0.218433       0.068125      -0.102026             -0.115590       0.036050      -0.053990
        2      C2               0.143657      -0.723765       2.664023              0.076020      -0.383000       1.409740
        3      C3               2.233184       0.619509       3.941251              1.181750       0.327830       2.085620
        4      C4               2.785305      -0.033505       6.403734              1.473920      -0.017730       3.388710
        5      H5              -1.236240       1.759486      -1.127222             -0.654190       0.931080      -0.596500
        6      H6               0.517993      -1.095512      -1.187542              0.274110      -0.579720      -0.628420
        7      H7              -1.466371      -1.458472       3.701010             -0.775970      -0.771790       1.958490
        8      H8               2.498312       2.171806       2.831906              1.322050       1.149270       1.498580
        9      H9               1.399380      -1.136406       7.372653              0.740520      -0.601360       3.901440
       10      H10              4.493995       0.747632       7.203636              2.378120       0.395630       3.812000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5            6 H6    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       2.899866        0.000000
    3 C3       4.760519        2.793174        0.000000
    4 C4       7.166428        4.630357        2.606739        0.000000
    5 H5       2.224333        4.737529        6.247068        8.723699        0.000000
    6 H6       1.753487        3.887527        5.673419        7.993499        3.351416        0.000000
    7 H7       4.283798        2.051177        4.249991        5.235647        5.806895        5.288419
    8 H8       4.518201        3.735896        1.926282        4.207578        5.458166        5.545538
    9 H9       7.742031        4.890635        3.943728        2.018906        9.358448        8.605548
   10 H10      8.720173        6.457441        3.971252        2.041970       10.161822        9.466659
               7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    7 H7       0.000000
    8 H8       5.445454        0.000000
    9 H9       4.668749        5.724535        0.000000
   10 H10      7.256807        5.012289        3.626956        0.000000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5            6 H6    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       1.534543        0.000000
    3 C3       2.519158        1.478084        0.000000
    4 C4       3.792310        2.450279        1.379427        0.000000
    5 H5       1.177067        2.506993        3.305806        4.616383        0.000000
    6 H6       0.927905        2.057191        3.002244        4.229978        1.773493        0.000000
    7 H7       2.266888        1.085436        2.248998        2.770585        3.072877        2.798511
    8 H8       2.390929        1.976951        1.019345        2.226554        2.888337        2.934572
    9 H9       4.096906        2.588013        2.086931        1.068359        4.952278        4.553860
   10 H10      4.614517        3.417131        2.101496        1.080564        5.377405        5.009540
               7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    7 H7       0.000000
    8 H8       2.881610        0.000000
    9 H9       2.470596        3.029293        0.000000
   10 H10      3.840137        2.652389        1.919303        0.000000
                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 C2       1 N1       5 H5       134.78
                      2 C2       1 N1       6 H6       110.91
                      5 H5       1 N1       6 H6       114.30
                      1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       113.47
                      1 N1       2 C2       7 H7       118.82
                      3 C3       2 C2       7 H7       121.89
                      2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       118.03
                      2 C2       3 C3       8 H8       103.13
                      4 C4       3 C3       8 H8       135.79
                      3 C3       4 C4       9 H9       116.41
                      3 C3       4 C4      10 H10      116.84
                      9 H9       4 C4      10 H10      126.54
           *              Valence Dihedral Angles / Degree               *
                    Atom centers                       Phi1     Phi2     Theta 
           5 H5       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        134.78   118.82    71.89
           6 H6       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        110.91   118.82  -106.53
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       5 H5        113.47   134.78   -81.77
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       6 H6        113.47   110.91    99.81
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       4 C4        113.47   118.03  -177.29
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        113.47   103.13    19.38
           7 H7       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        121.89   103.13  -133.37
           4 C4       3 C3       2 C2       7 H7        118.03   121.89    29.96
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        118.03   116.41   -14.37
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       118.03   116.84   170.54
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        135.79   116.41   142.02
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       135.79   116.84   -33.07
            Nuclear Potential Energy            107.30005989 au
--- Stop Module: gateway at Wed Dec 25 22:57:29 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module gateway spent 14 seconds ---

--- Start Module: seward at Wed Dec 25 22:57:29 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals
                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15
            Nuclear Potential Energy            107.30005989 au
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions           48
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
--- Stop Module: seward at Wed Dec 25 22:57:40 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.GssOrb additional391.guessorb.h5 additional391.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module seward spent 11 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.GssOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:40 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: Had to guess the spin.                                      ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  Warning: no input and no reliable source
  for the spin multiplicity.
  Guess ISPIN=                     1
      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:29 2019
      OrdInt status: non-squared
      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   N1        -0.11559000   0.03605000  -0.05399000
       2   C2         0.07602000  -0.38300000   1.40974000
       3   C3         1.18175000   0.32783000   2.08562000
       4   C4         1.47392000  -0.01773000   3.38871000
       5   H5        -0.65419000   0.93108000  -0.59650000
       6   H6         0.27411000  -0.57972000  -0.62842000
       7   H7        -0.77597000  -0.77179000   1.95849000
       8   H8         1.32205000   1.14927000   1.49858000
       9   H9         0.74052000  -0.60136000   3.90144000
      10   H10        2.37812000   0.39563000   3.81200000
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  107.30005989
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     20
++    Optimization specifications:
      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update
      The MO-coefficients are taken from the file:
      Title: RASSCF average (pseudo-natural) orbitals                                      
      Total molecular charge    1.00
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *
                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics
      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    2    0  -170.17507386    0.00E+00   0.81E-06   12  17 1  0.11E-06   0.15   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    2    0  -170.17507386   -0.22E-11   0.58E-06   12  17 1  0.85E-07   0.15   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    2    0  -170.17507386   -0.65E-12   0.43E-06   12  17 1  0.63E-07   0.15   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    2    0  -170.17507386   -0.20E-12   0.31E-06   12  17 1  0.46E-07   0.15   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
      Convergence after  4 iterations
        5   1    2    0  -170.17507386    0.14E-12   0.31E-06    6  15 1 -0.35E-07   0.15   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)
      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -170.178218
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200  -0.61313 0.37592
             4  u2d0  -0.74097 0.54903
             6  2020   0.11484 0.01319
             8  2002   0.07555 0.00571
            10  udud  -0.17354 0.03012
            15  uudd  -0.06906 0.00477
            17  u0d2  -0.13180 0.01737
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -170.171930
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200  -0.75556 0.57088
             4  u2d0   0.59823 0.35788
             6  2020   0.15024 0.02257
             8  2002   0.09122 0.00832
            10  udud   0.14749 0.02175
            15  uudd   0.06773 0.00459
            17  u0d2   0.10804 0.01167
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.770615   1.889170   0.255389   0.084826
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.907294   1.875567   0.152747   0.064392
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2
++    Final optimization conditions:
      Average CI energy                            -170.17507386
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -170.17193019
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                            0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients              -0.119E-05
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.312E-06
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.349E-07
      (orbital pair   6,  15 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.799E-01
      Final state energy(ies):
::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -170.17821753
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -170.17193019
++    Molecular orbitals:
      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers
      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  
      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -15.7778  -11.5067  -11.4096  -11.4068   -1.4158   -1.2822   -1.1174   -0.9984   -0.9009   -0.8808
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.9857   -0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.2032    0.0729   -0.0511    0.0079   -0.0308    0.0073
     2 N1     2s         0.0986    0.0000   -0.0001   -0.0005    0.1907   -0.0675    0.0496   -0.0105    0.0196   -0.0092
     3 N1     *s        -0.0526    0.0064    0.0008    0.0015    0.6154   -0.2450    0.1854   -0.0252    0.1377   -0.0244
     4 N1     2px        0.0005    0.0003   -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0292   -0.0004    0.0053   -0.0379   -0.1894    0.0926
     5 N1     *px       -0.0025   -0.0001    0.0009    0.0005    0.0243    0.0032   -0.0042   -0.0225   -0.1856    0.1014
     6 N1     2py       -0.0010   -0.0006   -0.0003   -0.0000   -0.0448    0.0220   -0.0138   -0.0269    0.2940   -0.1566
     7 N1     *py        0.0040    0.0015    0.0011    0.0000   -0.0386    0.0151    0.0020   -0.0367    0.2877   -0.1794
     8 N1     2pz        0.0006    0.0002    0.0002   -0.0002    0.0006    0.0501   -0.1403    0.0832    0.1624    0.2213
     9 N1     *pz       -0.0042    0.0053    0.0009    0.0012    0.0161    0.0229   -0.1077    0.0782    0.1352    0.2423
    10 C2     1s        -0.0004    0.9872   -0.0016    0.0014   -0.0944   -0.0763    0.1406   -0.0828    0.0098   -0.0071
    11 C2     2s        -0.0013    0.0958    0.0024   -0.0009    0.1057    0.0886   -0.1540    0.0892   -0.0131    0.0040
    12 C2     *s         0.0117   -0.0640   -0.0232    0.0014    0.1845    0.1536   -0.4046    0.3035   -0.0211   -0.0082
    13 C2     2px       -0.0001   -0.0001    0.0003   -0.0005    0.0012    0.0551    0.0030   -0.1747   -0.0440   -0.0078
    14 C2     *px       -0.0002   -0.0057   -0.0092    0.0010    0.0024    0.0027    0.0020   -0.1034   -0.0232    0.0126
    15 C2     2py       -0.0000    0.0010    0.0002   -0.0000    0.0364    0.0381   -0.0316   -0.0937    0.0485    0.0334
    16 C2     *py        0.0043   -0.0082   -0.0063    0.0003    0.0145    0.0190   -0.0294   -0.0441    0.0294    0.0211
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0007   -0.0003   -0.0001   -0.0006   -0.0559    0.0826   -0.0356    0.0172   -0.0857   -0.2247
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0107   -0.0028   -0.0068    0.0015    0.0080    0.0136   -0.0386    0.0529   -0.0542   -0.1107
    19 C3     1s         0.0001   -0.0022   -0.9859    0.0491   -0.0451   -0.1634    0.0053    0.1141    0.0136    0.0261
    20 C3     2s         0.0003   -0.0028   -0.0987    0.0017    0.0500    0.1776   -0.0036   -0.1185   -0.0131   -0.0258
    21 C3     *s        -0.0046    0.0182    0.0800    0.0192    0.0881    0.3725   -0.0344   -0.3979   -0.0574   -0.0996
    22 C3     2px        0.0003    0.0006    0.0014   -0.0004   -0.0317   -0.0338    0.1053   -0.0266    0.0463    0.0674
    23 C3     *px       -0.0001   -0.0117   -0.0095    0.0030   -0.0085   -0.0402    0.0244    0.0136    0.0268    0.0385
    24 C3     2py        0.0004    0.0006    0.0005    0.0007   -0.0073   -0.0271   -0.0015   -0.1121    0.0589    0.1170
    25 C3     *py       -0.0018   -0.0046   -0.0080   -0.0041    0.0088   -0.0157   -0.0149   -0.0605    0.0399    0.0985
    26 C3     2pz        0.0004    0.0006   -0.0002   -0.0019   -0.0140    0.0579    0.1617    0.1201   -0.0327   -0.0837
    27 C3     *pz        0.0016   -0.0098    0.0052    0.0139    0.0020    0.0172    0.0441    0.0735   -0.0431   -0.0823
    28 C4     1s        -0.0001   -0.0015    0.0495    0.9856   -0.0158   -0.1256   -0.1438   -0.0746   -0.0208   -0.0381
    29 C4     2s        -0.0007   -0.0014    0.0083    0.0962    0.0207    0.1431    0.1556    0.0793    0.0191    0.0360
    30 C4     *s         0.0006    0.0041   -0.0278   -0.0679    0.0226    0.2634    0.4031    0.2446    0.1000    0.1841
    31 C4     2px        0.0004    0.0003   -0.0005   -0.0004   -0.0106   -0.0360    0.0099   -0.0257    0.0663    0.1431
    32 C4     *px       -0.0019   -0.0003    0.0076    0.0029    0.0022   -0.0051   -0.0027   -0.0354    0.0490    0.1025
    33 C4     2py        0.0001    0.0003    0.0002    0.0001    0.0065    0.0242    0.0145   -0.0456    0.0138    0.0549
    34 C4     *py       -0.0005    0.0010   -0.0009   -0.0020    0.0056    0.0126    0.0069   -0.0194    0.0100    0.0527
    35 C4     2pz        0.0004    0.0007   -0.0015   -0.0006   -0.0149   -0.0859   -0.0181    0.0812    0.0502    0.1224
    36 C4     *pz       -0.0017   -0.0037    0.0125    0.0083    0.0081   -0.0124   -0.0212    0.0311    0.0112    0.0512
    37 H5     1s         0.0010   -0.0008   -0.0003   -0.0000    0.0657   -0.0339    0.0445   -0.0222    0.1554   -0.1445
    38 H5     *s         0.0046    0.0004    0.0003    0.0001    0.0188   -0.0137    0.0212   -0.0127    0.1217   -0.1057
    39 H6     1s         0.0009   -0.0002    0.0002   -0.0002    0.1368   -0.0684    0.0934   -0.0390   -0.2290   -0.0069
    40 H6     *s         0.0101    0.0041   -0.0001    0.0004   -0.0041   -0.0128    0.0321   -0.0172   -0.1099   -0.0084
    41 H7     1s        -0.0003   -0.0017    0.0012   -0.0001    0.0356    0.0425   -0.1040    0.1583   -0.0265   -0.0667
    42 H7     *s         0.0015    0.0116   -0.0007   -0.0005   -0.0083    0.0025   -0.0170    0.0588   -0.0118   -0.0400
    43 H8     1s        -0.0003   -0.0015    0.0023   -0.0008    0.0273    0.0813   -0.0331   -0.1795    0.0359    0.0676
    44 H8     *s         0.0031    0.0008   -0.0117    0.0030   -0.0092   -0.0024    0.0008   -0.0634    0.0264    0.0234
    45 H9     1s        -0.0006   -0.0003    0.0015   -0.0015    0.0085    0.0644    0.0881    0.1034    0.0025   -0.0053
    46 H9     *s         0.0004    0.0009    0.0023    0.0129   -0.0023    0.0020    0.0164    0.0404    0.0052    0.0008
    47 H10    1s         0.0001   -0.0003    0.0005   -0.0015    0.0051    0.0522    0.0981    0.0565    0.0614    0.1406
    48 H10    *s         0.0014    0.0014   -0.0021    0.0118   -0.0065   -0.0076    0.0238    0.0259    0.0297    0.0711
      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20
      Energy            -0.8403   -0.7940   -0.7443    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0063    0.0976    0.1242
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    1.4997    1.8869    0.5361    0.0772    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s        -0.0056    0.0219   -0.0066    0.0051    0.0064   -0.0153   -0.0055    0.1434   -0.0122   -0.0082
     2 N1     2s         0.0041   -0.0155    0.0031   -0.0012   -0.0065    0.0163    0.0023   -0.0716    0.0044    0.0074
     3 N1     *s         0.0217   -0.0928    0.0391   -0.0396   -0.0332    0.0817    0.0412   -1.2428    0.1185    0.1129
     4 N1     2px        0.0520    0.0049   -0.0500   -0.4209   -0.0273    0.0235   -0.0237    0.0841    0.0214    0.0175
     5 N1     *px        0.0426   -0.0013   -0.0404   -0.5336   -0.0361    0.0164   -0.0023    0.1851    0.0386   -0.0063
     6 N1     2py        0.0350    0.0174   -0.0580   -0.2556    0.0059   -0.0476   -0.0326   -0.1101   -0.1061    0.0319
     7 N1     *py        0.0248    0.0338   -0.0615   -0.3187    0.0147   -0.0407   -0.0293   -0.2489   -0.3178    0.0144
     8 N1     2pz        0.0747   -0.1976    0.0634   -0.0273   -0.0041    0.0172    0.0035   -0.0022    0.1202   -0.1226
     9 N1     *pz        0.0741   -0.2122    0.0829   -0.0467   -0.0111    0.0424    0.0265    0.0243    0.3378   -0.4213
    10 C2     1s         0.0052   -0.0135    0.0425   -0.0035   -0.0194    0.0385    0.0207   -0.0503    0.0889   -0.0089
    11 C2     2s        -0.0048    0.0126   -0.0481    0.0062    0.0208   -0.0430   -0.0224    0.0423   -0.0591    0.0253
    12 C2     *s        -0.0264    0.0887   -0.1604   -0.0056    0.0709   -0.1964   -0.1479    0.3033   -0.9926   -0.1409
    13 C2     2px        0.2184   -0.0333   -0.2094    0.0818    0.0851   -0.2014   -0.1228   -0.0677    0.1586    0.0820
    14 C2     *px        0.1820   -0.0288   -0.1674    0.0066    0.0959   -0.2657   -0.1188   -0.1646    0.6664    0.2702
    15 C2     2py        0.1351   -0.0435   -0.1031    0.0473   -0.1880    0.3469    0.2158    0.1028    0.0489    0.0718
    16 C2     *py        0.1106   -0.0460   -0.1039    0.0151   -0.1938    0.4099    0.2259    0.1987    0.2036    0.1612
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0622    0.1633   -0.1062    0.0032   -0.0578    0.1122    0.0773   -0.1577   -0.0089   -0.1359
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0438    0.1333   -0.0599   -0.0413   -0.0677    0.1620    0.0976   -0.3113    0.0505   -0.4987
    19 C3     1s         0.0270    0.0206   -0.0203   -0.0267   -0.0143   -0.0057   -0.0203    0.0030    0.0061   -0.0685
    20 C3     2s        -0.0295   -0.0258    0.0224    0.0185    0.0159    0.0082    0.0199   -0.0075    0.0081    0.0327
    21 C3     *s        -0.1228   -0.0792    0.0953    0.2078    0.0452    0.0093    0.0967    0.0690   -0.3688    1.0387
    22 C3     2px       -0.1452   -0.0389    0.1618   -0.0879    0.2383    0.0026    0.3390    0.0244   -0.0333    0.0364
    23 C3     *px       -0.0678   -0.0069    0.1329   -0.0905    0.2572    0.0226    0.3550    0.0117   -0.0297   -0.0102
    24 C3     2py       -0.1003    0.1415    0.2011   -0.0248   -0.1768   -0.0427   -0.2943    0.0046   -0.0090    0.1467
    25 C3     *py       -0.0474    0.1465    0.1771   -0.0395   -0.2054   -0.0733   -0.3418   -0.0020    0.0623    0.6398
    26 C3     2pz       -0.1116   -0.2682    0.0266   -0.0645   -0.1358   -0.0186   -0.1975    0.0089    0.0067   -0.0533
    27 C3     *pz       -0.0498   -0.2440   -0.0462    0.0156   -0.1257   -0.0354   -0.2300   -0.0181    0.0952   -0.3170
    28 C4     1s        -0.0175   -0.0080    0.0024    0.0075   -0.0002   -0.0052    0.0072   -0.0240    0.0863   -0.0167
    29 C4     2s         0.0144   -0.0036   -0.0047   -0.0047   -0.0016    0.0053   -0.0087    0.0236   -0.0496    0.0099
    30 C4     *s         0.0793    0.1418    0.0210   -0.0885   -0.0058    0.0254   -0.0198    0.2148   -1.0827    0.3144
    31 C4     2px       -0.1833    0.0757   -0.2341    0.0153    0.1252    0.1480   -0.1913   -0.0077    0.0330    0.1207
    32 C4     *px       -0.1676    0.0371   -0.2421    0.0333    0.1260    0.1975   -0.2732    0.0544    0.0359    0.5771
    33 C4     2py       -0.1763   -0.0659   -0.1209   -0.0061   -0.2141   -0.2469    0.2949   -0.0109    0.0378    0.0419
    34 C4     *py       -0.1376   -0.0432   -0.1443   -0.0118   -0.2223   -0.2905    0.3512    0.0050    0.1442    0.1655
    35 C4     2pz        0.1513    0.2953   -0.0415    0.0418   -0.0650   -0.0959    0.1248   -0.0230   -0.1002    0.0225
    36 C4     *pz        0.0823    0.1378   -0.0566    0.0685   -0.0697   -0.1204    0.1533    0.0349   -0.5155    0.0542
    37 H5     1s        -0.0118    0.0407   -0.0251    0.0060    0.0244   -0.0719   -0.0229    0.1504    0.0321    0.0341
    38 H5     *s        -0.0091    0.0343   -0.0178    0.0045    0.0358   -0.1100   -0.0337    1.0262    0.4485   -0.2059
    39 H6     1s        -0.0295    0.0666   -0.0138    0.0049   -0.0244    0.0641    0.0227    0.0440   -0.0094   -0.0271
    40 H6     *s        -0.0195    0.0462   -0.0064   -0.0012   -0.0205    0.0597    0.0308    0.3580   -0.1131   -0.4639
    41 H7     1s        -0.1596    0.1031    0.0635   -0.0864    0.0125    0.0285    0.0468   -0.0116    0.0113    0.0357
    42 H7     *s        -0.0888    0.0677    0.0580   -0.1044    0.0281    0.0098    0.0728   -0.0861    1.2014    0.6941
    43 H8     1s        -0.0556    0.1386    0.1633    0.0046    0.0173   -0.0028   -0.0493   -0.0304   -0.0120   -0.0605
    44 H8     *s        -0.0395    0.0621    0.1040   -0.0453    0.0558    0.0066   -0.0392   -0.1203    0.0830   -1.5046
    45 H9     1s         0.1951    0.1007    0.1429   -0.0021    0.0143   -0.0019    0.0183    0.0153    0.0112    0.0306
    46 H9     *s         0.1095    0.0848    0.0910   -0.0055    0.0297    0.0070    0.0053   -0.0703    0.9583    0.4896
    47 H10    1s        -0.0738    0.1099   -0.1804    0.0191   -0.0130   -0.0042   -0.0043   -0.0265    0.0583   -0.0547
    48 H10    *s        -0.0217    0.0871   -0.1045    0.0205   -0.0195   -0.0130    0.0089   -0.1872    0.6900   -0.8623
      Orbital                21        22
      Energy             0.1341    0.1447
      Occ. No.           0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.0034    0.0640
     2 N1     2s        -0.0055   -0.0167
     3 N1     *s         0.0404   -0.8568
     4 N1     2px        0.0171   -0.1387
     5 N1     *px        0.0450   -0.4655
     6 N1     2py        0.0145    0.2167
     7 N1     *py       -0.0102    0.7076
     8 N1     2pz       -0.0337    0.0523
     9 N1     *pz       -0.0409    0.2182
    10 C2     1s        -0.1140    0.0051
    11 C2     2s         0.0560   -0.0230
    12 C2     *s         1.5715   -0.1323
    13 C2     2px       -0.0751    0.0481
    14 C2     *px       -0.1145    0.1644
    15 C2     2py        0.0110    0.0365
    16 C2     *py        0.0475    0.0113
    17 C2     2pz        0.0706   -0.0533
    18 C2     *pz        0.6295   -0.2422
    19 C3     1s         0.0108    0.0054
    20 C3     2s         0.0011   -0.0120
    21 C3     *s        -0.1828   -0.0525
    22 C3     2px        0.1239   -0.0023
    23 C3     *px        0.5960   -0.0963
    24 C3     2py        0.0940    0.0267
    25 C3     *py        0.4724    0.0731
    26 C3     2pz        0.0523    0.0182
    27 C3     *pz        0.2357   -0.0749
    28 C4     1s         0.0940    0.0102
    29 C4     2s        -0.0515   -0.0044
    30 C4     *s        -1.1922   -0.1212
    31 C4     2px        0.0505    0.0280
    32 C4     *px        0.1939    0.1790
    33 C4     2py        0.0415    0.0313
    34 C4     *py        0.1252    0.1485
    35 C4     2pz       -0.0462   -0.0448
    36 C4     *pz       -0.2583   -0.2043
    37 H5     1s         0.0195   -0.0583
    38 H5     *s         0.0026   -0.5966
    39 H6     1s         0.0177    0.0437
    40 H6     *s        -0.0170    1.6104
    41 H7     1s        -0.0758   -0.0297
    42 H7     *s        -1.2620    0.3393
    43 H8     1s        -0.0419   -0.0285
    44 H8     *s        -0.4040   -0.1232
    45 H9     1s         0.0886    0.0155
    46 H9     *s         1.1148    0.4256
    47 H10    1s        -0.0107   -0.0011
    48 H10    *s         0.3367   -0.0611
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  0.80581

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9869  1.9877  1.9881  1.9875  0.3215  0.4810  0.4633  0.4896  0.4698  0.4605
      2s       0.3718  0.4049  0.4000  0.4056  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.6136  0.5886  0.4960  0.5411  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5562  0.4613  0.5980  0.5845  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5595  0.3933  0.5166  0.4401  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3056  0.9571  0.9507  1.0265  0.2329  0.0958  0.2006  0.1781  0.2286  0.2157
      *px      0.7724  0.4635  0.4110  0.5779  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6680  0.2701  0.3730  0.2985  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.7495  0.4259  0.5384  0.4932  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    7.5836  5.9523  6.2717  6.3551  0.5544  0.5768  0.6639  0.6677  0.6984  0.6762
      N-E     -0.5836  0.0477 -0.2717 -0.3551  0.4456  0.4232  0.3361  0.3323  0.3016  0.3238
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.0654E+00               Y=  5.1615E-01               Z=  5.1811E+00           Total=  5.3146E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.22180096               Y=    0.10745996               Z=    1.07867822
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6150    0.0028    1.6392
                  XX= -1.8913E+01              XY=  5.3913E-01              XZ=  6.9041E+00              YY= -2.1131E+01
                  YZ= -2.4579E+00              ZZ= -5.4531E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -5.6214E+00              XY=  8.0869E-01              XZ=  1.0356E+01              YY= -8.9474E+00
                  YZ= -3.6869E+00              ZZ=  1.4569E+01
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  0.59521

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9869  1.9876  1.9882  1.9875  0.3173  0.4811  0.4513  0.4895  0.4698  0.4603
      2s       0.3714  0.4024  0.4015  0.4054  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.6382  0.5141  0.4861  0.5434  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5544  0.4590  0.6024  0.5671  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.6285  0.4238  0.5152  0.4294  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3045  0.9556  0.9517  1.0254  0.2292  0.0964  0.1982  0.1783  0.2286  0.2154
      *px      0.8546  0.4576  0.3994  0.5815  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6635  0.2534  0.3681  0.2790  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.7882  0.3931  0.5366  0.4804  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    7.7900  5.8466  6.2490  6.2991  0.5465  0.5775  0.6495  0.6678  0.6983  0.6757
      N-E     -0.7900  0.1534 -0.2490 -0.2991  0.4535  0.4225  0.3505  0.3322  0.3017  0.3243
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.8297E+00               Y=  2.4727E-01               Z=  7.1827E+00           Total=  7.4162E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.38093635               Y=    0.05147928               Z=    1.49539926
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6150    0.0028    1.6392
                  XX= -1.8681E+01              XY=  2.9797E-01              XZ=  6.1549E+00              YY= -2.1000E+01
                  YZ= -2.3167E+00              ZZ= -7.1171E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.6222E+00              XY=  4.4695E-01              XZ=  9.2323E+00              YY= -8.1013E+00
                  YZ= -3.4750E+00              ZZ=  1.2723E+01
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file
--- Stop Module: rasscf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:42 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.rasscf.molden additional391.rasscf.molden.1 additional391.rasscf.molden.2 additional391.RasOrb additional391.RasOrb.1 additional391.RasOrb.2
           additional391.rasscf.h5 additional391.SpdOrb.1 additional391.SpdOrb.2 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module rasscf spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:42 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:42 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: additional391.slapaf.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rassi at Wed Dec 25 22:57:42 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
      *                                                                              *
      *                             General data section                             *
      *                                                                              *
   Specific data for JOBIPH file 
   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:29 2019        
   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        
   STATE IRREP:                             1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                       1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                        4
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                          0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                      0
   NR OF CONFIG:                           20
   Specific data for JOBIPH file 
   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:29 2019        
   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        
   STATE IRREP:                             1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                       1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                        4
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                          0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                      0
   NR OF CONFIG:                           20
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: Requested integrals are missing.                            ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  SO-Property name, and component:ANGMOM                       1
  This record cannot be found. Some of the requested
  properties cannot be computed. Suggested fix: Try
  recomputing one-electron integrals with keyword
  'OneOnly', and additional keywords for the
  properties needed.
  Also missing:ANGMOM                       2
  Also missing:ANGMOM                       3
   The following data are common to all the states:
   (note: frozen counts as inactive, deleted as secondary)
      NR of irreps: 1
                 Total     No./Irrep 
      Irrep                  1
      INACTIVE      13      13
      ACTIVE         4       4
      SECONDARY     31      31
      BASIS         48      48
      RAS1           0       0
      RAS2           4       4
      RAS3           0       0
  Nr of states:                     4
   State:        1   2   3   4
  JobIph:        1   1   2   2
 Root nr:        1   2   1   2
     -0.00000000      1.00000000
      1.00000000      0.00000000      1.00000000
     -0.00000000      1.00000000     -0.00000000      1.00000000
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used      274 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: rassi at Wed Dec 25 22:57:43 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.rassi.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module rassi spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:43 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
  Overlaps with previous states                               
  mat. size =     2x    2
        1.0000000000002756      0.0000000000000000
       -0.0000000000000001      1.0000000000002762
   Root map
   Original  Prev.  This
     root    iter.  iter.
        1      1      1
        2      2      2
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:43 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: additional391.slapaf.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:57:43 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:57:44 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:57:44 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared
++   Wave function specifications:
     Number of closed shell electrons             26
     Number of electrons in active shells          4
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  13
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 31
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500
     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            13
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    48
     Number of Orbitals                           48
     Number of configurations                       20
     Number of combinations                       21
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -170.1719301888
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100
     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   2
        Iteration       Delta       Res(kappa)  Res(CI)     DeltaK      DeltaC
            1          0.1232363   0.0632319   0.0115917   0.0002569   0.0012280
            2          0.0120969   0.0136875   0.0062681   0.0000665   0.0000793
            3          0.0024270   0.0057531   0.0026695   0.0000150   0.0000142
            4          0.0008648   0.0034743   0.0014680   0.0000063   0.0000042
            5          0.0003613   0.0020700   0.0010248   0.0000024   0.0000020
            6          0.0001181   0.0011681   0.0005399   0.0000006   0.0000008
            7          0.0000377   0.0007418   0.0002886   0.0000002   0.0000003
            8          0.0000074   0.0003897   0.0001227   0.0000000   0.0000001
            9          0.0000016   0.0001275   0.0000774   0.0000000   0.0000000
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in    9 steps.
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.7217E+00               Y=  3.1737E-01               Z=  7.0187E+00           Total=  7.2338E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.35845557               Y=    0.06607416               Z=    1.46125729
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6150    0.0028    1.6392
                  XX= -1.8603E+01              XY=  3.6161E-01              XZ=  6.3165E+00              YY= -2.1071E+01
                  YZ= -2.2932E+00              ZZ= -6.7722E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.6814E+00              XY=  5.4241E-01              XZ=  9.4747E+00              YY= -8.3834E+00
                  YZ= -3.4398E+00              ZZ=  1.3065E+01
      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:57:44 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:57:44 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06
                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *
           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   N1           x         1     1
   2   N1           y         1     1
   3   N1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   C4           x         4     1
  11   C4           y         4     1
  12   C4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1
  25   H9           x         9     1
  26   H9           y         9     1
  27   H9           z         9     1
  28   H10          x        10     1
  29   H10          y        10     1
  30   H10          z        10     1
                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.
 Conventional ERI gradients!
 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF
 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *
  Irreducible representation: a  
                     X             Y             Z        
  N1                0.05887859   -0.07927383   -0.07553514
  C2               -0.00999927   -0.08870090    0.02960055
  C3                0.10236937    0.04415118    0.00226643
  C4               -0.00787592   -0.02452564    0.02378694
  H5               -0.05858715    0.05387252   -0.05938021
  H6               -0.01164452    0.07504643    0.06824196
  H7               -0.01622356    0.03695731    0.01377161
  H8               -0.05410003   -0.03720938    0.01652952
  H9               -0.01242885    0.01175090   -0.00948319
  H10               0.00961134    0.00793142   -0.00979847
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:57:45 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391


*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:45 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
++       Slapaf input parameters:
 Max iterations:                            2000
 Convergence test a la Schlegel.
 Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 0.2E-01
 Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 0.2E-01
 Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.5E-01
 Max change of an internal coordinate:     0.30E+00
 Line search is performed
 -Optimization for minimum.
  Optimization method: RS-RFO.
 -Initial Hessian guessed by Hessian Model Function (HMF).
  HMF augmented with weak interactions.
 -Hessian update method: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
  Max number of points in Hessian update:  5
 -Relaxation will be done on non-redundant internal coordinates, based on
  force constant weighted redundant internal coordinates.
 -The origin of the hyper sphere is defined implicitly.
 * Statistics of the internal coordinates *
 Translations and Rotations:         0
 Bonds                     :         9
 Angles                    :        13
 Torsions                  :        12
 Out-of-plane angles       :         5
*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -170.17193019  0.00000000 0.255512  0.101622 nrc006  -0.136253* nrc012     -170.19843293 RS-RFO  None      0    
       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.1536E-01  8.0000E-02     No    + 5.2156E-02  2.0000E-02     No    +
 + Max + 2.4878E-01  1.2000E-01     No    + 1.0162E-01  3.0000E-02     No    +
 + dE  + 0.0000E+00  5.0000E-02     ---   +
 Convergence not reached yet!
++ Geometry section
  Geometrical information of the new structure
 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  N1              -0.216420        0.041024       -0.048837
  C2               0.166283       -0.662251        2.628911
  C3               2.203162        0.667312        3.895470
  C4               2.736747       -0.023853        6.347823
  H5              -1.165505        1.688388       -0.899234
  H6               0.458041       -1.189601       -1.243467
  H7              -1.413101       -1.458158        3.654363
  H8               2.581716        2.293256        2.841020
  H9               1.372934       -1.151799        7.323659
  H10              4.426927        0.714579        7.201715
 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  N1              -0.114525        0.021709       -0.025844
  C2               0.087993       -0.350448        1.391160
  C3               1.165863        0.353126        2.061394
  C4               1.448224       -0.012622        3.359123
  H5              -0.616759        0.893456       -0.475854
  H6               0.242385       -0.629510       -0.658014
  H7              -0.747781       -0.771624        1.933806
  H8               1.366185        1.213539        1.503403
  H9               0.726525       -0.609506        3.875513
  H10              2.342629        0.378139        3.810984
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       2.794887        0.000000
    3 C3       4.669494        2.742405        0.000000
    4 C4       7.045755        4.565648        2.603163        0.000000
    5 H5       2.082725        4.443756        5.948084        8.407091        0.000000
    6 H6       1.842953        3.918996        5.736048        8.011190        3.322230
    7 H7       4.170526        2.044376        4.201561        5.151038        5.540515
    8 H8       4.610140        3.822869        1.974554        4.206031        5.328887
    9 H9       7.635612        4.871994        3.968743        2.021015        9.062356
   10 H10      8.636253        6.399945        3.984799        2.032517        9.891865
               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       5.249955        0.000000
    8 H8       5.772636        5.540144        0.000000
    9 H9       8.615922        4.617313        5.781316        0.000000
   10 H10      9.523606        7.170106        4.991262        3.581216        0.000000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       1.478990        0.000000
    3 C3       2.470990        1.451218        0.000000
    4 C4       3.728453        2.416037        1.377535        0.000000
    5 H5       1.102131        2.351535        3.147591        4.448841        0.000000
    6 H6       0.975249        2.073843        3.035386        4.239339        1.758049
    7 H7       2.206947        1.081837        2.223370        2.725812        2.931914
    8 H8       2.439581        2.022975        1.044889        2.225736        2.819925
    9 H9       4.040592        2.578148        2.100168        1.069475        4.795592
   10 H10      4.570108        3.386705        2.108665        1.075561        5.234549
               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       2.778157        0.000000
    8 H8       3.054747        2.931718        0.000000
    9 H9       4.559349        2.443377        3.059340        0.000000
   10 H10      5.039675        3.794257        2.641262        1.895098        0.000000
                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 C2       1 N1       5 H5       130.74
                      2 C2       1 N1       6 H6       113.76
                      5 H5       1 N1       6 H6       115.48
                      1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       114.97
                      1 N1       2 C2       7 H7       118.21
                      3 C3       2 C2       7 H7       122.07
                      2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       117.30
                      2 C2       3 C3       8 H8       107.16
                      4 C4       3 C3       8 H8       133.03
                      3 C3       4 C4       9 H9       117.69
                      3 C3       4 C4      10 H10      118.02
                      9 H9       4 C4      10 H10      124.13
           *              Valence Dihedral Angles / Degree               *
                    Atom centers                       Phi1     Phi2     Theta 
           5 H5       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        130.74   118.21    77.21
           6 H6       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        113.76   118.21  -101.26
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       5 H5        114.97   130.74   -78.92
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       6 H6        114.97   113.76   102.61
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       4 C4        114.97   117.30  -176.26
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        114.97   107.16    19.37
           7 H7       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        122.07   107.16  -135.74
           4 C4       3 C3       2 C2       7 H7        117.30   122.07    28.63
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        117.30   117.69   -14.46
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       117.30   118.02   169.92
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        133.03   117.69   144.92
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       133.03   118.02   -30.71
                * Radius of hypersphere / au*amu**(1/2)/amu(1/2) *
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     64): _CONTINUE_LOOP_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:45 2019 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: additional391.geo.molden additional391.slapaf.h5 additional391.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

>>> END DO

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Wed Dec 25 22:57:45 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
    Geometry read from RUNFILE
               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals
                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15
            Nuclear Potential Energy            108.63071686 au
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions           48
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
--- Stop Module: seward at Wed Dec 25 22:57:57 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.GssOrb additional391.guessorb.h5 additional391.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module seward spent 12 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Wed Dec 25 22:57:57 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:46 2019
      OrdInt status: non-squared
      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   N1        -0.11452459   0.02170908  -0.02584360
       2   C2         0.08799332  -0.35044817   1.39115955
       3   C3         1.16586307   0.35312647   2.06139399
       4   C4         1.44822396  -0.01262235   3.35912337
       5   H5        -0.61675889   0.89345620  -0.47585438
       6   H6         0.24238462  -0.62950971  -0.65801444
       7   H7        -0.74778066  -0.77162415   1.93380561
       8   H8         1.36618510   1.21353906   1.50340290
       9   H9         0.72652523  -0.60950557   3.87551331
      10   H10        2.34262883   0.37813914   3.81098370
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  108.63071686
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     20
++    Optimization specifications:
      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update
      Starting CI array(s) will be read from file
   File JOBOLD not found -- use JOBIPH.
      The MO-coefficients are taken from the file:
      Title:(No title given)                                                        
      Total molecular charge    1.00
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *
                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics
      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    8    0  -170.20768014    0.00E+00  -0.11E-01    9  48 1  0.31E-01*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    6    0  -170.21195810   -0.43E-02*  0.64E-02    9  34 1  0.71E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    6    0  -170.21236881   -0.41E-03* -0.38E-02   10  18 1 -0.23E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    6    0  -170.21244221   -0.73E-04*  0.22E-02    9  22 1  0.92E-03*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1    5    0  -170.21246029   -0.18E-04*  0.19E-02   10  18 1 -0.51E-03*  0.14   1.86    LS   YES    0:00:00
        6   1    5    0  -170.21246589   -0.56E-05* -0.87E-03    5  48 1  0.58E-03*  0.14   1.07    QN   YES    0:00:00
        7   1    5    0  -170.21246794   -0.20E-05*  0.61E-03   10  45 1  0.20E-03*  0.14   1.00    QN   YES    0:00:00
        8   1    5    0  -170.21246835   -0.41E-06*  0.57E-03   13  25 1  0.77E-04   0.14   1.93    LS   YES    0:00:00
        9   1    5    0  -170.21246842   -0.76E-07*  0.20E-03   13  25 1  0.96E-04   0.14   0.76    QN   YES    0:00:00
       10   1    4    0  -170.21246852   -0.10E-06*  0.27E-03   10  45 1 -0.25E-04   0.14   1.17    QN   YES    0:00:00
       11   1    4    0  -170.21246855   -0.29E-07*  0.29E-03   10  18 1 -0.17E-04   0.14   1.47    QN   YES    0:00:00
       12   1    4    0  -170.21246857   -0.12E-07* -0.19E-04    9  22 1  0.15E-04   0.14   0.95    QN   YES    0:00:00
       13   1    3    0  -170.21246857   -0.16E-08   0.28E-04   10  18 1 -0.59E-05   0.14   2.50    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after 13 iterations
       14   1    3    0  -170.21246857   -0.44E-09   0.28E-04    9  22 1 -0.27E-05   0.14   2.50    QN   YES    0:00:00
                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)
      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -170.218810
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200  -0.92059 0.84749
             4  u2d0   0.31152 0.09704
             6  2020   0.17371 0.03018
             8  2002   0.10967 0.01203
            10  udud   0.07596 0.00577
            17  u0d2   0.05460 0.00298
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -170.206127
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200   0.31869 0.10157
             4  u2d0   0.90083 0.81149
             6  2020  -0.06320 0.00399
            10  udud   0.21284 0.04530
            15  uudd   0.09173 0.00841
            17  u0d2   0.15557 0.02420
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.896617   1.988011   0.085119   0.030254
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.428737   1.886141   0.577861   0.107261
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2
++    Final optimization conditions:
      Average CI energy                            -170.21246857
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -170.20612693
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients               0.846E-04
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element     0.285E-04
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.272E-05
      (orbital pair   9,  22 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.226E+00
      Final state energy(ies):
::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -170.21881020
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -170.20612693
++    Molecular orbitals:
      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers
      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  
      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -15.7796  -11.4994  -11.4093  -11.4048   -1.4309   -1.2844   -1.1179   -0.9979   -0.9156   -0.8974
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.9857   -0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.2022    0.0754   -0.0564    0.0100   -0.0177   -0.0035
     2 N1     2s         0.0991    0.0001    0.0000   -0.0006    0.1885   -0.0692    0.0535   -0.0121    0.0129   -0.0005
     3 N1     *s        -0.0547    0.0067    0.0008    0.0020    0.6178   -0.2593    0.2107   -0.0344    0.0748    0.0215
     4 N1     2px        0.0004    0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0180    0.0085   -0.0095   -0.0297   -0.1986    0.0397
     5 N1     *px       -0.0020    0.0002    0.0008    0.0005    0.0181    0.0079   -0.0132   -0.0154   -0.1993    0.0416
     6 N1     2py       -0.0007   -0.0005   -0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0284    0.0137    0.0025   -0.0518    0.3381   -0.0504
     7 N1     *py        0.0033    0.0016    0.0011    0.0001   -0.0302    0.0109    0.0118   -0.0573    0.3407   -0.0649
     8 N1     2pz        0.0009   -0.0000    0.0002   -0.0002    0.0187    0.0474   -0.1509    0.0945    0.0846    0.2768
     9 N1     *pz       -0.0058    0.0048    0.0009    0.0015    0.0317    0.0200   -0.1172    0.0900    0.0668    0.2836
    10 C2     1s        -0.0004    0.9871   -0.0019    0.0015   -0.1021   -0.0761    0.1395   -0.0767    0.0042    0.0043
    11 C2     2s        -0.0012    0.0959    0.0026   -0.0009    0.1159    0.0889   -0.1537    0.0823   -0.0045   -0.0067
    12 C2     *s         0.0137   -0.0649   -0.0248    0.0009    0.1849    0.1528   -0.4001    0.2797    0.0045   -0.0553
    13 C2     2px       -0.0002   -0.0001    0.0006   -0.0005   -0.0007    0.0588    0.0009   -0.1773   -0.0454   -0.0080
    14 C2     *px       -0.0004   -0.0060   -0.0098    0.0009    0.0015    0.0025   -0.0001   -0.1046   -0.0278    0.0200
    15 C2     2py       -0.0000    0.0010    0.0004    0.0000    0.0380    0.0395   -0.0307   -0.1030    0.0365    0.0587
    16 C2     *py        0.0046   -0.0083   -0.0069   -0.0001    0.0114    0.0191   -0.0272   -0.0524    0.0170    0.0355
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0006   -0.0003   -0.0000   -0.0007   -0.0666    0.0889   -0.0299    0.0006    0.0077   -0.2639
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0125   -0.0032   -0.0070    0.0021    0.0174    0.0113   -0.0381    0.0473    0.0002   -0.1271
    19 C3     1s         0.0001   -0.0024   -0.9868    0.0279   -0.0455   -0.1630    0.0027    0.1150    0.0097    0.0214
    20 C3     2s         0.0001   -0.0030   -0.0988   -0.0004    0.0509    0.1775   -0.0017   -0.1190   -0.0100   -0.0211
    21 C3     *s        -0.0044    0.0194    0.0807    0.0204    0.0867    0.3720   -0.0208   -0.4012   -0.0379   -0.0829
    22 C3     2px        0.0003    0.0008    0.0014   -0.0004   -0.0329   -0.0369    0.1055   -0.0208    0.0108    0.0871
    23 C3     *px       -0.0000   -0.0117   -0.0098    0.0028   -0.0069   -0.0399    0.0212    0.0136    0.0084    0.0505
    24 C3     2py        0.0003    0.0006    0.0006    0.0007   -0.0101   -0.0332    0.0050   -0.1012    0.0108    0.1265
    25 C3     *py       -0.0014   -0.0046   -0.0090   -0.0039    0.0068   -0.0195   -0.0107   -0.0559    0.0052    0.1028
    26 C3     2pz        0.0005    0.0007   -0.0004   -0.0019   -0.0162    0.0590    0.1586    0.1127   -0.0076   -0.0761
    27 C3     *pz        0.0013   -0.0101    0.0053    0.0132    0.0025    0.0222    0.0383    0.0652   -0.0168   -0.0795
    28 C4     1s        -0.0001   -0.0016    0.0283    0.9865   -0.0152   -0.1251   -0.1429   -0.0787   -0.0080   -0.0411
    29 C4     2s        -0.0008   -0.0015    0.0062    0.0963    0.0206    0.1427    0.1545    0.0834    0.0071    0.0396
    30 C4     *s         0.0010    0.0043   -0.0269   -0.0678    0.0189    0.2571    0.4025    0.2623    0.0398    0.1914
    31 C4     2px        0.0004    0.0004   -0.0004   -0.0004   -0.0103   -0.0352    0.0117   -0.0199    0.0153    0.1384
    32 C4     *px       -0.0025   -0.0007    0.0073    0.0028    0.0052   -0.0057   -0.0017   -0.0301    0.0127    0.0980
    33 C4     2py        0.0001    0.0003    0.0003    0.0001    0.0056    0.0255    0.0161   -0.0472   -0.0098    0.0486
    34 C4     *py       -0.0007    0.0008   -0.0011   -0.0020    0.0057    0.0117    0.0075   -0.0194   -0.0098    0.0433
    35 C4     2pz        0.0004    0.0008   -0.0014   -0.0006   -0.0151   -0.0855   -0.0162    0.0882    0.0194    0.1130
    36 C4     *pz       -0.0022   -0.0038    0.0125    0.0079    0.0104   -0.0097   -0.0202    0.0329    0.0007    0.0449
    37 H5     1s         0.0009   -0.0010   -0.0003   -0.0001    0.0780   -0.0422    0.0605   -0.0385    0.2006   -0.0898
    38 H5     *s         0.0056    0.0008    0.0003    0.0002    0.0144   -0.0142    0.0258   -0.0201    0.1280   -0.0532
    39 H6     1s         0.0012   -0.0002    0.0003   -0.0001    0.1135   -0.0609    0.0883   -0.0315   -0.2115   -0.0864
    40 H6     *s         0.0084    0.0036   -0.0001    0.0004   -0.0001   -0.0133    0.0325   -0.0151   -0.1041   -0.0484
    41 H7     1s        -0.0004   -0.0017    0.0012   -0.0002    0.0378    0.0423   -0.1012    0.1525    0.0094   -0.0938
    42 H7     *s         0.0018    0.0115   -0.0008   -0.0006   -0.0112    0.0030   -0.0159    0.0559    0.0062   -0.0511
    43 H8     1s        -0.0002   -0.0016    0.0020   -0.0008    0.0242    0.0754   -0.0230   -0.1680    0.0036    0.0766
    44 H8     *s         0.0024    0.0006   -0.0107    0.0023   -0.0074    0.0003    0.0014   -0.0630    0.0092    0.0315
    45 H9     1s        -0.0007   -0.0003    0.0015   -0.0014    0.0085    0.0630    0.0865    0.1066    0.0101   -0.0021
    46 H9     *s         0.0003    0.0006    0.0020    0.0129   -0.0019    0.0015    0.0156    0.0427    0.0078    0.0002
    47 H10    1s         0.0002   -0.0002    0.0005   -0.0016    0.0045    0.0519    0.0988    0.0645    0.0157    0.1353
    48 H10    *s         0.0017    0.0016   -0.0022    0.0119   -0.0084   -0.0073    0.0236    0.0277    0.0076    0.0650
      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20
      Energy            -0.8441   -0.7957   -0.7489    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0330    0.1037    0.1201
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    1.4999    1.8911    0.5351    0.0739    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s        -0.0046    0.0219   -0.0053    0.0047    0.0062   -0.0124   -0.0043    0.1511   -0.0019    0.0005
     2 N1     2s         0.0044   -0.0168    0.0025   -0.0006   -0.0061    0.0124    0.0015   -0.0691    0.0016    0.0054
     3 N1     *s         0.0151   -0.0915    0.0349   -0.0411   -0.0325    0.0724    0.0367   -1.4166    0.0064    0.0068
     4 N1     2px        0.0684    0.0056   -0.0517   -0.4278   -0.0222    0.0298   -0.0107    0.0586    0.0161    0.0224
     5 N1     *px        0.0551    0.0029   -0.0436   -0.5458   -0.0316    0.0297    0.0059    0.1432    0.0041    0.0031
     6 N1     2py        0.0387    0.0103   -0.0494   -0.2420    0.0144   -0.0468   -0.0265   -0.0768   -0.0875    0.0226
     7 N1     *py        0.0301    0.0191   -0.0493   -0.3023    0.0255   -0.0339   -0.0251   -0.1843   -0.2878    0.0102
     8 N1     2pz        0.0516   -0.1842    0.0523   -0.0093   -0.0041    0.0123    0.0020    0.0263    0.0779   -0.1246
     9 N1     *pz        0.0497   -0.1979    0.0689   -0.0253   -0.0091    0.0320    0.0197    0.1067    0.2224   -0.4321
    10 C2     1s         0.0035   -0.0195    0.0408   -0.0026   -0.0168    0.0335    0.0200   -0.0450    0.0811   -0.0160
    11 C2     2s        -0.0013    0.0174   -0.0467    0.0063    0.0179   -0.0378   -0.0214    0.0321   -0.0503    0.0284
    12 C2     *s        -0.0205    0.1229   -0.1516   -0.0139    0.0596   -0.1715   -0.1503    0.2767   -0.9956    0.0022
    13 C2     2px        0.2289   -0.0171   -0.1849    0.0864    0.0935   -0.2100   -0.1422   -0.0593    0.1674    0.0372
    14 C2     *px        0.1924   -0.0167   -0.1456    0.0137    0.1025   -0.2735   -0.1434   -0.1854    0.7052    0.0875
    15 C2     2py        0.1443   -0.0338   -0.0969    0.0553   -0.1913    0.3397    0.2272    0.0721    0.0767    0.0497
    16 C2     *py        0.1218   -0.0360   -0.1007    0.0238   -0.1976    0.4073    0.2371    0.1332    0.2939    0.0765
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0442    0.1589   -0.0950    0.0034   -0.0531    0.0978    0.0727   -0.1358   -0.0586   -0.1169
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0338    0.1264   -0.0450   -0.0480   -0.0644    0.1492    0.0882   -0.3014   -0.1145   -0.4758
    19 C3     1s         0.0277    0.0205   -0.0192   -0.0293   -0.0137   -0.0042   -0.0207    0.0047   -0.0062   -0.0772
    20 C3     2s        -0.0284   -0.0259    0.0185    0.0225    0.0150    0.0071    0.0206   -0.0110    0.0151    0.0350
    21 C3     *s        -0.1353   -0.0820    0.0967    0.2139    0.0446   -0.0049    0.1149    0.0661   -0.2153    1.1801
    22 C3     2px       -0.1588   -0.0417    0.1485   -0.0847    0.2391    0.0036    0.3415    0.0210   -0.0263    0.0402
    23 C3     *px       -0.0742   -0.0047    0.1260   -0.0835    0.2522    0.0236    0.3589   -0.0251   -0.0380    0.0146
    24 C3     2py       -0.1178    0.1394    0.1981   -0.0359   -0.1792   -0.0333   -0.2987    0.0022    0.0126    0.1541
    25 C3     *py       -0.0617    0.1481    0.1830   -0.0590   -0.2057   -0.0612   -0.3571   -0.0425    0.1542    0.6207
    26 C3     2pz       -0.1126   -0.2766    0.0073   -0.0751   -0.1330   -0.0123   -0.1986    0.0100   -0.0025   -0.0640
    27 C3     *pz       -0.0389   -0.2434   -0.0659    0.0135   -0.1265   -0.0360   -0.2146   -0.0175    0.0483   -0.3172
    28 C4     1s        -0.0176   -0.0057    0.0030    0.0078    0.0001   -0.0062    0.0066   -0.0273    0.0824   -0.0366
    29 C4     2s         0.0146   -0.0062   -0.0063   -0.0052   -0.0019    0.0061   -0.0076    0.0249   -0.0450    0.0207
    30 C4     *s         0.0749    0.1340    0.0276   -0.0937   -0.0068    0.0359   -0.0344    0.2596   -1.0449    0.5670
    31 C4     2px       -0.1716    0.1016   -0.2458    0.0163    0.1234    0.1528   -0.1876   -0.0086    0.0510    0.1092
    32 C4     *px       -0.1537    0.0601   -0.2533    0.0348    0.1246    0.2040   -0.2685    0.0670    0.1318    0.5220
    33 C4     2py       -0.1715   -0.0580   -0.1383   -0.0104   -0.2091   -0.2545    0.2850   -0.0079    0.0497    0.0280
    34 C4     *py       -0.1302   -0.0328   -0.1564   -0.0144   -0.2159   -0.3022    0.3389    0.0142    0.1973    0.0879
    35 C4     2pz        0.1461    0.3048   -0.0190    0.0429   -0.0696   -0.1080    0.1268   -0.0178   -0.1052    0.0519
    36 C4     *pz        0.0822    0.1464   -0.0473    0.0729   -0.0740   -0.1383    0.1645    0.0567   -0.5326    0.2156
    37 H5     1s        -0.0087    0.0309   -0.0185    0.0035    0.0283   -0.0761   -0.0272    0.1175    0.0304    0.0368
    38 H5     *s        -0.0077    0.0246   -0.0086    0.0006    0.0376   -0.1077   -0.0382    1.0557    0.4149   -0.1601
    39 H6     1s        -0.0193    0.0649   -0.0131    0.0062   -0.0279    0.0692    0.0279    0.0574   -0.0127   -0.0277
    40 H6     *s        -0.0136    0.0460   -0.0069   -0.0002   -0.0271    0.0753    0.0375    0.5848   -0.1060   -0.4251
    41 H7     1s        -0.1588    0.0969    0.0550   -0.0952    0.0138    0.0249    0.0467   -0.0169    0.0112    0.0413
    42 H7     *s        -0.0856    0.0625    0.0499   -0.1098    0.0295    0.0079    0.0705   -0.1184    1.3544    0.4277
    43 H8     1s        -0.0736    0.1336    0.1683    0.0033    0.0176   -0.0033   -0.0452   -0.0304   -0.0300   -0.0587
    44 H8     *s        -0.0481    0.0639    0.1055   -0.0353    0.0544    0.0064   -0.0347   -0.0549   -0.1669   -1.5097
    45 H9     1s         0.1859    0.0863    0.1625   -0.0012    0.0136   -0.0008    0.0174    0.0131    0.0176    0.0268
    46 H9     *s         0.1041    0.0750    0.1069   -0.0054    0.0291    0.0084    0.0028   -0.0995    1.0659    0.1867
    47 H10    1s        -0.0643    0.1302   -0.1837    0.0192   -0.0133   -0.0060   -0.0049   -0.0264    0.0443   -0.0631
    48 H10    *s        -0.0189    0.0974   -0.1025    0.0191   -0.0195   -0.0154    0.0076   -0.2237    0.5631   -0.9868
      Orbital                21        22
      Energy             0.1350    0.1402
      Occ. No.           0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.0381   -0.0114
     2 N1     2s        -0.0116   -0.0007
     3 N1     *s        -0.4657    0.2418
     4 N1     2px       -0.1160    0.0789
     5 N1     *px       -0.3894    0.2507
     6 N1     2py        0.2230   -0.0932
     7 N1     *py        0.6866   -0.3480
     8 N1     2pz        0.0583   -0.0556
     9 N1     *pz        0.2352   -0.1352
    10 C2     1s        -0.0387   -0.1038
    11 C2     2s         0.0031    0.0584
    12 C2     *s         0.5484    1.4843
    13 C2     2px        0.0097   -0.0947
    14 C2     *px        0.1206   -0.1948
    15 C2     2py        0.0140   -0.0076
    16 C2     *py       -0.0598    0.0402
    17 C2     2pz        0.0079    0.0759
    18 C2     *pz        0.1494    0.6481
    19 C3     1s        -0.0018    0.0027
    20 C3     2s        -0.0018    0.0083
    21 C3     *s         0.0052   -0.1035
    22 C3     2px        0.0525    0.1061
    23 C3     *px        0.2056    0.5723
    24 C3     2py        0.0792    0.0659
    25 C3     *py        0.3599    0.3731
    26 C3     2pz        0.0312    0.0437
    27 C3     *pz        0.0128    0.2701
    28 C4     1s         0.0467    0.0838
    29 C4     2s        -0.0275   -0.0436
    30 C4     *s        -0.5466   -1.0876
    31 C4     2px        0.0505    0.0405
    32 C4     *px        0.2296    0.1433
    33 C4     2py        0.0464    0.0291
    34 C4     *py        0.1531    0.0809
    35 C4     2pz       -0.0357   -0.0254
    36 C4     *pz       -0.2261   -0.1348
    37 H5     1s        -0.0402    0.0478
    38 H5     *s        -0.7049    0.3848
    39 H6     1s         0.0593   -0.0059
    40 H6     *s         1.3474   -0.6398
    41 H7     1s        -0.0485   -0.0542
    42 H7     *s        -0.2892   -1.2830
    43 H8     1s        -0.0349   -0.0263
    44 H8     *s        -0.4424   -0.3317
    45 H9     1s         0.0463    0.0746
    46 H9     *s         0.7647    0.8941
    47 H10    1s        -0.0102   -0.0124
    48 H10    *s         0.0406    0.3072
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  0.36654

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9869  1.9875  1.9882  1.9875  0.3535  0.4427  0.4609  0.4768  0.4699  0.4643
      2s       0.3701  0.4052  0.4007  0.4063  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7331  0.5019  0.4897  0.5342  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5678  0.4808  0.5997  0.5681  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.6474  0.3778  0.5117  0.4081  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3102  0.9151  0.9551  1.0196  0.1873  0.1221  0.1985  0.1949  0.2310  0.2148
      *px      0.9713  0.4257  0.3888  0.5687  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6626  0.2160  0.3609  0.2805  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.8188  0.3429  0.5428  0.4514  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.0682  5.6529  6.2376  6.2245  0.5408  0.5648  0.6594  0.6717  0.7010  0.6791
      N-E     -1.0682  0.3471 -0.2376 -0.2245  0.4592  0.4352  0.3406  0.3283  0.2990  0.3209
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  2.7638E+00               Y= -1.9318E-01               Z=  9.4335E+00           Total=  9.8319E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.57540964               Y=   -0.04021843               Z=    1.96399485
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6095    0.0118    1.6315
                  XX= -1.9267E+01              XY=  3.4220E-01              XZ=  5.1086E+00              YY= -2.0312E+01
                  YZ= -1.4238E+00              ZZ= -9.6105E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.3063E+00              XY=  5.1330E-01              XZ=  7.6629E+00              YY= -5.8729E+00
                  YZ= -2.1357E+00              ZZ=  1.0179E+01
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  1.17030

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9870  1.9877  1.9880  1.9875  0.3625  0.4471  0.4573  0.4770  0.4700  0.4640
      2s       0.3705  0.4089  0.3987  0.4065  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.5294  0.5956  0.5035  0.5506  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5682  0.4919  0.5977  0.5887  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5466  0.4736  0.5233  0.4631  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3107  0.9242  0.9522  1.0203  0.1940  0.1217  0.1923  0.1935  0.2310  0.2148
      *px      0.6713  0.4865  0.4042  0.5886  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6639  0.2395  0.3676  0.3032  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.7185  0.4908  0.5519  0.5141  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    7.3662  6.0986  6.2871  6.4227  0.5565  0.5688  0.6496  0.6705  0.7010  0.6789
      N-E     -0.3662 -0.0986 -0.2871 -0.4227  0.4435  0.4312  0.3504  0.3295  0.2990  0.3211
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  2.4883E-01               Y=  7.6869E-01               Z=  2.8879E+00           Total=  2.9988E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.05180559               Y=    0.16003726               Z=    0.60125051
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6095    0.0118    1.6315
                  XX= -1.8877E+01              XY=  1.0069E+00              XZ=  7.2576E+00              YY= -2.1468E+01
                  YZ= -1.9958E+00              ZZ= -4.2872E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -5.9995E+00              XY=  1.5104E+00              XZ=  1.0886E+01              YY= -9.8861E+00
                  YZ= -2.9938E+00              ZZ=  1.5886E+01
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file
--- Stop Module: rasscf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:00 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.rasscf.molden additional391.rasscf.molden.1 additional391.rasscf.molden.2 additional391.RasOrb additional391.RasOrb.1 additional391.RasOrb.2
           additional391.rasscf.h5 additional391.SpdOrb.1 additional391.SpdOrb.2 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module rasscf spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:00 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:00 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rassi at Wed Dec 25 22:58:00 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
      *                                                                              *
      *                             General data section                             *
      *                                                                              *
   Specific data for JOBIPH file 
   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:46 2019        
   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        
   STATE IRREP:                             1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                       1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                        4
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                          0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                      0
   NR OF CONFIG:                           20
   Specific data for JOBIPH file 
   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:29 2019        
   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        
   STATE IRREP:                             1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                       1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                        4
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                          0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                      0
   NR OF CONFIG:                           20
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: Requested integrals are missing.                            ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  SO-Property name, and component:ANGMOM                       1
  This record cannot be found. Some of the requested
  properties cannot be computed. Suggested fix: Try
  recomputing one-electron integrals with keyword
  'OneOnly', and additional keywords for the
  properties needed.
  Also missing:ANGMOM                       2
  Also missing:ANGMOM                       3
   The following data are common to all the states:
   (note: frozen counts as inactive, deleted as secondary)
      NR of irreps: 1
                 Total     No./Irrep 
      Irrep                  1
      INACTIVE      13      13
      ACTIVE         4       4
      SECONDARY     31      31
      BASIS         48      48
      RAS1           0       0
      RAS2           4       4
      RAS3           0       0
  Nr of states:                     4
   State:        1   2   3   4
  JobIph:        1   1   2   2
 Root nr:        1   2   1   2
     -0.00000000      1.00000000
      0.32137248     -0.94634105      1.00000000
      0.95997622      0.32416406     -0.00000000      1.00000000
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used      274 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: rassi at Wed Dec 25 22:58:01 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.rassi.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module rassi spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:01 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
  Overlaps with previous states                               
  mat. size =     2x    2
        0.3213724816523223     -0.9463410506788450
        0.9599762201390479      0.3241640609773010
   Root map
   Original  Prev.  This
     root    iter.  iter.
        1      1      2
        2      2      1
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:01 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:01 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:01 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:01 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared
++   Wave function specifications:
     Number of closed shell electrons             26
     Number of electrons in active shells          4
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  13
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 31
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500
     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            13
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    48
     Number of Orbitals                           48
     Number of configurations                       20
     Number of combinations                       21
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -170.2188102045
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100
     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   1
        Iteration       Delta       Res(kappa)  Res(CI)     DeltaK      DeltaC
            1          0.0576490   0.0777041   0.0075506   0.0001226   0.0026838
            2          0.0042315   0.0200207   0.0054786   0.0000637   0.0001423
            3          0.0008727   0.0087924   0.0029042   0.0000225   0.0000200
            4          0.0002226   0.0034667   0.0015118   0.0000063   0.0000046
            5          0.0000776   0.0023033   0.0008896   0.0000019   0.0000018
            6          0.0000289   0.0011662   0.0005617   0.0000009   0.0000005
            7          0.0000084   0.0008676   0.0002617   0.0000001   0.0000003
            8          0.0000014   0.0003350   0.0001067   0.0000000   0.0000000
            9          0.0000002   0.0001137   0.0000476   0.0000000   0.0000000
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in    9 steps.
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  2.5053E+00               Y=  5.7172E-02               Z=  8.8064E+00           Total=  9.1560E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.52159229               Y=    0.01190289               Z=    1.83344112
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6095    0.0118    1.6315
                  XX= -1.9055E+01              XY=  5.1530E-01              XZ=  5.5092E+00              YY= -2.0440E+01
                  YZ= -1.5316E+00              ZZ= -8.6726E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.4989E+00              XY=  7.7295E-01              XZ=  8.2639E+00              YY= -6.5763E+00
                  YZ= -2.2974E+00              ZZ=  1.1075E+01
      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:02 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:02 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06
                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *
           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   N1           x         1     1
   2   N1           y         1     1
   3   N1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   C4           x         4     1
  11   C4           y         4     1
  12   C4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1
  25   H9           x         9     1
  26   H9           y         9     1
  27   H9           z         9     1
  28   H10          x        10     1
  29   H10          y        10     1
  30   H10          z        10     1
                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.
 Conventional ERI gradients!
 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF
 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *
  Irreducible representation: a  
                     X             Y             Z        
  N1                0.01803854   -0.02405426   -0.04814853
  C2                0.00691810   -0.09286080    0.04836654
  C3                0.07888921    0.02792145    0.00165200
  C4               -0.00445219   -0.02102215    0.02020685
  H5               -0.04213914    0.04335400   -0.04266773
  H6                0.00862872    0.02685749    0.02456340
  H7               -0.01742988    0.03541765    0.00466563
  H8               -0.04371722   -0.01175590    0.00639310
  H9               -0.01096996    0.01206168   -0.00603584
  H10               0.00623383    0.00408084   -0.00899542
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391


*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared
++   Wave function specifications:
     Number of closed shell electrons             26
     Number of electrons in active shells          4
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  13
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 31
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500
     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            13
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    48
     Number of Orbitals                           48
     Number of configurations                       20
     Number of combinations                       21
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -170.2061269303
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100
     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   2
        Iteration       Delta       Res(kappa)  Res(CI)     DeltaK      DeltaC
            1          0.0576490   0.0777041   0.0075506   0.0001226   0.0026838
            2          0.0042315   0.0200207   0.0054786   0.0000637   0.0001423
            3          0.0008727   0.0087924   0.0029042   0.0000225   0.0000200
            4          0.0002226   0.0034667   0.0015118   0.0000063   0.0000046
            5          0.0000776   0.0023033   0.0008896   0.0000019   0.0000018
            6          0.0000289   0.0011662   0.0005617   0.0000009   0.0000005
            7          0.0000084   0.0008676   0.0002617   0.0000001   0.0000003
            8          0.0000014   0.0003350   0.0001067   0.0000000   0.0000000
            9          0.0000002   0.0001137   0.0000476   0.0000000   0.0000000
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in    9 steps.
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  5.0733E-01               Y=  5.1834E-01               Z=  3.5150E+00           Total=  3.5891E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.10562294               Y=    0.10791594               Z=    0.73180424
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6095    0.0118    1.6315
                  XX= -1.9089E+01              XY=  8.3383E-01              XZ=  6.8570E+00              YY= -2.1340E+01
                  YZ= -1.8880E+00              ZZ= -5.2251E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -5.8069E+00              XY=  1.2508E+00              XZ=  1.0285E+01              YY= -9.1826E+00
                  YZ= -2.8320E+00              ZZ=  1.4990E+01
      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:03 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06
                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *
           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   N1           x         1     1
   2   N1           y         1     1
   3   N1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   C4           x         4     1
  11   C4           y         4     1
  12   C4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1
  25   H9           x         9     1
  26   H9           y         9     1
  27   H9           z         9     1
  28   H10          x        10     1
  29   H10          y        10     1
  30   H10          z        10     1
                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.
 Conventional ERI gradients!
 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF
 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *
  Irreducible representation: a  
                     X             Y             Z        
  N1                0.03459916   -0.04619056   -0.02202547
  C2                0.00684142   -0.03170627   -0.00384509
  C3                0.05090372    0.04704036    0.01587536
  C4               -0.01187984   -0.02047325    0.01337008
  H5               -0.00681403    0.05223048   -0.03111775
  H6               -0.03143226    0.01258983    0.03205890
  H7                0.00178005   -0.00670509    0.01023037
  H8               -0.04362218   -0.01631404    0.00127258
  H9               -0.01110729    0.01044352   -0.00571383
  H10               0.01073124   -0.00091499   -0.01010515
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:04 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391


*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:04 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
++       Slapaf input parameters:
 Max iterations:                            2000
 Convergence test a la Schlegel.
 Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 0.2E-01
 Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 0.2E-01
 Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.5E-01
 Max change of an internal coordinate:     0.30E+00
 Line search is performed
 -Optimization for minimum.
  Optimization method: RS-RFO.
 -Initial Hessian guessed by Hessian Model Function (HMF).
  HMF augmented with weak interactions.
 -Hessian update method: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
  Max number of points in Hessian update:  5
 -Relaxation will be done on non-redundant internal coordinates, based on
  force constant weighted redundant internal coordinates.
 -The origin of the hyper sphere is defined implicitly.
 * Statistics of the internal coordinates *
 Translations and Rotations:         0
 Bonds                     :         9
 Angles                    :        12
 Torsions                  :        12
 Out-of-plane angles       :         6
*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -170.17193019  0.00000000 0.255512  0.101622 nrc006  -0.136253* nrc012     -170.19843293 RS-RFO  None      0    
  2   -170.20612693 -0.03419674 0.139289 -0.047608 nrc019   0.136816* nrc022     -170.22185392 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.1608E-01  8.0000E-02     No    + 2.8432E-02  2.0000E-02     No    +
 + Max + 2.5896E-01  1.2000E-01     No    + 4.7608E-02  3.0000E-02     No    +
 + dE  + 3.4197E-02  5.0000E-02     Yes   +
 Convergence not reached yet!
++ Geometry section
  Geometrical information of the new structure
 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  N1              -0.248506        0.029303       -0.014171
  C2               0.166593       -0.592815        2.597464
  C3               2.191007        0.669060        3.865625
  C4               2.711665       -0.019809        6.321480
  H5              -1.268942        1.514692       -0.737521
  H6               0.528222       -1.169315       -1.309528
  H7              -1.431763       -1.397229        3.562318
  H8               2.748320        2.343342        2.877373
  H9               1.360069       -1.132796        7.335001
  H10              4.394117        0.674465        7.203380
 * Nuclear coordinates for the next iteration / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  N1              -0.131504        0.015507       -0.007499
  C2               0.088157       -0.313704        1.374519
  C3               1.159431        0.354051        2.045601
  C4               1.434951       -0.010482        3.345183
  H5              -0.671495        0.801541       -0.390279
  H6               0.279523       -0.618775       -0.692972
  H7              -0.757657       -0.739382        1.885098
  H8               1.454348        1.240043        1.522640
  H9               0.719718       -0.599450        3.881515
  H10              2.325267        0.356911        3.811864
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       2.716610        0.000000
    3 C3       4.627454        2.701631        0.000000
    4 C4       6.993246        4.546870        2.603238        0.000000
    5 H5       1.941882        4.198150        5.820248        8.247994        0.000000
    6 H6       1.928196        3.965818        5.738178        8.020042        3.280379
    7 H7       4.028196        2.032922        4.181627        5.165100        5.195615
    8 H8       4.764112        3.919781        2.022489        4.177045        5.467404
    9 H9       7.612379        4.915305        3.996712        2.023061        8.893059
   10 H10      8.605999        6.379061        3.999291        2.022476        9.789490
               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       5.256270        0.000000
    8 H8       5.898960        5.651029        0.000000
    9 H9       8.684537        4.700786        5.820759        0.000000
   10 H10      9.529652        7.175662        4.920176        3.533973        0.000000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       1.437568        0.000000
    3 C3       2.448743        1.429642        0.000000
    4 C4       3.700667        2.406100        1.377574        0.000000
    5 H5       1.027600        2.221565        3.079943        4.364651        0.000000
    6 H6       1.020358        2.098620        3.036513        4.244023        1.735902
    7 H7       2.131630        1.075776        2.212822        2.733253        2.749401
    8 H8       2.521060        2.074259        1.070255        2.210397        2.893226
    9 H9       4.028297        2.601067        2.114969        1.070558        4.706004
   10 H10      4.554098        3.375654        2.116334        1.070248        5.180375
               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       2.781498        0.000000
    8 H8       3.121595        2.990396        0.000000
    9 H9       4.595659        2.487549        3.080213        0.000000
   10 H10      5.042874        3.797197        2.603645        1.870098        0.000000
                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 C2       1 N1       5 H5       127.85
                      2 C2       1 N1       6 H6       116.23
                      5 H5       1 N1       6 H6       115.91
                      1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       117.31
                      1 N1       2 C2       7 H7       115.26
                      3 C3       2 C2       7 H7       123.45
                      2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       117.98
                      2 C2       3 C3       8 H8       111.33
                      4 C4       3 C3       8 H8       128.68
                      3 C3       4 C4       9 H9       118.98
                      3 C3       4 C4      10 H10      119.14
                      9 H9       4 C4      10 H10      121.75
           *              Valence Dihedral Angles / Degree               *
                    Atom centers                       Phi1     Phi2     Theta 
           5 H5       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        127.85   115.26    74.11
           6 H6       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        116.23   115.26  -104.34
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       5 H5        117.31   127.85   -84.26
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       6 H6        117.31   116.23    97.29
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       4 C4        117.31   117.98  -176.07
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        117.31   111.33    18.67
           7 H7       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        123.45   111.33  -137.78
           4 C4       3 C3       2 C2       7 H7        117.98   123.45    27.48
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        117.98   118.98   -13.95
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       117.98   119.14   170.13
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        128.68   118.98   148.38
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       128.68   119.14   -27.54
                * Radius of hypersphere / au*amu**(1/2)/amu(1/2) *
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     64): _CONTINUE_LOOP_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:04 2019 /rc=_RC_CONTINUE_LOOP_ ---
*** files: additional391.geo.molden additional391.slapaf.h5 additional391.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

>>> END DO

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: seward at Wed Dec 25 22:58:05 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
    Geometry read from RUNFILE
               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals
                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15
            Nuclear Potential Energy            109.52217980 au
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions           48
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
--- Stop Module: seward at Wed Dec 25 22:58:16 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.GssOrb additional391.guessorb.h5 additional391.guessorb.molden xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module seward spent 11 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rasscf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:16 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:58:05 2019
      OrdInt status: non-squared
      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   N1        -0.13150355   0.01550650  -0.00749885
       2   C2         0.08815722  -0.31370393   1.37451858
       3   C3         1.15943076   0.35405124   2.04560089
       4   C4         1.43495121  -0.01048222   3.34518325
       5   H5        -0.67149508   0.80154057  -0.39027906
       6   H6         0.27952330  -0.61877486  -0.69297221
       7   H7        -0.75765651  -0.73938195   1.88509755
       8   H8         1.45434850   1.24004332   1.52264008
       9   H9         0.71971762  -0.59945006   3.88151528
      10   H10        2.32526654   0.35691138   3.81186449
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  109.52217980
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     20
++    Optimization specifications:
      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update
      Starting CI array(s) will be read from file
   File JOBOLD not found -- use JOBIPH.
      The MO-coefficients are taken from the file:
      Title:(No title given)                                                        
      Total molecular charge    1.00
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *
                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics
      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    7    0  -170.22827532    0.00E+00   0.19E-01    9  35 1 -0.33E-01*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    7    0  -170.23279931   -0.45E-02* -0.11E-01    9  35 1 -0.72E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    6    0  -170.23327642   -0.48E-03*  0.65E-02    9  18 1  0.32E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    6    0  -170.23336899   -0.93E-04* -0.36E-02    9  14 1 -0.12E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1    6    0  -170.23339227   -0.23E-04* -0.33E-02    9  14 1 -0.70E-03*  0.14   1.90    LS   YES    0:00:00
        6   1    5    0  -170.23339962   -0.73E-05*  0.12E-02    5  48 1  0.72E-03*  0.14   1.05    QN   YES    0:00:00
        7   1    5    0  -170.23340199   -0.24E-05*  0.45E-03    9  18 1 -0.22E-03*  0.14   0.94    QN   YES    0:00:00
        8   1    4    0  -170.23340236   -0.37E-06*  0.38E-03    9  18 1 -0.88E-04   0.14   1.84    LS   YES    0:00:00
        9   1    5    0  -170.23340242   -0.61E-07* -0.16E-03    5  48 1  0.90E-04   0.14   0.77    QN   YES    0:00:00
       10   1    4    0  -170.23340248   -0.60E-07* -0.16E-03   10  24 1 -0.22E-04   0.14   1.13    QN   YES    0:00:00
       11   1    4    0  -170.23340249   -0.13E-07* -0.19E-03   10  24 1  0.16E-04   0.14   1.38    QN   YES    0:00:00
       12   1    4    0  -170.23340250   -0.64E-08  -0.31E-04    5  48 1 -0.11E-04   0.14   1.01    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after 12 iterations
       13   1    4    0  -170.23340250   -0.13E-08  -0.31E-04    8  22 1 -0.33E-05   0.14   1.01    QN   YES    0:00:00
                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)
      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -170.242799
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200  -0.94596 0.89485
             4  u2d0  -0.23181 0.05374
             6  2020   0.17581 0.03091
             8  2002   0.10852 0.01178
            10  udud  -0.05128 0.00263
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -170.224006
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200  -0.23445 0.05497
             4  u2d0   0.92487 0.85538
             6  2020   0.05177 0.00268
             9  ud20  -0.05219 0.00272
            10  udud   0.21722 0.04719
            15  uudd   0.10101 0.01020
            17  u0d2   0.15500 0.02403
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.995703   1.902761   0.078670   0.022866
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   1.320931   1.887600   0.683542   0.107927
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2
++    Final optimization conditions:
      Average CI energy                            -170.23340250
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -170.22400570
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients              -0.819E-04
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element    -0.308E-04
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.335E-05
      (orbital pair   8,  22 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.249E+00
      Final state energy(ies):
::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -170.24279931
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -170.22400570
++    Molecular orbitals:
      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers
      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  
      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -15.7781  -11.4941  -11.4100  -11.4032   -1.4461   -1.2857   -1.1208   -0.9986   -0.9324   -0.9044
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.9857   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.2025    0.0745   -0.0593    0.0102   -0.0020   -0.0058
     2 N1     2s         0.0997    0.0001    0.0001   -0.0007    0.1885   -0.0680    0.0558   -0.0120    0.0035    0.0031
     3 N1     *s        -0.0568    0.0069    0.0008    0.0023    0.6205   -0.2603    0.2246   -0.0362    0.0018    0.0310
     4 N1     2px        0.0002    0.0001   -0.0000   -0.0001    0.0104    0.0169   -0.0265   -0.0216   -0.2306   -0.0224
     5 N1     *px       -0.0017    0.0006    0.0009    0.0005    0.0147    0.0122   -0.0241   -0.0088   -0.2272   -0.0266
     6 N1     2py       -0.0005   -0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0111    0.0033    0.0258   -0.0688    0.3194    0.0593
     7 N1     *py        0.0025    0.0014    0.0011    0.0001   -0.0201    0.0055    0.0259   -0.0679    0.3210    0.0563
     8 N1     2pz        0.0011   -0.0003    0.0002   -0.0002    0.0316    0.0456   -0.1586    0.1144   -0.0042    0.2888
     9 N1     *pz       -0.0070    0.0045    0.0008    0.0016    0.0433    0.0177   -0.1232    0.1078   -0.0100    0.2925
    10 C2     1s        -0.0003    0.9870   -0.0021    0.0015   -0.1066   -0.0779    0.1394   -0.0680   -0.0064    0.0121
    11 C2     2s        -0.0012    0.0959    0.0028   -0.0009    0.1220    0.0917   -0.1551    0.0728    0.0071   -0.0131
    12 C2     *s         0.0154   -0.0657   -0.0259    0.0006    0.1806    0.1575   -0.3965    0.2440    0.0511   -0.0861
    13 C2     2px       -0.0002   -0.0000    0.0008   -0.0005   -0.0040    0.0636    0.0009   -0.1878   -0.0572   -0.0163
    14 C2     *px       -0.0009   -0.0062   -0.0103    0.0010    0.0020    0.0028   -0.0002   -0.1113   -0.0439    0.0182
    15 C2     2py        0.0000    0.0009    0.0005    0.0000    0.0368    0.0388   -0.0270   -0.1046    0.0106    0.0738
    16 C2     *py        0.0044   -0.0080   -0.0069   -0.0002    0.0091    0.0177   -0.0233   -0.0568   -0.0007    0.0390
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0005   -0.0003    0.0001   -0.0007   -0.0757    0.0918   -0.0224   -0.0262    0.1076   -0.2549
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0140   -0.0032   -0.0073    0.0024    0.0247    0.0078   -0.0353    0.0343    0.0496   -0.1157
    19 C3     1s         0.0001   -0.0026   -0.9870    0.0185   -0.0434   -0.1638   -0.0008    0.1151    0.0027    0.0118
    20 C3     2s         0.0001   -0.0032   -0.0987   -0.0013    0.0491    0.1787    0.0013   -0.1190   -0.0029   -0.0121
    21 C3     *s        -0.0038    0.0200    0.0811    0.0207    0.0791    0.3756   -0.0062   -0.3984   -0.0088   -0.0438
    22 C3     2px        0.0003    0.0010    0.0013   -0.0004   -0.0324   -0.0384    0.1057   -0.0112   -0.0232    0.1018
    23 C3     *px       -0.0002   -0.0118   -0.0100    0.0027   -0.0031   -0.0376    0.0188    0.0114   -0.0104    0.0602
    24 C3     2py        0.0002    0.0007    0.0007    0.0007   -0.0112   -0.0366    0.0102   -0.0815   -0.0271    0.1305
    25 C3     *py       -0.0015   -0.0044   -0.0091   -0.0035    0.0061   -0.0217   -0.0057   -0.0466   -0.0236    0.1039
    26 C3     2pz        0.0005    0.0008   -0.0005   -0.0019   -0.0178    0.0578    0.1550    0.1083    0.0130   -0.0688
    27 C3     *pz        0.0015   -0.0104    0.0054    0.0127    0.0020    0.0254    0.0330    0.0541    0.0071   -0.0762
    28 C4     1s        -0.0001   -0.0017    0.0189    0.9867   -0.0135   -0.1244   -0.1410   -0.0862    0.0082   -0.0342
    29 C4     2s        -0.0008   -0.0015    0.0052    0.0963    0.0190    0.1422    0.1524    0.0909   -0.0088    0.0329
    30 C4     *s         0.0009    0.0043   -0.0265   -0.0675    0.0153    0.2514    0.3974    0.2929   -0.0303    0.1613
    31 C4     2px        0.0005    0.0004   -0.0004   -0.0003   -0.0093   -0.0332    0.0130   -0.0102   -0.0231    0.1328
    32 C4     *px       -0.0027   -0.0007    0.0071    0.0025    0.0071   -0.0043   -0.0008   -0.0222   -0.0129    0.0947
    33 C4     2py        0.0002    0.0003    0.0003    0.0001    0.0044    0.0248    0.0168   -0.0434   -0.0202    0.0473
    34 C4     *py       -0.0008    0.0008   -0.0011   -0.0020    0.0052    0.0102    0.0071   -0.0159   -0.0187    0.0368
    35 C4     2pz        0.0005    0.0008   -0.0014   -0.0005   -0.0144   -0.0857   -0.0158    0.0976   -0.0139    0.0906
    36 C4     *pz       -0.0023   -0.0038    0.0126    0.0074    0.0116   -0.0073   -0.0193    0.0351   -0.0105    0.0337
    37 H5     1s         0.0007   -0.0011   -0.0002   -0.0002    0.0928   -0.0515    0.0817   -0.0522    0.2220   -0.0211
    38 H5     *s         0.0067    0.0014    0.0002    0.0003    0.0091   -0.0141    0.0299   -0.0237    0.1145   -0.0081
    39 H6     1s         0.0015   -0.0004    0.0002   -0.0001    0.0956   -0.0513    0.0778   -0.0324   -0.1719   -0.1468
    40 H6     *s         0.0070    0.0032   -0.0001    0.0004    0.0035   -0.0136    0.0313   -0.0160   -0.0883   -0.0829
    41 H7     1s        -0.0006   -0.0018    0.0012   -0.0002    0.0402    0.0422   -0.1003    0.1441    0.0577   -0.0952
    42 H7     *s         0.0017    0.0116   -0.0009   -0.0005   -0.0123    0.0028   -0.0148    0.0512    0.0289   -0.0505
    43 H8     1s        -0.0000   -0.0015    0.0017   -0.0009    0.0201    0.0714   -0.0122   -0.1510   -0.0199    0.0872
    44 H8     *s         0.0020    0.0006   -0.0098    0.0018   -0.0065    0.0023    0.0023   -0.0589   -0.0042    0.0393
    45 H9     1s        -0.0007   -0.0003    0.0015   -0.0014    0.0077    0.0614    0.0841    0.1099    0.0050   -0.0106
    46 H9     *s         0.0003    0.0006    0.0018    0.0128   -0.0019    0.0010    0.0144    0.0442    0.0052   -0.0052
    47 H10    1s         0.0002   -0.0002    0.0005   -0.0016    0.0038    0.0518    0.0982    0.0775   -0.0244    0.1205
    48 H10    *s         0.0019    0.0017   -0.0022    0.0122   -0.0095   -0.0078    0.0229    0.0311   -0.0107    0.0563
      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20
      Energy            -0.8493   -0.7950   -0.7506    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0490    0.1074    0.1172
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    1.4999    1.8937    0.5359    0.0705    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s        -0.0039    0.0222   -0.0023    0.0027    0.0058   -0.0094   -0.0028    0.1541    0.0063    0.0028
     2 N1     2s         0.0040   -0.0180    0.0005    0.0012   -0.0051    0.0084   -0.0004   -0.0667    0.0007    0.0045
     3 N1     *s         0.0133   -0.0943    0.0220   -0.0333   -0.0331    0.0595    0.0314   -1.5220   -0.0856   -0.0295
     4 N1     2px        0.0659    0.0034   -0.0446   -0.4067   -0.0379    0.0296   -0.0169    0.0188    0.0343    0.0253
     5 N1     *px        0.0497    0.0024   -0.0379   -0.5213   -0.0499    0.0200   -0.0015    0.0557    0.0314    0.0474
     6 N1     2py        0.0644    0.0106   -0.0490   -0.2718    0.0084   -0.0490   -0.0352   -0.0141   -0.0718    0.0229
     7 N1     *py        0.0564    0.0132   -0.0470   -0.3432    0.0191   -0.0391   -0.0300   -0.0366   -0.2730    0.0491
     8 N1     2pz        0.0438   -0.1811    0.0268    0.0003   -0.0042    0.0091   -0.0000    0.0614    0.0009   -0.1351
     9 N1     *pz        0.0424   -0.1967    0.0386   -0.0150   -0.0064    0.0207    0.0143    0.2109   -0.0110   -0.4615
    10 C2     1s        -0.0012   -0.0268    0.0369   -0.0014   -0.0146    0.0290    0.0180   -0.0387    0.0699   -0.0385
    11 C2     2s         0.0047    0.0244   -0.0431    0.0068    0.0156   -0.0328   -0.0204    0.0212   -0.0355    0.0398
    12 C2     *s        -0.0031    0.1591   -0.1268   -0.0293    0.0488   -0.1492   -0.1316    0.2357   -0.9625    0.3574
    13 C2     2px        0.2357   -0.0042   -0.1602    0.0924    0.0998   -0.2066   -0.1488   -0.0374    0.1618   -0.0471
    14 C2     *px        0.2013   -0.0104   -0.1250    0.0204    0.1068   -0.2773   -0.1418   -0.1413    0.6652   -0.2951
    15 C2     2py        0.1491   -0.0264   -0.0844    0.0602   -0.1947    0.3371    0.2467    0.0445    0.0903   -0.0014
    16 C2     *py        0.1270   -0.0277   -0.0914    0.0327   -0.2008    0.4042    0.2619    0.0647    0.3129   -0.0959
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0316    0.1652   -0.0721    0.0015   -0.0502    0.0865    0.0707   -0.1200   -0.1167   -0.0626
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0242    0.1242   -0.0226   -0.0573   -0.0626    0.1312    0.0884   -0.2862   -0.3639   -0.3683
    19 C3     1s         0.0315    0.0194   -0.0171   -0.0305   -0.0127   -0.0047   -0.0179    0.0072   -0.0421   -0.0665
    20 C3     2s        -0.0305   -0.0245    0.0138    0.0248    0.0129    0.0070    0.0185   -0.0147    0.0312    0.0236
    21 C3     *s        -0.1605   -0.0790    0.0940    0.2184    0.0461    0.0097    0.0833    0.0453    0.3211    1.1622
    22 C3     2px       -0.1718   -0.0420    0.1351   -0.1010    0.2318   -0.0004    0.3380    0.0191   -0.0066    0.0481
    23 C3     *px       -0.0806   -0.0019    0.1261   -0.1031    0.2398    0.0161    0.3578   -0.0468   -0.0313    0.0369
    24 C3     2py       -0.1182    0.1254    0.1983   -0.0278   -0.1903   -0.0262   -0.3123    0.0112    0.0757    0.1240
    25 C3     *py       -0.0638    0.1331    0.1946   -0.0535   -0.2147   -0.0569   -0.3710   -0.0213    0.3753    0.4235
    26 C3     2pz       -0.1284   -0.2744   -0.0345   -0.0714   -0.1317   -0.0098   -0.1941    0.0142   -0.0379   -0.0668
    27 C3     *pz       -0.0427   -0.2293   -0.0987    0.0263   -0.1258   -0.0315   -0.2057   -0.0394   -0.0994   -0.3002
    28 C4     1s        -0.0209   -0.0022    0.0046    0.0076    0.0008   -0.0062    0.0050   -0.0287    0.0491   -0.0815
    29 C4     2s         0.0175   -0.0093   -0.0097   -0.0048   -0.0026    0.0062   -0.0060    0.0237   -0.0246    0.0457
    30 C4     *s         0.0907    0.1120    0.0326   -0.0974   -0.0096    0.0330   -0.0259    0.3029   -0.6106    1.1196
    31 C4     2px       -0.1452    0.1469   -0.2476    0.0128    0.1190    0.1544   -0.1796   -0.0079    0.0845    0.0642
    32 C4     *px       -0.1280    0.1018   -0.2587    0.0350    0.1206    0.2073   -0.2600    0.0719    0.3045    0.3530
    33 C4     2py       -0.1596   -0.0286   -0.1537   -0.0042   -0.2076   -0.2666    0.2815   -0.0023    0.0524   -0.0040
    34 C4     *py       -0.1160   -0.0059   -0.1663   -0.0076   -0.2128   -0.3212    0.3392    0.0220    0.1924   -0.0534
    35 C4     2pz        0.1665    0.3007    0.0289    0.0442   -0.0660   -0.1107    0.1189   -0.0163   -0.0756    0.1016
    36 C4     *pz        0.0952    0.1520   -0.0182    0.0777   -0.0702   -0.1403    0.1551    0.0458   -0.3754    0.5080
    37 H5     1s         0.0032    0.0285   -0.0143    0.0032    0.0324   -0.0792   -0.0320    0.0822    0.0361    0.0217
    38 H5     *s         0.0002    0.0207   -0.0039   -0.0025    0.0381   -0.1019   -0.0414    0.9540    0.3794   -0.1867
    39 H6     1s        -0.0246    0.0634   -0.0045    0.0031   -0.0312    0.0733    0.0331    0.0763   -0.0283   -0.0226
    40 H6     *s        -0.0177    0.0468   -0.0005   -0.0030   -0.0327    0.0894    0.0474    0.8765   -0.2845   -0.4109
    41 H7     1s        -0.1556    0.0962    0.0532   -0.1035    0.0109    0.0186    0.0438   -0.0183    0.0316    0.0476
    42 H7     *s        -0.0804    0.0602    0.0460   -0.1129    0.0273   -0.0041    0.0696   -0.1017    1.4759   -0.2302
    43 H8     1s        -0.0830    0.1185    0.1794    0.0008    0.0166   -0.0028   -0.0405   -0.0306   -0.0586   -0.0368
    44 H8     *s        -0.0513    0.0618    0.1114   -0.0309    0.0505    0.0037   -0.0264   -0.0524   -0.7783   -1.1774
    45 H9     1s         0.1790    0.0520    0.1832   -0.0020    0.0133   -0.0004    0.0160    0.0111    0.0233    0.0107
    46 H9     *s         0.1010    0.0521    0.1238   -0.0072    0.0281    0.0070    0.0027   -0.1043    0.9435   -0.5034
    47 H10    1s        -0.0383    0.1590   -0.1751    0.0200   -0.0122   -0.0062   -0.0057   -0.0253    0.0090   -0.0716
    48 H10    *s        -0.0077    0.1112   -0.0925    0.0179   -0.0177   -0.0152    0.0059   -0.2413    0.0802   -1.1709
      Orbital                21        22
      Energy             0.1327    0.1450
      Occ. No.           0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.0065    0.0057
     2 N1     2s        -0.0016   -0.0043
     3 N1     *s        -0.0472    0.0158
     4 N1     2px       -0.1289    0.0957
     5 N1     *px       -0.4403    0.3163
     6 N1     2py        0.2167   -0.1094
     7 N1     *py        0.6584   -0.3944
     8 N1     2pz        0.0508   -0.0556
     9 N1     *pz        0.1840   -0.1339
    10 C2     1s        -0.0336   -0.1015
    11 C2     2s         0.0068    0.0562
    12 C2     *s         0.5321    1.4573
    13 C2     2px        0.0096   -0.0943
    14 C2     *px        0.1451   -0.2271
    15 C2     2py       -0.0016   -0.0071
    16 C2     *py       -0.1220    0.0452
    17 C2     2pz        0.0185    0.0638
    18 C2     *pz        0.1959    0.5910
    19 C3     1s        -0.0216    0.0004
    20 C3     2s         0.0117    0.0078
    21 C3     *s         0.2399   -0.0663
    22 C3     2px        0.0552    0.1056
    23 C3     *px        0.2665    0.5495
    24 C3     2py        0.1030    0.0587
    25 C3     *py        0.4704    0.3313
    26 C3     2pz        0.0154    0.0443
    27 C3     *pz        0.0064    0.2688
    28 C4     1s         0.0506    0.0778
    29 C4     2s        -0.0302   -0.0378
    30 C4     *s        -0.5841   -1.0329
    31 C4     2px        0.0677    0.0562
    32 C4     *px        0.2686    0.2279
    33 C4     2py        0.0506    0.0384
    34 C4     *py        0.1319    0.1281
    35 C4     2pz       -0.0194   -0.0275
    36 C4     *pz       -0.1677   -0.1148
    37 H5     1s        -0.0314    0.0505
    38 H5     *s        -0.9467    0.6087
    39 H6     1s         0.0592   -0.0072
    40 H6     *s         1.0703   -0.6011
    41 H7     1s        -0.0360   -0.0498
    42 H7     *s        -0.2888   -1.2466
    43 H8     1s        -0.0312   -0.0260
    44 H8     *s        -0.6968   -0.3550
    45 H9     1s         0.0464    0.0736
    46 H9     *s         0.7891    0.9392
    47 H10    1s        -0.0137   -0.0190
    48 H10    *s        -0.0225    0.1745
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  0.32887

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9870  1.9875  1.9881  1.9875  0.3974  0.4090  0.4746  0.4641  0.4699  0.4683
      2s       0.3707  0.4102  0.3991  0.4075  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7631  0.5490  0.5047  0.5319  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5775  0.5011  0.5964  0.5812  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.6486  0.3253  0.5032  0.3928  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3116  0.8820  0.9575  1.0152  0.1467  0.1464  0.1957  0.2084  0.2326  0.2136
      *px      0.9683  0.4204  0.3891  0.5597  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6625  0.1930  0.3559  0.2944  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.8397  0.3227  0.5539  0.4352  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.1289  5.5911  6.2480  6.2052  0.5441  0.5555  0.6704  0.6724  0.7025  0.6818
      N-E     -1.1289  0.4089 -0.2480 -0.2052  0.4559  0.4445  0.3296  0.3276  0.2975  0.3182
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  2.9892E+00               Y= -3.1945E-01               Z=  9.7076E+00           Total=  1.0162E+01
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.62234010               Y=   -0.06650869               Z=    2.02106360
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6017    0.0182    1.6267
                  XX= -1.9244E+01              XY=  4.4143E-01              XZ=  4.9170E+00              YY= -2.0407E+01
                  YZ= -7.3807E-01              ZZ= -9.9529E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.0641E+00              XY=  6.6215E-01              XZ=  7.3755E+00              YY= -5.8087E+00
                  YZ= -1.1071E+00              ZZ=  9.8728E+00
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  1.23066

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9870  1.9876  1.9880  1.9875  0.4064  0.4174  0.4511  0.4643  0.4700  0.4674
      2s       0.3709  0.4123  0.3981  0.4074  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.5032  0.5663  0.5078  0.5599  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5776  0.5124  0.5989  0.5835  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5700  0.5347  0.5206  0.4682  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3114  0.8951  0.9530  1.0146  0.1520  0.1481  0.1839  0.2071  0.2325  0.2130
      *px      0.6554  0.4947  0.3951  0.5973  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6626  0.1999  0.3594  0.2964  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.7050  0.5196  0.5659  0.5195  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    7.3432  6.1225  6.2868  6.4343  0.5584  0.5655  0.6350  0.6715  0.7025  0.6803
      N-E     -0.3432 -0.1225 -0.2868 -0.4343  0.4416  0.4345  0.3650  0.3285  0.2975  0.3197
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  1.5484E-01               Y=  7.2507E-01               Z=  2.5632E+00           Total=  2.6682E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.03223740               Y=    0.15095487               Z=    0.53363445
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6017    0.0182    1.6267
                  XX= -1.8250E+01              XY=  1.1613E+00              XZ=  7.0895E+00              YY= -2.2022E+01
                  YZ= -1.4180E+00              ZZ= -4.3573E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -5.0602E+00              XY=  1.7419E+00              XZ=  1.0634E+01              YY= -1.0718E+01
                  YZ= -2.1269E+00              ZZ=  1.5779E+01
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file
--- Stop Module: rasscf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:18 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.rasscf.molden additional391.rasscf.molden.1 additional391.rasscf.molden.2 additional391.RasOrb additional391.RasOrb.1 additional391.RasOrb.2
           additional391.rasscf.h5 additional391.SpdOrb.1 additional391.SpdOrb.2 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module rasscf spent 2 seconds ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:18 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:18 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: rassi at Wed Dec 25 22:58:18 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
      *                                                                              *
      *                             General data section                             *
      *                                                                              *
   Specific data for JOBIPH file 
   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:58:05 2019        
   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        
   STATE IRREP:                             1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                       1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                        4
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                          0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                      0
   NR OF CONFIG:                           20
   Specific data for JOBIPH file 
   Header from SEWARD:
        Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:57:46 2019        
   CASSCF title (first line only):
       (No title given)                                                        
   STATE IRREP:                             1
   SPIN MULTIPLICITY:                       1
   ACTIVE ELECTRONS:                        4
   MAX RAS1 HOLES:                          0
   MAX RAS3 ELECTRONS:                      0
   NR OF CONFIG:                           20
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: Requested integrals are missing.                            ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
  SO-Property name, and component:ANGMOM                       1
  This record cannot be found. Some of the requested
  properties cannot be computed. Suggested fix: Try
  recomputing one-electron integrals with keyword
  'OneOnly', and additional keywords for the
  properties needed.
  Also missing:ANGMOM                       2
  Also missing:ANGMOM                       3
   The following data are common to all the states:
   (note: frozen counts as inactive, deleted as secondary)
      NR of irreps: 1
                 Total     No./Irrep 
      Irrep                  1
      INACTIVE      13      13
      ACTIVE         4       4
      SECONDARY     31      31
      BASIS         48      48
      RAS1           0       0
      RAS2           4       4
      RAS3           0       0
  Nr of states:                     4
   State:        1   2   3   4
  JobIph:        1   1   2   2
 Root nr:        1   2   1   2
      0.00000000      1.00000000
      0.83555701      0.55356987      1.00000000
     -0.56458349      0.83319123     -0.00000000      1.00000000
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used      274 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: rassi at Wed Dec 25 22:58:19 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.rassi.h5 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module rassi spent 1 second ---

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:19 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
  Overlaps with previous states                               
  mat. size =     2x    2
        0.8355570108249702      0.5535698670316437
       -0.5645834921939397      0.8331912263425360
   Root map
   Original  Prev.  This
     root    iter.  iter.
        1      2      2
        2      1      1
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:20 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:20 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:20 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:20 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared
++   Wave function specifications:
     Number of closed shell electrons             26
     Number of electrons in active shells          4
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  13
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 31
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500
     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            13
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    48
     Number of Orbitals                           48
     Number of configurations                       20
     Number of combinations                       21
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -170.2427993070
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100
     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   1
        Iteration       Delta       Res(kappa)  Res(CI)     DeltaK      DeltaC
            1          0.0527399   0.0770898   0.0082627   0.0002023   0.0027462
            2          0.0046803   0.0218208   0.0070995   0.0001075   0.0001542
            3          0.0009495   0.0092622   0.0030950   0.0000324   0.0000206
            4          0.0001990   0.0032107   0.0016382   0.0000069   0.0000042
            5          0.0000659   0.0020251   0.0008943   0.0000019   0.0000018
            6          0.0000298   0.0012147   0.0006744   0.0000011   0.0000006
            7          0.0000088   0.0009630   0.0002943   0.0000002   0.0000002
            8          0.0000012   0.0002981   0.0001306   0.0000000   0.0000000
            9          0.0000001   0.0001079   0.0000435   0.0000000   0.0000000
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in    9 steps.
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  2.7594E+00               Y= -5.2062E-02               Z=  9.0892E+00           Total=  9.4990E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.57448179               Y=   -0.01083910               Z=    1.89232411
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6017    0.0182    1.6267
                  XX= -1.8961E+01              XY=  6.2712E-01              XZ=  5.3461E+00              YY= -2.0506E+01
                  YZ= -9.4096E-01              ZZ= -9.0504E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.1830E+00              XY=  9.4068E-01              XZ=  8.0192E+00              YY= -6.5001E+00
                  YZ= -1.4114E+00              ZZ=  1.0683E+01
      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:20 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:20 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06
                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *
           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   N1           x         1     1
   2   N1           y         1     1
   3   N1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   C4           x         4     1
  11   C4           y         4     1
  12   C4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1
  25   H9           x         9     1
  26   H9           y         9     1
  27   H9           z         9     1
  28   H10          x        10     1
  29   H10          y        10     1
  30   H10          z        10     1
                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.
 Conventional ERI gradients!
 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF
 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *
  Irreducible representation: a  
                     X             Y             Z        
  N1               -0.01966056    0.02449201   -0.02127251
  C2                0.02607480   -0.07277317    0.04791912
  C3                0.03468118    0.02684661    0.00359374
  C4                0.00050111   -0.01454623    0.01781126
  H5                0.00583228    0.02503239   -0.01938139
  H6               -0.00559123   -0.01908081   -0.00756335
  H7               -0.00720486    0.01050769   -0.00952410
  H8               -0.02976197    0.01029486    0.00052207
  H9               -0.00921012    0.01215812   -0.00288147
  H10               0.00433937   -0.00293148   -0.00922337
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:21 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391


*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:21 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:21 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:21 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:21 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:21 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
 Ordinary integral handling
 No .RLXPT2  or MCKINT  , I hope that is OK
 Seward mode is assumed, reading perturbation from ONEINT  
 OrdInt status: non-squared
++   Wave function specifications:
     Number of closed shell electrons             26
     Number of electrons in active shells          4
     Max number of holes in RAS1 space             0
     Max number of electrons in RAS3 space         0
     Number of inactive orbitals                  13
     Number of active orbitals                     4
     Number of secondary orbitals                 31
     Spin quantum number                         0.0
     State symmetry                                1
     Number of roots                               2
     States considered                             1     2
     Weights                                   0.500 0.500
     Symmetry species                              1
     Skiped sym. species                           0
     Frozen orbitals                               0
     Inactive orbitals                            13
     Active orbitals                               4
     RAS1 orbitals                                 0
     RAS2 orbitals                                 4
     RAS3 orbitals                                 0
     Deleted orbitals                              0
     Number of basis functions                    48
     Number of Orbitals                           48
     Number of configurations                       20
     Number of combinations                       21
     Natural orbitals are used in the last CI
     RASSCF state energy =           -170.2240056952
     Size of explicit Hamiltonian in PCG:        100
     Convergence threshold=               1.0000E-04
     Max number of iterations in PCG:            200
     Lagrangian multipliers are calculated for state no.   2
        Iteration       Delta       Res(kappa)  Res(CI)     DeltaK      DeltaC
            1          0.0527399   0.0770898   0.0082627   0.0002023   0.0027462
            2          0.0046803   0.0218208   0.0070995   0.0001075   0.0001542
            3          0.0009495   0.0092622   0.0030950   0.0000324   0.0000206
            4          0.0001990   0.0032107   0.0016382   0.0000069   0.0000042
            5          0.0000659   0.0020251   0.0008943   0.0000019   0.0000018
            6          0.0000298   0.0012147   0.0006744   0.0000011   0.0000006
            7          0.0000088   0.0009630   0.0002943   0.0000002   0.0000002
            8          0.0000012   0.0002981   0.0001306   0.0000000   0.0000000
            9          0.0000001   0.0001079   0.0000435   0.0000000   0.0000000
      Perturbation no:    1 converged in    9 steps.
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  3.8472E-01               Y=  4.5767E-01               Z=  3.1815E+00           Total=  3.2372E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.08009570               Y=    0.09528527               Z=    0.66237394
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.6017    0.0182    1.6267
                  XX= -1.8533E+01              XY=  9.7559E-01              XZ=  6.6603E+00              YY= -2.1923E+01
                  YZ= -1.2151E+00              ZZ= -5.2598E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -4.9413E+00              XY=  1.4634E+00              XZ=  9.9905E+00              YY= -1.0027E+01
                  YZ= -1.8226E+00              ZZ=  1.4968E+01
      The response parameters are written to the file RESP.
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###    WARNING: RunFile label nBas                                          ###
 ###    was used       57 times                                              ###
 ###                                                                         ###
 ###                                                                         ###
--- Stop Module: mclr at Wed Dec 25 22:58:22 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:22 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
                     Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 0.100E-06
                    * Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *
           Irreducible representation : a  
           Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I                                              
 Basis Label        Type   Center Phase
   1   N1           x         1     1
   2   N1           y         1     1
   3   N1           z         1     1
   4   C2           x         2     1
   5   C2           y         2     1
   6   C2           z         2     1
   7   C3           x         3     1
   8   C3           y         3     1
   9   C3           z         3     1
  10   C4           x         4     1
  11   C4           y         4     1
  12   C4           z         4     1
  13   H5           x         5     1
  14   H5           y         5     1
  15   H5           z         5     1
  16   H6           x         6     1
  17   H6           y         6     1
  18   H6           z         6     1
  19   H7           x         7     1
  20   H7           y         7     1
  21   H7           z         7     1
  22   H8           x         8     1
  23   H8           y         8     1
  24   H8           z         8     1
  25   H9           x         9     1
  26   H9           y         9     1
  27   H9           z         9     1
  28   H10          x        10     1
  29   H10          y        10     1
  30   H10          z        10     1
                     No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.
 Conventional ERI gradients!
 Wavefunction type: State average CASSCF
 *                                                *
 *              Molecular gradients               *
 *                                                *
  Irreducible representation: a  
                     X             Y             Z        
  N1                0.00031199    0.00978815    0.00785802
  C2               -0.00415792   -0.02700880   -0.01075155
  C3                0.05556913   -0.00402547    0.01286527
  C4               -0.00711004   -0.01409437    0.00462299
  H5               -0.01558055   -0.00332841   -0.00911895
  H6                0.01500185    0.00298504    0.00150326
  H7               -0.00831553    0.02153422    0.00615542
  H8               -0.03120600    0.00528066   -0.00399652
  H9               -0.00825856    0.00838732   -0.00280160
  H10               0.00374562    0.00048166   -0.00633633
--- Stop Module: alaska at Wed Dec 25 22:58:23 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391


*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:23 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
++       Slapaf input parameters:
 Max iterations:                            2000
 Convergence test a la Schlegel.
 Convergence criterion on gradient/para.<=: 0.2E-01
 Convergence criterion on step/parameter<=: 0.2E-01
 Convergence criterion on energy change <=: 0.5E-01
 Max change of an internal coordinate:     0.30E+00
 Line search is performed
 -Optimization for minimum.
  Optimization method: RS-RFO.
 -Initial Hessian guessed by Hessian Model Function (HMF).
  HMF augmented with weak interactions.
 -Hessian update method: Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno
  Max number of points in Hessian update:  5
 -Relaxation will be done on non-redundant internal coordinates, based on
  force constant weighted redundant internal coordinates.
 -The origin of the hyper sphere is defined implicitly.
 * Statistics of the internal coordinates *
 Translations and Rotations:         0
 Bonds                     :         9
 Angles                    :        12
 Torsions                  :        12
 Out-of-plane angles       :         6
*                                    Energy Statistics for Geometry Optimization                                     *
                       Energy     Grad      Grad              Step                 Estimated   Geom       Hessian     
Iter      Energy       Change     Norm      Max    Element    Max     Element     Final Energy Update Update   Index  
  1   -170.17193019  0.00000000 0.255512  0.101622 nrc006  -0.136253* nrc012     -170.19843293 RS-RFO  None      0    
  2   -170.20612693 -0.03419674 0.139289 -0.047608 nrc019   0.136816* nrc022     -170.22185392 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
  3   -170.22400570 -0.01787876 0.083203  0.025728 nrc012   0.194718* nrc023     -170.23206944 RS-RFO  BFGS      0    
       +    Cartesian Displacements       +    Gradient in internals         +
       +  Value      Threshold Converged? +  Value      Threshold Converged? +
 + RMS + 1.2087E-01  8.0000E-02     No    + 1.6984E-02  2.0000E-02     Yes   +
 + Max + 2.2279E-01  1.2000E-01     No    + 2.5728E-02  3.0000E-02     Yes   +
 + dE  + 1.7879E-02  5.0000E-02     Yes   +
 Geometry is converged in   3 iterations to a Minimum Structure
++ Geometry section
  Geometrical information of the final structure
  NOTE: on convergence the final predicted structure will be printed here.
  This is not identical to the structure printed in the head of the output.
 * Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Bohr     *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  N1              -0.286624        0.019427       -0.043897
  C2               0.160045       -0.585532        2.556362
  C3               2.145912        0.641740        3.864107
  C4               2.705219        0.023238        6.341261
  H5              -1.255794        1.493225       -0.659682
  H6               0.404199       -1.169789       -1.419487
  H7              -1.451126       -1.458014        3.411608
  H8               2.937892        2.305592        2.987912
  H9               1.437284       -1.117725        7.430311
  H10              4.353776        0.766738        7.232925
 * Nuclear coordinates of the final structure / Angstrom *
  ATOM              X               Y               Z     
  N1              -0.151675        0.010280       -0.023229
  C2               0.084692       -0.309850        1.352769
  C3               1.135568        0.339594        2.044797
  C4               1.431540        0.012297        3.355651
  H5              -0.664538        0.790181       -0.349089
  H6               0.213893       -0.619026       -0.751160
  H7              -0.767903       -0.771548        1.805345
  H8               1.554665        1.220067        1.581135
  H9               0.760578       -0.591475        3.931951
  H10              2.303919        0.405740        3.827499
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Bohr    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       2.706813        0.000000
    3 C3       4.645105        2.675829        0.000000
    4 C4       7.051340        4.601519        2.613745        0.000000
    5 H5       1.868305        4.082741        5.723749        8.177023        0.000000
    6 H6       1.945178        4.025959        5.850775        8.182128        3.228704
    7 H7       3.934389        2.022014        4.189558        5.296431        5.032233
    8 H8       4.981558        4.032526        2.040430        4.063032        5.617106
    9 H9       7.754274        5.066552        4.039267        2.023731        8.917271
   10 H10      8.662790        6.425438        4.029792        2.016332        9.710217
               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       5.183125        0.000000
    8 H8       6.158168        5.797217        0.000000
    9 H9       8.910045        4.960714        5.805673        0.000000
   10 H10      9.706366        7.297182        4.732118        3.477943        0.000000
                    *    InterNuclear Distances / Angstrom    * 
               1 N1            2 C2            3 C3            4 C4            5 H5    
    1 N1       0.000000
    2 C2       1.432384        0.000000
    3 C3       2.458084        1.415988        0.000000
    4 C4       3.731408        2.435019        1.383134        0.000000
    5 H5       0.988664        2.160493        3.028877        4.327094        0.000000
    6 H6       1.029344        2.130446        3.096097        4.329796        1.708556
    7 H7       2.081989        1.070004        2.217019        2.802751        2.662943
    8 H8       2.636127        2.133921        1.079749        2.150064        2.972445
    9 H9       4.103385        2.681104        2.137488        1.070912        4.718817
   10 H10      4.584151        3.400195        2.132474        1.066997        5.138426
               6 H6            7 H7            8 H8            9 H9           10 H10   
    6 H6       0.000000
    7 H7       2.742792        0.000000
    8 H8       3.258762        3.067755        0.000000
    9 H9       4.714993        2.625097        3.072230        0.000000
   10 H10      5.136387        3.861503        2.504129        1.840448        0.000000
                    *    Valence Bond Angles / Degree    * 
                          Atom centers                 Phi
                      2 C2       1 N1       5 H5       125.35
                      2 C2       1 N1       6 H6       118.95
                      5 H5       1 N1       6 H6       115.68
                      1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       119.30
                      1 N1       2 C2       7 H7       111.79
                      3 C3       2 C2       7 H7       125.63
                      2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       120.89
                      2 C2       3 C3       8 H8       116.88
                      4 C4       3 C3       8 H8       121.12
                      3 C3       4 C4       9 H9       120.62
                      3 C3       4 C4      10 H10      120.45
                      9 H9       4 C4      10 H10      118.83
           *              Valence Dihedral Angles / Degree               *
                    Atom centers                       Phi1     Phi2     Theta 
           5 H5       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        125.35   111.79    78.70
           6 H6       1 N1       2 C2       7 H7        118.95   111.79   -99.82
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       5 H5        119.30   125.35   -82.01
           3 C3       2 C2       1 N1       6 H6        119.30   118.95    99.47
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       4 C4        119.30   120.89  -177.06
           1 N1       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        119.30   116.88    14.78
           7 H7       2 C2       3 C3       8 H8        125.63   116.88  -143.05
           4 C4       3 C3       2 C2       7 H7        120.89   125.63    25.11
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        120.89   120.62   -12.08
           2 C2       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       120.89   120.45   171.60
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4       9 H9        121.12   120.62   155.57
           8 H8       3 C3       4 C4      10 H10       121.12   120.45   -20.75
                * Radius of hypersphere / au*amu**(1/2)/amu(1/2) *
[ process      0]: xquit (rc =     65): _INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_
--- Stop Module: slapaf at Wed Dec 25 22:58:23 2019 /rc=_RC_INVOKED_OTHER_MODULE_ ---
*** files: additional391.geo.molden additional391.slapaf.h5 additional391.structure xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391

*** symbolic link created: INPORB -> additional391.RasOrb
--- Start Module: last_energy at Wed Dec 25 22:58:23 2019 ---


                                   only a single process is used
                       available to each process: 96 GB of memory, 1 thread?
    Geometry read from RUNFILE
               SEWARD will generate:
                  Multipole Moment integrals up to order  2
                  Kinetic Energy integrals
                  Nuclear Attraction integrals (point charge)
                  One-Electron Hamiltonian integrals
                  Velocity integrals
                  Two-Electron Repulsion integrals
                   Integrals are discarded if absolute value <: 0.10E-13
                   Integral cutoff threshold is set to       <: 0.10E-15
            Nuclear Potential Energy            109.43113766 au
      Basis set specifications :
      Symmetry species         a  
      Basis functions           48
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
      Header of the ONEINT file:
      Integrals generated by seward 4.2.0  , Wed Dec 25 22:58:23 2019
      OrdInt status: non-squared
      Cartesian coordinates in Angstrom:
      No.  Label        X            Y            Z        
       1   N1        -0.15167495   0.01028027  -0.02322945
       2   C2         0.08469199  -0.30985004   1.35276876
       3   C3         1.13556757   0.33959396   2.04479740
       4   C4         1.43154048   0.01229681   3.35565105
       5   H5        -0.66453775   0.79018064  -0.34908861
       6   H6         0.21389296  -0.61902587  -0.75116010
       7   H7        -0.76790281  -0.77154769   1.80534546
       8   H8         1.55466547   1.22006652   1.58113490
       9   H9         0.76057789  -0.59147471   3.93195138
      10   H10        2.30391915   0.40574012   3.82749922
      Nuclear repulsion energy =  109.43113766
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      Root chosen for geometry opt.              2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      max. size of the explicit Hamiltonian     20
++    Optimization specifications:
      RASSCF algorithm: Conventional
      Maximum number of macro iterations       200
      Maximum number of SX iterations          100
      Threshold for RASSCF energy            0.100E-07
      Threshold for max MO rotation          0.100E+00
      Threshold for max BLB element          0.100E-03
      Level shift parameter                  0.500E+00
      Make Quasi-Newton update
      Starting CI array(s) will be read from file
   File JOBOLD not found -- use JOBIPH.
      The MO-coefficients are taken from the file:
      Title:(No title given)                                                        
      Total molecular charge    1.00
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                            Wave function control section                                             *
      *                                                                                                                      *
                                         RASSCF iterations: Energy and convergence statistics
      Iter CI   SX   CI       RASSCF       Energy    max ROT     max BLB   max BLB  Level Ln srch  Step   QN   Walltime
          iter iter root      energy       change     param      element    value   shift minimum  type update hh:mm:ss
 Nr of preliminary CI iterations:   1
        1   1    7    0  -170.23861216    0.00E+00   0.93E-02    9  35 1 -0.22E-01*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        2   1    6    0  -170.24125915   -0.26E-02* -0.57E-02   12  17 1 -0.59E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        3   1    6    0  -170.24159027   -0.33E-03* -0.42E-02   12  17 1 -0.32E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        4   1    6    0  -170.24165979   -0.70E-04* -0.29E-02   12  17 1 -0.17E-02*  0.14   0.00    SX    NO    0:00:00
        5   1    5    0  -170.24167878   -0.19E-04* -0.29E-02   12  17 1 -0.97E-03*  0.14   2.04    LS   YES    0:00:00
        6   1    5    0  -170.24168651   -0.77E-05* -0.13E-02    5  48 1  0.43E-03*  0.14   1.14    QN   YES    0:00:00
        7   1    5    0  -170.24168785   -0.13E-05* -0.60E-03    9  44 1 -0.16E-03*  0.14   1.08    QN   YES    0:00:00
        8   1    4    0  -170.24168818   -0.33E-06* -0.17E-03   12  17 1  0.45E-04   0.14   1.32    QN   YES    0:00:00
        9   1    4    0  -170.24168823   -0.51E-07* -0.74E-04   13  26 1 -0.14E-04   0.14   1.15    QN   YES    0:00:00
       10   1    4    0  -170.24168824   -0.67E-08  -0.63E-04   13  26 1 -0.65E-05   0.14   1.38    QN   YES    0:00:00
      Convergence after 10 iterations
       11   1    4    0  -170.24168824   -0.26E-08  -0.63E-04   12  17 1 -0.51E-05   0.14   1.38    QN   YES    0:00:00
                                                      Wave function printout:
                       occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling of open shells (u,d: Spin up or down)
      Note: transformation to natural orbitals
      has been made, which may change the order of the CSFs.
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  1
      energy=    -170.250071
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             1  2200  -0.97401 0.94869
             2  2ud0  -0.05389 0.00290
             6  2020   0.18362 0.03372
             8  2002   0.10746 0.01155
      printout of CI-coefficients larger than  0.05 for root  2
      energy=    -170.233306
      conf/sym  1111     Coeff  Weight
             4  u2d0   0.95397 0.91006
             9  ud20  -0.07182 0.00516
            10  udud   0.21612 0.04671
            15  uudd   0.10539 0.01111
            17  u0d2   0.15383 0.02367
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  1
      sym 1:   1.999860   1.905047   0.075590   0.019503
      Natural orbitals and occupation numbers for root  2
      sym 1:   0.953038   1.893540   1.046700   0.106723
      *                                                                                                                      *
      *                                                    Final results                                                     *
      *                                                                                                                      *
++    Wave function specifications:
      Number of closed shell electrons          26
      Number of electrons in active shells       4
      Max number of holes in RAS1 space          0
      Max nr of electrons in RAS3 space          0
      Number of inactive orbitals               13
      Number of active orbitals                  4
      Number of secondary orbitals              31
      Spin quantum number                      0.0
      State symmetry                             1
++    Orbital specifications:
      Symmetry species                           1
      Frozen orbitals                            0
      Inactive orbitals                         13
      Active orbitals                            4
      RAS1 orbitals                              0
      RAS2 orbitals                              4
      RAS3 orbitals                              0
      Secondary orbitals                        31
      Deleted orbitals                           0
      Number of basis functions                 48
++    CI expansion specifications:
      Number of CSFs                            20
      Number of determinants                    21
      Number of root(s) required                 2
      CI roots used                              1     2
      weights                                0.500 0.500
      highest root included in the CI            2
      Root passed to geometry opt.               2
++    Final optimization conditions:
      Average CI energy                            -170.24168824
      RASSCF energy for state  2                   -170.23330580
      Super-CI energy                                -0.00000000
      RASSCF energy change                           -0.00000000
      Max change in MO coefficients              -0.277E-03
      Max non-diagonal density matrix element    -0.634E-04
      Maximum BLB matrix element                 -0.506E-05
      (orbital pair  12,  17 in symmetry   1)
      Norm of electronic gradient            0.284E+00
      Final state energy(ies):
::    RASSCF root number  1 Total energy:   -170.25007068
::    RASSCF root number  2 Total energy:   -170.23330580
++    Molecular orbitals:
      Pseudonatural active orbitals and approximate occupation numbers
      Molecular orbitals for symmetry species 1: a  
      Orbital                 1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9        10
      Energy           -15.7751  -11.4935  -11.4111  -11.4032   -1.4507   -1.2844   -1.1257   -0.9999   -0.9385   -0.9059
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    2.0000
     1 N1     1s         0.9857   -0.0000   -0.0000   -0.0001   -0.2040    0.0716   -0.0582    0.0098    0.0052   -0.0059
     2 N1     2s         0.0998    0.0000    0.0001   -0.0007    0.1902   -0.0654    0.0552   -0.0118   -0.0019    0.0030
     3 N1     *s        -0.0575    0.0071    0.0003    0.0021    0.6233   -0.2519    0.2200   -0.0355   -0.0298    0.0344
     4 N1     2px        0.0001   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0001    0.0046    0.0211   -0.0347   -0.0079   -0.2239   -0.0017
     5 N1     *px       -0.0013    0.0012    0.0009    0.0005    0.0100    0.0139   -0.0283    0.0019   -0.2167   -0.0068
     6 N1     2py       -0.0003   -0.0002   -0.0002   -0.0000   -0.0020   -0.0032    0.0374   -0.0859    0.3259    0.0509
     7 N1     *py        0.0019    0.0011    0.0011    0.0001   -0.0134    0.0016    0.0323   -0.0797    0.3207    0.0504
     8 N1     2pz        0.0011   -0.0003    0.0002   -0.0002    0.0313    0.0474   -0.1588    0.1217    0.0227    0.2870
     9 N1     *pz       -0.0072    0.0045    0.0006    0.0015    0.0442    0.0183   -0.1227    0.1132    0.0214    0.2942
    10 C2     1s        -0.0003    0.9870   -0.0022    0.0015   -0.1056   -0.0818    0.1407   -0.0612   -0.0109    0.0152
    11 C2     2s        -0.0012    0.0958    0.0030   -0.0008    0.1216    0.0968   -0.1580    0.0652    0.0117   -0.0169
    12 C2     *s         0.0153   -0.0663   -0.0256    0.0007    0.1782    0.1682   -0.3958    0.2150    0.0601   -0.0958
    13 C2     2px       -0.0003   -0.0001    0.0010   -0.0005   -0.0070    0.0650    0.0027   -0.1904   -0.0586   -0.0118
    14 C2     *px       -0.0013   -0.0062   -0.0102    0.0013    0.0013    0.0036    0.0026   -0.1144   -0.0442    0.0244
    15 C2     2py        0.0000    0.0008    0.0007    0.0000    0.0345    0.0386   -0.0221   -0.1083    0.0115    0.0773
    16 C2     *py        0.0043   -0.0077   -0.0065    0.0001    0.0072    0.0174   -0.0185   -0.0631   -0.0001    0.0407
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0005   -0.0003    0.0003   -0.0006   -0.0764    0.0910   -0.0197   -0.0482    0.1010   -0.2592
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0143   -0.0031   -0.0081    0.0021    0.0257    0.0054   -0.0320    0.0190    0.0475   -0.1108
    19 C3     1s         0.0000   -0.0027   -0.9870    0.0175   -0.0407   -0.1656   -0.0040    0.1137    0.0094    0.0065
    20 C3     2s        -0.0000   -0.0033   -0.0985   -0.0014    0.0466    0.1814    0.0039   -0.1182   -0.0095   -0.0076
    21 C3     *s        -0.0027    0.0207    0.0806    0.0200    0.0706    0.3813    0.0079   -0.3878   -0.0330   -0.0208
    22 C3     2px        0.0003    0.0011    0.0011   -0.0004   -0.0304   -0.0361    0.1080   -0.0073   -0.0318    0.1169
    23 C3     *px       -0.0008   -0.0121   -0.0089    0.0031    0.0010   -0.0313    0.0199    0.0039   -0.0160    0.0751
    24 C3     2py        0.0003    0.0008    0.0007    0.0006   -0.0112   -0.0351    0.0196   -0.0657   -0.0336    0.1393
    25 C3     *py       -0.0022   -0.0049   -0.0088   -0.0027    0.0080   -0.0201    0.0006   -0.0380   -0.0274    0.1103
    26 C3     2pz        0.0004    0.0009   -0.0006   -0.0018   -0.0187    0.0532    0.1525    0.1033    0.0128   -0.0668
    27 C3     *pz        0.0020   -0.0107    0.0057    0.0126    0.0007    0.0284    0.0300    0.0402    0.0079   -0.0707
    28 C4     1s        -0.0001   -0.0016    0.0179    0.9867   -0.0119   -0.1228   -0.1396   -0.0931    0.0022   -0.0258
    29 C4     2s        -0.0007   -0.0013    0.0051    0.0962    0.0168    0.1406    0.1514    0.0980   -0.0024    0.0244
    30 C4     *s         0.0001    0.0039   -0.0262   -0.0671    0.0143    0.2455    0.3914    0.3228   -0.0077    0.1240
    31 C4     2px        0.0005    0.0004   -0.0005   -0.0002   -0.0082   -0.0318    0.0130    0.0002   -0.0213    0.1295
    32 C4     *px       -0.0022   -0.0003    0.0072    0.0019    0.0060   -0.0015   -0.0002   -0.0149   -0.0114    0.0887
    33 C4     2py        0.0002    0.0003    0.0002    0.0001    0.0032    0.0217    0.0167   -0.0388   -0.0240    0.0573
    34 C4     *py       -0.0007    0.0010   -0.0004   -0.0019    0.0043    0.0098    0.0058   -0.0140   -0.0195    0.0394
    35 C4     2pz        0.0005    0.0007   -0.0014   -0.0004   -0.0132   -0.0845   -0.0161    0.1081   -0.0005    0.0730
    36 C4     *pz       -0.0018   -0.0036    0.0125    0.0067    0.0103   -0.0041   -0.0174    0.0382   -0.0034    0.0272
    37 H5     1s         0.0007   -0.0011   -0.0001   -0.0002    0.1034   -0.0553    0.0889   -0.0660    0.2223   -0.0257
    38 H5     *s         0.0074    0.0018    0.0000    0.0003    0.0054   -0.0139    0.0302   -0.0279    0.1041   -0.0101
    39 H6     1s         0.0014   -0.0004    0.0002   -0.0001    0.0919   -0.0482    0.0737   -0.0273   -0.1794   -0.1404
    40 H6     *s         0.0067    0.0028   -0.0001    0.0004    0.0051   -0.0134    0.0291   -0.0137   -0.0933   -0.0780
    41 H7     1s        -0.0008   -0.0019    0.0012   -0.0001    0.0420    0.0422   -0.1019    0.1377    0.0578   -0.0975
    42 H7     *s         0.0017    0.0117   -0.0008   -0.0002   -0.0125    0.0022   -0.0143    0.0471    0.0272   -0.0518
    43 H8     1s         0.0002   -0.0014    0.0016   -0.0010    0.0165    0.0722    0.0003   -0.1371   -0.0306    0.0989
    44 H8     *s         0.0021    0.0008   -0.0096    0.0015   -0.0068    0.0031    0.0038   -0.0544   -0.0104    0.0455
    45 H9     1s        -0.0005   -0.0002    0.0016   -0.0015    0.0064    0.0592    0.0826    0.1135    0.0136   -0.0209
    46 H9     *s         0.0004    0.0009    0.0018    0.0126   -0.0021    0.0006    0.0131    0.0447    0.0090   -0.0121
    47 H10    1s         0.0002   -0.0002    0.0005   -0.0016    0.0033    0.0520    0.0974    0.0892   -0.0160    0.1095
    48 H10    *s         0.0016    0.0014   -0.0022    0.0126   -0.0087   -0.0089    0.0219    0.0343   -0.0072    0.0529
      Orbital                11        12        13        14        15        16        17        18        19        20
      Energy            -0.8574   -0.7935   -0.7470    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000    0.0544    0.1061    0.1184
      Occ. No.           2.0000    2.0000    2.0000    1.5000    1.8961    0.5377    0.0662    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s        -0.0038    0.0225    0.0023    0.0006    0.0048   -0.0071   -0.0027    0.1535   -0.0003   -0.0034
     2 N1     2s         0.0038   -0.0183   -0.0032    0.0029   -0.0041    0.0056   -0.0004   -0.0653    0.0045    0.0046
     3 N1     *s         0.0149   -0.0985    0.0014   -0.0232   -0.0270    0.0480    0.0302   -1.5410   -0.0150    0.0486
     4 N1     2px        0.0774   -0.0060   -0.0391   -0.4135   -0.0302    0.0324   -0.0002   -0.0015    0.0200   -0.0087
     5 N1     *px        0.0606   -0.0067   -0.0333   -0.5313   -0.0401    0.0262    0.0069    0.0068   -0.0105    0.0014
     6 N1     2py        0.0553    0.0164   -0.0341   -0.2649    0.0171   -0.0471   -0.0268    0.0121   -0.0247    0.0596
     7 N1     *py        0.0456    0.0167   -0.0316   -0.3333    0.0269   -0.0310   -0.0230    0.0259   -0.1180    0.2171
     8 N1     2pz        0.0390   -0.1809   -0.0044    0.0191   -0.0028    0.0061    0.0007    0.0636   -0.0886   -0.0980
     9 N1     *pz        0.0388   -0.1983    0.0026    0.0079   -0.0030    0.0157    0.0133    0.2215   -0.3053   -0.3378
    10 C2     1s        -0.0048   -0.0324    0.0282    0.0012   -0.0136    0.0246    0.0173   -0.0360    0.0448   -0.0804
    11 C2     2s         0.0096    0.0317   -0.0351    0.0050    0.0152   -0.0281   -0.0195    0.0186   -0.0147    0.0557
    12 C2     *s         0.0010    0.1752   -0.0735   -0.0498    0.0426   -0.1241   -0.1293    0.2071   -0.6652    1.0201
    13 C2     2px        0.2453    0.0118   -0.1337    0.0896    0.1087   -0.2084   -0.1652   -0.0204    0.1014   -0.1391
    14 C2     *px        0.2066   -0.0042   -0.1021    0.0192    0.1132   -0.2761   -0.1616   -0.0960    0.3522   -0.6636
    15 C2     2py        0.1596   -0.0205   -0.0746    0.0624   -0.1972    0.3281    0.2562    0.0380    0.0653   -0.0637
    16 C2     *py        0.1351   -0.0218   -0.0819    0.0357   -0.2017    0.3959    0.2658    0.0387    0.1938   -0.3016
    17 C2     2pz       -0.0248    0.1714   -0.0412   -0.0021   -0.0506    0.0842    0.0726   -0.1256   -0.1263    0.0350
    18 C2     *pz       -0.0191    0.1219    0.0057   -0.0666   -0.0595    0.1271    0.0850   -0.3121   -0.5358   -0.0179
    19 C3     1s         0.0308    0.0170   -0.0128   -0.0311   -0.0091   -0.0042   -0.0150    0.0046   -0.0746   -0.0212
    20 C3     2s        -0.0285   -0.0210    0.0078    0.0268    0.0092    0.0064    0.0156   -0.0138    0.0393   -0.0044
    21 C3     *s        -0.1644   -0.0699    0.0790    0.2175    0.0332    0.0032    0.0790    0.0795    0.9647    0.6795
    22 C3     2px       -0.1813   -0.0452    0.1210   -0.0859    0.2297    0.0004    0.3357    0.0236    0.0224    0.0504
    23 C3     *px       -0.0928   -0.0077    0.1342   -0.0912    0.2341    0.0187    0.3531   -0.0413    0.0288    0.1239
    24 C3     2py       -0.1188    0.0984    0.1986   -0.0326   -0.2017   -0.0198   -0.3295    0.0232    0.1271    0.0545
    25 C3     *py       -0.0694    0.1000    0.2071   -0.0689   -0.2224   -0.0467   -0.3914    0.0398    0.4984    0.1308
    26 C3     2pz       -0.1419   -0.2642   -0.0905   -0.0736   -0.1216   -0.0085   -0.1841    0.0083   -0.0868   -0.0248
    27 C3     *pz       -0.0463   -0.2047   -0.1321    0.0239   -0.1217   -0.0351   -0.1860   -0.0884   -0.2713   -0.1352
    28 C4     1s        -0.0238    0.0019    0.0080    0.0073    0.0005   -0.0057    0.0038   -0.0310   -0.0249   -0.0897
    29 C4     2s         0.0208   -0.0124   -0.0154   -0.0043   -0.0017    0.0055   -0.0044    0.0240    0.0184    0.0497
    30 C4     *s         0.1043    0.0792    0.0242   -0.0952   -0.0065    0.0360   -0.0291    0.3540    0.3293    1.1974
    31 C4     2px       -0.1064    0.1978   -0.2256    0.0121    0.1226    0.1674   -0.1841   -0.0040    0.0895    0.0072
    32 C4     *px       -0.0900    0.1502   -0.2443    0.0387    0.1247    0.2207   -0.2605    0.0826    0.3674    0.1200
    33 C4     2py       -0.1428    0.0207   -0.1761   -0.0043   -0.1997   -0.2696    0.2740    0.0042    0.0421   -0.0278
    34 C4     *py       -0.0983    0.0361   -0.1843   -0.0008   -0.2034   -0.3278    0.3355    0.0352    0.1056   -0.1380
    35 C4     2pz        0.1852    0.2816    0.0957    0.0396   -0.0634   -0.1085    0.1099   -0.0200   -0.0029    0.1223
    36 C4     *pz        0.1093    0.1509    0.0312    0.0745   -0.0675   -0.1417    0.1513    0.0234    0.0506    0.6476
    37 H5     1s        -0.0024    0.0312   -0.0057   -0.0002    0.0347   -0.0792   -0.0356    0.0667    0.0202   -0.0023
    38 H5     *s        -0.0037    0.0210    0.0030   -0.0062    0.0380   -0.0956   -0.0440    0.8638    0.0293   -0.4050
    39 H6     1s        -0.0180    0.0610    0.0031    0.0020   -0.0328    0.0730    0.0357    0.0812   -0.0383    0.0050
    40 H6     *s        -0.0124    0.0443    0.0053   -0.0042   -0.0351    0.0915    0.0494    0.9730   -0.4275   -0.1302
    41 H7     1s        -0.1604    0.0908    0.0601   -0.1050    0.0115    0.0164    0.0410   -0.0129    0.0672    0.0175
    42 H7     *s        -0.0804    0.0540    0.0483   -0.1075    0.0251   -0.0031    0.0611   -0.0476    1.1205   -1.2372
    43 H8     1s        -0.0915    0.0954    0.1907    0.0002    0.0140   -0.0037   -0.0306   -0.0385   -0.0731    0.0097
    44 H8     *s        -0.0504    0.0562    0.1178   -0.0193    0.0419   -0.0003   -0.0160   -0.1519   -1.2758   -0.4398
    45 H9     1s         0.1665    0.0094    0.2001   -0.0004    0.0118   -0.0002    0.0124    0.0118    0.0170    0.0022
    46 H9     *s         0.0944    0.0238    0.1387   -0.0028    0.0245    0.0065    0.0002   -0.0888    0.2631   -0.9336
    47 H10    1s        -0.0108    0.1867   -0.1555    0.0170   -0.0105   -0.0056   -0.0046   -0.0263   -0.0328   -0.0573
    48 H10    *s         0.0014    0.1234   -0.0776    0.0111   -0.0152   -0.0129    0.0043   -0.2724   -0.6418   -0.9786
      Orbital                21        22
      Energy             0.1371    0.1482
      Occ. No.           0.0000    0.0000
     1 N1     1s        -0.0060    0.0151
     2 N1     2s         0.0010   -0.0050
     3 N1     *s         0.1306   -0.1321
     4 N1     2px       -0.1147    0.1036
     5 N1     *px       -0.3972    0.3467
     6 N1     2py        0.2000   -0.1421
     7 N1     *py        0.6195   -0.4995
     8 N1     2pz        0.0493   -0.0674
     9 N1     *pz        0.1797   -0.1836
    10 C2     1s        -0.0379   -0.0871
    11 C2     2s         0.0119    0.0480
    12 C2     *s         0.6308    1.2427
    13 C2     2px        0.0059   -0.0743
    14 C2     *px        0.1646   -0.2074
    15 C2     2py       -0.0047   -0.0034
    16 C2     *py       -0.1105    0.0616
    17 C2     2pz        0.0259    0.0398
    18 C2     *pz        0.2707    0.4357
    19 C3     1s        -0.0195   -0.0042
    20 C3     2s         0.0148    0.0078
    21 C3     *s         0.1736    0.0133
    22 C3     2px        0.0628    0.0960
    23 C3     *px        0.3531    0.4681
    24 C3     2py        0.0973    0.0515
    25 C3     *py        0.4580    0.2816
    26 C3     2pz        0.0192    0.0369
    27 C3     *pz        0.1000    0.2437
    28 C4     1s         0.0628    0.0693
    29 C4     2s        -0.0335   -0.0302
    30 C4     *s        -0.8078   -0.9651
    31 C4     2px        0.0778    0.0780
    32 C4     *px        0.2876    0.3335
    33 C4     2py        0.0671    0.0591
    34 C4     *py        0.1818    0.2204
    35 C4     2pz       -0.0360   -0.0405
    36 C4     *pz       -0.2048   -0.1318
    37 H5     1s        -0.0252    0.0528
    38 H5     *s        -0.9996    0.8329
    39 H6     1s         0.0555   -0.0159
    40 H6     *s         0.9159   -0.7020
    41 H7     1s        -0.0336   -0.0412
    42 H7     *s        -0.3379   -1.0041
    43 H8     1s        -0.0231   -0.0256
    44 H8     *s        -0.6725   -0.4056
    45 H9     1s         0.0510    0.0689
    46 H9     *s         0.9662    1.0369
    47 H10    1s        -0.0122   -0.0229
    48 H10    *s         0.0340    0.0096
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  1) =  0.31069

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  1
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9871  1.9874  1.9880  1.9875  0.4228  0.4016  0.4759  0.4607  0.4706  0.4706
      2s       0.3721  0.4122  0.3996  0.4082  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.7746  0.5226  0.5080  0.5218  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5797  0.5021  0.5992  0.5820  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.6736  0.3470  0.5008  0.3891  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3070  0.8738  0.9525  1.0104  0.1269  0.1506  0.1882  0.2128  0.2334  0.2124
      *px      0.9942  0.4158  0.3998  0.5459  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6643  0.1721  0.3471  0.2963  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.8329  0.3250  0.5618  0.4320  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    8.1854  5.5580  6.2567  6.1732  0.5497  0.5523  0.6642  0.6735  0.7040  0.6830
      N-E     -1.1854  0.4420 -0.2567 -0.1732  0.4503  0.4477  0.3358  0.3265  0.2960  0.3170
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  1
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X=  3.3133E+00               Y= -3.5987E-01               Z=  1.0350E+01           Total=  1.0873E+01
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=    0.68980073               Y=   -0.07492251               Z=    2.15482533
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.5910    0.0194    1.6207
                  XX= -1.9092E+01              XY=  7.0135E-01              XZ=  4.9841E+00              YY= -2.0416E+01
                  YZ= -2.4100E-01              ZZ= -9.9647E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -3.9017E+00              XY=  1.0520E+00              XZ=  7.4762E+00              YY= -5.8879E+00
                  YZ= -3.6150E-01              ZZ=  9.7896E+00
      Von Neumann Entropy (Root  2) =  1.29880

      Mulliken population analysis for root number:  2
++    Molecular charges:
      Mulliken charges per centre and basis function type
                N1      C2      C3      C4      H5      H6      H7      H8      H9      H10   
      1s       1.9871  1.9875  1.9878  1.9875  0.4335  0.4109  0.4561  0.4609  0.4707  0.4701
      2s       0.3722  0.4146  0.3972  0.4083  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2px      0.5007  0.5952  0.5158  0.5535  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2pz      0.5792  0.5148  0.5968  0.5951  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      2py      0.5586  0.5297  0.5161  0.4718  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *s       1.3072  0.8816  0.9466  1.0105  0.1311  0.1534  0.1769  0.2120  0.2334  0.2122
      *px      0.6302  0.5057  0.4088  0.5857  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *pz      0.6642  0.1887  0.3504  0.3115  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      *py      0.6858  0.5338  0.5712  0.5275  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000  0.0000
      Total    7.2853  6.1516  6.2907  6.4512  0.5646  0.5643  0.6330  0.6729  0.7041  0.6823
      N-E     -0.2853 -0.1516 -0.2907 -0.4512  0.4354  0.4357  0.3670  0.3271  0.2959  0.3177
      Total electronic charge=   30.000000
      Total            charge=    1.000000

      Expectation values of various properties for root number:  2
++    Molecular properties:
      Charge (e):
                      =    1.0000
      Dipole Moment (Debye):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.0000    0.0000    0.0000
                   X= -5.6633E-02               Y=  6.6705E-01               Z=  1.9677E+00           Total=  2.0784E+00
      Center of Charge (Ang)
                     X=   -0.01179077               Y=    0.13887663               Z=    0.40965796
      Quadrupole Moment (Debye*Ang):
      Origin of the operator (Ang)=    0.5910    0.0194    1.6207
                  XX= -1.8154E+01              XY=  1.6921E+00              XZ=  7.5718E+00              YY= -2.1931E+01
                  YZ= -9.9149E-01              ZZ= -3.7347E+00
      In traceless form (Debye*Ang)
                  XX= -5.3206E+00              XY=  2.5381E+00              XZ=  1.1358E+01              YY= -1.0987E+01
                  YZ= -1.4872E+00              ZZ=  1.6308E+01
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
  Input file to MOLDEN was generated!
      Average orbitals are written to the RASORB file
      Natural orbitals for root   1 are written to the RASORB.1 file
      Natural orbitals for root   2 are written to the RASORB.2 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   1 are written to the SPDORB.1 file
      Spin density orbitals for root   2 are written to the SPDORB.2 file
--- Stop Module: last_energy at Wed Dec 25 22:58:37 2019 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: additional391.GssOrb additional391.rasscf.molden additional391.rasscf.molden.1 additional391.rasscf.molden.2 additional391.guessorb.molden additional391.RasOrb
           additional391.RasOrb.1 additional391.RasOrb.2 additional391.SpdOrb.1 additional391.SpdOrb.2 xmldump
    saved to directory /home/cui03/WORK/shuo/_task_AMTT/1010AMT/additional391
--- Module last_energy spent 14 seconds ---

>>> END DO

    Timing: Wall=81.64 User=26.78 System=48.90


#2 2019-12-27 09:40:09

From: Uppsala
Registered: 2015-11-03
Posts: 1,085

Re: [SOLVED] Problem in Track Root

The TRACK keyword was broken. It should be fixed now.


#3 2019-12-27 10:25:58

From: Beijing Normal University
Registered: 2017-10-18
Posts: 35

Re: [SOLVED] Problem in Track Root

Thank you for such a quick fix!


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