Molcas Forum

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#1 2019-11-02 13:34:36

Registered: 2017-08-25
Posts: 3

Error in RASSI

Dear Molcas Team,

I am getting an error message in RASSI. The error is mentioned below.

  ERROR: NICOUP=                 2786
  NR OF COUPS PRODUCED:                 2154
            TYPE NR IT:                    1
             IP,IQ    :                    0                    0
             INDEO    :                    0
         MIDVERTEX MV :                    2
  LEFT SYMMETRY LFTSYM:                    1
  COUP OFFSET IOCP    :                 2786
  COUP SERIAL NR ICOP :                 2787
  D:O, WITHOUT OFFSET :                    1
  CURRENT NOCP NUMBER :                    1
--- Stop Module:  rassi at Sat Nov  2 16:51:09 2019 /rc= _INTERNAL_ERROR_ ---
--- Module rassi spent 24 minutes and 12 seconds
Non-zero return code - check program input/output
--- Stop Module:  auto at Sat Nov  2 16:51:22 2019 /rc= _INTERNAL_ERROR_ ---
--- Module auto spent 24 minutes and 27 seconds

Can anyone please help me out from this error?

Thank you,


#2 2020-02-28 18:42:36

From: Cambridge, UK
Registered: 2019-07-13
Posts: 26

Re: Error in RASSI

I don't have an answer to this problem but I feel it would be useful if you had provided your input so that it will be easier for people who can help to do so, especially if the admin is very busy to respond to you. Other members might be able to offer help.



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