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Dear Molcas experts,
I found that qmmm dynamics calculations are not documented in the manual.
I look into the patched tinker code
c Select the QM/MM dynamics arguments
else if (keyword(1:14) .eq. 'QMMM-EXTERNAL ') then
doqmmmdyn = .true.
call gettext (record,keyword,next)
call upcase (keyword)
if (keyword(1:7) .eq. 'MOLCAS ') then
qmcode = 1
else if (keyword(1:8) .eq. 'GAUSSIAN ') then
qmcode = 2
end if
qmline = record(next:120)
c Inconsistencies?
if (qmline(1:7) .ne. 'NOTHING') then
write(iout,*) qmline
write (iout,*) 'TKR2QM -- QMMM-EXTERNAL keyword found. Abort'
call fatal
end if
When I modify the standard test case 072 to a QMMM dynamic task, it shows the error "TKR2QM -- QMMM-EXTERNAL keyword found. Abort"
Here is my files
Input file
Basis = STO-3G
Group = Nosym
>> FOREACH ITER in (1 .. 100)
External = Tinker
Charge = -1
DT= 20.65
.key file
parameters amber99.prm
QM -8 10 7 12 13
MM 2
LA 16
atom 2999 99 HLA "Link Atom Hydrogen" 1 1.008 0
charge -2 0.0
charge -11 0.0
.xyz file
16 ASP
1 N3 -0.147882 0.213709 0.212665 448 2 6 14 15
2 CT -0.004045 -0.066357 1.633474 449 1 3 7 11
3 C 1.473647 -0.270773 1.937043 450 2 4 5
4 O 2.022027 0.601110 2.607255 452 3
5 O 2.114520 -0.930225 1.114633 452 3
6 H 0.398098 -0.479203 -0.274094 451 1
7 CT -0.864220 -1.264898 1.954933 216 2 8 12 13
8 C -2.355765 -1.017484 1.429419 218 7 9 10
9 O2 -2.614269 -0.975742 0.161326 219 8
10 O2 -3.278741 -1.807695 2.251903 219 8
11 H1 -0.381692 0.789240 2.195193 453 2
12 HC -0.392979 -2.146924 1.515223 217 7
13 HC -0.851317 -1.407236 3.033207 217 7
14 H -1.131601 0.079695 -0.004960 451 1
15 H 0.174469 1.142703 0.014244 451 1
16 HLA -0.232852 -0.385169 1.718982 2999 2 7
Hi, this QM/MM dynamics is not documented for a good reason. It corresponds to the case Tinker is the MD driver, not Molcas. In other words, Tinker calls Molcas for computing the QM energy and gradient only, then it takes care of all the remaining steps.
On the other hand, you are using the &dynamix module in Molcas, meaning Molcas is the MD driver and calls Tinker to retrieve the MM contributions to the energy and gradient.
Removing QMMM-EXTERNAL from the key file should work (assuming the rest of the Molcas input is correct).
Dear niko,
Thanks for your reply!
Now I know the problem. I found openmolcas do not patch a tinker release that has the ability to run QMMM dynamic. In addition, the molcas80 and molcas82 installed on our cluster do not carry such a tinker release. I found this difference by comparing tinker installed with molcas77 and the standard tinker release, which dose not contain dynaqmmm.f and runqm.f.
Here comes my question. Does molcas take care of MM part dynamics? I find files under /src/dynamix/ contain QMMM dynamics information, but I'm not sure molcas could run QMMM tasks that do MM part MD simultaneously with QM part. When I write "QMMM-MICROITERATION ON" in .key file, that makes tinker minimize the MM part, but not do dynamics. When "QMMM-MICROITERATION ON" does not write in .key file, the MM part keep frozen.
Is there a way to let the two parts run dynamics at the same time?
Last edited by shuoshuo (2019-09-23 04:33:15)
The MD run will include all "nuclear (QM) or atomic (MM)" degrees of freedom known by Molcas. As you know, the latter are selected in Tinker by the QMMM keyword. Using your example and modifying the key file with:
QM -8 10 7 12 13
MM 2 14 15
LA 16
would make Molcas run the MD in the subspace defined by QM atoms 7 to 10 + 12 + 13, MM atoms 2 + 14 + 15, and of course the link atom (16).
Dear niko,
Once again, thank you very much! I didn't know before that the MM written in the key file is known by Molcas and set to active. Thank you for telling me these.Now I know how to do it.
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