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Dear, after doing the OPT calculation, I'm having trouble making the CASSCF calculation that always gives the same error message.
The erros message (and other parts that I consider important from the archive) is:
Location: AixCheck
Active unit: JOBIPH , should have been closed!
Active unit: TEMP02 , should have been closed!
Active unit: TEMP01 , should have been closed!
Active unit: TRAINT , should have been closed!
Active unit: ORDINT , should have been closed!
Input processing failed. Error exit 9930 from PROC_INP.
ERROR: Start orbital file name is INPORB
That file is a valid orbital file.
Version: 5
But some information does not match.
In the file, nr of basis functions/symm is
but RUNFILE claims it is
Is it an old file left in workspace by mistake?
Reading guidelines on the Molcas website seems to me to be related to the following data:
II. I/O Access Patterns
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Unit Name % of random
Write/Read calls
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
1 RUNFILE 28.6/ 12.3
2 ORDINT 100.0/ 0.1
3 DNSMAT 0.0/ 0.0
4 DVXCDR 0.0/ 0.0
5 TWOHAM 0.0/ 0.0
6 GRADIENT 0.0/ 0.0
7 SODGRAD 0.0/ 0.0
8 SOXVEC 0.0/ 0.0
9 SODELTA 0.0/ 0.0
10 SOYVEC 0.0/ 0.0
11 ONEINT 100.0/ 31.3
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Can someone help me solve this problem, please?
Thank you!
There is apparently some mismatch between the default orbital file (INPORB) and the actual calculation (RUNFILE). Make sure you use the right orbital file and clean up the scratch directory before the calculation.
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