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I'm currently trying to calculate the excited roots of a transition metal cluster to reproduce the L edge spectra using RASSCF. I have been able to perform a calculation for 10 excited roots, however I haven't seen any excitations from the 2p orbitals and therefore have been required to increase the number of excited roots to 15. Upon doing this however I am getting an error (shown below). I don't believe this a result of memory issues however I'm at a loss to what may be the cause. Has anyone come across this issue:
SXHAM Error: Negative SXNRM2.
Symmetry block ISYM: 2
Orbitals NP,NR: 12 1
PRPR: -4.0000065726455478
DRR: 2.0000000000000000
DPP: 2.0000032863227739
Norm**2 SXNRM2: -3.28632277390994432E-006
The squared norm of a trial vector has been
computed to be negative.
This is possible only for some severe malfunction
of the rasscf program. Please issue a bug report.
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