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Hello everyone,according to the molcas 8.0 manual, I computed the oscillator strength in the RASSI program, results seem computed in the CASSCF level, can I compute the oscillator strength in the CASPT2 level? thanks in advance.
Not exactly. What you can do is use the CASSCF wavefunctions (or a mixture of them as given by a MS-CASPT2 calculation) to compute the transition dipoles, but using CASPT2 energies to compute energy differences. That should give you a good enough approximation. To do this use JOBMIX files for RASSI (instead of JOBIPH) and add the EJOB keyword.
Dear Ignacio, if I understand correctly, is that you mean I need to calculate transition dipole moments (TDM) and CASPT2 energy differences (Delta E) separately, and then use oscillator strength formula (f=2*(TDM)^2*(Delta E)/3) computes final value manually?
No need to do it manually, RASSI does is as I said.
Dear Ignacio, this is my example input. I noticed that MS-CASPT2 energies are matched with that in RASSI output, does this mean that oscillator strength was calculated at the MS-CASPT2 level instead of CASPT2 level?
coord =
Basis = ano-rcc-vdzp
Group = nosym
nactel = 10 0 0
ras2 = 8
charge = 0
spin = 1
ciroot = 5 5 1
multi = 5 1 2 3 4 5
imag = 0.2
ipea = 0.0
>>COPY $Project.JobMix JOB001
1 5
1 2 3 4 5
~/ $ grep ':: CASPT2 Root' sp.log
:: CASPT2 Root 1 Total energy: -3288.68896470
:: CASPT2 Root 2 Total energy: -3288.58062449
:: CASPT2 Root 3 Total energy: -3288.56993134
:: CASPT2 Root 4 Total energy: -3288.50069595
:: CASPT2 Root 5 Total energy: -3288.48470045
~/ $ grep MS- sp.log
Total MS-CASPT2 energies:
:: MS-CASPT2 Root 1 Total energy: -3288.69232170
:: MS-CASPT2 Root 2 Total energy: -3288.58078727
:: MS-CASPT2 Root 3 Total energy: -3288.56644503
:: MS-CASPT2 Root 4 Total energy: -3288.50069819
:: MS-CASPT2 Root 5 Total energy: -3288.48466474
~/ $ grep ':: RASSI State' sp.log
:: RASSI State 1 Total energy: -3288.69232170
:: RASSI State 2 Total energy: -3288.58078727
:: RASSI State 3 Total energy: -3288.56644503
:: RASSI State 4 Total energy: -3288.50069819
:: RASSI State 5 Total energy: -3288.48466474
It is as I said in post #2: they are computed with CASSCF wavefunctions (although mixed in the same way as MS-CASPT2 mixes them), and with MS-CASPT2 energies.
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