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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Hello everyone,
I am using OpenMolcas for non-adiabatic dynamics simulations, and I require CASPT2 analytical gradients for each time-step. However, in the latest version of OpenMolcas (24.02), these gradients are not being printed after the ALASKA module, despite using the PNEW and POLD flags.
Here is my input file:
Coord =
Basis = 6-31g*
Group = NoSymm
FileOrb = openmolcas.RasOrb
Spin = 1
Nactel = 2 0 0
Inactive = 20
Ras2 = 2
CiRoot = 2 2 1
Root = 2
I have also tried running the calculation with only the RASSCF method, but the analytical gradient results still do not appear. I used the SHOW, PNEW, and POLD flags after the ALASKA module, but none of these worked. The output always ends with "Happy landing!" Here is an example of the output:
only a single process is used
available to each process: 25 GB of memory, 1 thread?
pid: 3373617
Threshold for contributions to the gradient: 1.000E-07
* Symmetry Adapted Cartesian Displacements *
Irreducible representation : a
Basis function(s) of irrep: x, y, xy, Rz, z, xz, Ry, yz, Rx, I
Basis Label Type Center Phase
1 C1 x 1 1
2 C1 y 1 1
3 C1 z 1 1
4 C2 x 2 1
5 C2 y 2 1
6 C2 z 2 1
7 C3 x 3 1
8 C3 y 3 1
9 C3 z 3 1
10 C4 x 4 1
11 C4 y 4 1
12 C4 z 4 1
13 C5 x 5 1
14 C5 y 5 1
15 C5 z 5 1
16 C6 x 6 1
17 C6 y 6 1
18 C6 z 6 1
19 H7 x 7 1
20 H7 y 7 1
21 H7 z 7 1
22 H8 x 8 1
23 H8 y 8 1
24 H8 z 8 1
25 H9 x 9 1
26 H9 y 9 1
27 H9 z 9 1
28 H10 x 10 1
29 H10 y 10 1
30 H10 z 10 1
31 H11 x 11 1
32 H11 y 11 1
33 H11 z 11 1
34 H12 x 12 1
35 H12 y 12 1
36 H12 z 12 1
No automatic utilization of translational and rotational invariance of the energy is employed.
A total of 498723. entities were prescreened and 498723. were kept.
--- Stop Module: alaska at Tue May 28 14:14:55 2024 /rc=_RC_ALL_IS_WELL_ ---
*** files: xmldump
saved to directory /home/ely/Documents/molecules/3bp/gradients/test
--- Module alaska spent 3 seconds ---
.# Happy landing! #.
Timing: Wall=11.73 User=10.23 System=0.82
I have tested the same input with only RASSCF in an older version of OpenMolcas (such as 19) and the gradients are printed as expected. However, I need the CASPT2 analytical results, which were introduced in a recent update.
Could anyone provide assistance or guidance on how to resolve this issue?
Thank you in advance!
It's a silly bug introduced recently, so I guess if you use the actual 24.02 tag (and not the latest master) it should work.
In the file src/alaska/alaska.F90, there's a line that says "iPrint = nPrint(iRout)", well, it should be moved a few lines down, after "call Inputg(LuSpool)".