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As an exercise, I am trying to calculate nitrogen dissociation energy. I have written a code to get the potential energy vs bond distance.
The following is my code for RASSCF program for one of the configuration:
N2 geometry
N -0.700000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
N 0.000000000000 0.000000000000 0.000000000000
basis = aug-cc-PVTZ
group = NoSym
Spin = 1; Nactel = 6 0 0; Inactive = 4; Ras2 = 6
Unfortunately, the answer that I get for the dissociation energy(potential at the minimum wrt potential when intermolecular distance is large) is 160kcal/mol, way off from the experimental value(228.7). I have changed the Nactel-Ras2 and basis set a few times but not to any success.
Please suggest where exactly am I going wrong
Last edited by Tapan (2016-04-24 09:38:59)
Have you checked the orbitals to make sure the active space is correct? It's not only about the number of orbitals (RAS2), but also their nature.
And what is a "large" distance? Are you sure you are getting the asymptotic limit of the energy?
Thanks for the repy
I find that for a similar configuration with small difference in the interatomic distance, I get the correct dissociation energy.
Have you checked the orbitals to make sure the active space is correct? It's not only about the number of orbitals (RAS2), but also their nature.
How to check if the active space is correct? And as you said its not only about RAS2, but also the nature; I can relate to what you are explaining but still not getting what should I do
Essentially my main problem is to get an N3 PES.... For such a surface, the following 2 codes denote 2 configurations:
N3 geometry
N -4.50 0.00 0.00
N 0.00 0.00 0.00
N 3.88 0.41 0.00
basis = aug-cc-PVTZ
group = NoSym
Spin = 2; Nactel = 9 0 0; Inactive = 6; Ras2 = 9
LEVShft = 1.0
N3 geometry
N -4.50 0.00 0.00
N 0.00 0.00 0.00
N 4.18 0.44 0.00
basis = aug-cc-PVTZ
group = NoSym
Spin = 2; Nactel = 9 0 0; Inactive = 6; Ras2 = 9
As you can notice that all three atoms are far away from each other(dissociated state) and should give similar CASPT2 energy. The second case is where the atoms are separated by more interatomic distance. However, for the two cases I get -163.51271022 A.U. and -163.42372505 A.U. respectively. Where exactly am I going wrong
I have observed that few people are facing a similar problem: … /1309.html
As stated in the question, even I get crazy occupancy of the orbitals. I tried changing SDAV,TIGHt(THREN and THFACT) values but to no success. Unfortunately, the link has no follow up. I am changing few things... In case I come up with any solution or clue.... I will post it
Last edited by Tapan (2016-04-29 08:34:56)
How to check if the active space is correct? And as you said its not only about RAS2, but also the nature; I can relate to what you are explaining but still not getting what should I do
You have to view the orbitals (with molden, or luscus, or gv, possibly using GRID_IT), and make sure the active orbitals in the CASSCF are the ones you want (sigma, sigma*, pi, pi*, I guess). By default, the orbitals will be simply sorted by energy, the first 4 will be inactive and the next 6 will be active. If you need to change this, you can either use the ALTER keyword or modify the *Orb file used as input (see "#INDEX" at the end of the file, and put "i", "2", "s" where appropriate). The best idea is using the final orbitals of one point (*.RasOrb) as initial orbitals for the next one (FILE keyword).
The orbitals looks fine, but the weight and coefficients of the configuration are improper... For the first case:
Occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling
of open shells. (u,d: Spin up or down).
SGUGA info is (Midvert:IsyUp:UpperWalk/LowerWalk)
Conf SGUGA info Occupation Coef Weight
69 ( 3:1: 4/ 1) 222uu000d 0.054727 0.002995
188 ( 4:1: 3/ 6) 22uduud00 0.185916 0.034565
208 ( 4:1: 7/ 7) 2u2duu0d0 -0.182891 0.033449
230 ( 4:1: 13/ 8) u22duu00d 0.180597 0.032615
332 ( 4:1: 3/ 15) 22uudud00 -0.109669 0.012027
352 ( 4:1: 7/ 16) 2u2udu0d0 0.103557 0.010724
374 ( 4:1: 13/ 17) u22udu00d -0.104342 0.010887
1746 ( 6:1: 1/ 1) 22uuudd00 0.076335 0.005827
1753 ( 6:1: 2/ 2) 2u2uud0d0 -0.073007 0.005330
1761 ( 6:1: 4/ 3) u22uud00d 0.069567 0.004840
2037 ( 7:1: 16/ 10) 220uu020d -0.054358 0.002955
2114 ( 7:1: 21/ 13) 202uu002d -0.054360 0.002955
2154 ( 7:1: 13/ 15) 022uu200d -0.053230 0.002833
3800 ( 8:1: 5/ 27) 2u0duu2d0 -0.181645 0.032995
3849 ( 8:1: 19/ 28) u20duu20d 0.179391 0.032181
3873 ( 8:1: 8/ 29) 20uduud20 0.184622 0.034085
3914 ( 8:1: 14/ 30) ududuuddu -0.090207 0.008137
3922 ( 8:1: 22/ 30) ududuudud -0.157053 0.024666
3964 ( 8:1: 29/ 31) 02uduud02 0.177865 0.031636
3984 ( 8:1: 14/ 32) uudduuddu 0.053256 0.002836
3994 ( 8:1: 24/ 32) uudduuudd -0.166914 0.027860
4030 ( 8:1: 25/ 33) u02duu02d 0.179363 0.032171
4073 ( 8:1: 33/ 34) 0u2duu0d2 -0.174965 0.030613
4395 ( 8:1: 5/ 44) 2u0udu2d0 0.102849 0.010578
4444 ( 8:1: 19/ 45) u20udu20d -0.103642 0.010742
4468 ( 8:1: 8/ 46) 20uudud20 -0.108908 0.011861
4509 ( 8:1: 14/ 47) uduududdu 0.054265 0.002945
4517 ( 8:1: 22/ 47) uduududud 0.092036 0.008471
4559 ( 8:1: 29/ 48) 02uudud02 -0.104919 0.011008
4589 ( 8:1: 24/ 49) uududuudd 0.095481 0.009117
4625 ( 8:1: 25/ 50) u02udu02d -0.103631 0.010739
4668 ( 8:1: 33/ 51) 0u2udu0d2 0.099071 0.009815
6644 (11:1: 2/ 8) 2u0uud2d0 -0.072508 0.005257
6664 (11:1: 6/ 9) u20uud20d 0.069102 0.004775
6677 (11:1: 3/ 10) 20uuudd20 0.075805 0.005746
6697 (11:1: 7/ 11) uduuuddud -0.065267 0.004260
6720 (11:1: 14/ 12) 02uuudd02 0.073049 0.005336
6731 (11:1: 9/ 13) uuduududd -0.065452 0.004284
6750 (11:1: 12/ 14) u02uud02d 0.069093 0.004774
6769 (11:1: 15/ 15) 0u2uud0d2 -0.069863 0.004881
6780 (11:1: 10/ 16) uuuduuddd -0.085333 0.007282
6844 (11:1: 10/ 20) uuuududdd 0.066201 0.004383
7481 (12:1: 15/ 24) 200uu022d 0.053993 0.002915
7521 (12:1: 7/ 26) 020uu220d 0.052871 0.002795
7598 (12:1: 12/ 29) 002uu202d 0.052858 0.002794
8417 (13:1: 7/ 27) u00duu22d 0.178161 0.031741
8438 (13:1: 12/ 28) 0u0duu2d2 -0.173815 0.030212
8457 (13:1: 15/ 29) 00uduud22 0.176666 0.031211
8529 (13:1: 7/ 34) u00udu22d -0.102934 0.010595
8550 (13:1: 12/ 35) 0u0udu2d2 0.098417 0.009686
8569 (13:1: 15/ 36) 00uudud22 -0.104214 0.010861
8695 (15:1: 1/ 1) uuuuudddd -0.052545 0.002761
8760 (17:1: 3/ 8) u00uud22d 0.068628 0.004710
8768 (17:1: 5/ 9) 0u0uud2d2 -0.069402 0.004817
8775 (17:1: 6/ 10) 00uuudd22 0.072558 0.005265
8812 (18:1: 1/ 10) 000uu222d -0.052502 0.002756
and for the second case
Occupation of active orbitals, and spin coupling
of open shells. (u,d: Spin up or down).
SGUGA info is (Midvert:IsyUp:UpperWalk/LowerWalk)
Conf SGUGA info Occupation Coef Weight
204 ( 4:1: 3/ 7) 2u2duud00 -0.058835 0.003462
248 ( 4:1: 15/ 9) 2202u00ud 0.051518 0.002654
535 ( 4:1: 14/ 27) 202u20u0d 0.083171 0.006917
832 ( 5:1: 7/ 5) 22020u020 0.061319 0.003760
1166 ( 5:1: 1/ 22) uu2dd2u00 0.056419 0.003183
1212 ( 5:1: 7/ 24) u202du020 0.058344 0.003404
1407 ( 5:1: 2/ 34) 20202u200 -0.062429 0.003897
1604 ( 5:1: 19/ 43) u02d20u02 0.073701 0.005432
1989 ( 7:1: 16/ 8) 2u20u020d 0.058998 0.003481
2258 ( 7:1: 21/ 19) 2u02u002d 0.061540 0.003787
2661 ( 7:1: 16/ 36) 20uu2020d 0.070098 0.004914
3066 ( 8:1: 6/ 6) u2du02020 -0.057838 0.003345
3709 ( 8:1: 19/ 24) 2020uu20d -0.065715 0.004319
3713 ( 8:1: 23/ 24) 2020u02ud -0.055208 0.003048
3856 ( 8:1: 26/ 28) u20du0u2d -0.065600 0.004303
4023 ( 8:1: 18/ 33) u02du2u0d 0.065755 0.004324
4165 ( 8:1: 20/ 37) 0202u20ud 0.054571 0.002978
4170 ( 8:1: 25/ 37) 0202uu02d 0.064732 0.004190
5225 ( 8:1: 30/ 67) u0du20202 0.056707 0.003216
5652 ( 9:1: 2/ 8) u20d02u20 -0.074586 0.005563
5849 ( 9:1: 19/ 17) 02020u022 0.060538 0.003665
6044 ( 9:1: 14/ 27) u020du202 -0.057514 0.003308
6210 ( 9:1: 20/ 35) uu0dd0u22 0.055223 0.003050
6424 ( 9:1: 14/ 46) 00202u202 -0.059470 0.003537
7094 (12:1: 12/ 8) 02uu0202d -0.069261 0.004797
7449 (12:1: 7/ 23) 0u20u220d -0.060871 0.003705
7718 (12:1: 12/ 34) 0u02u202d -0.057934 0.003356
8160 (13:1: 6/ 11) 020u02u2d -0.081743 0.006682
8399 (13:1: 5/ 26) 0020u22ud -0.050609 0.002561
8441 (13:1: 15/ 28) 0u0duud22 0.056708 0.003216
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