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You can choose an avatar and change the default style by going to "Profile" → "Personality" or "Display".Dear all,
I want to perform a geometry optimization at an unrestricted MP2 (UMP2) level of theory. For a test case I tried to optimize the oxygen molecule using a triplet state:
Title= O2
Coord= $CurrDir/
Basis set
>> DoWhile
Spin = 3
End of Input
End of Input
End of input
>> EndDo
However, I realized that the MBPT2 module gives a waning message:
### ###
### ###
### WARNING: MP2 implementation intended for RHF references only ###
### ###
### ###
MBPT2 WARNING: Reference function according to RunFile:UHF-SCF
I'll assume you know what you're doing and continue
The calculation terminates normally but I am a bit worried about the warning and that the reference wave function for the MP2 calculation is not based on the "UHF" but instead contiunes on with the "RHF" wave function.
In other words, can I ignore this warning or do I need to switch to the CASPT2 method?
Thanks in advance!